Puppet Curse Chapter 804: Dinner


bsp;For the dinner, Fran certainly knew that Shilov must have some plans. However, the pride in Fran’s heart made her not refuse at all, and she came as promised on the third day. When Fran came to this so-called dinner venue, she realized that there were quite a few people here, and from the aura of these guys, it could be judged that they were not weak.


Fran was slightly wary. If she was discovered because the fat man and the old beggar were too clumsy, what about the others? Fran didn’t believe that others were so careless. If it wasn’t for this reason, then…this Shirov was more powerful than imagined.

“My dinner party, Shirov, is currently the master of this city.” After everyone arrived for a while, a tall man finally walked out from behind the scenes. He had a level 3 strength and had a unique military personality. breath.

Everyone looked over, wondering what Shirov’s plan was for calling everyone here.

“I believe everyone is curious as to why I summoned you here.” Shirov walked to the stage and talked to everyone. The dozens of descendants and evolutionary ability users in the hall below did not speak, but just looked at Shirov on the stage quietly.

“I would like to invite everyone to join my organization and fight for world hegemony together.” Shirov stretched out his right hand and clenched it tightly.

Most of the people below looked at Shirov as if they were an idiot. Is this guy crazy for having such unrealistic ideas? Among the dozens of people who appeared again, whether they were descendants or those with local evolutionary abilities from Gem Star, they were all the best in the world. This Shirov actually wanted to take everyone into his subordinates… He thought , who are you?

“Are you kidding?” a man said contemptuously.

“Hand over the fragments of the world and the way to condense them, and I will keep you alive.” Another man said coldly. From his body, there was a trace of chill, not the power of ice, but seemed to be biased toward darkness and coldness. Although the others were not threatening, their expressions undoubtedly meant the same thing.

“Hahahaha, sure enough, the descendants are always so arrogant.” Shilov laughed and then said.

“Do you know why I invited you here? Do you know how many banquets I have held? This is already the third banquet. At the previous banquets, those who came were also just like you. Proud, but in the end, these people either died or became my slaves,” Shilov said.

At this time, a short flying knife suddenly appeared and a stream of light shot towards Shirov’s eyebrows.

However, at this moment Shirov turned sideways strangely, and then the small flying knife suddenly stopped in front of him. Shirov looked at everyone with a half-smile, but at this time, everyone’s expressions were a little ugly, because, almost at this moment, everyone could feel that their bodies were being restrained. This kind of restraint… is also very powerful in level 5, and it is not something they can get rid of now.

“Ah Cha Cha Cha, it seems that when I talk to you, I have to be careful and cautious, otherwise I don’t know how I died. You guys, don’t blame me.” Shilov said, drawing circles with his right index finger Circle, the small flying knife was spinning in the air at his fingertips. Suddenly, Shirov’s eyes became cold and he pointed his index finger forward.

With a whoosh, the flying knife plunged directly into the eyebrows of the guy who just attacked Shirov.

The inexplicable restraint made everyone present almost become lambs to be slaughtered. Seeing Shirov playing this trick, everyone’s expressions changed slightly. This is Shirov’s trump card. It can’t be wrong. This kind of control ability… World Fragments. I didn’t expect that World Fragments actually have such a powerful control ability.

“Now, can we continue the topic?” Shilov returned to the highest seat and looked down at everyone.

“If we are willing to join General Shirov’s organization, what restrictions do we need to be subject to?” Finally, someone couldn’t help it and asked.

“It’s very simple, hand over all the things you have, and then let me plant the Slave Blood Seal willingly, then I won’t embarrass you.”

As soon as Shilov finished speaking, the native evolution ability users of Gem Star didn’t think it was anything, but the expressions of almost all the descendants changed. Slave blood seal! A common form of slavery in the Patomi star field. It is very powerful. However, not many people use it because the slave blood mark must be surrendered by the party who is applying the spell absolutely willingly when fully awake. It cannot be used by many people. There is the slightest hint of resistance.

Once one is given the slave blood mark, he is almost a slave who has completely lost himself.

“It seems that some friends know what the Slave Blood Seal is, but I still have to explain it, otherwise those people who don’t know and are cunning will blame me for their inexplicable death.” Shilov saw the smile on the faces of those people. The changed person couldn’t help but say something, and then explained the Slave Blood Seal.

Sure enough, after Shirov’s explanation, the expressions of those who originally didn’t know what the slave blood mark was changed drastically, and they were slaves who lost themselves… Shilov smiled coldly, but focused more on those people whose faces were calm from beginning to end. Because, if these people are either very crazy or have their own trump cards, I have met two of them at the previous two banquets.

