Puppet Curse Chapter 629: Thousand Lotus Shield


bsp;?Just after the old man who looked like the old immortal in the painting caught the bead that was accidentally formed and had an unknown purpose, the Linshen seal slowly swimming on it suddenly erupted again, one that was not too big. But there was also a seal with a radius of several meters that enveloped the old man instantly.

Having seen how Shabia and the planet’s consciousness clone were squeezed into beads without resistance before, no one gave up their vigilance. The moment the seal appeared again, all those who had thoughts of possessing the bead because of the big snake’s actions suddenly felt their hearts skip a beat.


Seeing the big snake retreating behind him without hesitation, the others also retreated violently. The old man who grabbed the bead was so frightened that he shook his right hand desperately, trying to throw the bead away. I originally thought that this bead must be as hard to shake off as brown candy. The old man was already ready to cut off his wrist.

However, the bead flew out instantly after he flicked it, and the Linshen seal that had just appeared, after the bead left his palm, was retracted inside the bead and disappeared.

‘Get it! ’ Hong Mo discovered this scene through co-sensation, and his eyes immediately lit up.

The old man who threw the bead also realized immediately when he threw the bead. It turned out that no one knew what it was, and so did he. Everyone was just making a fuss. . The old man reacted and immediately shot out again, preparing to catch up with the bead.

God knows how much force the old man used when he panicked. The bead instantly cut through the space and shot towards the ground below. And this direction is exactly the same as the direction in which the big snake retreats.

After the surprise from the big snake and the old man, everyone was a little stunned. However, at this point, everyone realized that neither the big snake nor the old man knew what the bead was. Judging from the fact that the old man grabbed the bead and threw it out easily, this thing is not harmful for the time being.

The big snake had already flown out before receiving Hong Mo’s message. But this time, the big snake could be said to be at full speed. Before anyone could react, it caught up with the bead and grabbed it with one hand.

The bead was in the hand of the big snake, and the seal of God opened again. The big snake also felt it slightly, but now is not the time to study this in detail. Directly put this bead into the space ring…!

As soon as he turned around, the big snake stretched out his left hand towards the old man who was chasing him.

Force field oppression!

Planet consciousness can instinctively control the force field of Cypress. If the consciousness of the same planet is between them, of course it will not have any effect, but when facing other opponents, this power will be extremely powerful. .

A huge pressure instantly spread to the old man. An oval defensive energy shield beside the old man immediately emitted a bright light, and the lotus pattern on it circulated rapidly, resisting this huge pressure. But before the old man could stop, the snake pulled back hard with his left hand.

Completely unable to control his body, the old man was pulled violently by the big snake in an instant. Moreover, when flying over, the old man had already discovered that it was extremely difficult to move his body. The surrounding air, obviously unchanged, seemed to have become the strongest cage, tightly bound. Follow his movements.

“Boy, you are looking for death!” The old man shouted, his body did not move at all, but white energy like fairy energy spurted out instantly. And this white fairy energy condensed into a big hand and grabbed the big snake.

The force field vibrates!

A trace of contempt flashed in the big snake’s eyes, and with a quick step, he directly met the big hand. But halfway through, an inexplicable shock suddenly occurred, and the big hand suddenly dissipated. At this time, the big snake appeared in front of the old man’s astonished eyes. A not very gorgeous, but absolutely sharp spear instantly pierced the old man’s defensive shield.

“Ignorance, my Thousand Lotus Shield…!” When the old man saw Hong Mo’s movements, he still showed no fear at all. Instead, he was saying something.

Thousand Lotus Shields!

The seemingly ordinary defensive shield seems to have countless layers. Every time the spear pierces a layer, the lotus pattern on the surface blooms like a real lotus, turning into countless petals flying around. This blooming lotus is so beautiful, but it carries an incomparable killing intent. The big snake was unprepared, and its body was instantly cut with countless wounds by the flying lotus petals.

Although the big snake also supports a spiritual shield, compared with this Thousand Lotus Shield, the gap is simply incalculable.

Hong Mo didn’t care about the injury, but looked at the Thousand Lotus Shield with bright eyes.

Thousand Lotus Shield, isn’t this what the Scarlet Devil Mansion lacks. With the strength of the veteran cosmic powerhouse, it is true that even the same defensive energy shield has extraordinary effectiveness. And this is exactly what the Scarlet Devil Mansion lacks.

The enthusiasm in Hong Mo’s heart was deeply conveyed to Da She’s heart. Hong Mo wants to get what this old man has, especially the calculation formula of the Thousand Lotus Shield. Fortunately, Orochi and Hong Mo had already reached a consensus, that is, to kill the original Kashiwagi universe powerhouse and help the Scarlet Devil Mansion obtain the advanced information that the Scarlet Devil Mansion lacked. This can be regarded as Hong Mo’s price for lending his body to the big snake.

