Puppet Curse Chapter 628: Blood and flesh beads


bsp;? With Shabia’s lv6 strength, he is completely unable to resist the attack of the powerful man in the universe, let alone such a sneak attack without any trace. The heart was penetrated instantly, and a huge hole appeared that could be seen on the other side.

Although such an injury is extremely heavy, Shabia is a lv6 strong man after all, so it is not fatal, but is it just that?

This sudden attack shocked everyone. Da She and Hong Mo exchanged words with each other and became even more cautious. The other three planet consciousness clones were also stunned and immediately put on guard. There was no sign of the attack before it appeared. If it weren’t for the ripples on the Linshen seal, I might not have known when the attack would appear. And the seal that still hasn’t dissipated…

Although there is no analysis of the Scarlet Devil Mansion like Orochi, anyone who is not an idiot can see that the seal is specifically aimed at the planetary consciousness clone. It turns out that the consciousness clone of the planet has long been a target in the eyes of others.

Since Orochi killed the remaining planet consciousness clones with absolute speed and absolute attack, all the remaining planet consciousness clones have been increasing in strength at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, at this time, the remaining three planet consciousness clones could not feel any peace of mind from the improved strength, but instead felt a chill.

However, why did the cosmic powerhouse who took action only attack the heart instead of directly attacking the soul space.

A huge mouthful of blood spurted out from Shabia’s mouth and sprayed directly on the face of the clone on the opposite planet. His heart burst, but with Shabia’s level 6 strength, he would not die in such a simple way. Every person with superpowers is a little powerful person with terrifyingly powerful vitality. However, is it really an accident that the powerful man from the universe does not attack the soul space?

After Shabia spat out a mouthful of blood, the light in his eyes dimmed instantly.

The Linshen seal was originally like extracting his life energy. If Shabia really succeeded in sealing it, then the sudden increase in strength could transform him again in an instant, thereby solving this problem. But at this time, under such severe interference, Linshen’s seal suddenly became as terrifying as a demon.

It is not clear what the complete Linshen Seal is. At least, the Spiritual God Seal used by Shabia has begun to backfire.

After Shabia was disturbed, the Immortal Seal instantly became unstable. Even though the war infants in Shabia’s soul space desperately maintained the vitality of the body and constantly stabilized the Immortal Seal, the huge Under the pressure, the Linshen seal still became chaotic.

Despite the chaos, the Linshen seal did not dissipate, but instead exploded with a more powerful attraction. In an instant, both Shabia and the planet’s consciousness clone were pulled together, as if they were being completely blended and squeezed together. This power is so huge that neither Shabia nor the planet’s consciousness clone can resist it.

In the soul space, Shabia’s war baby already wanted to escape, but at this time, he also faced the same dilemma as the planet’s consciousness clone – unable to escape.

The Linshen Seal seemed to suppress all laws, constantly merging and squeezing the two of them, muscles, bones, blood, souls, consciousness…

Of course Orochi and the others cannot see things like soul and consciousness, but the muscles, bones and blood are still clearly visible. The huge pressure generated by the Linshen seal turbulence merged Shabia and the planet’s consciousness clone and squeezed them together. The blood and meat sauce exploded, and then were squeezed again. The law chain of Linshen’s seal is wrapped around this ball of meat paste, shrinking and shrinking…

This is a **** flesh and blood compressor!

I’m used to seeing **** snakes and red ink, so of course I won’t feel anything, but I still feel a little disgusted. However, after the mass of flesh was mixed and squeezed to a certain extent, the original situation gradually became unclear. It looked like just a red sphere with the chains of laws constantly wandering on it, making the sphere , seems a bit mysterious.

After the last law chain spreading in the outer space disappeared on this sphere, the bodies of Shabia and the planet’s consciousness clones had long been squeezed into a blood-red sphere the size of a fist. On the surface of this blood-red sphere, there is a slightly red mist, and on the surface of the sphere, there are slowly changing and wandering laws.

This fist-sized sphere is suspended in the air, rotating slowly, exuding a slight pressure.

Through co-sensation, Hong Mo knew that this was the pressure of planetary consciousness, and the feeling of the big snake became even clearer. After the death of the planetary consciousness clone, there was no feeling of the planetary consciousness condensing. In other words, this part of the planetary consciousness was completely sealed, sealed in that exquisite flesh ball.

Not only Orochi felt this situation, but the consciousnesses of the other three planets also discovered this situation. Facing that exquisite flesh ball that could not be seen at all, the three planet consciousness clones even took a step back. Up to now, all the consciousness of the planet has been condensed on the five of them. In terms of their strength, they have far exceeded the ordinary lv7 universe powerhouses. I did not expect that one of them would be sealed so easily. .

