Puppet Curse Chapter 98: Chasing


bsp;A huge water dragon bit Su Yin with incomparable power. All the buildings along the way looked like they were made of tofu, and they were all knocked down by the water dragon’s arrogant body.

Su Yin was retreating rapidly in the sky, his clothes stained with sewage, and the traces of mud were extremely conspicuous on his moon-white clothes. Although he looked a little embarrassed, his expression remained calm.

“Ha~!” Su Yin’s face became solemn, and he let out a light voice. He suddenly stretched out his hands, made a grabbing motion, and pulled hard. The surrounding air seemed to be grasped by two big hands, and it suddenly spun. In just a few seconds, two huge tornadoes with a height of 1,000 meters were formed, and all the surrounding ruins were sucked into the tornado. The gray tornado suddenly hit the rushing water dragon from both sides.

At this time, Shui Feng’er is no longer as elegant as before. In other words, real fighting and elegance are absolutely incomparable. The two women’s violent momentum during the battle could not make people regard them as women.

The roar of the tornado and the groan of the water dragon swept across the battlefield.

“Get up!” Su Yinjiao roared and suddenly raised her hands. The huge water dragon was swept up into the sky by an even bigger tornado. Su Yin took advantage of this opportunity and suddenly swung his long jade legs in the air. “Break!” A huge transparent air blade passed through the air.

Shui Feng’er’s face changed slightly when she saw the water dragon being swept into the sky. As a person with superpowers who can control water, she can only exert 100% of her strength where there is water. What is being used now is the water stored in her soul space. Gathering such a huge water dragon has consumed 70% of the water it carries.

The air blade appeared in front of Shui Feng’er almost instantly. “Water wall!” Shui Feng’er shouted, and a water wall suddenly appeared in front of the air blade. The two sides collided fiercely, causing water splashing everywhere. Taking advantage of this moment of obstruction, Shui Feng’er stepped out of clear water under her feet and suddenly ran towards the air.

The blade of transparent air that lost its obstruction swiped past, and several airport buildings behind Shui Feng’er suddenly cracked a gap, and then collapsed.

Shui Feng’er, who was in mid-air, started running quickly. Every time she took a step, water would splash under her feet. Her superpower is not suitable for flying, but as long as water is gathered under her feet, she can support her body and run in the air.

Shui Feng’er rushed to a hundred meters in front of Su Yin in just an instant, and then stepped hard in the air with her little feet. Countless splashes of water splashed up, and then Shui Feng’er’s right elbow suddenly hit the air, Countless water splashes were shot out at high speed like bullets.

Faced with Shui Feng’er’s impact, Su Yin did not dodge, but faced him. The wings formed by the whirlwind behind him flapped suddenly, and countless small wind blades flew out, colliding with the water spray. The sound of “Boo~Boo~Boo” continued, and countless water mist rose between the two of them.

The two broke through the mist and immediately collided. Countless small whirlwinds around Su Yin and the flowing water around Shui Feng’er collided fiercely, making a harsh cutting sound. The two of them fought rapidly, and every time they collided, there would be countless splashes of water. More than ten seconds later, the water dragon lost the rising power of the tornado and suddenly fell from the sky.

The heavy water dragon suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground with a bang, making the entire airport tremble.


Shui Feng’er raised her hands, and the water on the ground condensed again, forming a new water dragon. Su Yin took this opportunity to attack several times, but was dodged by Shui Feng’er. Seeing that he could not stop Shui Feng’er from re-condensing the water dragon, Su Yin immediately flew out. If it were any later, he would be trapped in the water, and he would have no choice but to be slaughtered by Shui Feng’er.

The re-condensed water dragon is one size smaller than before, but it is still several hundred meters long. Moreover, this time Shui Feng’er appeared directly inside the water dragon’s body, instead of standing at the dragon’s tail like before.

“Tsk! It’s really troublesome.” Su Yin looked at Shui Long opposite, feeling extremely unhappy. However, in a flash, Su Yin thought of one thing. He came here not to fight with these guys, but to get Chu Lingxin back.

“Bye!” After saying this, Su Yin suddenly spread his wings behind his back and suddenly chased along the highway towards the city. Shui Feng’er couldn’t help but be stunned, and then realized that now was not the time to be in a daze, and immediately chased after him.


In the distance, Hemerocallis, Ji Lu, Mossi, and Mou Gang were also fighting. The battle between these four people was not as grand as that between Su Yin and Shui Feng’er. After all, they are different superpowers and have different fighting methods.

Hemerocallis always remembers her purpose, which is not to get entangled with these captains, but to rescue Chu Lingxin. But the barefooted Mossi kept following behind and pestering her.

