Puppet Curse Chapter 827: Depressing enemies


bsp;So that’s it, did those three people lure him and others here on purpose? Dye looked at the withered jungle. -xi-

?D Ye does not have this kind of weapon! Of course, it does not mean that ?D Ye’s ability is invincible. For example, long-term damage that is completely imprisoned and cannot be avoided, ?D Ye cannot avoid. Even if it can freeze for a period of time, it will always recover. However, this kind of large-scale attack really has little effect on D Ye.

Although he was not afraid, Dye glanced at the White Snake Queen gratefully. It was obvious that the ambush of this group of people was aimed at her, but it was triggered by the White Snake Queen who suddenly twisted. It is estimated that this group of people did not search the area carefully when setting up the ambush, otherwise such a thing would not have happened.

Speaking of which, their whereabouts on D night were uncertain, and it was not so easy to find a place to set up an ambush.

‘I found out, the other party was preparing to retreat, I entangled them. ’ Yinsi’s voice suddenly entered D Ye’s mind.

Retreat, do you want to leave when you see something is wrong? How can it be so simple? D Ye said in his heart, took a spiritual step, and immediately flew in that direction. At the same time, Yan Hua and Qin Yu, who were hiding in the dark with Yin Si, also moved toward Yin Si’s location to outflank him.

Before coming out, ?D Ye and others had discussed it. If any enemy appeared, then ?D Ye would be in the light and Yinsi and the three would be in the dark. Because of ?D Ye’s ability and time control, basically as long as ?D Ye is alert enough, most attacks are unlikely to cause harm to ?D Ye, so it is best to appear in the open. The other three acted according to the situation. After all, although ?D Ye was now the leader, Yinsi and the other three had much more experience than ?D Ye.

After the bad cannon appeared, there was no need for discussion at all. The three of them hid in the jungle and secretly searched for the enemy’s location.


“Do you want to run away?” Yinsi looked at these people coldly, surrounded by countless silver metal threads.

“It’s not an escape, but a strategic retreat.” A man wearing a mask said in an angry voice. The other three people were constantly looking around, seeming to be looking for a way to escape.

“That doesn’t matter!” Yinsi smiled brightly, and countless threads swarmed out and rolled towards several people crazily.

The four people immediately broke out, drew out their sabers and began to chop at the surrounding silver threads. Some of the swords and silver threads came into contact, and they immediately made a clanging impact and a harsh friction sound. Although the silver thread is extremely small, its toughness is absolutely incredible.

“No need to struggle!” Yinsi said coldly, and the flying threads closed instantly, binding the four people together.

However, after catching a few people, Yinsi’s expression was a little strange, too relaxed. Could it be that the other party was really that weak. Thinking of something, Yinsi moved her right hand slightly, and a silver thread immediately pulled off the mask of one of the guys, revealing a dull face, how should I say, just like a puppet.

Yinsi frowned, and the silk thread cut across the guy’s wrist [with a click, the guy’s right hand fell to the ground, but no blood flowed from the wound, and the right hand that fell on the ground slowly… It softened and turned into a mass like mud.

Yinsi couldn’t help but be shocked when she saw such a scene, and then patted her head. Yinsi now wanted to be angry and a little bit laugh, she actually fell into such a trick.

“Are these four people?” D Ye was the first to arrive here. He saw a few people bound by silk threads and asked.

“No, no, I was deceived.” Yinsi shook her head, and the thread tightened instantly, and several people were immediately cut into countless pieces. Sure enough, these ‘corpses’ were not bloody, as if they were made of dough. , slowly turned into a puddle of mud.

“Clone?”? D Ye said doubtfully.

When Dye saw such a scene, he immediately knew what was going on. It was obvious that this was just a little trick of the other party. I don’t know if it was a clone, but the real body must have gone somewhere long ago. ?D Ye used the Internet to notify Yanhua and Qinyu. The two people who were approaching in this direction stopped when they heard the words, and then started searching for traces of the enemy again.

【Spiritual Vision】!

?D Ye opened his eyes, trying to find any clues from these puppet clones. As soon as he opened his eyes,?D Ye and Yinsi had to jump up, because the body of the White Snake Queen had been rolled and smashed. come over. After a loud bang, the scene was immediately destroyed by the huge body of the White Snake Queen. D Ye could only smile bitterly after watching it. And Yinsi also glanced at the White Snake Queen, and then asked.

“Isn’t this the White Snake Queen? Could it be that she existed on the ancient gem star?”

“That’s not necessarily true. Did you forget that before the incident in the Red Devil City, the eldest lady brought back two snake eggs? Maybe they were hatched from them.” D Ye said, but his spiritual vision never stopped tracking the enemy. search. However, the White Snake Queen was struggling painfully, her huge body was constantly destroying everything around her, and the noise she made was too great. At this time of night, it was impossible to find anything out of this chaotic situation.

