Puppet Curse Chapter 612: Completely self


bsp;?Lingyin is very worried about her father, but she has to admit that Chu Lingxin’s words are very reasonable. At this time, what if she goes, she is not just cannon fodder. Moreover, Suzune was not confident that she could be lucky enough to save her life like last time. The last time her mother tried to save her, she basically died. Next time, who should she rely on…

You still have to rely on yourself!

Lingyin looked at the ‘mantou’ that was unconsciously surrounding her, with a touch of love in her eyes. This is the remnant of her mother Mu Siyu’s consciousness. Lingyin knew that even if the consciousness of this guardian spirit gradually grew in the future, it would have nothing to do with Mu Siyu. However, the more she knew this, the more deeply Lingyin felt Mu Siyu’s dedication.

It turns out that we are the same kind of people! Suzuyin held the ‘steamed bun’, pressed her face against it, and curled up on the chair, looking extremely lonely and sad. Lingyin is not the kind of person with rich emotions. Even if something happens, he rarely shows it on his face. The same is true for Mu Siyu. Although he has obviously liked Lingyin very early, but because of the first meeting Unpleasant, so she always behaved aloof from Suzune.

Mother and daughter!

Suzune thought of other people, friends, subordinates who had died in the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the past few years… especially the Asamiya Kumiko who had been standing behind her. Kumiko, you…are gone too! Suzune suddenly wanted to cry, but she couldn’t. Suzune has been relatively calm ever since she heard the bad news about Asamiya Kumiko. On the surface, Suzune seems not to care about Asamiya Kumiko’s death, but who knows how hurt Suzune is in her heart.

Can’t cry, absolutely can’t cry!

At this time, the door suddenly rang, and Lingyin immediately rubbed her eyes, sitting on the chair with slightly red eyes. “Come in!” Ringtone said. The door opened and Fran walked in and glanced at her sister. Although I think my sister’s expression is a bit strange, most people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion are pinkeye sufferers… so there is nothing unusual about her.

“Sister, aren’t we going?” Fran asked anxiously.

“No, go!” Lingyin calmed down and said firmly. Ever since she thought of Asamiya Kumiko, Suzune had already decided that she must go…, she must! Dad must not have any accidents, otherwise…, Suzune didn’t know if she would be able to survive. Lingyin has never been away from Hong Mo. After coming out of the laboratory, she has become accustomed to Hong Mo’s side.

When Lingyin and Fran flew out of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Chu Lingxin knew it immediately. However, Chu Lingxin didn’t say anything and just continued to deduce the subsequent plan. The little fool stood beside him in a daze, and after a while, he suddenly came to his senses and asked.

“Sir Chu Lingxin, why don’t you stop the eldest lady and the others?”

Chu Lingxin said nothing when she heard this, and was still busy with her deduction. Just when the little fool thought that Chu Lingxin would not answer this question, she suddenly said something. “It would be great if I could stop it!” Chu Lingxin’s voice was very soft. The little fool thought he heard it wrong. However, he still didn’t understand. Looking at Chu Lingxin’s look, he knew that he wouldn’t explain it to her, so he could only bring her with him. I continued to be confused and stupid.

Chu Lingxin sighed slightly in her heart, Lingyin was not the kind of person to be arbitrary, and she would listen to good opinions, but that also depends on the aspect. Once the safety of Hong Mo is involved, Suzune will enter a completely self-conscious state, and other people’s advice and advice are of no use. Of course, the same goes for that guy Hong Mo…

I hope you can all come back, otherwise, my deduction plan will be meaningless! Chu Lingxin said one last thing in her heart, suddenly shrunk, and directly entered the little fool’s spiritual sea.

‘I’m taking a break, you can do whatever you want during this time! ’ After Chu Lingxin finished speaking, she became silent. The little fool is sitting there alone. Hey, what’s going on?


As soon as Hong Mo and the man in holy clothes fought, they didn’t hold back at all. This was different from before. There can never be peaceful coexistence between the consciousness clones of the planet. They can only devour or be devoured.

None of the planetary consciousness clones that can survive to this day are simple, and the simple ones have long been eliminated. This man, completely shrouded in the holy robe, has an extremely simple attack method, which is just fists and kicks, but the destructive power contained in it is really terrifying.

Of course, Hong Mo is not a vegetarian. He ignored the defensive current and suffered a loss for this guy at the first meeting. He originally wanted to use the holy clothes to defend Hong Mo from his attacks and forcefully kill Hong Mo with minor injuries. However, in the end, If he hadn’t reacted quickly, he might have died directly.

After suffering a loss, this guy seemed extremely cautious. If Hong Mo wanted to succeed, it would not be that simple. When it is really unavoidable, I would rather trade my life for my life than let Hong Mo succeed. The withered wasteland, which had not been peaceful for a long time, began to become lively and noisy again… This was no longer lively. The Luzhou Continent, centered on the withered wasteland, was even more severely damaged.

