Puppet Curse Chapter 829: The boss is back


bsp;Xuelisi, Sha Wei, and Jilang looked uneasily at the figure directly above them – Sejir. (Just read the novel.) Just a few days ago, several people suddenly received a summons from Segil and then reunited. From the moment they met, Segil’s expression was extremely different, which made several people feel extremely uneasy.

“You’re quite capable. I’ve only been away for a few days, let’s see what it’s like.” Saijier said lightly from his position, and the three of them immediately had a cold war.

“After you disappeared, the prince, the person who took over the leadership position was Princess Snowless. Everything is the decision of Princess Snowless and has nothing to do with the subordinates.” Jilang explained calmly.

“So, Xueleisi, what do you have to say?”

“This matter is actually because the strength of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is unexpected. The other party also has a woman who retains the strength of a powerful person in the universe, and you, Prince, were not around at that time, so it turned out like this. Of course, I also I fell into the other party’s trick, so I didn’t realize the other party’s true purpose,” Xue Leisi explained calmly.

“You mean, it’s my fault?” Segil glanced at Xuelis below and asked coldly.

“Don’t dare!”

“I don’t dare, then that’s what I really think.” Saijier looked down at Xuelisi, his eyes were unusually cold. Even if she is a prince and concubine, even if she is the woman he likes, she is still just a woman. The cold and demonic light in Segil’s eyes flashed for a few times before calming down. Being able to sit in his current position, although one’s background is very important, but without one’s own calmness and reason, it would be impossible to survive until now.

“Okay, let’s not pursue this matter. Let’s talk about the current situation.” Segil looked at a few people and finally said.

“Since you, Prince, disappeared inexplicably without leaving any news, we have allocated most of our manpower to look for you outside. At this time, Flandre, the second young lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Universe Qiang The purpose of Zhehuang Baiyi’s sudden invasion was to rescue the others who were captured. [Read the novel soon~] Because he was not aware of the other party’s purpose for a while, the Red Devil succeeded. The eldest lady of the mansion, Remilia, suddenly started to smelt the small world. The method she used must have been lost from us. In addition, the Scarlet Devil Mansion did not completely keep this thing in its hands. It is now being managed by its head maid Izayoi? D Ye made deals with other former universe powerhouses…” Xue LeiSi was not affected by what happened just now and calmly analyzed the current situation.

“So you didn’t do anything?”

Xue Leisi and others were silent when they heard this. Segil glanced at a few people and immediately knew what was going on. The other party had a strong man from the universe, Huang Baiyi. If they were not absolutely sure, they would definitely not take action. The longer they lived, the less courageous they would be. The more you cherish your life.

Huang Baiyi, is she that woman that day!

Segil felt a dull pain in his head and heart when he thought of the woman who suddenly appeared from the sky that day. Although the injury was mainly caused by Hong Mo’s attack, if it weren’t for Huang Baiyi’s sneak attack, he would never have been so seriously injured. But after he stabilized his injuries, he only saw Tianpa City shrouded in white flames when he came back. It had only been less than a year, so many messy things had happened, and the great advantage had been ruined.

“How many of us are there now?” Segil asked.

“There are more than 600 people. Because I had the opinion at the beginning that most of them should go out to look for the prince, most of them are still retained. Among them, there are three people at lv6, me, Jilang, Sha Wei, and forty-three at lv5. People, everything else is at lv3lv4.”

“What’s the strength of the Scarlet Devil Mansion?”

“There is one strong person in the universe, Huang Baiyi; then there is the second lady Flandre, who has retained her original strength at lv5. The others are generally at lv4, estimated to be about two thousand people. The top combat strength is still a little bit as good as ours There is a gap, but the combat power below is definitely several times that of ours, and the opponent’s strength cannot be measured simply by lv level. At least there is a gap between lv4 and lv5, but it is not impossible to make up. [Just read the novel~ ]”

“What about the other forces?” Segil asked again.

“Because of the sense of existence and the exposure of world fragments, most of the descendants have participated in the fight for the ancient gem star. Currently, there are more than ninety confirmed forces. Because the personnel are too complicated, it is impossible to judge their true identity. Their identity and exact strength. However, it is basically confirmed that their strength cannot be compared with the Scarlet Devil Mansion and us. In addition, there should be more descendants who have not come out and are still hiding in the dark.”

“If you have a holographic map of the Ancient Gem Star, show it to me.”

Xue Leisi nodded immediately after hearing this and projected a holographic map of the ancient gem star, which marked the distribution, characters, and general forces of all parties. After doing all this, Xueleis stood quietly beside her and said nothing. Segil, on the other hand, browsed the information carefully, especially the location of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and several locations where small worlds had appeared.

