Puppet Curse Chapter 665: It’s not a secret


bsp;?”It’s been a long time since this piece of gem meat was taken out, won’t its activity be lost?” Lingyin asked curiously. –.

The Xingling brothers and sisters couldn’t help but separate after hearing this, and answered Suzanne’s question seriously. The two brothers and sisters were not fools. From the fact that Jingxin brought this piece of gem meat, we knew what must have happened behind the scenes. Without Miss Remilia and the others, it would probably not have been so easy to obtain this piece of gem meat.

“Well, gem meat is very special. Even if it is stored for many days, the activity will not be lost. It can still increase the activity level of the capture master, or be used for foundation building. As for other ingredients, if you want to increase the activity of , there are very strict time requirements. For example, the ingredients in the Plateau Wind made today can enhance the activity of the body. However, because the time has passed, this effect has been lost and it can only become a Simple ingredients.” Xiaoxing explained.

Lingyin nodded. Lingyin and the others had already learned about this basic common sense from the Internet, but there was no news about gem meat at all.

Steps to become a capture master:

1.** Active activation. Using certain activating ingredients can not only activate your own biological activity, but also gain some special abilities. Some people with special talents can simply ignore this step, because their bodies have been active since birth.

2. Find the ingredients in the advanced recipes that suit you, and increase the activity of your body step by step. Due to luck and personal reasons, this can increase ** activity by 3-5 points at a time.

2-1. Eat highly active ingredients directly and ignore advanced recipes. The ** activity of this one-time increase is uncertain and will increase as the level of the ingredients increases. This method of improvement is very fast. As long as there are high enough ingredients, it is enough. However, it has a drawback.

However, whether you are consuming ingredients from advanced recipes or consuming high-level ingredients, there is a time limit, and this time is usually not long. Therefore, if you want to increase your activity level, you must capture the ingredients yourself. It is basically impossible to buy it from the market. As time passes, even the original high-grade ingredients will become just ingredients.

For example, the various ingredients in the square now have lost their time and can only become simple ingredients.

3. According to your own advanced recipe, increase the ** activity to above 100, and then you can transform. If you forcibly consume high-grade ingredients to increase your ** activity, you will never be able to reach 100 ** activity. In other words, you will never be able to transform, and you will never be able to compete with the top powerhouses.

After the transformation, you can eat whatever you want, and you are not afraid of disturbing your advanced diet. However, if you cannot eat the ingredients in your advanced recipe, you will not be able to improve your strength.

The power system on Gem Star is not complicated, it can be said to be simple. If you want to improve your strength, you only need one step – eat!

However, the specific process is not as simple as it appears. If you want to transform, you must eat according to your own advanced recipes, and there are countless ingredients on the Gem Star. Unless you eat it, no one knows what your advanced ingredients are. Moreover, if you want to There are huge dangers in getting these ingredients.

For example, Xiaoxing’s current ** activity is 27. It can be basically judged that his next advanced recipe is an ingredient with an activity level of 27-37. At this stage, more than 12,000 kinds of ingredients have been discovered, and the capture level of each type is basically above level 27. In other words, with Xiaoxing’s strength, these ingredients can be captured alone. , it is likely to be life-threatening.

However, due to time constraints, these ingredients basically need to be caught by hand and eaten immediately to be effective. Therefore, the capture master has to face the danger himself to find these ingredients.

And this reason is also why space rings are so precious in Gem Star. The space ring isolates the space and can ensure that the activity of the food is not volatilized and remains at the moment before it is inserted into the space ring…


Using gem meat to build a foundation is incredibly simple. Originally, Suzune and the others thought there were complicated procedures like this, but in the end, they only needed one step – eat! Xiao Ling, a girl who looked half the size of Gem Meat, just ate the Gem Meat whole in big mouthfuls, and then… nothing happened after that.

“Is this done?” Suzuyin and the others were surprised. The Thunder-footed Leopard from last time had some strange changes.

“Well, it’s done!” Xiao Ling opened his eyes and replied with a smile.

Lingyin can’t see any difference between Xiao Ling and before. For Ling Yin and the others, Xiao Ling’s change is probably from a cannon fodder with a combat power of 5 to a cannon fodder with a combat power of 5.1. There is no difference at all.

The food court was very lively, but these people all avoided where Suzuyin and the others were. Even when the gem meat was taken out, these people just watched from a distance. Even an ordinary person can clearly feel the aura surrounding Suzune that prevents strangers from entering.

The five spiritually bound light beam prisons have all collapsed, and those who were originally bound in place have regained their freedom. However, after this period of struggle, most of these guys have calmed down and did not fight again. Instead, they looked at the scene on the stage with complicated eyes.

“You, let’s go!” Xiang said to the little loli girl, with very frustrated eyes.

“Yes!” Although You answered, his feet did not move, and one hand held Xiang’s sleeve tightly. Feeling the power on his sleeves, Xiang couldn’t help but stop and looked over with You’s eyes.

Lingyin and Jingxin both felt the gaze here and couldn’t help but look over here.

“Let’s go, Xiang!” This time the little loli didn’t look any further, turned around and walked out before her partner. From Xiang’s words, You already knew that it was the beautiful Tianpa star sister who saved her. The secret skills of the Tianpa Stars are really enviable, but they are too difficult to obtain.

