Puppet Curse Chapter 795: Decomposition




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“Answer my question.” Segil did not answer who Hong Mo was, but asked again. The tone is very calm, but it has the meaning of an order that cannot be refused. This is definitely a momentum that can be developed by those who have been in a high position for a long time and no one dares to refute. In addition, there was a sense of detachment in Segil’s eyes, as if the whole world must surrender to him.

“Prince Segil is really impressive!” Hong Mo smiled calmly and said lightly.

“You actually know me, answer my question, are you from the Scarlet Devil Mansion?” Segil was slightly surprised, and then asked again.

“Well, I am Hong Mo from the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” Hong Mo nodded.

“Look for an opportunity to leave. If you can escape, run away. If you can’t escape, just let him be captured. There is no point in dying together and there will be no effect.” After Hong Mo admitted his identity, Segil did not immediately take action against Hong Mo. Instead, he watched Hong Mo give instructions to the other two guardian angels and the blood demon. This red ink is interesting. He actually lets his subordinates capture him without any help. He is much more rational than ordinary people.

‘Jingqu, give it a try and see if you can create a world reflux here and condense the fragments of the world. This may be our only chance, otherwise even if we use technological weapons, it will not have any effect. The preparation time is too long. ’ On the other hand, Hong Mo was giving instructions to Jing Qu.

“Lord Hong Mo!” Jing Qu and Yin Si immediately exclaimed, Jing Qu approached Hong Mo as if she was worried about Hong Mo’s safety.

“You are very interesting! You must have done what happened to Haokejia and Canbid.” After Segil knew it was Hong Mo, he did not take action. Instead, he talked to Hong Mo like ordinary friends. It’s the confidence that everything is under control.

“Well, I killed Cambid, and Haokojia and the others also died in the hands of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I was surprised. I didn’t expect that Prince Segil would come here in person.” Hong Mo smiled bitterly, looking very have no choice.

“It just happened by chance. It turns out that I came to the right place, didn’t it? I actually met the famous owner of the Red Ink Pavilion of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. But unfortunately, I didn’t see the Miss Remilia.” Segil looked at it Jingqu and Yinxi could tell with their eyes that they were not Remilia.

“How about you come and be a guest at my place!” Although it is a question, it is an affirmative tone.

“Can I refuse?”

“Okay, but the result is the same.” Saijier looked at Hong Mo and smiled. It has been a long time since I met someone who can talk to me so calmly, but unfortunately, I am destined to become an enemy. No, it’s not worthy of being an enemy. The Scarlet Devil Mansion simply doesn’t have the strength to be a qualified enemy, at least, that’s the case on the Ancient Gem Star.

“So, what is your choice, follow me directly, or refuse?”

“Of course…refuse!”

“What a pity!” Said Gil, extending his right hand. But at this time, Jingqu and Hongmo’s right hands suddenly held each other’s hands together, and a black light spot instantly dispersed. Just like the previous situation when the world returned, everyone seemed to be stopped. Although the black halo spread not very fast, the movements of Hong Mo and others were no different from stillness.

However, at this time, Segil’s whole body suddenly erupted with transparent flames, and his right hand slowly moved towards the position where Hong Mo and Jingqu were holding each other. Although Sejir’s movements were also very slow, they were countless times faster than Hong Mo and others who seemed to be standing still.

Just when the black halo was about to completely envelope Hong Mo and the others, Segil also placed his hand on Hong Mo’s right hand. There was a slight popping sound, and the holy robe on Hong Mo’s right hand shone for a few times, and then Hong Mo instantly found that his right hand exploded into a ball of plasma. Hong Mo could feel that this was not a physical impact, but some other attack method, and the most important thing was…

The holy clothes cannot be completely defended!

At this time, the black halo seemed to be disturbed. It suddenly distorted a few times and then disappeared.

After Hong Mo was able to move, he immediately exploded with the power of his mind. He put the five fingers of his left hand together, flashed the law of ignoring defense, and stabbed Segil’s front fiercely. However, Sejir’s right hand directly grabbed Hong Mo’s left hand, and then a circle of energy exploded.

There was another popping sound, and Hong Mo’s left hand turned directly into a ball of plasma, leaving only the blood-stained holy clothes hanging empty on both sides. However, Segil, who was blocking the red ink, suddenly trembled with his right hand, as if he had been stung by a poisonous scorpion.

Taking advantage of this momentary opportunity, Hong Mo’s right hand recovered again, and the power of the long sword was completely released. With the ability to ignore defense, he stabbed Sejir fiercely in front of him. But this time, the intensity of the red ink attack has reached level 6, and is still increasing as the power of the mind gradually explodes.

