Record of Extinction Destiny Chapter 26: Everything is ready for the east wind

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Near Moyun Ridge, where dragon veins gather.

Although most monks and real people cannot see luck intuitively, they can still clearly detect the differences here. For example, the grass is more lush and green than other places, the trees are taller and greener, and even the animals The insects and birds are also a bit bigger, not to mention that the spiritual energy here is more abundant than most spiritual mountains.

Originally, this place was a good place for cultivation, but unfortunately, the Golden-winged Dapeng King Yue Qian moved here from Moyun Ridge, and drove away the martial arts monks who opened caves here, so what Shi Xuan saw was a group of ” The cicada forest is more than quiet, and the bird singing mountain is even more secluded.” The scenery of the mountains and forests.

Without time to appreciate this beautiful scenery, Shi Xuan flashed four colors of light in front of him, and a flying sword with a strong sense of destruction appeared in the air.

With a thought in Shi Xuan’s mind, the Four Symbol World-Destroying Sword immediately emitted four colors of red, green, black, and white light, and then these four colors of light transformed into a layer of complex and mysterious restrictions.

With a finger of Shi Xuan’s hand, the mysterious and mysterious layer of restrictions was struck somewhere in the forest below.

The Dragon Vein Luck, shaped like a giant dragon, suddenly started rolling, like water boiling. It seemed to have encountered a natural nemesis and wanted to struggle desperately. Unfortunately, it had not yet developed spiritual intelligence, and its instinctive resistance could not resist the four-color restriction. Seeing the red, green, white and black light burst out, it immediately converged and trapped the dragon’s head firmly.

The dragon’s vein energy was blocked from gathering at the dragon’s head, and it immediately surged, like a stormy sea crashing on the shore, and rocks collapsing into the clouds, impacting the restriction created by the aura of the Four Symbols of the World-Destroying Sword. However, the restriction was as solid as a rock, and the dragon’s vein gradually subsided and began to move towards the dragon’s head. They gathered in the direction of Moyunling, which was a little further away.

As soon as the direction of the dragon vein changed, Shi Xuan felt that some of his luck was silently eliminated. Even if Shi Xuan was the real Yuanshen, it would be difficult to detect its ins and outs. Could this be a kind of murderous intention from the sky? Sure enough, as “Baolu” said, if you have not survived the first heavenly tribulation, you will not be able to sense the murderous intention of heaven, earth and man.

Fortunately, Shi Xuan’s luck is now stronger than that of the normal Yuanshen Master. After releasing the restrictions, his own luck Jinyun will fully appear, which is slightly worse than that of the Yijie Yangshen Master.

Seeing that the effect had been achieved in just a few moments, Shi Xuan wrapped himself in the black and white Tai Chi diagram and immediately ran away. The rolling luck and the burst of restrictions just now should have attracted the attention of King Yue Qian, the golden-winged roc. After all, the distance here is Moyun Ridge is only a thousand miles away, which is the core area covered by Yue Qianyuan’s consciousness. There is no need for him to stay here and have a conflict with the Golden Winged Dapeng King.

Sure enough, just a few breaths after Shi Xuan left, a ferocious and unruly elemental consciousness descended from the sky above this mountain forest. He checked it carefully, but he had no secret method to see the changes in the dragon’s veins. So I just feel that something is missing here, and on the contrary, my own Moyun Ridge has some things that are unclear but definitely beneficial.

Seeing this situation, it was hard for Yue Qian to think too much. He was just at the time when he was seriously injured and even his consciousness had shrunk to within a hundred miles of Moyun Ridge. There was no need to expend energy to investigate the matter, so he quickly Just take back the original consciousness.

The mountain forest quickly returned to peace and quiet, but at this moment, an old monk wearing a green jade cassock appeared in the air. His face was extremely thin, with no muscles on his face, only his face and skin. The bones, from a distance, look like skeletons covered with a layer of human skin.

His eyes were flashing with light golden Buddha light. He looked towards the place where Shi Xuan’s Four Symbols World-Destroying Sword had been restrained and struck down just now. There were bright stars emerging from the Buddha light, and it took a while to stop.

“Dragon Vein was not destroyed? Does this real person have other methods? Moreover, the power of the four-color flying sword is close to the 12-level forbidden pure Yang magic weapon. He is just a real person of Yuanshen. What’s his secret method? Can it be done? Well, it seems that the plan has changed.” The skinny old monk said to himself in an old voice, and sighed at the same time, “If I couldn’t use all my strength to transform him now, things would be clear. ”

After saying that, he stopped looking at the changes in dragon vein luck and merged into the void. Even his luck Jinyun also merged into it.

At the Yuan Shen stage, although you can’t feel the luck or gather the luck yet, when you hide it, you can also hide the luck brocade cloud.


Dongjun Province, Feilaiyuan, is in a deep and simple hall.

Xiao Chuhe stood at the top and asked with a faint smile on his face: “Yuquan, is this the Bodhisattva you invited? Why don’t you introduce me?” Xiao Chuhe and Guo Yuquan have been friends for many years and have always known each other, so The tone was affectionate, unlike other human immortals and earth immortals who just surrendered to Xiao Chuhe.

Guo Yuquan said with a smile: “Brother Xiao, this is the Wuqi Bodhisattva. He has survived a heavenly tribulation. He is the Bodhisattva of the Nagarjuna Temple in the Great World of Indra. He practices “The Way of the Future Stars” and has cultivated his power. He is profound and good at deceiving the secrets of heaven.” Then he said to Wu Qi, who stood beside him and looked dull and silent, “This is the actual ruler of the dynasty, the Second Tribulation Earth Immortal Xiao Chuhe.”