The four ancient monsters were completely marginalized at this time, as if they were suddenly excluded from the battlefield. ?Um, that Muna? There, preparing for a sneak attack, you don’t even look at his huge body… Moreover, having inherited Hong Mo’s fighting instinct, how could the consciousness clone of this planet be wrong? Uh-huh? Be wary.

“What should we do now?” Baman glanced at ?Hui and Snake Shadow, ?Hui did not answer, but looked at Snake Shadow. Both Huo and Baman have just come into contact with the Scarlet Devil Mansion, while Snake Shadow can be regarded as someone who has cooperated with the Scarlet Devil Mansion from the very beginning.

“Hong Mo came out this time to solve the hidden dangers of the body. Now it just broke out in advance. If possible, control Hong Mo, and then continue to the Gale Cliff or Kongluo City, where the solution should be found Way.” Snake Shadow thought for a while and said.

“Then how do you catch Hong Mo? His current condition is not easy to deal with!”

“I don’t know!”

Baman and Huo almost burst into tears when they heard the words. Snake Shadow made a very rational analysis just now. They thought Snake Shadow had changed his gender and became smarter. Unexpectedly, the result was still half-baked.

“It’s all? Uh-huh? If it weren’t for him, why would there be so many things?” Snake Shadow looked at?

“By the way, you just said you were going to use two snakes to kill each other. Are you serious? Is that red ink worth it? I don’t remember any big disputes between you and? Er?” Baman saw Snake Shadow’s eyes and asked curiously.

“It’s not because of the red ink!” Snake Shadow shook his head, but he didn’t explain what happened with? Er, Yanxing Zaicong Youding 2?, Baman and the others didn’t pursue so much. I thought back then, in the ancient Warcraft era, each other There are countless things that happened between them. Maybe Hydra and ?uh?? had something to do with each other.

“What on earth are we going to do?”? Hua Zhen was so impatient.

“Wait a minute. If Hong Mo is in danger, help us. In short, our main focus now is to ensure that Hong Mo is still alive, and we will make other plans later. If possible, of course, get the consciousness of the sealed planet The best method.” Snake Shadow said, suddenly his body twisted and transformed into a human form.

After obtaining the human form, Snake Shadow was very satisfied. Although this body was not as powerful as the previous Hydra, it was extremely convenient. The most important thing is that without the other eight messy thoughts in his head, Snake Shadow feels extremely peaceful. For this, Snake Shadow really feels very grateful to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so even if he puts in a little more effort, it doesn’t matter.

Baman and Huohuo both returned to their human form when they saw the snake shadow’s movements. This time, Baman’s crystal carapace did not take back the soul space to accumulate, but turned into a set of domineering holy clothes and wore it on his body.

This is what Baman specifically requested when meeting Chu Lingxin for the first time. His crystal carapace was the same as the tortoise shell of the Panyan tortoise, and it became the Holy Clothes. In addition, the ice blue giant python, Xiao Lan, also transformed into the image of the Falling Star Fairy according to her request. Moreover, at this time, Xiao Lan also accepted her new name, Falling Star Blue.

Hui looked at the domineering holy clothes with envy. This domineering style is really eye-catching. However, his conditions did not allow him to peel off a layer of skin to use as a holy garment. Of course, it’s not that it can’t be done, but it’s really not necessary. What Chu Lingxin arranged for the ancient monsters was the most suitable method for their physical transformation.

Uh Chao Cong panicked and flattered Zheng? The main attention was on Hong Mo, but Uh Hao Guqin⒁ Yu Shuyue? the three of them. Seeing the three Baman people turn into humans, their faces were full of disbelief.

What’s going on?

The three of them sensed his breath and turned into their own bodies. Therefore, Baman and the others changed. But at this time, when they saw the three Baman people transformed into human forms, they were so shocked that they couldn’t understand why. ?Uh Chao Cong Huanyun Cai Ni competition push Ping Dan? But that is just the essence of his life, it does not mean?

Can actually transform into a human being…! If he had had this ability back then, he wouldn’t have been chased all over the world with no way to escape. In the end, he would have been surrounded here and completely wiped out. If it weren’t for his special nature, he might have fallen completely. Moreover, even if he hadn’t fallen, waking up again would be out of reach.

By the way, it seems that a lot of resentment has been absorbed in the past few years, almost many times more than in the past 100,000 years. Kashiwa Jupiter, what happened during this time?

Uh-huh? I originally planned to attack Hong Mo, but at this time, I quietly put away my thoughts. After learning more and more, the world is probably not as easy to mess with as it used to be. If one is not careful, he might just wake up and fall again.

Do you want to ask them how they transformed into human form? The dial moved. Looking at the three Baman people, they suddenly felt that the possibility was unlikely.


There are so many days of laziness every month…! But I have always considered myself to be a person of integrity, hahahaha!



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