“Hmph!” Unexpectedly, even though he thought everything was under control, he suffered a secret loss at the hands of Hong Mo. Segil was in a very bad mood now. His right hand stretched out again, but with the text of law contained in the palm, Segil directly grabbed the long knife of red ink.

After another collision, Hong Mo’s long knife collapsed directly from the tip into powder, and then spread towards Hong Mo’s body. There were slight crashing sounds, and half of Hong Mo’s body, including his right shoulder, collapsed into atoms. However, Segil also felt uncomfortable. He originally thought that there would be no problem if he was prepared this time, but he did not expect that the damage would be even greater than before.

A strange electromagnetic force instantly broke through his defense and penetrated towards the soul space.

Sejir instantly stood there as if struck by lightning, his body and soul were stinging uncomfortably, and there was also a strange electric current in his body that caused paralysis. At this time, the power of Hong Mo’s mind shines, and his collapsed body is restored to wholeness again, as if he has gone back in time. However, Hong Mo was also extremely surprised. He did not expect that Segil had such an ability.

It should be…decomposition!

Segir can instantly analyze and decompose the objects touched by his right hand into the most basic atoms. However, the more complex the structure of the object, the harder it is for his ability to exert its maximum effect. For example, the red ink holy clothes, although the light on them dimmed by almost half, still did not collapse.

Soon, when Hong Mo’s body recovered, Sejir also recovered from the heavy damage in the soul space. But this time, Segil barely hesitated and punched directly in the direction of Hong Mo. Similarly, Hong Mo also exploded all the power of his mind, raising his strength to level 7 at this moment.

A dark red thunder gun flew out of Hong Mo’s hand in an instant, and then collided with the invisible fist!

After the thunder gun was released, the aura on Hong Mo’s body was like an ebbing tide, falling vertically and falling to the bottom in an instant. Not to mention lv4, he almost didn’t even have the strength of lv1. He even lost the ability to fly and fell directly towards the jungle below.

The power of the Divine Spear and the Great Collapse Fist collided instantly, and terrifying fluctuations radiated in all directions. With Hong Mo and Sejir as the center, all materials instantly became like weathering, directly turning into the most basic atomic powder. Hong Mo, whose power of mind had fallen, was also directly involved, and his body collapsed instantly, leaving only a dim holy garment, floating towards the ground.

Segil did not pay attention to what happened to Hong Mo. Instead, he put his hands together in front of him, gritted his teeth and clamped the magic gun, and at the same time, his body began to spin to avoid it. However, at this time, a snow-white long knife suddenly appeared from the top of his head and stabbed into the top of his head silently.


Sejir was shocked when severe pain came from the top of his head. At this time, the magic gun in his hand also lost its restraint and instantly passed through his soul space. It was like the sound of something breaking. At this moment, Segil’s eyes turned blood red. He grabbed the long knife above his head and punched the sky with his right fist.

There is no name for the move, but Segil’s punch is even more terrifying than the previous Big Collapse Fist. A halo like a supernova exploded from his fist in an instant. Everything the halo touched was instantly decomposed and turned into atoms like gravel. The snow-white long knife he held in his hand also had countless tiny cracks and was about to shatter.

The blood lotus shield around Huang Baiyi’s body only offset it for a moment before collapsing directly. Then a terrifying force came directly from in front of her and began to destroy her body. Making a quick decision, Huang Baiyi let go of the long knife in his hand and disappeared into the subspace. However, in the subspace, Huang Baiyi covered her head and kept spurting blood from her mouth.

So strong!

Only at this moment did Huang Baiyi finally understand how powerful this Prince Segil was. I just saw Hong Mo and Sejir exchange a few tepid moves, and I thought it was nothing more than that. It turns out that any seemingly simple move can be fatal. However, Huang Baiyi didn’t think much about it and flew out instantly, flying towards the direction of Jingqu and Yinsi.

Huang Baiyi now has many questions in her mind. Why have the strength of the people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion become so poor? Also, is that really Hong Mo? It is completely different from the Hong Mo I have seen before, and its strength is also very different. What is going on in this world?

After the fight between Hong Mo and Sejir, Jingqu and Yinsi turned around and ran away. This is Hong Mo’s order. People in the Scarlet Devil Mansion never engage in meaningless sensationalism. It is useless for them to stay here. They might as well run away. As a result, the battle between Hong Mo and Sejir was too fast. The two of them had not flown far before they were hit by the first wave of impact.

After Jingqu resonated with the Yinsi force field, she struggled to withstand the aftermath, but her energy was severely damaged. As a result, before the two of them could recover, the second wave of impact came again.

Are you going to die?

While the two were thinking this, a black space crack suddenly pulled them in.

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