Reincarnation of the Heaven Chapter 364: New hatred and old hatred


“Bo Hong’s Daoist method has been broken? How does Xiao Nai know that Bo Hong can’t have magical powers? No, it is necessary for a character like Bo Hong to comprehend magical powers. Now the reason why Bo Hong can’t have magical powers. But he didn’t have the time.”

What kind of character Xue Lie is, although he looks like a madman, he is a madman and careful. I had already heard about Bo Hong’s cultivation of the Tao of Love.

Bo Hong practiced the two ways, combining the Danzheng Dao method and the Linyan Pavilion’s cultivation Dao method, and it was already very difficult to break through the ghosts and immortals. Once you break through the ghosts, you will face the supernatural powers of fate.

The reason why Bo Hong can’t comprehend the supernatural powers now is because he has not yet mastered the spiritual cultivation method. If Bo Hong fully comprehends the cultivation of love and Taoism, the supernatural power will appear naturally.

But this Xiao Naihe saw Bo Hong’s details at a glance, and used this to attack Bo Hong and break Bo Hong’s Taoism. How could a genius disciple with high self-esteem be able to endure the fact that he could not use his magical powers.

“The light of a grain of rice, even without supernatural powers, dares to claim to be a genius disciple!”

Xiao Naihe mentioned it again, the last sentence pierced directly into Bo Hong’s body like a sharp knife, his chest shook, and the severe pain was faintly visible. Coupled with Xiao Naiheji’s breakthrough of Bo Hong’s Taoism, he couldn’t bear the blow on the spiritual level at this time, and his spiritual power suddenly scattered, calling out: “Am I not a genius?”

The Mahamudra of the Heavens!

The power of the eight poles is transformed into the meaning of the heavens, which can break through the Mahamudra of the heavens of death.

This big handprint was displayed by Xiao Naihe, and the waves on the Jiehe River suddenly surged, and the turbulent tide hurried and immortalized. The whole world was like a crack opened by Xiao Naihe’s handprint, from which one could see the lightning of the gods.

“There is a great way in the heavens, and life and death are determined by clear vision!”

If there is a three-footed god, it is absolutely impossible to look like Xiao Naihe and hold the Dao of Death in one move. This is the peerless power of the demon of the heavens.

Not only Bo Hong, but also Li Tianxuan and Xue Lie, who were far in the bow, opened their eyes and couldn’t believe in their hearts: “What a powerful method, did this man surnamed Xiao get something in Tianweng Xianfu? The peerless cultivation technique can actually use the Immortal Transformation Dao technique to unleash the power of ghosts and immortals, even I can’t use this method.”

Zhan Changfeng seemed to be aware of the fluctuations in spiritual power outside, but he didn’t move. In his eyes, even if Xiao Naihe and others were able to set off a big storm, it wouldn’t affect him after all.

But Li Tianxuan and Xue Lie were different from Zhan Changfeng’s calm mind at this time, and his eyes were full of greed. The unique skill that can radiate the power of ghosts and immortals in Huaxian is definitely the unique skill of sixth-grade martial arts.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know that what Xiao Naihe showed was not the unique skills of Tian Weng Xianjun, but the Dao Divine Tome that Bei Nanyi obtained back then. Even 10,000 six-rank exercises are not as good as a monster of the heavens!

“It’s broken, let’s go!”

Bo Hong’s heart was broken by Xiao Naihe, and he was already unwilling to fight. At this time, seeing Xiao Naihe coming with Tianwei, his heart actually gave birth to fear for the first time.

Xiao Naihe, who was not worth mentioning in his eyes at first, is completely invincible after the big handprint of the heavens at this time, as if he can crush the whole world in the palm of his hand and turn it into his own world.

“Between the heavens, you can see that my heaven and earth are big ovens, integrating the torrents of the ages, Bo Hong, you can’t escape!”

Xiao Naihe’s eyes flickered, Bo Hong was too utilitarian and cautious. Today, his Dao Heart was forced to be broken. With Bo Hong’s talent, there is always a time to restore Dao Heart. If you can’t kill him today, it will be a disaster in the future.

As soon as the voice fell, it sounded like thunder on the ground, buzzing, and the shocked Bo Hong was a little unable to fight.

“Drip Drip!”

Tianma let out a miserable groan and stepped back again and again, at this time was stunned by Xiao Naihe’s great means of the heavens.

Bo Hong doesn’t understand supernatural powers now, at most he only has ordinary strength in the middle stage of Ghost Immortal. And Xiao Naihe’s strength has soared, and now he can compare with strong men like Xue Lie and Li Tianxuan, how can he be afraid of Bo Hong.

The way is natural, at this time Bo Hong can’t make any big waves.

“Retreat and visualize your mind quickly, otherwise your Dao mind won’t be able to recover after a while, and it is the real doom!”

Suddenly, Xue Lie’s voice sounded from behind. The two of them were originally a hundred feet away, but they actually came to Bo Hong’s side as soon as they walked, and pushed Tianma towards the Jielong Ship.

“What a genius, you all get off me, don’t get in the way.”

Xue Lie’s voice was like the sound of Tianlei Sanskrit, and an infinite level of coercion flashed from the void. Ripple ripples appeared on the entire boundary river, appearing layer by layer, shaking all the women who were still fighting. open.

“The peak of the ghost fairy? The two peak masters finally shot.”

Gong Wanqing and Yun Weixue had already retreated to Xiao Naihe’s side, but at this time Xiao Naihe raised his hand to block: “You two don’t shoot, you are definitely not his opponents.”

Gong Wanqing frowned. When she was about to say something, she was suddenly stopped by Yun Weixue: “Senior sister, listen to him, I believe him.”

For some reason, Yun Weixue suddenly felt trust, and had no doubts about Xiao Naihe’s words. She even felt that if she and Gong Wanqing attacked Xue Lie at this time, it would definitely not be a help, but a disservice.

Gong Wanqing’s eyes were deep, she didn’t know what she was thinking, she nodded heavily after a while. Although Xiao Naihe is in the late stage of Immortal Transformation like himself, his strength is much stronger than himself. Just by just breaking the Dao Heart that Bo Hong had beaten with one hand, this method is definitely not something that he can compare with.

“Let’s go, Wei Xue, let’s go back together and strengthen the barrier.”

If Xue Lie wanted to make a move, he would actually be able to break the barrier formed by everyone in Danyuefeng from the very beginning. But he didn’t do it. In his eyes, he just felt that Xiao Naihe was worthy of being killed by him.

For the first time, Li Tianxuan saw Xue Lie release such a strong killing intent towards Xiao Naihe, and suddenly remembered how Xue Lie was forced to bow his head to apologize by Xiao Naihe.

“I can’t stand a ghost immortal bowing his head to apologize to a Huaxian disciple. No wonder Senior Brother Xue Lie felt that he would not lose his worth by fighting against Xiao Naihe. It turns out that there is hatred beyond dignity between the two of them. “

If Li Tianxuan were to come, even if Xiao Naihe showed the strength to surpass Bo Hong at this time, he would still be a fairy, and it was not worth killing him, a powerhouse at the peak of the ghost fairy.

Xue Lie had a grim smile on his face, stared at Xiao Naihe, and grinned: “New hatred and old hatred, I will report it today. I will kill you with three moves!”

“Three moves? Yes, just three moves!” Xiao Naihe glanced at Xue Lie lightly, “I’ll kill you with three moves!”


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