Not paying attention to the injuries on his body, the serpent spear continued to stab the old man without any hesitation.

The Thousand Lotus Shield looks like a thin film, but it actually seems to have a thousand layers. Every time the snake thinks it is about to break through, it blooms immediately, and then a new layer appears. As the number of times the Thousand Lotus Shield blooms increases, countless lotus petals are already flying in the space.

Although the Orochi controlled the planet and suppressed it with a force field, these lotus petals still caused great harm to the Orochi. Moreover, if the damage continues, it is not impossible for the big snake to be directly involved and turned into a pulp.

‘Forget it, back off for now! ’ Hong Mo doesn’t want the big snake to continue fighting like this.

Both Orochi and Hong Mo have calculated that the spear has pierced the 466-layer Thousand Lotus Shield just now. But if this Thousand Lotus Shield really has a thousand layers as the name says, then Orochi is He will never be able to hold on to the moment when he pierces the Thousand Lotus Shield. Moreover, God knows if these old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years have any other means. Even if they pierce the Thousand Lotus Shield, they may not be able to kill him.

A circle of transparent ripples instantly spread out on the big snake’s right arm holding the spear. There was a soft buzzing sound, and the old man who was originally restrained by the force field of the serpent was instantly ejected like a cannonball. Under the huge impact, a huge dent was created in the Thousand Lotus Shield.

With a loud bang, the old man was helplessly thrown into the lake below by the huge force, causing a huge splash of water.

After ejecting the old man with the force field, Orochi quietly looked at several other opponents who had stopped, two planet consciousness clones, and three Kashiwa Jupiter universe powerhouses. These five people had already stopped when the big snake and the old man started fighting. They obviously did not intend to intervene, but were ready to watch quietly and collect information about the battle.

The consciousness clones of the two planets did not feel that deeply, but all the strong men from the Kashiwa Jupiter universe present felt it very deeply. Not only the strong men from the universe who have appeared, but also the guy who is still hiding in the dark and holds the seal of Linshen, as well as Amos and Qingqin who have never made a move.

It has long been known that planet consciousness clones have the innate ability to control the force field of Cypress, but among planet consciousness clones, this ability is not very effective, so it is rarely used. I didn’t expect that this ability would be so powerful when dealing with other people.

As a veteran cosmic powerhouse, Gan Laoxian was suppressed to the point where he had no room to resist. If Gan Laoxian’s Thousand Lotus Shield defense wasn’t really superb, maybe Gan Laoxian would have been killed directly like this.

Not only were they surprised, even Gan Laoxian himself, who had penetrated the lake and sunk deeply into the ground, breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

Although his Thousand Lotus Shield is called Thousand Lotus Shield, in fact, it has not been perfected to that level, and it only has 513 levels. The reason why I talked about making the Thousand Lotus Shield is just because it sounds good and has momentum. Do you really want to name it Five Hundred Lotus Shields? Gan Laoxian would not dare to utter such a name and be embarrassed.

And just now, the spear of the planet’s consciousness clone actually broke through a full 466 levels… Gan Laoxian could feel that the guy who didn’t know whether it was red ink or a big snake still had some energy left. As long as he was willing, it wouldn’t be a problem to break through the 513th floor.

The reason why the opponent stopped was probably because judging from the name, he thought that the Thousand Lotus Shield really had a thousand layers.

Okay, okay!

Gan Laoxian’s heart, which had not fluctuated for many years, suddenly felt a bit of luck. It turned out that lying was also beneficial, at least it could make the enemy make mistakes in judgment. Otherwise, let’s just call it Wanlian Shield from now on, so that all opponents can’t even think of breaking through Wanlian Shield…

This kind of thought just happened by chance. If Gan Laoxian really wanted to give Gan Laoxian this name… at least it would have to be done when no opponent knew the details. As for Gan Laoxian’s background, the cosmic powerhouses of Bai Mu Xing still know it very well. No one would believe that Thousand Lotus Shield suddenly turned into Ten Thousand Lotus Shield.

After thinking in confusion for a while, Gan Laoxian stood up from the hole he made and looked up calmly through the turbid water curtain. Why did that big red ink snake suddenly attack him, just because he was fighting for that unknown bead?

How did Gan Laoxian know that through the cooperation with Hong Mo, the big snake had reached a consensus and regarded all the powerful men of the Cypress Planet as prey?

Yes, prey! The Scarlet Devil Mansion needs everything the powerful man in the universe possesses, including advanced techniques, calculation formulas, Horcruxes, materials… For example, at this time, Hong Mo was already very interested in Gan Laoxian’s Thousand Lotus Shield and was determined to win it.



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