Reincarnation of the Heaven Chapter 385: Ancient Killing Kendo


Xiao Naihe created a barrier on the thirty-sixth floor in the room, and also released Xiao Nan. They have telepathy, and if someone comes in, he can find out immediately.

It’s not that Xiao Naihe doesn’t believe in Dan Yuefeng and the others, but that refining the clone this time is of great importance. After all, if you can train the four giants of the Nine Infants, you can turn the ancient killing dao inside into something outside your body. Even if Xiao Naihe is only a fairy now, he can immediately compare with the peak masters of the late Jinxian.

Even if the ancient slaughtering kendo acquired by the proud country is only a incomplete inheritance, but as a tens of thousands of years of slaughtering kendo inheritance, it is the kendo inheritance of the Shinto level! If you can refine four giants, turn them into avatars, and then integrate the fighting intent of the Blood Pan Banner into them, holding the Sun Moon Universe Sword, even if you are proud of them, you will find them. With a clone, he can also be on an equal footing with Aogu Jiangshan.

At that time, in ten small worlds, no one can threaten him anymore. The revenge to the Danxia faction also has the greatest reliance.

“I’ve set up a barrier now. It’s a bit inappropriate to refine a clone in this Qingshui Peak. It’s better to open the divine cauldron, enter the space of the sect of the divine cauldron, and refine the clone directly.”

Xiao Naihe nodded, and then the God of Fortune Ding in the storage bag was immediately sent out, and the huge God Ding fell to the ground, making a muffled sound, like a giant thunder on the ground.

However, the barrier that Xiao Naihe has displayed now surrounds the entire room and seals it. Even if there is an earthquake inside, no one outside will notice it.

The real body sneaked into it. After Xiao Naihe opened the barrier, it turned into a streamer and merged into the divine cauldron.

There is a small space inside the cauldron of good fortune. Although it is not as big as the cauldron, it is almost half the size of a room.

“The four giants of the nine babies come out!”

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe’s body shrank, and four giants flew out of the storage bag. These four giants were extremely ferocious, blue and white, especially on the skin, and even bloodstained!


The four Nine Infants giants suddenly began to vibrate, as if sensing something, Xiao Naihe raised his brows: “These Nine Infants are indeed powerful beasts between heaven and earth, almost comparable to the fifth kind of beasts of Xiaonan. I didn’t expect these four giants to have such a powerful reaction after cutting their source of life!”

Xiao Naihe’s figure flashed, and suddenly the two golden pills in his body condensed into a virtual form!


At this time, the spiritual power injected by the red and blue light surrounded the four giants, and Xiao Naihe murmured.

“All Heavens Dan Dao Strength, 3000 Demon Dao Strength, help me quickly!”

Xiao Naihe let out a loud drink, and the alchemy energy from the demons of the heavens in his body suddenly appeared, like an undead yaksha and a demon statue of heaven and earth.

The phantoms of the two great powers were merged together, Xiao Naihe immediately changed the visualization of the magical powers on the demons of the heavens, and said a little: “It can be refined.”

As the sound stopped, the spiritual power of the enchanting scriptures of the heavens was combined with the Duer Jindan that Xiao Naihe had taken before. At this time, the spiritual power contained in the twin Jindan can already be compared with the giant Jinxian. Directly shrouded in the four giants of nine infants.


The Nine Infants giant is still tweeting, but at this time Xiao Naihe has a little more light in his hands.

Xiao Naihe used illusions to deceive Jiuying’s five senses. Although the four giants of the Nine Infants have left their bodies, they have integrated into the ancient killing dao and have an independent consciousness, so Xiao Naihe will naturally be treated like a devil.

“What a powerful ancient slaughtering kendo, I just opened the door to life, and immediately rushed into my mind and took my body directly. Humph! Now I have a twin golden elixir, and I take it myself The Duer Jindan, combined with the double avatar, is already comparable to the early stage of the Golden Immortal, how could it be affected by such monsters as you? Suppress me!”

With an order, the golden light of the double avatar suddenly radiated out, like the innate power of Qiankun Avenue, directly injected into the four giants.

At this time, Xiao Naihe directly suppressed the killing path hidden in the four giants of Jiuying, and the immortal spirit stone and life and death tendons in his hand flew out directly.

“Blood Pan Banner, I will turn all your blood into killing intent, give it to me!”

Xiao Naihe got this blood pan flag from Yan Luo, and it contains too much negative information. Once it is integrated into the Nine Infants Giants, I am afraid that it will not be able to control it. However, if Xiao Naihe saw these suffocating qi turned into pure killing sword qi, he would not only be able to control it, but also directly raise his clone to a level.

The three treasures were directly refined and integrated into the four giants of Jiuying, and Xiao Naihe’s consciousness was also among them, and began to use Dafa to stir up the fire!

“Who is it? Could it be that person? I’ve waited so long for this person, and he really is refining my four giants!”

At this moment, in a magic palace far, far away, Aogu Jiangshan suddenly opened his eyes. Originally, he was healing during this time, but he was seriously injured by False God, and now it is not good. But now he felt that someone was refining his four giants, and he immediately sensed it.

“Hmph, even if there is only a hint of feeling, I will find this person directly! Break it for me!”

Xiao Naihe’s soul was sensing the slaughtering swordsmanship in it, and suddenly felt a strong and threatening demonic energy, and his face suddenly changed: “This is… proud of the country… Could it be that among these four giants there are still proud of the country. Nine Infants Demonic Qi? Yes, he must be waiting for me to refine the four giants and take me away when I am most vulnerable and critical. But I have become a trend now, how can he restrain me? “

Xiao Naihe smiled coldly, and suddenly a sword of the sun and the moon appeared in his hand, which could move the sun and the moon and cut the universe.

Even the connection between the four giants of Jiuying can be severed!

“Break me!”

With a sword swing, the spiritual sense of the proud country was immediately disconnected, and he shouted suddenly, his face was as ferocious as snow: “You actually cut off my connection, no matter who you are, as long as you stole my things, no matter what. In heaven and earth, I will find you so that you will never be born!”

In this case, Xiao Naihe can’t hear it anymore, but at this time Xiao Naihe has placed the Sun Moon Universe Sword in the middle of the four giants and shouted: “Clone, it’s done!”

With a single order, the four giants finally became established, but during this period of time it was still necessary to get used to the ancient killing dao, Xiao Naihe was not in a hurry to go out and went into seclusion directly.

After four consecutive days of refining, at noon today, Xiao Naihe finally succeeded in refining the clone.

“Haha, finally!”


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