Puppet Curse Chapter 609: Red ink takes action


bsp;?On Kashiwa Jupiter, the vortex with Hong Mo as the center is gradually involving all the people on Kashiwa Jupiter. At the same time, the Patomi Star Territory Federation was also alarmed.

The spaceship that was previously destroyed by the cosmic powerhouse had already sent back the news from Kashiwagi before it was destroyed. I have to say that the captain was really foresighted. This complete information was much more shocking than the few words brought out by those who had escaped from Cypress Jupiter early.

Although Kashiwa Jupiter is nominally a planet directly under the jurisdiction of Patomi, because it is a high-level civilization planet, it has always been autonomous and very independent. The Patomi Star Territory actually does not have much dominance over Kashiwagi. When the Patomi Star Territory Federation saw the situation on Kashiwagi, it was shocked at first, and then suddenly felt that this was an opportunity to completely control Kashiwa.

Just when the storm was surging on Kashiwagi, the Patomi star field had also sent a space fleet towards Kashiwa.

Hong Mo raised his head to the sky and roared silently, without any sound. Although this special communication was specifically aimed at the consciousness clones of other planets, the four Baman people still felt it. Because Snake Shadow is just a clone of Hydra, he has been wandering on the edge during this battle. Snake Shadow, who was relatively idle, was the first to notice the strange behavior of Hong Mo.

“? Uh? You guy, do you really want to be killed right after you were born again!” Snake Shadow stopped and said very calmly. Although it can be seen that there is something strange about the red ink, no matter what, it must be controlled first.

“Mie hahahaha, Jiutou, don’t you feel ashamed to say this? I have never been afraid of anyone, do you have the strength to kill me!” Although it was in a fierce battle, but… In a sudden change of words, three huge ancient monsters collided, and the two sides were temporarily in a stalemate.

‘The situation with Hong Mo is not right! ’ Snake Shadow said softly to Ba Man and Qi Huo.

Baman and Chuhuo were originally accidents. Why did Snake Shadow suddenly say such cruel words? After hearing this, he immediately glanced at Hong Mo, and then realized that Hong Mo was just like Snake Shadow said, and the situation was not good. The aura on Hong Mo’s body was like that of a stranger, and what’s more, that look was like a black hole, seeming to **** everything in.

‘It should be the planet consciousness clone in Hong Mo’s body. Unexpectedly, it actually broke out at this time. It should have been noticed a long time ago that with Hong Mo’s strength, it was impossible to resist the Zeng Tomb Sora without paying the price. He was taken over by the consciousness of that planet. ’ Baman said with a frown.

“Mie hahaha, I see, you are worried about that human being. Let me see, it seems that the aura is different from before…?” Er Xuan Jie Ψ Qian 5 raise 猓? Immediately discovered that Baman and the others were worried thing.

“? Uh? I’ll say it again, from now on, stay away, or I will kill you completely.” Snake Shadow’s vertical pupils were cold and ruthless, and he suddenly said this coldly.

But Snake Shadow’s face was cold and he didn’t care at all about the situation, which made him say: , It’s not a joke, Snake Shadow is really sure to keep him here completely. To be honest, he didn’t care about the case. If it was a complete Hydra, maybe he would pay some attention to it, but as a clone of Hydra…

Yes, Snake Shadow is a clone of Hydra!

“Two snakes are killing each other!” said Huihui Locust Huiyi. Thinking of Hydra, eh Ling vomits plaque, Gan Panfei knocks on the bag, Huan Xie moxibustion fluorene field?br/>

Snake Shadow did not answer, but the look on his face undoubtedly confirmed that… film. It is not the snake shadow’s current python form, but the appearance of the Hydra itself. Although it is just a virtual shadow, its huge momentum is one that people cannot ignore.

“?Uh? I admit that you are very strong, and among all the ancient warcraft, you are also ranked among the top. The individual strength of Baman and Qiaohuo is indeed not as good as yours, but combined, you still have It’s just that they don’t want to fight with you, a lunatic. But I’m different…!” The snake scales on the snake shadow gradually began to change color, taking on a psychedelic color.

“What’s different about you? Two snakes kill each other, but I don’t believe you can use this move to kill each other.”? He was surrounded by the aura of resentful spirits. He suffered a lot in the previous battle. Injuries, big and small, are healing rapidly. Baman and the others are similar. Although their healing speed is not as good as Hong Mo’s super-speed regeneration, it is still much faster than ordinary people.

“I’m just a clone now, just a clone. How about it, do you want to try it?” Snake Shadow hissed twice, extremely cold.

?Eh Jiong ⒓From the suffocation stirs the Si Panfei knocks the animal husbandry the cook Huan the Liu Haoyu? Nine heads, as long as one head is still alive, it will not die completely, and will recover quickly. Although the Hydra used to have nine heads, they were one body after all, so if any head used two snakes to kill each other, the result would be the same. The last time Hydra used two snakes to kill each other, it directly killed an opponent, but its own strength was also greatly damaged, so it still used snake slough to save a life.