“Who brought the snake eggs? I forgot.”

“I don’t know. We were so anxious to evacuate at that time. The snake eggs are not classified items that must be taken away. I don’t know who brought them.” D Ye shook his head.

The two said a few words and then separated again, carefully searching for traces of the enemy. However, it was not until an hour later that the surrounding area was crushed into pieces by the painful White Snake Queen, and no trace of the enemy was found again. At this time, the White Snake Queen seemed to be no longer struggling, but instead contracted and circled together, her body sliding slowly.

I have to say that both Dye and Yinsi were a little depressed. The enemy this time was really disgusting. They refused to show up head-on. They retreated when they saw something was wrong. In the end, they even failed to kill the enemy. Didn’t even see the face. The only clue was probably buried in the snake’s belly, and it was impossible for them to crawl in and find out clearly.

The four of them reunited and looked at the White Snake Queen who had slowly entangled themselves together.

“The enemy can’t be found. What should we do now? Do we want to help this white snake queen?” Yinsi asked. Although the White Snake Queen is an extremely terrifying creature in the eyes of others, the Red Devil Mansion has kept it for a while. If D Ye’s guess is correct, the White Snake Queen has a certain relationship with the Red Devil Mansion.

“I’m afraid it won’t appreciate it!” Qinyu looked at the White Snake Queen over there and shook her head.

Although the White Snake Queen is now extremely weak, while her body is squirming, her cold snake eyes have been staring at the four people with deep vigilance and hatred. In the eyes of the White Snake Queen, there is no difference between the people he swallowed just now and the people standing on the treetops now.

“No need, it won’t die, look over there!” D Ye gestured.

A few people looked over immediately. The body of the white snake queen couldn’t help squirming. The scales on the tail that was attacked by the trap fell off layer by layer, revealing new and tender scales. It’s covered in mucus, and its color is very different from the previous scales. You can tell at a glance that it’s much more fragile. The white snake queen’s neck also kept squirming, and a lump of something was slowly pushed up towards her mouth.

With a pop, a mass of **** stuff was sprayed out. It looked like it was probably the blown-up internal organs and the swallowed guys.

? Dye and the others took one look at it and shook their heads. No way, even if this thing was spit out, it would be corroded by the violent explosion and acid, and nothing could be detected at all.

“Let’s go, we still have our own things to do. Just report the news here back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” D Ye said, turning around and leaving with the three of them. The three people in Yinxi also nodded. Although the White Snake Queen was also more important, it could not be compared with their affairs. Moreover, most of them had already guessed who the Scarlet Devil Mansion would send after learning the news.

Who better to deal with snakes than Rikka!

When the White Snake Queen saw the four people leaving, she did not pursue them. Instead, she looked at the direction in which they left with her cold vertical pupils. After a while, she slowly began to swim and disappeared into the distance.


Huang Baiyi walked out of her room, looking very haggard. Before walking out of the room, she glanced at the world fragment smelting formula sent by Lingyin on the table, but still took it in her hand.

Ever since the last time a fire was created in Tianpa City, Huang Baiyi has been hearing an auditory hallucination… But every time Huang Baiyi wanted to listen carefully, she couldn’t hear anything. In Philadelphia, after the Scarlet Devil Mansion regarded almost everyone as nourishment for Kuroiwa Shu, this auditory hallucination became even clearer. Even the strongest person in the universe, Huang Baiyi, was tortured by this voice and suffered a nervous breakdown.

However, not long ago, the voice changed from an auditory hallucination to a scream, just like a seriously injured patient. When did it start? Yes, it started when the eldest lady was smelting the small world.

Huang Baiyi recalled the information she got from the auditory hallucination and prepared to check it out in person. Anyway, she was really tortured by this voice during this period. Regardless of whether it was true or not, Huang Baiyi didn’t want to continue like this.

“Lord Huang Baiyi!”

“I’m going out for a while. I probably won’t be back for a while. Please talk to the eldest lady.” Huang Baiyi said when she saw this guardian angel who had been taking care of her every day.

“Okay, I will tell the eldest lady.” The guardian angel looked very calm and did not ask any questions after hearing this.

“Yes.” Huang Baiyi didn’t want to explain anything more, so she casually confirmed the direction and flew out. After coming outside, Huang Baiyi closed her eyes and silently sensed things according to the way she had summarized during this period. After a while, Huang Baiyi slowly and automatically flew towards a place.


“Are you out?” At this time, Lingyin also received the report from the guardian angel and said lightly.

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