Puppet Curse Chapter 830: Mom?


bsp;A snake cannot survive without a head. Due to Segil’s absence some time ago, the Tempa people have been inactive, but now that Segil is back, it is obvious that they will not be so stable. After Xuelis and others heard this, they immediately saluted Sejir, turned around and left to carry out their mission.

Even if Xueleisi is Segil’s princess, she is not the kind of delicate woman in the palace. It is impossible to stay here at this time of shortage of manpower.

After everyone left, Segil returned to his room, but when he went back, he called a maid to accompany him. When the maid heard this order, her face became very strange. Could it be that…, was the prince and concubine disliked because of her last mistake? Did the prince call her because she wanted to do that kind of thing?

Just when the maid was thinking wildly, she followed Segil into the room. As soon as she entered the room, before the maid was ready, several tentacles suddenly protruded from Segil’s body and suddenly wrapped her up. The maid’s exclamation was directly blocked by the tentacles, and then she stared at Segil, who had revealed his true body.

At this time, Segil stretched out countless tentacles from his neck, shaking them constantly, and his head became extremely huge, like a spore that had grown countless times.

Ignoring the maid’s frightened eyes and her struggling body, Sejir opened her big mouth. A foul smell kept gushing out from the big mouth. Then the maid watched in horror as the big mouth slowly moved towards her. Slowly approaching… approaching. Seeing the terrifying big mouth approaching, the maid finally gave up her awe of Segil, her eyes lit up, and she stabbed Segil with a wave of mental energy.

【Spiritual Sting】!

Originally, this move is very powerful, but it depends on who it is used on. Facing Segil, this move obviously cannot have the desired effect. Segil only paused for a moment, probably not even a second, before his big mouth continued to come over, and then, with the maid’s horrified eyes, he swallowed her in one gulp.

Segil obviously didn’t just want to eat people. After the maid was swallowed, Segil stayed still in place, like a chameleon, his body kept changing from blood red to lighter, and then back to red again… After a long time. , the beating sound of another heart came from Sejir’s body.

Amidst the steady beating sound, Sejir’s body slowly shrank and gradually returned to its original appearance.

Looking at the remnants left by the maid, Segil wiped his right hand in the air, and these things immediately disappeared. After doing all this, Segil opened the door and walked outside. The other two maids waiting outside greeted Sejir respectfully. When welcoming Segil, the two of them looked inside the room intentionally or unintentionally. It was strange, is Prince Segil really so powerful that Xuelan can’t even get out of bed?

“I’m out. If the prince and the concubine come back, let them leave me alone. But if the same thing happens again, don’t blame me for being ruthless.” Segil ordered the maid, then ignored the two of them and flew directly Got out.

After Segil flew away, the two curiously entered the room where Segil rested yesterday. However, the room was extremely tidy. Not only was there no trace of that, even Xuelan had disappeared. The two of them were confused for a moment, and suddenly, one of them’s face changed drastically and he wanted to say something.

At this time, another maid suddenly covered her mouth, and then shook her head silently at her.

After a while, the maid regained her composure, nodded, and the two of them looked at the room again and left the room without saying anything.


Sejir sensed the scene and looked at such a scene, his face became colder again, but now is not the time to pursue this matter. Saijier is going to find Huang Baiyi. It is definitely not as simple as killing Xunxin. The injury caused by Hong Mo to Saijier is not so easy to recover. Now Saijier is just using a special method to temporarily suppress it.

Is there another strong person in the universe? The sacrifice is you!

Segil thought of the white figure in his mind, suddenly accelerated and disappeared into the air.

After flying a certain distance, Saijier took out a fragment, a fragment of Huang Baiyi’s long sword [Feng]. At that time, the long knife shattered, and Saijier took the opportunity to put it away. On top of this fragment, there was a trace of The dark red blood was the blood that had dried up. It was the blood that Huang Baiyi spurted out after being injured by Sejir’s counterattack last time.

Retribution must be meted out. Although I cannot say this about Sejir, it is not much different. It was originally something I grabbed out of habit, waiting to track the opponent’s location for revenge later, but I didn’t expect that it would come in handy so quickly.

Segil held the fragment of the long knife in his hand, and a small tentacle stretched out. After sensing it, he roughly determined the direction. However, Segil looked in two directions, one of which was the direction he felt through the dried blood, and the other direction was the current location of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Why are they in two directions? Is that Huang Baiyi not in the Scarlet Devil Mansion?

