Puppet Curse Chapter 832: Not human


bsp;This **** injury!

Feeling his own situation, Sejir couldn’t help but cursed secretly. At the same time, he was filled with more desire for Huang Baiyi, a kind of devouring desire that treated Huang Baiyi as food. After licking his lips, Segil narrowed his eyes slightly. From his neck, he slightly stretched out a few tentacles, slowly swimming and shaking in the air. At the same time, the second baby who was temporarily condensed with the maid no longer had any scruples and no longer suppressed the explosion of his own abilities.

If you can see it, you can find that in Segil’s soul space, the maid wrapped in countless tentacles seems to be stretched, her eyes protrude, and traces of blood slowly infiltrate from her facial features. come out. From the occasional flash of pain in the maid’s eyes, one can know that the maid is still alive, but life is worse than death.

Huang Baiyi also stopped and silently adjusted the energy in her body.

The Dragon Boxing Technique is a boxing technique tailor-made for Long Meiling. Long Meiling’s body is – Canglong! Therefore, Huang Baiyi felt that the blood flow in her body began to accelerate several times, and at the same time, the load on her body gradually increased. However, Huang Baiyi did not stop the flow of energy and blood, but actively stimulated it.

Huang Baiyi’s body was now filled with a rich red color, and traces of red blood gradually emerged from Huang Baiyi’s body and gradually merged into the phantom of the Canglong behind him.

Sejir and Huang Baiyi looked at each other at the same time, and then their eyes met.

Let’s get started!

The momentum of the two people exploded at the same time. Compared with before, it was completely different. The explosion of momentum alone made the surrounding air become extremely heavy. The two of them took a step in the air at the same time, and they both disappeared at the same time. Just the reaction of the two of them stepping out in the air caused a loud explosion.

[Dragon Power? Heavy Punch]!

This time, Huang Baiyi really understood why people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion had extremely short fighting times, because only one move was enough to truly decide life or death. Long-term fighting is not only a waste of time, but also a huge burden on one’s body.

The blood-red Canglong, whose scales were clearly visible, followed Huang Baiyi’s heavy punch and violently collided with Saijier’s fist.

An unimaginably powerful impact exploded centered on the two of them. Huang Baiyi’s hair flew up and her entire face turned bright red. Behind Huang Baiyi, the huge blue dragon suddenly swooped down from the sky as if it was carrying the power of heaven and earth.

The fierce power was in a stalemate between the two. Segil’s eyes froze, and the tentacles in the soul space suddenly retracted. The maid who was regarded as the temporary second baby suddenly twitched continuously, and blood continued to spurt out like a tide. With a bang, the maid’s eyes were suddenly squeezed out by the huge pressure. However, Segil did not stop because of this, but intensified her efforts.

“Die!” Huang Baiyi read this sentence from Saijier’s twisted mouth.

[Dragon Power…]!

Originally, Huang Baiyi wanted to unleash a more powerful attack, but when Huang Baiyi exerted his strength, he instantly noticed a squeaking sound coming from his right hand, and then the skin continued to explode, and bright red blood burst out. One place. And as the flesh and blood of Huang Baiyi’s right arm exploded, it seemed that all the power was quickly dissipated, and even the original heavy punch could not be maintained. And as Huang Baiyi was defeated, the thick blue dragon also let out an unwilling roar and gradually disappeared into the shock wave.

Sejir’s right fist, with its huge power and his ability to decompose, pressed Huang Baiyi’s right hand hard and landed on Huang Baiyi’s chest.

There was a buzzing sound, and at this time, an even more powerful force shook Sejir’s fist away. Huang Baiyi’s whole body was spinning in circles involuntarily, and he was violently knocked away.

After a loud bang, Huang Baiyi hit the mountainside with huge force. When Huang Baiyi collided with it, the entire ground suddenly jumped violently, and then continued to crack with Huang Baiyi as the center, forming a huge depression.

Ahem! Huang Baiyi coughed in her mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood, then slowly pushed away the rock that was squeezing her, and looked at Segil diagonally above through the huge hole in front of her. Although Huang Baiyi tried his best to release his strength to the ground when he fell, Huang Baiyi was not a particularly powerful body and still suffered heavy injuries.

The Dragon Fist Technique is indeed specially calculated for Long Meiling!

At this time, Huang Baiyi thought of another problem. Many things in the Scarlet Devil Mansion were not considered confidential. Of course, that was only for his own people. For example, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion knows this set of Dragon Fist Techniques, but the only one who really uses this set of Fist Techniques as a trump card is Long Meiling. It turns out that even if others can use it, they are not allowed to use it and cannot play a greater role.

At this time, Segil’s body suddenly squirmed a few times, and a figure dripping with blood was suddenly separated from his body. At this time, the maid had completely lost the breath of life. She was entangled in several tentacles of Segil, and drops of blood flowed down like a river.