Wu Qi put his hands together: “Wu Qi pays homage to Xiao Tan Yue.”

Xiao Chuhe said with a half-smile but not a smile: “Wuqi Bodhisattva, are you practicing “The Way of the Future Stars”?”

“Exactly.” Wu Qi was not surprised why Xiao Chuhe would ask this question, because “The Way of the Future Stars” is one of several Buddhist techniques that are good at deceiving the secrets of heaven. This is not his purpose.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a hair in his heart, as if a great danger was about to come. This was the strongest premonition of danger he had ever had after surviving the catastrophe and being able to act on a whim!

How can he care that this is the Feilai Courtyard? A golden and solemn Buddha statue with his hands in a seal is about to appear behind him.

But it was already a step too late. Wuqi felt a green color in front of his eyes, as if the sky appeared on the earth, covering him completely.

Wu Qi never understood until his death why Xiao Chuhe immediately took action upon hearing “The Way of the Future Stars”, knowing that Wu Yan had never entered the world of Yuan Mang!

Guo Yuquan watched in astonishment as Wu Qi’s physical body and the Bodhisattva’s golden body slowly disintegrated in the blue sky and became invisible.

When everything calmed down, before he could come to his senses, he heard Xiao Chuhe shake his head and say: “This kind of bald donkey who can act on a whim and is good at deceiving the secrets of heaven is the most abominable. I would like to save him a little bit and try to capture him alive for search.” Soul, it is possible for him to escape, so I can only take action with all my strength.”

“Brother Xiao, is there any problem with Wuqi?” Guo Yuquan finally came to his senses and asked doubtfully. It was clear that his origin, background, and background were all clear, and he was not found to be associated with any suspicious people. .

Xiao Chuhe smiled leisurely and said: “Is it possible that Yuquan has forgotten those foreign monks who want to destroy the dragon veins?”

“But I have made him swear an oath not to destroy the dragon’s veins. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be quite willing.” Guo Yuquan also killed the real person who destroyed the dragon’s veins, so when recruiting people, he specially added this strip.

“Some are for light, and some are for darkness. I want to see who comes to the door.”

Xiao Chuhe turned into blue light, left the hall in the blink of an eye, and returned to the courtyard where he lived, leaving Guo Yuquan there with a bitter smile. It seems that there was a guy who practiced “Future Star Path” who was caught by Brother Xiao, but It’s just a supreme swordsmanship, how can there be so many monks coming to die? He’s obviously not good at swordsmanship!

Hey, I have to let the two **** Qing Lang and Xiong Zhen continue to be arrogant for a while, and I have to make another trip to Tongtian World. However, Qing Lang and Xiong Zhen actually changed the terrain and gathered the dragon’s luck in Baisha Mountain. Could it be that they robbed someone who wanted to destroy the dragon’s vein? It was really good luck to find out the secret dragon vein technique that I and others had been coveting for a long time!

The reason why Guo Yuquan did not think about the cooperation between Qing Lang, Xiong Zhu and outsiders was because outsiders wanted to destroy the dragon veins and had irreconcilable conflicts with Qing Lang and the others.

At the same time, he was secretly cursing the woman who gave him the task. She was really a prodigal woman for giving away such a precious secret skill! Not to mention the secret technique of dragon veins, the secret technique of sneaking into the world through the film is also very precious. When Guo Yuquan invites foreign monks, he must first make an oath with them, and the outsiders’ cultivation level cannot exceed his own before he can send them away. Over mulch.

Guo Yuquan originally planned to set off immediately and go to Tongtian World to invite people, but depending on Brother Xiao’s intention, there will be trouble coming recently. Although his strength is not as good as Brother Xiao, he still has the cultivation level of an Earth Immortal. It’s better to stay for a while to help.


After returning from Bac Ninh Province, Shi Xuan went east and came to Dongjun Province. While using the Tai Chi Diagram to cover his aura, he activated the Four Symbols World-Destroying Sword to observe the direction of the dragon veins in Dongjun Province.

What made Shi Xuan smile bitterly and let out a sigh of relief was that the place where the dragon veins of Dongjun Province converged was Feilai Peak, where Feilai Institute was located.

Shi Xuan smiled bitterly because he could not hide it from Xiao Chuhe and use the restrictions of the Four Symbols World-Destroying Sword to change the dragon’s veins under such circumstances.

He breathed a long sigh of relief. After Xiao Chuhe left Feilaiyuan, when he went to cut off the luck on the immortal talisman, he could easily use the restriction to change the Eastern Dragon Vein without wasting time. It really killed two birds with one stone.

In this way, Shi Xuan is now ready for everything. He only needs Dongfeng to temporarily let Xiao Chuhe leave Feilaiyuan, and the distance between him and Feilaiyuan must be more than 100,000 miles, so that Shi Xuan can have more than ten breaths. It takes time to break the fate, uncover the immortal talisman, and even hide away. After all, the Yang God of the Three Tribulations has been suppressed for thousands of years, and no one knows how much strength is left.

So, Shi Xuan began to cultivate quietly in a deep mountain thousands of miles away from Feilaiyuan, waiting for the opportunity.


Two years later, underground in the capital.

In Ruoyou Ruowu’s dragon-shaped energy veins, there is a naked figure practicing boxing. Every punch carries the noble aura of Ziwei governing the stars, making people worship him involuntarily.

As the figure struck faster and faster, the dragon veins around him seemed to fluctuate a little, and bit by bit they were incorporated into his fist intention, making his fist intention closer to the essence, and the nine acupoints on his body began to activate. Bright.


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