Record of Extinction Destiny Chapter 27: The east wind suddenly comes and disputes arise

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Xiao Xinghuai could feel the power in the huge dragon veins transform into his fist intention, and reverse it from his fist intention to wash away his body, causing the three souls and seven souls that were already closely integrated with the body to * * There is a tendency to interact and blend, and at the same time, it refines its own acupoints, making them more and more between reality and nothingness, and can feel the movement of heaven and earth in a subtle way.

“Ha, I didn’t expect that in less than twenty years of practicing alone, I have reached the level of perfection, and I am only one step away from becoming the Prime Minister of the Martial Arts.” After Xiao Xinghuai finished practicing, he thought ecstatically, “The “Crazy Tyrant Defying Heaven Kung” is indeed true To be against the heavens is to create an advancement speed that is beyond the heavens! Humph, let’s see how wonderful the faces of those brothers and sisters will be when Gu becomes the Prime Minister! ! Torture them slowly to death! ”

Thinking of the happy place, Xiao Xinghuai decided to practice again, so he opened his posture, and accidentally released the Ziwei Fist. Every move was according to the “Kingdom and Defying the Heaven Kung Fu”.

The nine acupoints around his body emitted a faint purple light, which seemed to be there but not there, which made Xiao Xinghuai’s ability to drive the fluctuation of dragon veins a little stronger.

Xiao Xinghuai’s mind was empty, and he felt the invisible power of the dragon veins around him rippled with his punches and kicks. He couldn’t hold back his joy. He didn’t expect that he would make a breakthrough today, compared to The performance improvement from the past is very obvious.

Encouraged by this change, Xiao Xinghuai became more and more immersed in the practice. When his interest was at its highest, he went all out and performed the last move of the “Violent Heaven Defying Technique”. He punched upwards, like a dragon roaring to the sky, and then It seems that the crape myrtle is rising.

Xiao Xinghuai felt that this was the most impressive punch he had ever made. As he punched out, he felt the ripples in the power of the invisible dragon vein become more intense.

“Hahaha, hahaha.” Just when he was proud, the ripples were getting stronger and stronger, just like boiling water, and they were getting bigger and bigger uncontrollably.

The ground began to shake, and the entire dragon vein seemed to be slowly waking up like a sleeping dragon. And started to turn over.

Xiao Xinghuai then woke up and his face changed drastically. Before he had time to think about why, the purple light flashed and he rushed towards the other end of the tunnel with all his strength.

Small gravel fell down and hit the purple light, turning directly into smoke and dust.

A whole boulder, thick soil. They fell one after another amid violent shaking, and there were continuous rumbles and bangs from the ground.

Xiao Xinghuai was just a master of refining the acupoints. How could the formation he arranged withstand the power of nature? Before he could escape far, the tunnel completely collapsed.

This made Xiao Xinghuai very anxious. For the first time, he hated himself for not being a Taoist monk and not having the ability to escape from the earth! You can only break through with force.

But he wanted to hide it from others. The choice is very deep underground. It’s a thousand feet above the ground, and I can’t get out for a while.

On the third day of September, there was an earthquake in the capital, and the roof tiles fell down. There was a sound like thunder, and it was said that the earth dragon would turn over. Fortunately, the people practiced martial arts, so they just ran away in panic.

The capital has a formation, and most of the streets are intact. Only some places revealed deep, dark cracks that seemed to lead straight into the ground.


In a deep mountain in Dongjun Province, Shi Xuan did not feel the earthquake because of the distance.

However, when Shi Xuan was practicing, he always had a formation made of the breath of the Four Symbols World-Destroying Sword in front of him, which was used to sense changes in the dragon veins in the distance, in order to destroy it if other Bodhisattvas or real people who took over the task came to destroy it. . He can also know immediately, and at the same time, he can also monitor whether the restriction he set in the Dragon Veins of Bac Ninh Province has expired.

So when the center of the four-color formation shook, Shi Xuan opened his eyes and stopped practicing: “It’s the Dragon Veins of the Capital. How did Xiao Xinghuai practice? He actually made such a big formation! Or maybe it was just A simple earthquake? “Although the direction of the capital’s dragon veins has not changed. But it also moved an inch eastward from its original position, and the resulting earthquake was astonishing.

This is an opportunity. Shi Xuan estimated that Xiao Chuhe would go to investigate near the capital. Seeing whether it was someone causing trouble or simply a force of nature, a black and white yin-yang fish appeared on Shi Xuan’s body. He wrapped himself up and disappeared, carefully escaping in the direction of Feilaiyuan.


Flying to the courtyard, Xiao Chuhe quickly received the news from the capital. The relaxed smile that he usually wore on his face slightly faded, and he seemed to have some murderous intent and some doubts.

“Master, what happened to the capital?” Yao Jiang, who was waiting beside him, rarely saw Xiao Chuhe with such an expression, so he asked softly.

Xiao Chuhe said calmly: “The earthquake in the capital.”

“But someone came to destroy the dragon vein?” Yao Jiang has been with Xiao Chuhe for more than seven hundred years and knows a lot of secrets, so he just guessed in this direction. After all, the expression on Xiao Chuhe’s face didn’t look like he was facing Ordinary earthquake.

Xiao Chuhe chuckled: “Maybe, maybe not, I decided to go back to the capital to find out. If someone is causing trouble, I will make him regret coming to this world.”

“But, Master, could it be that someone deliberately lured the tiger away from the mountain? If you go to the capital, you will fall into his scheme. It would be great if King Zhengdong and the others were here.” Yao Jiang has always been considerate and considerate. Raise every possibility.

