Puppet Curse Chapter 805: Confidence


bsp;Fran held her small hands lightly, and there was a soft sound around her body, as if something was broken, and her body moved more freely. Although it wasn’t obvious on the surface, Shilov’s little secret actions were still quite unpleasant.

Flan’s actions attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone wanted to see what the outcome of this ‘dinner’ would be, because it would be related to their future ending. Moreover, although the Scarlet Devil Mansion is very famous now, not many people have actually seen the Scarlet Devil Mansion, let alone the second lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It is also a very important purpose to take a look at the reality of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The most important thing is that it is rumored that the Scarlet Devil Mansion… is not a righteous force. Don’t just escape from the tiger’s mouth and enter the wolf’s den.

“Do I need to say my request again?” Fran said to Shilov again.

“Does the Scarlet Devil Mansion also take robbing other people’s things as a matter of course? It turns out that this is the style of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” Shilov retreated in his heart and wanted to use words to sway Fran.

“Well…!” Fran sighed suddenly.

“You guys, why are you trying to bully me with these unfashionable words? The nature of the world, the nature of how people at different levels get along with each other, is not how a legal society deals with civilians. In fact, the so-called legal society also It’s just a…means to maintain rule. The upper class is even more cruel and…bloody!”

“Ten seconds, if you don’t agree, then I will take action.” After Fran finished speaking, she immediately started counting down.

“10, 9, 8…” Fran’s clear voice echoed in the hall, attracting everyone’s attention. Just when Fran counted to three, two invisible wind blades suddenly shot towards Huayi and Fang Yong. Huayi and Fangyong came with Fulan. Although Fulan could break free, it didn’t mean that Huayi and Fangyong also had this kind of strength.

Fu Lan appeared directly in front of the two of them with a spiritual step, and grabbed the wind blade with both hands. At the same time, her eyes became ethereal, and countless undetectable lines and points intersected in her eyes.

Just when Fran was rescuing Huayi and Fangyong, Shirov felt the power of the world fragment on his chest and suddenly launched his strongest attack. Since he has become the ruler of one party and dares to spread news, attract others, and then enslave them by force, Shilov is definitely not a guy who gives up easily.

Now that we have reached this point, how can we just surrender and lose the fragments of the world? What will these people do? Besides, you may not lose! Even though she is the second lady of the long-famous Scarlet Devil Mansion, her control over the fragments of the world is comprehensive.

【World Mastery】!

The name that Shirov gave to this move, although simple, has an incomparable image. In an instant, a huge and terrifying pressure was squeezed towards Fran from 360 degrees. The air continued to crackle with crackling sounds, connecting into one piece. The floor of the hall, with Fran as the center, was like a piece of paper being squeezed. It instantly became wrinkled and then… shattered.

Flan’s little face was calm. In fact, she had already guessed that such a heroic figure could be defeated, but it was absolutely impossible for him to surrender voluntarily.

【Shi World】!

A arrogant figure suddenly appeared from behind Fran. The pressure that was originally squeezing Fran was instantly blocked by the world of potential. However, the few people sitting around Fran were unlucky. They became meat sauce almost instantly. Only Huayi, Fang Yong, and Bei Yisheng, who had greeted Fran before, were shrouded in the world of power.

At this time, the phantom’s right hand, following Fran’s movements, was aimed at Shilov not far away.


[Space conversion]!

Although he didn’t know what Fran’s ability was, his fighting intuition immediately made Shirov make the most correct reaction and transform himself instantly. Just like what he said, with the help of World Fragments, within this certain range, his control ability is absolute.

Shilov, who had just appeared from the other side, instantly saw where he was just now and a large building behind him, which instantly turned into foam-like powder and dissipated. At this time, Fran was already looking in his direction again, and held her little hand again.

What ability?

At this time, Shirov did not dare to stop at all and could only keep changing directions. Moreover, World Fragment only has the absolute ability to control this area, and he cannot escape directly. Once he leaves this space and loses this control ability, he will definitely be a piece of meat on the chopping board, and he will not be able to escape. .

We must fight back!

After several false grasps by Fran, all the surrounding buildings were reduced to ashes. Only the ground around Fran remained intact.

Could it be that the attack range of the second lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion…! Seeing this scene, Shilov, who was tired of running for his life, had a flash in his eyes. Also, it seems that every attack of this second Miss Fran is launched by looking at me first. Moreover, from just now, that Fran’s eyes have become different. This kind of attack requires Visual aid?

In that case!

[Space conversion]!

Shilov, who was escaping, once again avoided Fran, but this time, he appeared not in another direction, but behind Fran, just outside Fran’s world. At this time, Shirov’s right hand had already grasped the fragment of the world, as if the whole world was held in his hands.

