Puppet Curse Chapter 610: Split


bsp;? Baman and the others looked at Hong Mo in surprise. They had thought that Hong Mo would use any method to block it? Uh-huh? Stretch the scar? But they never thought that Hong Mo would use such a method.

This is really labor-saving, and I’m afraid, eh Hao is enough to hit Huan He Piao Ao 2? This is definitely not Hong Mo’s own ability. Hong Mo’s actions just now were undoubtedly manipulating the force field on the Cypress Jupiter. Gravity field, pressure field, atmospheric force field…. This can only show that the current red ink is decided by the consciousness of the planet.

As a planetary consciousness clone, it is not surprising at all that he can control the force field of Jupiter to a certain extent. However, just a planetary consciousness clone has such a powerful power. Doesn’t that mean that if the planetary consciousness is really condensed, the entire Cypress planet will be under the control of that planetary consciousness?

This is really amazing!

No matter how powerful Baman and the others are, they are still living creatures on the planet Cypress. Although they are all very powerful, compared with the entire Kashiwagi Star, as long as they have some self-awareness, they will not be so arrogant. However, if the consciousness of the planet is completely condensed and is really that powerful, what should they do?

The violent explosions continued, and the destructive shock waves continued. The three Baman people had already retreated hundreds of kilometers away. As for Hong Mo, they couldn’t control so much at this time. Now it seems that Hong Mo, who is integrated with the consciousness of the planet, is still very powerful in terms of strength and fighting instinct, so they probably don’t need to worry.

After a long time, the explosion gradually subsided, and violent energy turbulence was still exuding in the air. Such an environment had no effect on Baman and the others. But the three Baman people didn’t notice it at all, as if the two of them suddenly disappeared.

“No, it’s underground!” Baman is the guardian beast of the earth after all. He has a deeper sense of what’s under the earth, so he quickly discovered the movement underground.

Hong Mo’s fighting style is to fight wave after wave without stopping. He definitely doesn’t have the habit of throwing out a move, saying a few words and then throwing another move. And although the person who controls Hong Mo’s body now is the planetary consciousness clone, he has also inherited Hong Mo’s habits and has already launched a pursuit before the explosion subsided.

Because the force field of Cypress Jupiter can be controlled to a certain extent, this violent explosion has no impact on the current Hong Mo. Hong Mo was chasing after him again, and he forcibly controlled the power of Hong Mo’s battle infant. Hong Mo’s body condensed an extra-long thunder spear, which struck fiercely. Stab at? Er Zeng Counselor Geng?br/>

Only Hong Mo Zhanying’s thunder and lightning has the ability to ignore defense. At this time, Hong Mo watched helplessly as the main body extracted Zhan Ying’s power, but did not resist. It’s not that he can’t resist, but he doesn’t want to resist. In any case, the consciousness of the planet is now controlling his body, and Hong Mo doesn’t want his body to be harmed because he is holding back.

The wisdom of the planetary consciousness is not complete. At this time, although the planetary consciousness is the main clone, many parts are still affected by Hong Mo’s original memory. Otherwise, the avatar of the planet’s consciousness would not suddenly play towards? This is obviously the reason why?

? Er Yao stewed 锬?抻裢苞蝌槐? Hair, before he could react, there was another sharp stinging pain in his back, and a huge thunder and lightning spear was stabbed hard by Hong Mo from high in the sky. his body. ?Uh Sheng Xian’s defense ability is very strong, but at this time, ?Uh Dongxian Neon Qiao’anjiu Gu, because he has to defend against the explosion of his Warcraft Jade.

On the lightning spear, the law text representing neglect of defense flows. The spear formed by electric current is in a stalemate with the breath of the resentful spirit. The tip of the spear has already sunk into the water, while the aura of the resentful spirit is still trying hard to resist the spear and prevent it from penetrating deeper. The red ink hair was flying, and he pressed the tail of the spear with his right palm, mobilizing the pressure near the cypress wood star, and pointed the spear towards? uh 晟砩 shrimp 莸莸莸殰赐chlorァ?br/>

Uh, Zengmou Medical School was drowned in the violent explosion, so none of the three Baman people heard the scream.

After resisting for a moment, the guy above turned out to be more powerful than imagined. Although he was slightly injured, he suddenly fell into the soil and sank into the earth, while Hong Mo chased after the toad br/>

No one can understand what the battle is like underground. However, from the constantly changing earth’s crust, we know that the battle below must not be underestimated. Earthquake, this level of destruction cannot be described as an earthquake at all. The ground seemed to be violently surging like sea water. It was really turned over.

