Puppet Curse Chapter 91: Cold air


bsp;The captain of the temporary team was solved so easily, which was beyond the expectations of ‘Hong Mo’ and the woman. As clones, the two people’s thinking ability is not very high. They can only execute some simple orders, and more of them are just instincts.

Seeing Hemerocallis rushing towards the car, the two of them still did not make any unnecessary moves, just suppressing Ji Lu. Hemerocallis didn’t seem to have the slightest worry about the situation on the base road, and accelerated towards the car.

Hemerocallis rushed over and opened the car door…!

With a swish sound, a snow-white Tang knife suddenly stabbed out, stabbing Hemerocallis fulva hard between the eyebrows. Although he was startled by the sudden appearance, Hemerocallis did not panic at all. The pistol in his hand suddenly lifted up and was placed in front of the tip of the knife.

There was a soft ding, and a huge burst of cold air instantly erupted from the place of contact. Almost instantly, a thick layer of ice condensed on the surface of Hemerocallis’s body.

“Hemerocallis!” Jilu roared, and a huge wave of air was thrown away from his body. A disk on his arm’s ‘holy robe’ suddenly flew out and flew in a circle in the sky. I saw a silvery-white light flash across, and a line of blood appeared on the ‘red ink’ and the woman’s waist. With a pop, countless blood suddenly sprayed out, and then ‘Hong Mo’ and the woman were broken into two pieces.

When Ji Lu reappeared, he already had something like a ‘holy robe’ on his body. A soft silvery white light shines all over the body. A huge sense of oppression spread from Ji Lu’s body.

Ji Lu suddenly rushed out and was about to retreat with the frozen Hemerocallis in his arms. However, at this time, there was a crashing sound from the ice crystals on Hemerocallis’s body, and then he saw cracks on the ice crystals.

Ding~~! With a crisp echo, the ice crystals on Hemerocallis shattered into countless small fragments and fell to the ground, making a clattering sound. The transparent flames on Hemerocallis burned quietly. Although not violent, they could not be ignored.

“Who are you, where is Aunt Chu?”

In the back seat of the car, a feminine-looking man was lying slanted on the seat, with a snow-white Tang Dao beside him. “Aunt Chu? I don’t know what Aunt Chu is.”

When Hemerocallis heard this, his blood-red eyes carefully searched the inside of the car.

“Well, are you looking for this?” The feminine man slowly took out a silver-white iron piece the size of a fingernail.

Hemerocallis eyes narrowed slightly, yes, this is the tracker left by Aunt Chu. Obviously, this thing was discovered by the other party, and Aunt Chu was sent away through another channel.

“Who are you?” Since Aunt Chu has lost her trace, rushing is not an option. This man should know where Chu Lingxin is.

“Me? Leng Kong, captain of the 17th team, please give me some advice.” The man named Leng Kong smiled softly, and that smile always gave people a particularly uncomfortable feeling.

Hemerocallis and Ji Lu suddenly felt nervous and were wary of the man who called himself Leng Kong.

The National Superpower Special Security Department has a total of seventeen captains, which of course does not mean there are only seventeen teams. According to a team of five people, there are only 85 people in 17 teams. Do you think there may only be 85 superpowers in a country?

The difference between these seventeen captains and other team captains is that their strength is several times stronger than ordinary superpowers.

“Tell me, where is Aunt Chu?” Hemerocallis asked lightly, but there was an unquestionable pressure.

“Aunt Chu, I really don’t know what Aunt Chu is.” Leng Kong didn’t care at all and still smiled, but when he saw Hemerocallis’s increasingly cold face, he changed his words, “I don’t know what Aunt Chu is.” place, but I know where a woman named Chu Lingxin went.”


“Hey, you are not begging for help.”

With a swish sound, the ‘Wishful Ball’ turned into a long knife again, gently slicing across the silver-white car. Silently, the car split into two parts. Leng Kong had already taken advantage of the gap and rushed out, standing on the opposite side of the car.

“Little sister is really irritable.” Although Leng Kong was teasing, he was still sweating in his heart. That knife didn’t seem to be as simple as cutting off the car. If Hemerocallis hadn’t wanted to ask about Chu Lingxin’s whereabouts, this knife might have killed him directly. Oops, I almost went too far in my pretense.


“Well, I really don’t know.” Leng Kong looked innocent.

Hemerocallis’s eyes suddenly condensed, and the transparent flame wings behind it flapped, disappearing from the place almost instantly, and the Ruyi Knife quickly slashed towards the cold sky.

Leng Kong is also a person with superpowers who uses knives as weapons. It is obvious that his sword skills are very good. The figures of the two people intersected quickly on this section of the road. Occasionally, an uncontrolled sword energy was shot out, and a huge crack was cut on the ground. The nearby crowds had long since stopped daring to watch the excitement, and even if they did, they would run far away.

The two had a fierce confrontation, but they were both deeply wary of each other. There is a deep cold air on the Tang Dao in the cold sky. Every time it comes into contact, it will explode, like a basin of cold water being poured on it in the dead of winter. The transparent colorless flames burning on Hemerocallis also made Leng Kong feel lingering fear. Being slightly touched was like having sulfuric acid thrown on him, which hurt his soul.