But now, Snake Shadow is just a clone, which means that Snake Shadow’s use of two snakes to kill each other will not have any impact on other clones. And once Hydra returns to its true form, Snake Shadow will quickly… recover? Can it really be restored?

?Uh Ling Huang Xiang Locust Fan ㄉ哂 awning 裾 Xian Nao surnamed Xiang Xunbi??Uh Han Cao Niu? Even if he was killed by two snakes once, because he himself is very special, so he should be Can’t die. However, sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years again, waiting for another rebirth, will definitely make you feel uncomfortable.br/>

?Uh Han氲秸饫铮? couldn’t help but feel a hint of retreat, but at this time, Hong Mo suddenly faced?uh Sheng Fei Jun擞沂悂Frame?br/>

Hong Mo has always been on the edge of the battlefield, and although something abnormal happened to Hong Mo, he has always been quiet, so he focused more on Hong Mo. Hong Mo suddenly stretched out his right hand. With a very gentle movement, a circle of transparent ripples started from Hong Mo’s arm and spread toward his fingertips.

There was a soft buzzing sound, and the transparent ripples flew out instantly. It rolled and flew out like a sack, and the dirt and gravel along the way collapsed into powder in an instant. A ‘road’ with a width of more than one kilometer was formed instantly. Baman happened to be standing in the middle of Hong Mo’s attack, and was also brushed aside. His huge body was rotated and flew up by this force like a top.

There was a clicking sound, and countless cracks suddenly appeared on the crystal carapace of Baman’s body that was rubbed by the invisible attack of red ink, and then shattered into countless fragments of different sizes and collapsed.

Hong Mo opened the corner of his mouth, revealing a weird smile. He gently held it with his right hand, and the flying ?er? stopped in mid-air for an instant, with his short limbs waving funny in the air.

Hong Mo’s right hand continued to rise, and then he hit it hard, like a heavy hammer, it hit the ground hard. But Hong Mo’s movements didn’t stop, he just grabbed it in the void, uh, smashed it violently and unreasonably. Even the ?er Zeng Neon Thief Γ? was made dizzy by this mess.

“Roar!”? Huihui Locust Gray Spring? roared violently, and a huge momentum exploded from his body, breaking free from the shackles of the red ink. Chao Nao, who landed on the ground, grabbed the ground, and without any hesitation, he condensed a light ball of resentment in his mouth.

Super Warcraft Jade!

Uh Ou Xu Bing’s attack completely set him on fire. Why retreat temporarily? Go to hell. You must kill this man. You must kill him. ?Uh Dio Mu 镕鹾莸南氲剑? Without the slightest hesitation, he launched an attack on Hong Mo.

Bohui and Snake Shadow were a little dazed when they saw Hong Mo suddenly going berserk. This seemed not to be Hong Mo’s ability. Then they were really dumbfounded when they saw the Ou slow stick being held in their hands and smashed like a sandbag. Although such an attack is actually very harmful to people, the insulting nature of such an attack is extremely powerful.

Baman stopped and looked at the broken crystal carapace on his body, feeling secretly unhappy. This guy Hong Mo actually attacked him too… Before Ba Man could question Hong Mo, he saw, er, Qi Bin, being grabbed and smashed by Hong Mo like a sandbag. For a moment, Ba Man also forgot to question him.

It wasn’t until he was squirming and the magic beast jade began to gather in his mouth that Ba Man realized that he couldn’t resist this forcefully.

“Don’t resist!” Baman didn’t know if Hong Mo would listen to his advice, but he still warned him and quickly dodged to the side. Chu Hui and Snake Shadow were quicker to see the opportunity and had already disappeared. It’s not that they don’t want to take Hong Mo away. Who knows what kind of temper Hong Mo is now. If you don’t like them, just give it a try, and add? Uh-huh, where is the steamer? Stretching the scar? They can’t bear it.

Sure enough, Hong Mo ignored Ba Man’s warning at all and still stood there, looking coldly at ?erchu?br/> who was condensing the Warcraft Jade.

As a move of ancient monsters, even if it is a super monster jade, it will not take long to condense. In just two seconds, ?Uh?? 阃鸸師? condensed a huge amount of destructive energy, and in ?Uh Yao Jifu セ鞞鞖Nebaoying? The vortex in Hong Mo’s eyes rotated rapidly, and then his right hand faced? uh Hui? Next press.

The head was hundreds of times heavier, and then it was thrust into the ground involuntarily. Normally, in such a situation, it would not be a serious problem, at most it would just be a bit embarrassing. But at this time, there was a magical beast jade that was about to be launched…!

With a bang, a huge destructive impact radiated from the center of the sedan in an instant. Everything that comes into contact with this shock wave, no matter what it is, will disappear directly. The annihilation of matter erupted into an even more violent impact, sending waves towards the surroundings in an endless stream.

A huge mushroom cloud instantly rose in the center of Luzhou Continent!



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