Puppet Curse Chapter 664: Taking precedence over others


bsp;At this time, Xiaoxing almost always performed beyond his normal capabilities. He quickly waved the skate in his right hand and completed all the steps that needed to be handled with a kitchen knife.

Little Ling is also very smart. He cooperates with his brother to complete these steps before starting to prepare others. Looking at his brother’s shivering look, Xiao Ling knew what kind of cold his brother would have to endure while holding this skate. The whole process went on under everyone’s attention.

“It’s done, our full menu, [Plateau Wind]!”

Appetizer – delicious grass!

Soup – thick wind pulp soup!

Fish cuisine – High Rock Shark!

Meat cuisine – eight-legged plesiosaur!

The main course – the ancient beetle!

Salad–curly lettuce!

Dessert – Caiyun Fruit!

Drink-Dragon Blood!

“The eight parts of the full menu are all made from ingredients unique to the Padola Plateau. Therefore, I call this menu the style of the plateau and invite all judges to taste it.” At this time, Xiaoxing’s face had already turned purple, and his breath was filled with a chill.

“Brother, why don’t you throw down the skates quickly!” Xiao Ling pulled his brother, anxious. However, Xiaoxing smiled bitterly upon hearing this, and then looked at Ba Shang. I guess only Ba Shang could see that Xiaoxing didn’t want to drop the skate, but just couldn’t. Xiaoxing’s right hand was completely frozen with the skate.

“If he wants to drop the knife, he has to cut off his hand.” Bashang said.

Hands are the chef’s life, they must be taken care of, how could they be willing to cut them off? Obviously, if you want to throw away the skates, you need to ask Miss Remilia for help.

“When I ask the eldest lady to taste it later, you can ask the eldest lady to help you take off the skates.” Ba Shang said at the end.

At this time, other chefs had almost completed their entire menus, and the entire food court was filled with a strong fragrance. The aroma of various foods strongly stimulates everyone’s appetite.

“Now, I would like to invite all the judges to taste the full menu and then select the winner of this food competition.” The host announced again.

But this time when tasting the food, it was not in the order in which the judges were introduced before, but Lingyin came first. Obviously everyone present is not an idiot. Just look at the simple show of Suzune’s hand just now, letting these ‘foodies’ and ‘experts’ know that the loli is not a good person.

Lingyin didn’t show any politeness, so she took the first step of the way and tasted one dish after another along the nearest position. Not only Suzune was tasting, but Dye who was following Suzune also tasted every dish, which seemed natural.

“So Miss Remilia, what do you think of this dish?” the host walked up to Suzune and asked.


It’s so sweet. This fat is so delicious. It’s like the combination of the highest-grade baleen whale pork belly and black tuna tenderloin. The more you chew, the more flavorful it becomes. The fragrance penetrates the whole body, and it’s sweet… This is what the so-called view refers to, right? but…….

Lingyin is not a so-called gourmet at all, bastard!

Furthermore, Suzune has never tasted a few types of food on this planet. She doesn’t even know what these ingredients are. How do you want me to give my so-called opinion? After a few dark words of ridicule in her heart, Suzune said two words with a calm face.

“Not bad!”

Huh? Everyone, including the host, was stunned. Just two words, good? However, these people found reasonable excuses for themselves in an instant. Tianpa Star people, for such noble beings, probably eat delicacies every day. This so-called food competition is probably only good in the eyes of Miss Remilia. I’m afraid this is not bad, maybe I just said it because I was afraid of being left in the cold…

Lingyin tasted one dish after another. If it was delicious, he would take two more bites. Dye followed step by step. When he saw which dish Suzune took two more bites, he also took two more bites and remembered it in his heart. .

The host did not continue to come to Lingyin to cause trouble, but turned to the other judges.

It didn’t take long for Suzune to arrive at the final contestant chef, the Xingling brothers and sisters. Originally, their brother and sister were not favored by others, so the location they were assigned was also the most remote place. It was not surprising that they were the last one. As soon as Suzune arrived, Xiao Ling ran over and said anxiously to Suzune.

“Miss Remilia, please help my brother…”

“Hand out!” Lingyin said directly to Xiaoxing. After Xiaoxing stretched out her right hand that had been completely frozen with the skate, Suzune gently stroked it. The originally sturdy ice blade instantly lost its coldness and turned into mellow fire wine and flowed to the ground. At the same time, a stream of healing water spiritual power was also shot into Xiaoxing’s right hand by Suzune.

After doing all this, Suzuyin held hands with D Ye, and then let Ba Shang taste the so-called plateau wind together.