“Let’s go back too!” Lingyin said to several people.

“Ah, by the way, tell Qiaolu that if you want to find me, come to Xingling Hotel and I will wait.” Lingyin said to the host, and then led everyone from the food Leave on the square.


At this time, the Sanzhi Royal Family, the Tianpa star royal family, had already become serious. After the food competition started, Qiaolu immediately reported the news about the Scarlet Devil Mansion to the Sanzhi Royal Clan where he belonged, and the news immediately gained the attention of the Sanzhi Royal Clan.

“Tell me everything about your meeting with Miss Remilia in detail.” After learning the news reported by Qiaolu Sanzhi, Zhenglong Sanzhi, the leader of the Sanzhi Royal Clan, immediately met him in person. Qiaolu looked very solemn.

“You mean, that Miss Remilia can also use force?”

“Yes, very powerful!” Qiao Lu Sanzhi nodded.

“Very powerful? How is it better than this?” Zhenglong Sanzhi said, and a ferocious three-headed dragon appeared behind him. It looked like it should be some kind of powerful creature on this gem star.


“…!” Qiao Lu Sanzhi remained silent, not daring to answer.

“Don’t worry, just say it.” Zhenglong Sanzhi basically guessed the result when he saw Qiao Lusanzhi’s appearance.

“Please forgive my grandson for being unreasonable. Grandpa’s power is not on the same level as that of Remilia.” Qiao Lu Sanzhi said solemnly with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. Zhenglong Sanzhi was slightly shocked when he heard this. Although he had already guessed this result, when he actually heard the fact, he realized that it was not so easy to accept.

“Really so strong?”

“Although it was only for a moment, the feeling was extremely profound. Under the influence of Miss Remilia, I couldn’t muster the courage to resist at all. I was like fish on the chopping board, I could only let it be slaughtered. .” Qiao Lu Sanzhi was no longer afraid at this time. He had already said it anyway, so why not say it clearly at once.

“That’s it…!” After hearing this, Zhenglong Sanzhi sighed, thoughtfully.


“If I guess correctly, Miss Remilia is a powerful person in the universe.” Zhenglong Sanzhi explained.

“The strong man in the universe?”

“Well, you’re a strong man in the universe, that’s all. Since you have this opportunity, I will explain it to you. Remember, don’t spread these things casually.” Zhenglong Sanzhi said solemnly.

“Yes!” Qiao Lu Sanzhi looked extremely excited. Grandpa said this, which meant that he could touch some of the secrets of the royal family.

“In the Patomi Star Territory, the common power system is to give birth to war babies. If you give birth to one war baby, you can be called a war general. If you give birth to two war babies, you can be called a super war general. If you give birth to three war babies, you can be called a super general. A war baby can be called a strong man in the universe… The spaceship that crashed back then was just an exploration spaceship. The most powerful one in it was just a high-level war general, and he only gave birth to a war baby once. Just a baby…”

“Is the loss really that big?”

“Well, it was very big, but its strength was low. It didn’t even have the strength to resist the gravity of this planet, so it was crushed directly. And there were only a dozen high-level warriors and six who had reached the level of warriors left. Just people. Our Sanzhi family is one of them.”

“What is lost is not only the personnel, but the most important thing is the gap in scientific and technological knowledge. You know, the technical personnel are usually not very strong, and they basically die completely. Therefore, we also lost Returning to the technological strength of the Patomi Star Territory. Fortunately, everyone is very easy-going. Although they cannot return to the Patomi Star Territory, it is still a good choice to occupy the king’s territory on such a hidden planet. Even better than going back to Patomi…”

“Later, everyone discovered that various foods on this planet can speed up the growth of war babies. Therefore, the group of people who survived basically gave birth to three war babies, and some even gave birth to more than 30 war babies. Four or five. But…” Zhenglong Sanzhi looked bitter.

“In the final analysis, our group is just an expedition team. The one with the highest strength, that is, the senior general, has only been exposed to this power system. Although he knows how to breed three warriors, Infants can be called the strongest in the universe, but in the end, we found that the difference in strength between three battle infants and two battle infants is not that big.”

“Is it because of the lack of future training materials?” Qiao Lu Sanzhi said.

“Yes!” Zhenglong Sanzhi did not deny it.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion is very important. Judging from the strength displayed by this Remilia, he is definitely a genuine powerhouse in the universe. The Scarlet Devil Mansion has what we need most, training materials, so we must prepare it well Let’s see if we can get these things,” Zhenglong said very solemnly.

“Can’t you grab it?” As soon as Qiao Lu opened his mouth, he knew that he had asked a stupid question. Judging from the fact that he couldn’t move under the pressure of Miss Remilia’s power, who would dare to do such a stupid thing.

“Understood? Don’t make such stupid ideas. I will go see that Miss Remilia tomorrow.”

“Grandpa, you personally…!”

“It’s time to see your identity clearly. It’s no longer the time when Tianpa people are superior.” Zhenglong Sanzhi said in a low voice. To become the leader of a royal family, vision is essential. To see the first release without advertisements, please go to –.

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