“What if we don’t agree?”

“Then there is no other way but… to kill everyone.” Shilov casually drew his hand. The people sitting in this position have shown such indifference to life that they feel nothing if they kill a few people.

“I’ve already said the conditions, so it’s up to you to consider it. Of course, you don’t have much time. If you don’t want it for an hour, then I can only say I’m sorry.” Shirov said to everyone Said, while focusing on the guys who were always calm.

“Hahaha, I really don’t know the heights of the world. I just got lucky and thought I was the protagonist.” A man suddenly said, and then at the last word… the echoes of eh, eh, eh suddenly rang out. , everyone present suddenly felt dizzy in their heads.

Sound kills!

Although I don’t know how powerful the ability to control the world fragments is, it seems that the sound is not prohibited. After seeing Shirov’s trump card, this guy finally couldn’t help but launch an attack. As the sound rang out, Shilov’s position was instantly struck by a storm. The gorgeous chair instantly turned into pieces, and Shirov was also bombarded in embarrassment.

Those who were originally a little desperate couldn’t help but feel happy when they saw this scene.

However, only the person who launched the sound attack secretly screamed something bad, and the restraint on his body did not weaken at all. Moreover, suddenly, he found that the air around him became extremely thick, and his mouth seemed to be stuck with glue, and he could not **** in any air.

“I knew that some of you must think you have your own trump card. But it’s useless. I have absolute control over this place.” Shilov got up from the ground, his body slightly A little embarrassed, but obviously no harm was done. If you think of his words, you will know that the so-called absolute control seems to be very comprehensive. But at this time, the guy who made the killing sound suddenly turned purple and struggled desperately, but his body could not move at all.

No one usually pays attention to the air, but when you really get out of the air, you will find how precious the air is. Of course, when you reach level 5 or above and the demand from the outside world becomes extremely rare, you won’t care so much. As for the cosmic experts, they can even navigate the space. However, the people here seem to have only recovered to level 3.


“Hahaha, interesting, really interesting.” A man leaned back on the chair leisurely, as if he was not restrained, but chose such a comfortable posture by himself.

“Why, my friend, what other cards do you have, you might as well show me.” Shirov looked over.

“No, I don’t have any trump cards at all, really. If I were the only one here, I would definitely let you plant the slave blood seal. After all, it’s better to die than live. However, I think I am lucky. Ah, I didn’t expect that I would meet the second lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion here, and…”

“Second Miss doesn’t seem to be affected by time regression?” The man suddenly looked at Fran.

“Who are you?” Fran picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip. Fran’s actions undoubtedly proved that the shackles that no one could break free from had no effect on Fran.

Everyone looked at Fran eagerly, and Shilov’s expression changed even more. Scarlet Devil Mansion…Second Miss! After Huang Baiyi made such a fuss, almost everyone in the Ancient Gem Star knew about the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Tianpa Star people. However, not many people have actually seen the Scarlet Devil Mansion. They never expected that they would meet the second lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion here.

“I am just an unlucky guy, Beiyi Sheng, you know that.” The young man said with a bitter smile.

“Bei Yisheng…, it turns out to be you.” After hearing this, Fran immediately remembered Bei Yisheng’s information. A cosmic powerhouse who had a deal with the Scarlet Devil Mansion did not expect to end up in this situation. Sure enough, after going back in time, everyone’s strength was returned to the original point. Even the strongest in the universe no longer had an absolute advantage.

Flan nodded, assuming she understood, then stood up and faced Shilov.

“Give me the fragments of the world, and tell me how to condense the sense of existence into fragments of the world.” Fran’s words seemed to be taken for granted, but Shirov did not dare to ignore them like he did to the previous people. Because, he has now almost activated the maximum control of the world fragments over this space, but Fran still acts as usual.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion, I have admired its name for a long time, but unfortunately, I have never known who the people are in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I wonder if the second lady can help me answer my questions.” Shirov asked, thinking about what to do. , give up, absolutely unwilling…

“Flandre Red Scarlet, my name. Others are too lazy to say it. If you meet people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the future, if you ask, they will definitely tell you. Of course, if you still Maybe later.” Fran said, clenching her little hands gently.

This so-called absolute control is so similar to the original planetary consciousness of Kashiwa Jupiter. After fully reproducing Kashiwa Jupiter’s battle data in the accelerated world, Fran, who has been trained, does not feel any pressure at all, unless this kind of control is really Far beyond Fran’s strength.

But unfortunately, it is just a fragment of the world!

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