Even Ling Yin couldn’t help but squint her eyes when tasting the full menu. No need to doubt it, even if you are not a gourmet, Ringtone can tell that this full menu is more delicious than the previous one. It’s as if all the flavors are frozen in these ingredients and not lost at all.

“This is…?”

“Well, I just discovered that because the ice skates condensed by Miss Remilia are used, the deliciousness of all the ingredients is frozen in the ingredients without losing a bit. It can be said to be almost perfect. Taste.” Xiaoxing nodded.

“Haha~~!” Lingyin nodded lightly.

Soon, the other judges also tasted it, and after taking a bite of this so-called plateau wind, all the judges’ expressions changed. All the judges made excited comments, all of which were words of praise. Only one of them, the old man, could tell the reason why it was really delicious. It’s what Xiaoxing said before. The cold air of the ice blade freezes all the delicious food in the ingredients without losing any of it.

After hearing this reason, the audience below suddenly realized.

Soon, the results of the food competition were discussed. Originally, the judges wanted to make Xiaoxing and Xiaoling the winners because of the face of Miss Remilia, who did not know her true identity. But after they tasted all the food, they had to admit that there was no need for this. These brothers and sisters had the strength.

“Then I announce that the winners of this food competition are-Xiao Xing Xiao Ling brother and sister!” the host of the food competition announced in a long voice. The audience below immediately cheered, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly reached a high point.

“Gem meat, gem meat…!” The audience below roared again, obviously wanting to see the brothers and sisters Xiaoxing and Ling get gem meat.

The host is embarrassed. Jeweled Meat, I don’t know where I am at this time. This food competition is just a conspiracy to attract the rebels. However, judging by the enthusiasm of the audience, if Gem Flesh was gone, she would probably be torn into pieces.

At this time, Lingyin stood up, came to the stage, stepped lightly with her little feet, and an invisible ripple spread out. Everyone’s original enthusiasm suddenly became silent.

“You still need to wait two minutes for the gem meat, and I will personally award it to the brothers and sisters Xiaoxing and Xiaoling. Next, I will announce one more thing. You can taste the food on site freely. I believe the chefs will satisfy everyone. Oh yes. “Hey, don’t be too greedy. It’s best for everyone to focus on tasting, otherwise although there is a lot of food, it will not be enough for everyone.” After Lingyin finished speaking, he returned to his seat.

After being stunned for a moment, the originally calm crowd immediately cheered. No one doubted the authenticity of Ling Yin’s words. Tianpa people care about face the most, and Lingyin has shown his strength several times. Such a master will not lie to civilians like them.

The full menu from dozens of chefs is very rich. Take the brother and sister Xiaoxing and Xiaoling as an example. The main dish of ancient beetle giant claws alone is a pair of more than ten meters long…

The atmosphere in the square suddenly became heated, and countless ordinary people flocked to those delicacies. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to taste food of this level. These ordinary people were intimidated by the pressure of Ling Yin, but they did not appear chaotic. They also followed Ling Yin’s requirements and focused on tasting instead of feasting on a single precious ingredient.

At this time, Jingxin also defeated all opponents, whether they were the royal power of the original Qingtao City, the rebel forces, or those who acted alone, they were all locked in the Five Beams Prison. in.

Soon, Jingxin flew over from the sky carrying the gem meat. “Miss, the mission is accomplished!” Jingxin said to Lingyin, standing aside respectfully.

“Untie the light prison, there is no need to restrain it now.” Suzune said lightly, and then looked at this strange piece of gem meat curiously. Not long after, Suzune said to the Xingling siblings beside her.

“This is yours!”

The Xingling brothers and sisters did not doubt the authenticity of Lingyin’s words. He was the winner of this food competition and was eligible to receive this gem of meat. Although I don’t know why Sister Jingxin brought this piece of gem meat, it doesn’t matter, as long as I get the gem meat, that’s enough.

“Brother, please eat quickly, you haven’t found a suitable advanced recipe for three years.” Xiao Ling said to his brother. However, Xiaoxing shook her head and looked at her sister tenderly.

“Xiao Ling, this is for building your foundation and activating cell activity.”

“Foundation building?”

“Well, gem meat is a precious ingredient accidentally condensed in the body of super ferocious wild beasts that capture level 100 or above. The activity level is very high. In addition to steadily increasing the activity of the body without disturbing the advanced recipes, it can also be used For ordinary people, the sexual activity activated by gem meat does not have any special ability, but it can make one become extremely friendly to all ingredients. This is what a chef really needs,” Xiaoxing explained lightly. road.

“But brother…!” Xiao Ling wanted to say something else, but Xiao Xing covered her mouth with her hand, stopping her from continuing.

“Listen to my brother.”

“…Okay!” Xiao Ling hesitated for a while, then nodded.



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