Guo Yuquan, the king of the East Conquest, waited for a year. When nothing happened, he went to Tongtian Great World again. The other kings Andong and Dingdong, whether they were stationed in Beining or Western Xinjiang, were taking They were joking about their own lives, so they all went to Tiannan to help King Zhennan, hoping to destroy the ordinary big demon as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the big demon was a rat turned spirit, and was used to hiding. There was nothing that could be done against him for the time being.

Xiao Chuhe shook his head: “If you want to take off the immortal talisman of the back mountain, you need to destroy all five dragon veins. Even if the capital dragon veins are destroyed, there are still four. It cannot be done in a short while. Qinglang, Xiong Yan and Yue Qian will not be of the same mind as outsiders, so I am not worried about this. Maybe the other party thinks that I will not leave Feilaiyuan, so they will go ahead and destroy the capital’s dragon vein.”

Then he showed a hint of sneer: “If it’s those bald donkeys who want to use Buddhist spells to lure away the immortal talismans, let’s not talk about whether the little monk’s spells are real Buddha spells and whether they have any effect. With the isolation and weakening of luck, it is definitely not something they can do in an instant. The capital is only 180,000 miles away from Feilaiyuan. I also have a secret escape technique. It is still unknown who fell into whose trap. ”

In fact, there is a teleportation array between the two places. It takes more than ten or twenty breaths to open the teleportation array and activate it. Moreover, if someone really wants to break into the Feilai courtyard, they will definitely destroy the teleportation array here. , or directly lay a trap to make people get lost in the storm of time and space.

“I have everything in my mind, so I hope Fei will come to the hospital and wait for my return.” Yao Jiang bowed and saluted.


Watching the cyan light transformed by Xiao Chuhe leave the Feilai courtyard, Shi Xuan waited for a while. It was not until the Four Elephants World-Destroying Sword sensed that the capital’s dragon veins were a little stronger that he was sure that Xiao Chuhe had arrived in the capital.

Xiao Chuhe is the actual controller of the dynasty and has many connections with dragon veins and luck. When he is in a dragon vein, the luck of that dragon vein will bless him, and he will naturally feed back to the dragon veins to make the dragon veins there. A little more active and vigorous.

This is Shi Xuan’s understanding of the luck of the dragon vein, and the changes in the dragon vein in Xijiang when Xiao Chuhe hit Baisha Mountain twice also confirm Shi Xuan’s understanding. Of course, if Xiao Chuhe goes to Xijiang now, because the direction of the dragon vein has changed, On the contrary, there will be some restraint from each other, which will weaken the Dragon Vein of Xijiang a little.

If it weren’t for this method that could more accurately determine Xiao Chuhe’s position, which would reduce the risk required, how could Shi Xuan have broken his luck and unveiled the talisman? After all, the importance of “Zhou Tianxing Sword Technique” If you don’t reach this level, it will only help you survive the first two catastrophes.

After confirming the location of Xiao Chuhe, Shi Xuan had no other doubts. Under the cover of the Tai Chi Diagram, he quickly escaped to the sky above Feilai Peak.

Then Shi Xuan used the aura of the Four Symbols World-Destroying Sword that had been prepared to restrain it, and struck it at the place where the dragon veins gathered. He saw the four colors shining and the dragon veins boiling, but in the blink of an eye the restraint exerted its power. Even though the dragon veins are constantly impacting it, it remains motionless.

After hitting the ban, Shi Xuan didn’t even check the effect. Two wings, one green and one purple, appeared on his back. With a flap, he appeared directly on the back mountain. Whether it had any effect was clearly visible in his Yuan consciousness that shrouded thousands of miles.

After waiting for a breath, Shi Xuan looked at the towering mountain peak in front of him after Dongfang Dragon Vein turned around. As soon as the red, green, black, and white sword light appeared, it turned into a giant sword several hundred feet in size, and moved towards the mountain with great momentum. Hack away.

The speed of the giant sword was so fast that the mountain peaks were sensed by it. Five dragons of dynasty luck emerged, with teeth and claws spread out, entrenched on the mountain peaks, emitting bright yellow light, and their tails penetrated deep into the void, distantly connected with the dragon veins in the distance.

The four-color giant sword, with an aura of destruction, suddenly split into five identical four-color sword lights, and struck the five dragons of luck respectively.

Red, cyan, black, white, bright yellow, and chaotic colors burst out at once, causing the sky to change color, soaring straight into the sky. Within a hundred feet of the back mountain, everything returned to aura, leaving nothing but chaos.

Under this sword, all five dragons of luck were cut off at the waist. Their tails wanted to extract luck from other places to repair, but there was a huge black hole in the waist, preventing them from recovering.

Another breath, because it could not be recovered, the secret method of the ancient Buddha Yuantong was broken, and the five dragons of luck turned into strong winds, and were thrown to the east, south, west, north, and the capital respectively.

On the top of the mountain, affected by the remaining power of the Four Symbols World-Destroying Sword, a golden talisman emerged, with six large characters “Om Mani Padme Hum” written on it. Each character was different. Stop twisting and transform into six Buddha statues, some with fat heads and big ears and smiling faces, some withered and thin, sad and sorrowful, some with black hair and flesh buns, compassionate and compassionate, some with the seal of the three realms and solemn treasures. There are those whose bodies are as clear as glass, clear inside and outside, and there are those who are sitting lotus-legged among the green lotuses, as if they are dying.

They emitted thousands of pale gold and glazed Buddha lights, illuminating the entire mountain peak. At the same time, countless “Om Mani Padme Hum” sounds were heard in the Buddha lights.

These make the mountains peaceful and peaceful, full of great compassion, great freedom, great wisdom, and great bliss. (To be continued)


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