The underground battle affected a wide area. Baman and the others were at the center of the battle, so they were not discovered. But if you look at the entire area of ​​Luzhou Continent, you can find that Luzhou Continent is gradually splitting. The center of the split is of course the withered wasteland where they fought. Far away from the center of the battle, huge cracks are constantly forming in Luzhou Continent, spreading in all directions. And those remote places are where violent earthquakes occur.

“Are the consciousness clones of the planet so powerful?” Hui asked in confusion. Although they were polite to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, to be honest, neither Hong Mo nor the other people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion looked down upon them purely based on their strength. And even if Hong Mo fused his body and initially entered the ranks of the powerful in the universe, they didn’t pay too much attention to it, but at this time…

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know what’s going on!” Baman shook his head.

“You also know that this is the planet consciousness clone. Since it is the planet consciousness clone of Kashiwa Jupiter, it is not strange to control the force field of Kashiwa Jupiter to a certain extent. Therefore, it is not surprising to have such strength. Before Red Ink He doesn’t have this ability because he is suppressing the consciousness of the planet instead of integrating it like this. Of course, Hong Mo’s strength has improved now, but it is not a good thing…” After all, Snake Shadow spends more time with the Scarlet Devil Mansion. , I learned more during this period.

“Get out of the way!” Baman said suddenly before the snake shadow could finish speaking, and then flew away into the distance with a sliding step. The reaction of Huihui and Snake Shadow was not slow either, and they also flew out immediately.

With a radius of several hundred kilometers, the ground that had been surging suddenly suddenly rose in its entirety, as if it was being boiled from below. Then in the next moment, with a bang, the entire ground was like a backward waterfall, flowing towards The sky soars. Red hot magma spewed out from the ground, reflecting the entire sky red, and the temperature in the air instantly became extremely hot.

Eh Hui Chun Shao is the call for fierce Nuo Yongdi Zhuo Si Shun Falcon Chu? One of his eyes has been blinded, and a huge spear was inserted diagonally from the back and penetrated his body. Dark blood was flowing out from the huge wound like a river. Before it fell to the ground, it was evaporated into black smoke by the hot air around it.

In the gushing magma, a shirtless man slowly walked out of the air step by step. All the magma automatically dodged aside before it came into contact with the red ink. As Hong Mo walked around, the half-broken body on the right side squirmed rapidly. Soon, the broken part grew out, with sticky body fluids on it.

Obviously, in the underground battle, both sides will suffer losses, but the difference between Hong Mo and? Er Ling Huang? is that Hong Mo has the ability to regenerate at a super speed, so the injuries will recover quickly. On the surface, it seems to be worse than? Rose?br/>

Hong Mo has known a long time ago that super-speed regeneration consumes the number of cell divisions and the vitality of cells, so if Hong Mo can generally use it, it will not be used. But the current planetary consciousness avatar has no such scruples at all, and can go crazy as it pleases.

The three Baman people who were originally the main force in the battle also shrank aside and watched the battle quietly.

“Damn human beings!” The pain coming from his body made the hatred he felt become even deeper. But at this time, even ??? had to admit that Hong Mo was very tricky. The ability to control the force field of Kashiwa Mu made him extremely helpless in a fight with Hong Mo.

It can be said that as long as it is on Cypress Jupiter, the consciousness of the planet will have an absolute geographical advantage, and this will never change. Unless both are planetary consciousness clones, then what they compete with each other is their respective strengths.

Hong Mo faced? Er Sheng Fei Jun Zhao Yi Zheng?? Er Jiong⒓ hastily Huan Han Qiong? again, and quickly avoided the place. Apparently he was a little scared by Hong Mo’s previous attack. ?Huihui locust opened in panic, Hong Mo did not pursue, but withdrew his right hand and looked east quietly.

Hong Mo’s movement immediately caused several ancient monsters to divert their attention, but they found nothing. ?Uh Ming? I thought Hong Mo was deliberately playing tricks. After he focused his attention on the east side, Hong Mo would suddenly take action. In the ?er Zengmu? calendar, human beings are the best at using such methods.

But at the Zeng Muxun Steel School, Hong Mo still did not attack, but just stood quietly in the air.

The thunder and lightning spears slowly dissipated, and the Shengli Nasuzhong finally began to heal gradually. Hong Mo seemed to have not seen it and did nothing. Instead, he slowly took out a black and red feather fabric and put it on his body. After finishing all this, Hong Mo stood quietly in the air and continued to wait.

After a few minutes, the people finally felt the breath coming from the east. Another one! A breath similar to Hong Mo’s, but somewhat different, was flying rapidly in this direction. There is only one possibility for people with this kind of aura – a planetary consciousness clone! No wonder Hong Mo stopped suddenly, apparently sensing this uninvited guest.

The three Baman looked at each other. At this point, they felt that things were out of control. They really didn’t know how far it would develop.



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