Time passed rapidly for about thirty seconds, and Hemerocallis realized that something was wrong. The surrounding space was getting colder and colder, and her body felt a little stiff. The last scene of being poisoned by the centipede’s cold poison came to mind. Hemerocallis’s body suddenly stopped and its long knife stood upright.

Knife dance? Lotus!

Countless crescent-shaped sword energy spread outward like a lotus flower, suddenly occupying a radius of more than ten meters. Unprepared, several wounds suddenly appeared on Leng Kong’s body, and ice-blue blood spurted out.

“Oh my, this is really amazing.” Leng Kong used the injured space on his body to quickly exit the range of the lotus, and ice crystals fell to the ground from the surface of his body. What a powerful skill. If it weren’t for the ice crystal defense on the body’s surface, he would probably be cut into pieces.

Leng Kong’s right hand held the Tang sword horizontally, and his left hand, stained with his own ice-blue blood, swiped across the long sword. “Qing Xiao, Bai Xue!” As soon as he finished speaking, the snow-white Tang Dao disappeared immediately, and then countless snowflakes began to float in the space.

“Zanpakuto!?” Hemerocallis asked in surprise with his eyes widened.

“It’s not a good habit to explain your abilities to the enemy, are you right?” Leng Kong did not answer, but asked Hemerocallis with a smile.


Leng Kong’s Tang Sword is not a Zanpakutō, indeed it is not a Zanpakutō. However, as a person born in the 1980s, the three major migrant workers’ comics are the ones that have left the most profound impression on me. He is the ‘first generation’ who appeared at the same time as Hong Mo, and he can be considered one of the lucky ones.

Mao Shaohui is the first in the country to condense Horcruxes. Because of Mao Shaohui’s status, it is easiest to obtain some strange things, such as certain things in meteorites, certain things in meteorites, and the like. Mao Shaohui, who had successfully condensed the Horcrux, said something by chance. He might have forgotten it, but Leng Kong remembered it very clearly.

‘When I condensed the Horcrux, it was like half of my soul was sucked away. Now I completely feel that this gun is a part of my body. ’

As a celebration at that time, many people heard this sentence, but Leng Kong was probably the only one who really cared about it. As a fan of “Bleach”, he felt that this was very much like the condensed Zanpakutō. Take away half of your soul?

At that time, Leng Kong had just arrived at level 4, and his status in the Special Security Department was neither high nor low. He controls cold energy and has great potential in the organization, but it seems far out of reach to obtain the original embryonic device that condenses the Horcrux. And he, who has always regarded himself as the protagonist, has crazy ambitions in his heart.

With his super power reaching level 4, he could basically touch the existence of the soul. Therefore, at that time, he made a decision that no one could imagine. He separated his soul and sent half of it into the soul space to be nurtured. Originally he thought it would be very difficult, but it turned out to be surprisingly simple. He separated his soul easily.

It’s just like an ordinary person cutting off one of his own hands. It’s very simple, right? It’s just that no one does it. He touched the existence of the soul and easily separated half of it.

However, after forcibly separating his soul, he fell into a long period of weakness, with his strength reduced by more than half, and he often fell into coma. Because of this, his status in the organization plummeted, and even his former girlfriend ran away with others.

The downtrodden situation forced him to want to succeed even more. At this time, he has discovered that a pure soul cannot condense a Horcrux. The soul in the soul space has condensed a shadow, but it is obvious that it cannot form a Horcrux. If he had the primitive weapon embryo at this time, it could be said that condensing the soul weapon would be as natural as a matter of course. But with such a low status, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream for him to obtain the original embryo.

Then by chance during a mission, he used a little trick to make his teammates think he died accidentally. No one paid special attention to his useless strength back then.

Leng Kong, who had escaped by feigning death, was already basically crazy at this time, and his mind was filled with thoughts of primitive embryos. There was no need to think about meteorites or anything like that. However, Leng Kong also came here reading a novel, and he set his sights on another place.

At the North and South Poles, he decided to go to those two places to find something that could become a primitive embryo. Just like in novels, there are natural treasures such as [Unmelting Ice] and [Cold Heart Flame]. He didn’t believe that there wasn’t even a single thing that could serve as a primitive embryo in such a huge earth.

After six years, the paranoid guy finally found what he needed deep in the Arctic ice sheet. In fact, he couldn’t even name what he got. It looked like a very ordinary ice crystal. However, being extremely sensitive to ice-cold energy, he felt that the thumb-sized ice crystal was unusual.

With a rough mood, Leng Kong collected the ice crystals into his soul space. Then, before he could make any move, the ice crystal automatically merged into half of his soul, forming a knife less than ten centimeters.

Lengkong couldn’t describe the feeling at that time. It was a huge joy that all the hardships were over and the dark clouds were seeing the sun.

After calming down, Leng Kong spent another four years absorbing icy energy in the depths of the Arctic and tempering his new Horcrux. His comeback was even a year later than Hong Mo.



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