Sejir was confused for a moment and decided to pursue Huang Baiyi. It was more important to solve his physical problems first. As long as the strength is restored, the Scarlet Devil Mansion can deal with it in any way. After all, except for Fran, who is at lv5, the others in the Scarlet Devil Mansion are basically at lv4 level. Even after a while, everyone has restored their original strength, but That’s it. The gap between lv5 and lv7 is not just about strength, but also the time required, which is definitely thousands of years of accumulation.

Changing direction, Saijier chased towards Huang Baiyi’s current position.


At this time, Lingyin was playing with a huge chessboard. One side of the chess piece in his hand represented the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and the other side represented the Tempa people. On all the chess pieces, the LV level of each chess piece was written. Suddenly, Lingyin crossed out Huang Baiyi’s lv7 chess piece, and then, on the entire chessboard, Bai’s piece suddenly fell into a disadvantage. After thinking for a while, Suzune placed another lv7 black stone, and the white stone became almost in danger.

Pure personal strength cannot be compared, so how about using external forces?

Lingyin added some other things, especially technology, weapons that can produce absolute destruction to the strong men in the universe. However, most of the technological weapons that the cosmic powerhouses want to kill are extremely heavy and heavy. There is only one chance. Moreover, to lure the cosmic powerhouses here, a bait of sufficient weight is needed.

Lingyin picked up a white stone, placed it in the center, and then moved the lv7 black stone over. As a result, the two stones were destroyed into powder at the same time.

That white stone represents Suzune herself!

This won’t work! It’s not that Suzune is reluctant to sacrifice herself, but Suzune knows that she is the backbone of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, not her strength, but her spiritual support.

Lingyin closed her eyes and thought about the things she could use, but unfortunately, she couldn’t find a suitable bargaining chip. The small world can be used, but it is still weak when facing level 7. The accelerated world can quickly improve the strength, but there is still a process. It is not known how long it will take to return to the original strength. Twisted Resentment Crystal, give up, and after knowing that there is a line of doom, try not to use this thing if you can.

“I just have to give it a try. I hope that Sejir won’t appear so soon.” Suzune said and sighed.


“Is this here?” Huang Baiyi came to a quiet gorge based on the auditory hallucinations in her heart. This gorge is quiet and beautiful, but it does not mean the kind of deathly silence, but a kind of leisurely silence. The various creatures living around here get along with each other in great harmony, and there is no strong attack from the creatures in other places** . Just when Huang Baiyi was confused, a voice appeared clearly in Huang Baiyi’s ears.

“I didn’t expect that someone would come here!”

Huang Baiyi immediately looked in the direction of the sound. On the lake in the center of the gorge, a perfect figure slowly rose up. After Huang Baiyi saw this figure, her eyes immediately narrowed, because this figure looked exactly like her. Is it this woman, the guy who has been making her uneasy with auditory hallucinations, and now he deliberately becomes like himself?

Huang Baiyi opened the blood lotus shield and walked towards the woman step by step from the air. Finally, the two stood face to face on the lake.

With such a comparison at close range, Huang Baiyi thought that she was looking in the mirror. If the other person hadn’t been naked all over, Huang Baiyi would have really thought that she had an illusion. However, compared with Huang Baiyi, the woman opposite has a gentle and common temperament, which Huang Baiyi does not have now. Moreover, the other party is obviously naked, but it gives the impression that the other party should be like this, without any shyness or lustful feeling at all.

After seeing Huang Baiyi, the woman opposite her expression became extremely shocked. Finally, she seemed to have thought of something, and then her eyes when she looked at Huang Bai suddenly became extremely gentle.

“Who are you?”

“I didn’t expect that the first person who came here would be exactly like me. I was just guessing why someone could come here. I see, in the end, that’s what I did in the end.” Opposite The woman said softly.

“What? Tell me, who are you? You keep making a voice in my mind and why are you calling me here?” Huang Baiyi didn’t understand what the other party meant and decided not to be moved. Ask according to your own ideas.

“If my guess is correct, after all, I should be your mother.” The woman opposite said.

When Huang Baiyi heard this, a smile appeared on her face, as if she was smiling happily, and then she slowly regained her composure. From the moment they met, Huang Baiyi had been guessing what kind of words the other party would say. Among them, it was nothing more than her own relatives or her own relatives… Unexpectedly, the other party actually said it was her mother.

I always feel that I am in control, but yet it is extremely ridiculous.

“Stop making such a joke, okay? I don’t even know who my mother is. Moreover, this is just a world in the flow of time. The place where I was born is in an ancient mine countless light years away. Star.” After Huang Baiyi regained her composure, she looked at the woman opposite and said indifferently.

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