Hemerocallis has never understood how this woman can fly in the sky. Judging from her abilities, she is of the physical transformation system, and her main weapon is her long snow-white hair. Not only are these hairs extremely strong, but they can also be lengthened and shortened at will according to Mossi’s wishes. However, these abilities are not enough for her to fly.

How come that muscular man can also fly?

You know, when Chu Lingxin chooses her teammates from the Burning Eyes Team, being able to fly is a basic condition, for the sake of the Team’s mobility.

While Hemerocallis was thinking wildly, Mossi, who was chasing behind her, gently twitched her fingers. Hundreds of hairs that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye chased behind Hemerocallis from all directions.

“Are you annoyed?” Hemerocallis was chased all the way by Mossi, and her anger had already accumulated enough. “Knife dance? Lotus!” The Ruyi knife in Hemerocallis’s hand suddenly stood upright. In an instant, countless crescent-shaped knife lights shot out, and a beautiful snow lotus appeared in the sky.

Countless clanking sounds sounded, and the hair that was close to the lotus flower suddenly broke into several sections. But Moss didn’t care at all, it was just a few hundred hairs. As his fingers moved, the hair behind him suddenly stretched and continued to surround Hemerocallis. Obviously he wanted to break the snowdrop by force and then strangle the daylily.

“Knife dance? Lotus? Flower withering!” Hemerocallis ruyi knife was gently waved, and the petals of the snow lotus suddenly fell down one by one, like flowers withering, and rolled towards Mossi.

A trace of surprise flashed in Mossi’s eyes, and she immediately flew into the sky, dodging these beautiful petals, while controlling her hair to continue attacking the day lilies.

At this time, the Ruyi Dao in Hemerocallis’s hand had turned into two gray pistols, shooting red bullets continuously. These bullets seemed to have no entity, and were not affected by the hair at all, pouring towards Mossi.

Mossi has learned about Hemerocallis’s attack method from above. Of course she knows that these are Hemerocallis’s spiritual fire bullets, which are not physically blocked and can only offset each other with energy. On her bare ankles, two silver-white rings suddenly flashed twice, and Mossi’s speed suddenly increased, dodging the countless spiritual fire bullets.

The two men’s chase has gradually approached the urban area. The lotus petals that Mossi avoided did not float very far in the air before they began to disappear into the air one by one. However, some of the remaining petals still landed gently on a building. Then I saw that the parts of the building where the petals touched seemed to be weathered and turned into powder.


In a room in the building, Wang Lishan was playing a game with headphones on, and then suddenly he saw the wall of his house disappear. Yes, it disappeared. From outside the disappeared wall cavity, transparent lotus petals are still falling one after another.

‘What happened?’ Wang Lishan hadn’t reacted yet and was still confused.

At this time, a lotus petal fell on Wang Lishan’s computer, and then he saw a big hole in the computer just like the wall.

“My computer!” The miserable Wang Lishan took off his headphones and heard the noise outside. Running to the balcony, Wang Lishan found that a royal sister and a **** were fighting in the sky.

A girl with black twin ponytails wielding two guns, a pair of transparent flame wings behind her, and a silver-haired lady with bare feet and wearing gauze-like clothes. Wang Lishan immediately rushed into his bedroom and took out his camera.


Mossi was carefully dodging Hemerocallis’s spirit fire bullets, and Hemerocallis was not afraid of Mossi’s hair. These hair strands are so tough that even ordinary steel can be easily cut. If it weren’t for the sharpness of the Ruyi knife, I might not be able to cut off these hairs.

The Ruyi Knife’s attack range is only so wide. If he rushes over to fight Mossi in close combat, Hemerocallis is really not sure that he can stop so many hairs. Then forcefully snipe after flying far away? Are you kidding, this Mossi is too flexible. She can avoid so many spiritual fire bullets at such a close range. Only if she is well prepared can a sniper hit her.

Hemerocallis fired bullets from both guns continuously, thinking about countermeasures in her mind. The two figures passed between countless high-rise buildings in the city. Fortunately, neither of them were map cannons like Hong Mo. Otherwise, Pingdingshan City would really be in danger of a disaster.

During the constant pursuit, Hemerocallis found that Mossi was a little helpless. After careful analysis, Hemerocallis smiled coldly in her heart. I see, now that we have entered the urban area, if Mossi’s hair is not controlled well, she can just cut it on anything and it will be over. And Mossi’s current identity is the captain of the national superpower team, so of course it is impossible for her to act so carelessly.

In order to verify the conjecture, Hemerocallis flew close to the building. Sure enough, just as Hemerocallis thought, Mossi’s hair seemed weak and a little slow when surrounded, as if she was worried about being cut from the building.

In that case…! Hemerocallis laughed in his heart!


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(Well, the editor asked us to add this paragraph at the end. If you are interested, go and read it.)


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