【Power of the World】!

Shirov stepped hard, and the ground exploded instantly. Then his right fist holding the world fragment seemed to move the entire world around him, and he smashed hard towards Fran’s position.


Even if I am the second young lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I will kill everyone who stands in my way. With the belief in his heart, Shirov hit Fran’s body hard with his right fist. There was a buzzing sound, and the entire space seemed to pause, and then it began to collapse centered on Shirov’s right fist.

Perhaps Shirov’s punch mobilized all the power of the world fragments, and the restraint on others was not so strong. Everyone who regained their freedom instantly deployed their own methods and quickly escaped from here. However, the few who escaped slowly still screamed, and then were drowned in the shock wave of this punch.

Suddenly, the space beside Shilov rippled a few times. In the blood lotus shield, Fulan and Huayi Fangyong were revealed. Countless blood lines wrapped around Shilov’s body, and Fu Lan The one in Lan’s hand happened to be tied around Shilov’s neck. Traces of blood gradually soaked out from Shirov’s neck and dripped slowly.

“How…possible!” Shilov said bitterly.

“How could I not know the weaknesses of my own abilities? Moreover, although you have obtained the world fragments, your combat skills are still at the primitive level. You are still used to observing your opponents with the naked eye.” Fran said As he stood, the light around him was instantly distorted, and Fran appeared again.

Looking at the two Frans with the naked eye, there is almost no difference.

“There are many spiritual skills that can deceive the naked eye.” The newly appeared Fran explained lightly, twitching her little finger. With a sneer, Shirov’s right hand holding the fragment of the world broke instantly and fell to the ground.

With a move of her small hand, the fragments of the world fell into Fran’s hands. After looking at it casually, Fran prepared to put the world fragments into the space ring, but found that they could not be collected. After being slightly surprised, Fran took out a small bag, packed it up, and hung it around her waist.

“Tell me, how to convert the sense of existence into world fragments.” Fran said to Shirov.

“Let me go if you tell me?”

“Why does everyone who gets caught like to ask this question? Yes, as long as you tell me how to condense the world’s fragments, I won’t pursue other matters.” Fran said sarcastically. One sentence.

Shilov was stunned when he heard this, then smiled bitterly, looked around at the freed guys standing on the wreckage, all sizing them up, and then closed his eyes. So what, even if the second lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is willing to let him go, I’m afraid those people won’t agree.

Really, I am not willing to give in. It is obvious that my plan is absolutely perfect. With the powerful control ability of the world fragments, I can crush these arrogant descendants, collect their resources… and subdue other evolvers…

“It’s a pity. Although I lost, I never wanted you to win so easily.” Shilov said, and a sharp blood line on the side of his head cut directly through his neck.

Fran looked at this scene indifferently and laughed silently. Don’t you want to let yourself win so easily? Do you think that if you die, you can hide the method of condensing the world fragments and cause yourself more trouble?

“Who here can read the physical memory of the brain?” Fran suddenly said.


Everyone did not answer when they heard this, but were waiting and watching, or in other words, waiting for Fran’s promise.

“Read the way the fragments of the world condense and share it with everyone. I have no interest in keeping this secret, and of course I have no interest in your lives.” Fran said lightly.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion, is it really so generous?”

“It’s not generosity, it’s confidence. Under the condition that everyone knows this secret, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will not lose to anyone.” Fran answered this question directly. Behind her petite body, that powerful shadow , looking down at everyone arrogantly and arrogantly.

“Sure enough, the style of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I don’t know whether it is confidence or arrogance, well, let’s call it confidence. Since the second lady said so, let me do it.” From inside the ruins of destruction, suddenly A figure crawled out. Bei Yisheng patted the dust on his body and said, Fran didn’t include this guy in her protection just now, but a strong man in the universe really has many tricks.


Bei Yisheng used a method of memory shadowing to stream Shilov’s memory. Just like watching a three-dimensional movie, Shilov’s recent experiences were reflected in a backwards way, and then two months ago, when the fragments of the world were condensed.

There was only one floating shadow, and it was a reflection. After one time, Shirov’s head was completely damaged. Everyone present has seen Liu Ying, but how much they can analyze from it depends on their own abilities.


“I don’t think you are interested in this world fragment. If there is nothing else, I will leave first.” After watching Liuying, she recovered from her super mental state, and then said One sentence.

At this time, many people are struggling to remember, preparing to remember the scenes in Liuying. When Fran interrupted them, several people’s faces immediately turned bitter, as if they hadn’t remembered something.

Of course Fran would not really wait for everyone to answer one by one. After saying this, she left with Huayi and Fang Yong.

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