Has it started yet?

Seeing where these small worlds appeared, Segil’s heart became extremely cold.

Sejir brought people here for two purposes. The first one is to destroy the Scarlet Devil Mansion and absorb the excellent genes of humans on Earth. The second one is to smelt the world inside the Gate of Time and Space! Originally, Segil’s focus had always been on the first goal, because when everyone’s strength was traced back to the starting point, the first goal was the easiest to accomplish. On the contrary, the longer it was delayed, the more the Scarlet Devil Mansion recovered. The higher the strength. As for the second one, if there are no opponents left, then it is not Segil himself who has the final say on when to start.

But now, Segil looked at these positions, and a cold feeling flashed in his heart. The entire Ancient Gem Star had long been considered to be in his possession, but when he accidentally went out, not only was he seriously injured, but there was also such a huge deviation.

The method of smelting world fragments is something that only he has, even among the Tianpa people. Before going out, he happened to be checking this thing in the study. At that time, I suddenly learned that Cambid was dead, so I placed it in the study… It felt a bit ridiculous. After thinking about the process, Segil didn’t know what to say, how could it be such a coincidence.

However, this thought in Serge’s mind only lasted for a moment.

“Why would the Scarlet Devil Mansion trade the smelting method of world fragments with others?” Segil asked. Xueleisi and the others looked at each other. Xueleisi and Jilang both shook their heads, but Sha Wei was thoughtful.

“Sha Wei, tell me.”

“I think the Scarlet Devil Mansion chooses to use this thing to trade with others for only two purposes. The first is to spread hatred. After all, if only the Scarlet Devil Mansion has such a thing, it will attract everyone. Concerned. Now that the Scarlet Devil Mansion already has our enemy, it would be unwise to antagonize all the descendants of the Ancient Gem Star. Secondly, there is demand for the items traded by the Scarlet Devil Mansion. What, my subordinates don’t know.” Sha Wei always had a gentle smile on his face, but it always looked fake.

“Is there anything urgently needed at the Scarlet Devil Mansion?”

“Yes!” Xue Leisi frowned upon hearing this.


“Illusion? How to relieve night sleep.”

“Who is it?”

“Black Rock Shu.”

“So what now?”

“Some time ago, I felt the illusion? Night sleep has been lifted. I originally thought that Heiyan Shu was dead, but the result was unexpected. The Scarlet Devil Mansion treats everyone in a city as nourishment, extracting everyone’s vitality to feed Hei Yanshu, Yun Yun gave birth to another Hei Yanshu, and this Hei Yanshu was very powerful and improved very quickly.”

“Another one?”

“Well, actually I didn’t even think of it myself. Illusion? Ye Mian has the ability to continuously absorb the life force of people who are trapped in the spell, but it usually can’t sustain it for such a long time. As a result, the Scarlet Devil Mansion can actually extract it through some unknown method. The vitality of others was instilled into Hei Yanshu, and as a result, such a thing was born.” Xue Leisi said, expressing her surprise.

“Then that’s right. The Scarlet Devil Mansion must be trying to trade illusions from other powerful people in the universe? How to release night sleep. But when it comes to Heiyan Shu, I think of another blue thunderbird, the one named Xiao Zi Yes, it is estimated that the method of lifting the Yuan Slavery Law is also something that the Scarlet Devil Mansion needs.” Segil said, and began to think silently.

“Xuelisi, go and kill the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and be sure not to let them continue to trade the smelting method of the world fragments to others.”

“Geelong, Shawei!”

“My subordinates are here!”

“Go and kill those who smelted the small world. No matter whether they are former powerful men of the universe or not, kill them all for me, and then bring me the fragments of the small world.” Segil His eyes were cold. Destroying the Scarlet Devil Mansion can be done later, but there is only one ancient gem star in the time stream. If it is smelted by others, he will regret it.


“What about the Scarlet Devil Mansion?” Xueleis asked. Although the Scarlet Devil Mansion was the target of several people’s missions, Xueleis was certain that Jilong and Sha Wei would not take the initiative to provoke the Scarlet Devil Mansion, even if Remilia melted the small world.

“There is only one top expert in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Without that Huang Baiyi, the others are not enough. That Huang Baiyi, I will go find her in person, doesn’t she claim to be my woman? Then I will let her become It has become a fact.” Saijier thought of the fleeting white shadow, and a cold smile appeared on his face.


Huang Baiyi, at this time, was following the voice he heard with his eyes closed, and slowly flying in one direction.

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