“Tch!” Segil glanced at the maid, cursed with disdain, let go of the tentacle, and the maid fell to the ground below.

Huang Baiyi stood on the broken ground, looking at this scene coldly, and noticed that Saijier’s aura suddenly weakened. With a snap, the maid’s body fell to the ground, her face facing Huang Baiyi. Huang Baiyi looked at the clothes on her body and suddenly narrowed her eyes. That’s right, these are the clothes of the maids in the palace that I saw that day. If this is the case, does that woman still have anything to do with Segil’s strength?

Sejir fell down and walked slowly towards Huang Baiyi’s direction.

“Don’t think about running away. You are the only strong man in the universe in the Scarlet Devil Mansion now. If you run away, where do you think I will go to look for it?” Segil said when Huang Baiyi wanted to enter the subspace. At that time, he suddenly said something. Huang Baiyi’s figure that was about to disappear immediately stayed in place.

“What do you want to do?”

“Didn’t you say you were my woman? Come on, come and merge with me.” Segil opened his hands, while several tentacles around him were waving. In this way, apart from retaining a roughly human form, no matter where you look at it, it is not human.

“Become one?” Huang Baiyi heard this, and then glanced at the maid on the ground, feeling that she had probably guessed another ability of the other party. Is it really a twisted ability to integrate other people into one’s own body and become one’s own power source? Moreover, this power source is the type that can be replaced at any time without any scruples.

“I’m not interested.” Huang Baiyi said, her body seemed to merge directly into the water, and merged into the subspace towards the back.

Segil watched Huang Baiyi disappear into the subspace with a smile on his face, without making any move to stop her. After Huang Baiyi disappeared, he showed a mocking smile, and several tentacles on his neck flew, constantly sensing the surrounding space.

After Huang Baiyi entered the subspace, he finally couldn’t bear it any longer, crawled on his knees and spit out a mouthful of blood. Then Huang Baiyi looked at his chest. The place where he was hit by the impact formed a huge depression, and the inside almost exploded into a ball of meat paste. Breathing slowly, Huang Baiyi slowly flew out of the subspace. If he wanted to return to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he had to at least notify Ling Yin.

After running away, will he go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to find her?

Are you kidding? Huang Baiyi is not that kind of retarded. Could it be that she is waiting to die here and Segil will not go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the future? How could she have such childish thoughts? Therefore, after Huang Baiyi realized that her situation was not good, she immediately retreated.


However, Huang Baiyi looked diagonally behind him, calmly as if he was flying on the other side of the mirror, with a solemn look in his eyes. What’s going on, the other party can actually know his position in the subspace. Seeing Sejir’s sensing tentacles constantly waving in the air, Huang Baiyi finally couldn’t help but change her color.

Damn it!

No wonder they didn’t stop it. It turned out that they were confident.

Huang Baiyi changed directions several times, and every time she changed direction, Segil quickly followed her again, showing an incomprehensible smile at the same time. At this time, Huang Baiyi was basically certain that his guess had become a fact. Staying in the subspace, Huang Baiyi looked at Segil, who was like a mirror world, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

After wiping the blood on her lips, Huang Baiyi felt her body again, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

If this drags on, the situation will get worse. It’s better to fight while we still have some strength. Procrastinating for a connecting flight? Huang Baiyi really never thought that there are only two powerful people in the universe on the Ancient Gem Star now, only her and Segil, and others have no ability to intervene at all.

A ripple suddenly appeared in the air, and then Huang Baiyi slowly emerged from it, standing right in front of Sejir. Seeing such a scene, Segil raised his head proudly, with a flash of complacency in his eyes.

“Don’t run away?”

“The Tianpa Star people are indeed worthy of being the royal family of the Patomi Star Region.” Huang Baiyi said indifferently and looked at Sejir calmly. Just when Segil was about to show a proud look after hearing this, Huang Baiyi’s tone suddenly changed. “It’s a pity that they are not even humans. If other people in the Patomi Star Territory were to know that the royal family that has ruled them for so long is just a disgusting tentacle spore creature, I don’t know what they would think.”

After hearing this, Segil’s face was as messy as if he had run a dyeing workshop. In short, he became ugly.

“Don’t worry about it anymore. We Tianpa people have ruled this star field for so long. Of course we won’t be without this preparation.” Saijier said indifferently, and at the same time, he simply revealed the prototype, a huge ……spore. Under the mushroom-like head are countless tentacles that are constantly dancing.

Seeing Saijier like this, Huang Baiyi knew that this time, the other party really had no intention of letting her go.


Huang Baiyi silently recited this word in her heart, and then an inexplicable wave of vitality broke out in her body, and the injuries on her chest and right arm began to recover quickly.

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