“Interesting, interesting. The power of this seal is really powerful.” The strong man from the universe who made the attack looked at what was happening below, his eyes flashing with excitement and thinking.

The reason why he didn’t kill Shabia directly was because he wanted to test it. Even as a powerful person in the universe, he cannot guarantee that he will not be attacked by others when using the Linshen Seal. Death is definitely not guaranteed, but if you are injured, it may not be guaranteed. Attacking Shabia’s heart was because this cosmic powerhouse wanted to use Shabia as a test to see what would happen if he was attacked while using the Linshen Seal.

Now, the test has come out, but the results make even this powerful man in the universe feel a little scared.

Sabiya is only a strong person at lv6. Although there is a huge difference between lv6 and lv7, if you are also attacked when using the Linshen Seal, can you guarantee that you will not be like Sabi? Ya fell into it like that? Not only was the attacking cosmic powerhouse frightened, but the other cosmic powerhouse who held the Linshen seal also had lingering fears.

Lin Shen seal, achieve Lin Shen body, reach the sky in one step!

Now it seems that nothing in this world is so cheap. The more outrageous something is, the danger hidden behind it. One step to the sky may lead to a step into the abyss on the other side! That Shabia, only the main body’s heart was penetrated, not to mention that the battle infant was unharmed. If it had received timely treatment, I’m afraid the main body would not have died, but under the out-of-control Linshen seal… Zhan Ying… Zhan Ying had no chance to escape at all. It is estimated that they were all blended and squeezed to form the bead in the center. Let’s just call it beads. It sounds much better than meat **** or something like that.

However, beads…!

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the bead of flesh and blood floating in the center. Anyone who is not a fool can see that this bead has become a rare treasure because of a planetary consciousness clone, a lv6 strong man, and most importantly, the seal of Linshen.

Although it is still unclear what role this thing can actually play, it is definitely something that can only be encountered. Even if you know how to form it, I’m afraid it will be difficult to replicate it again in the future.

‘Get that bead! ’ The Scarlet Devil Mansion has a poor background. It has been plundering the Kashiwa Jupiter, and wants to grab a handful of everything it sees. Even Huang Mo’s cheongsam in white clothes collected the cut pieces. At this time, how could he not be moved by the appearance of such a bead of unknown purpose.

‘You really want everything. ’ The big snake smiled, but still flew towards the bead suspended in the air. Just as Orochi started to move, others immediately took action too.

Maybe these people don’t know the purpose of this accidentally formed bead, but who made the big snake move so quickly and without hesitation. In line with the idea that good things should not be taken advantage of by others, except for a few, most people couldn’t help it. Even the strong men of the universe hidden in the sky suddenly appeared and moved towards the star suspended in the center. Zhuzi rushed over.

The remaining four planet consciousness clones, except for the big snake, there were two others who subconsciously suppressed their fear of Linshen’s seal and rushed towards the beads. In addition to the three planetary consciousness clones, there are also four cosmic powerhouses on the Cypress planet. One of them is a cosmic powerhouse who holds the seal of Linshen.

However, the guy who attacked Shabia still did not show his body, and calmly watched the scene below.

Orochi inherited the speed from Hong Mo, very fast! But at this time, the big snake did not burst out at the highest speed, but seemed to be a beat slower than the first person. Because, Hong Mo reminded me of something.

‘Deliberately lagging behind and letting those people test the safety of this thing first. ’

Although Big Snake and Hong Mo are now two consciousnesses, and with the improvement of planetary consciousness, Big Snake and Hong Mo are increasingly out of sync. However, Orochi’s consciousness was derived from Hong Mo’s memory after all, so he still clearly understood Hong Mo’s plan.

So, the big snake was slow but the look of excitement and ecstasy on his face was so clear. It’s as if the big snake really knows the value of this thing, and after seeing this thing, it can’t suppress the ecstasy. Moreover, although the big snake was slow, it seemed to be affected by the previous attack, leaving no room for doubt.

After Orochi discovered that he was a little slower than the fastest guy, a trace of anxiety and unwillingness appeared on Orochi’s face. And this trace of anxiety and unwillingness made the first guy give up all doubts and really thought that this was a rare treasure.

“Hahaha, this thing belongs to me!” An old man with white hair flying like the old immortal in the painting grabbed the bead. This old man still has instinctive vigilance, and his hands are wrapped in a layer of white energy that is like fairy energy. However, just when the old man grabbed the bead, a flash of surprise flashed across his face!

At the same time, the big snake stopped pretending when he saw that the situation was not good. He accelerated in the same reverse direction and retreated instantly.



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