Puppet Curse Chapter 657: Gem Star


bsp;?The members of this team were taken away with an uneasy feeling, and then Suzune turned around: “I will sort out the things I obtained, and I will tell you together when Fran and the others come back. –.”

After Suzune returned to the spaceship, D Ye immediately rushed out and followed Suzune step by step.

As the future head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Izayoi Diya is very popular. Although she still looks like she is only five or six years old, she is actually in her twenties. Although his mind has matured, he still looks very young due to the size of a child and the monotonous life in a spaceship.

“Miss!”? Dye walked respectfully beside Suzuyin. In the Scarlet Devil Mansion, among the younger generation, only Izayoi and D. Night are left. The others can basically withstand the gravity of this planet, except for D. Night.

“Dye, do you want to see a different world?” Lingyin said to Dye.

“A different world?”

“Yes, this is also a civilized planet, but the level of civilization is not that developed. However, it is very colorful.” Lingyin thought of what she saw in Xinlong’s memory. It’s a really interesting planet, with countless complicated ingredients, ** cell active factors… maybe you can find ingredients that allow war babies to grow quickly.

“But, I can’t bear the gravity…!”

“No problem, just stay with me.”

“But, it’s obvious that I should be the one to protect the eldest lady…” ?D Ye was still about to say something, but Lingyin suddenly turned around and pinched ?D Ye’s pouty little face. The chubby little face is indeed the cutest. Although Dye’s body grows slowly, it is obvious that he will be an adult in another hundred years, but his body seems to never grow up. …resentment.


“Who are they?” The group of fourteen people who were brought down couldn’t help but start talking.

“I don’t know, they should be from the Tianpa Star. However, I have never seen such a kind Tianpa Star. Moreover, their strength is terrifyingly powerful.” Qiao’er recalled that she had been controlled silently just now. In one scene, the little girl completely lost control of her body without even seeing what she was doing.

“Speaking of which, Xinlong, how are you feeling now?” Qiao’er asked the girl who had been acting silly since just now.

“Ah! Ah…, I feel very good now, as if my illness has been cured.” Xinlong came back to his senses after being called like this. Thinking of that girl who was younger than herself, Xinlong felt an inexplicable feeling of closeness in her heart. Although Xixinle was not completed, it still had an impact on this Xinlong.

“They are Tianpa Star people. Absolutely. Only Tianpa Star people have this weird ability. I have seen it before.” The silent captain suddenly interjected.

“Tianpa Star…!” Everyone couldn’t help but fell into silence again after hearing the words.


Originally, it was simply to inquire about information, so the four teams sent out did not go far. After a few hours, they all returned to the spaceship. Obviously, except for Long Meiling, who was lucky, no one else gained much.

After everyone returned, the Scarlet Devil Mansion held a meeting in the spaceship.

“This planet, called Gem Star, belongs to a hierarchical society. However, the level of science and technology has reached the level of a civilized society, at least much higher than the previous Earth. At the top is the pure-blood Tianpa Star people have absolute power. According to the laws of this planet, Tianpa Star people are absolute. No matter what they do, they are correct…” When Lingyin said this, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion couldn’t help but look strange. smile.

There is actually such a system…!

“The second class of people are the mixed blood of Tianpa people. This group of people is relatively large in number and can be regarded as the real ruling class. The third class is the human beings with their own characteristics that we have seen before. The name is Gemstone Starman,” said Suzuyin.

“In addition, this planet is not peaceful. Some Gem Stars are revolting and want to overthrow the rule of the Tianpa Stars. By the way, the people in that team are members of the rebel army, and the one named Xinlong The girl was valued because of her ability to sense the ingredients that everyone needs, so she came to the Padola Plateau to find a colorful cloud fruit to treat heart muscle atrophy…”

“Perception of ingredients?” Everyone was puzzled.

“Well, ingredients. This involves the power system on the Gem Star, advanced recipes. For some people on this planet, as long as they eat, they can increase the activity of their cells and improve their strength…” The ring tone started again. Gradually explain what advanced recipes are…

“That little girl doesn’t know much, and I only have a rough understanding of Xinxinle. For more information, please go out and find out. This planet, not a particularly powerful high-martial planet, should not Is there any danger? But what I am more concerned about is that we all look like people from the Tianpa planet, so there may be some trouble,” Suzuyin concluded.


In the next few days, the Scarlet Devil Mansion asked the team some questions, and then analyzed what exactly happened to this gem star.

About thirteen thousand years ago, Patomi’s exploration spaceship broke into this planet. At that time, the planet was still in the stage of intellectual enlightenment, and these gem aliens were more like beasts than humans. Those who accidentally survived the Patomi expedition used superhuman strength and technology far more advanced than this planet to rule one-seventh of the planet.

So far, the people who survived the expedition call themselves the Tianpa Stars, and the native humans here are called the Gem Stars. And the long-term rule has made the so-called Tianpa people an absolutely special ethnic group with supreme power…

Of course, these things are just analyzed by Chu Lingxin based on the information given by this group of people. In the outside world, the so-called Tianpa Star people are the ‘messengers chosen by God’ and are here to save the existence of the Gem Star people. …. Recently, a group of Gem Stars who have been oppressed for a long time are preparing to revolt and overthrow the rule of the Tianpa Stars…

“Who are you?” The captain of this small team summoned up the courage to finally ask out of fear.

“Scarlet Devil Mansion!” Suzune replied calmly. After knowing that this planet had no connection with the Patomi Star Territory Federation, Suzune breathed a sigh of relief.


Three days later, the fourteen-man team was sent out by the people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. At the same time, the Scarlet Devil Mansion also dispatched three four-man teams and flew towards the nearest big city for collection. information. As for the others, they are preparing to build a base on the Padola Plateau.

Although Suzune learned that there were countless powerful creatures on the Padora Plateau, which was basically a restricted area for ordinary human life, such creatures really were not in the eyes of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The final location of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is next to a lake on the Padora Plateau. This lake is very large, but very beautiful – if you don’t count the ferocious aquatic creatures in the lake and the powerful wild beasts that often come here to drink water. words. The Scarlet Devil Mansion decided to build a small mansion by the lake. Of course, the real core building was underground.

After drawing up a simple building plan, Suzanne was ready to leave to see what this planet really looked like.

There are not many people working with Ling Yin, only three people: D Ye, Bashang, and Jing Xin. ?D Ye needs to see the real human world, and Bashang and Jingxin can be considered bodyguards. Especially Bashang, one of his abilities is gravity control, which can help D Ye resist the strong gravity of this planet.

After flying for a day, Lingyin and others arrived outside a town. It can be seen that this simple town is very lively. However, when the four Suzunes first entered the town, the lively atmosphere around them immediately cooled down and became silent.

Although they had known for a long time that this was an area occupied by the Gem Stars and were at war with the Tianpa Stars, such a reaction still made Suzuyin and the others a little stunned.

Everyone stared coldly at the four bell sounds, with hatred, panic, and fear mixed in their eyes. However, even if they were hostile, these people did not move. They just stared at the four Suzunes without saying a word.

“Tianpa Star people, are you here looking for death?” Suddenly, a loud voice came from the distant receiver. To see the first release without advertisements, please go to –.

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