Puppet Curse Chapter 583: Start


bsp;?Kashiwagi Planet is in chaos now, very chaotic. Of course, this is mainly due to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but other forces are also behind it. “”

Jingshenting was inexplicably tricked. Although it had a profound background and the top staff had not completely fallen, basically no one below was left. Moreover, the most important thing is that most of the things that Jingshen Court has accumulated over the years have been leaked out and acquired by other forces.

Has the Scarlet Devil Mansion received a complete inheritance?

This kind of thing is something that those big forces look down upon, but they themselves don’t lack this kind of thing. What other forces value are the secrets that really belong to the core, not only about the Cypress planet, but also about the Patomi star field. In any case, Kashiwa Jupiter is also an advanced civilization planet in the Patomi star field.

Among these secrets, apart from those things that are temporarily inaccessible, what these forces pay the most attention to is undoubtedly what is happening on Cypress.

For example, the purpose of condensing the consciousness of the planet is the existence of the spiritual body! Twisting the truth behind the crystal of wish!

No matter which one, they are all methods that can make people reach the sky in one step, and as long as they are human beings, even if they don’t feel it, they all have the idea that they are the protagonist in their hearts. Of course, such a thing should be in one’s own hands. It is definitely something that should be in one’s hands… Yeah!

Not to mention the twisted wish crystallization, they have been paying attention to this matter since the beginning of the Kuchi Star. Unexpectedly, it would appear again in the hands of a small force on such a remote planet. Although they wanted to find the Scarlet Devil Mansion at this time, the Scarlet Devil Mansion was indeed well hidden and never appeared.

High-level figures have never stopped hunting down the Scarlet Devil Mansion. However, ever since the Scarlet Devil Mansion changed in the Jingshen Court, and Suzune and the others were seriously injured and suffered heavy losses, they have not appeared again at all. Therefore, the purpose of these people, It seems like a useless effort.

Of course, while these people were searching the Scarlet Devil Mansion, they were also doing something else – guiding!

Guide these zombies to merge together quickly, accelerating the concentration of the planet’s consciousness. Because they all know that the matter of Kashiwa Jupiter cannot be hidden for a long time in Patomi, and once the matter here is exposed, it will cause the squinting of experts from other planets in Patomi. Whether it is the crystallization of twisted wish power or the spiritual body of planetary consciousness, it can only be digested internally by Cypress Jupiter, and outsiders cannot even think about it.

But the time left for them is also not much.

Because these big forces did not pass the news to other planets at all, so even though Kashiwa Jupiter has been in chaos for so many years, no one from other planets came to pay attention. Otherwise, with Patomi’s technological strength, someone would have come here long ago.

But it probably won’t be delayed for long, because no one thought that such a thing would happen beforehand, so there was no big force to stop those who escaped from Cypress Jupiter, and it was probably not going to be a few years, Pato Other planets in the Mi star field will also react.

Sabiya aimed his right hand at the setting sun and tightened it tightly, as if he could grasp the sky in his hand.

Although Shabia is not very strong, she still has a good mind, otherwise she would not be in her current position. Therefore, after Shabia obtained the sealing form of the Linshen Body, he made several copies of it, and then secretly arranged various accidents when the Jingshen Court was in chaos so that other forces could obtain it.

Of course, although 90% of these copied versions are authentic information, there are still some things compiled by Shabia himself in the end. And if this important divine seal is even slightly wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

‘It’s just as I thought, after you get this thing, you will definitely not be able to bear it. Guide the cohesion of the planet’s consciousness, hum, let’s see who can laugh last! ’ A smile appeared on Shabia’s lips. No matter who got this kind of information, they would definitely not publicize it and would only act secretly. Therefore, although some people were a little suspicious, they did not expect that this was simply making a wedding dress for others.

However, who can have the last laugh!

Shabia thought that the God-like Sealing Form in his hand was the most perfect one, but he did not expect that the truly perfect one had long been lost in the hands of that ‘undercover’.

As the dead zombies gradually regained consciousness, the heavy and tense atmosphere of Kashiwa Jupiter gradually eased, because these zombies will not attack humans indiscriminately. However, instead, a chaotic and restless atmosphere spread among everyone. The theory of survival of a new race specially arranged by the Scarlet Devil Mansion is widely circulated among the Bone Demons. All people who are still alive are confused about the future.

The leaders of the new body did not know what happened to themselves and their men. Why were their bodies suddenly changing? It is estimated that only Hong Mo’s body has guessed at the changes in the zombies. This should be something caused by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but why? When Hong Mo’s body was separated, the Scarlet Devil Mansion had nothing to do with the ancient monsters. Therefore, the current Hong Mo body could not guess the purpose of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

All the zombies are changing towards the form of the Bone Demon. Although they have regained consciousness, they appear more ferocious and vicious. Only Hong Mo’s body, as well as the more than a hundred guardian angels and blood demons, , there is no change at all. Because they were not originally from Kashiwa Jupiter and did not have that kind of recessive gene.

After Hong Mo’s other zombies changed in shape, he abandoned them directly. Looking at disgust is one reason, and the other reason is that these zombies who have regained consciousness are no longer as bossy as before, and the most important thing is that Hong Mo can feel that these ordinary zombies , has lost its role in gathering the consciousness of the planet. Now there is only one thing Hong Mo needs to do – kill the other leaders, gather the complete consciousness of the planet, and represent the will of the planet.

Hong Mo can feel this, and other leaders can also feel it.

Because it is equivalent to a clone of the planet’s consciousness, Hong Mo has a weak response to other leaders, and this response becomes clearer the closer the distance.

In a dilapidated palace, Hong Mo looked at more than a hundred guardian angels and blood demons standing quietly below. This palace is now the base camp of Hong Mo’s body. Because Bomu Star has suffered serious damage in recent years, such a dilapidated palace is already good.

Those zombies that have mutated and gradually regained consciousness have been dismissed by Hong Mo. Originally, some people wanted to stay and assist Hong Mo, but Hong Mo didn’t bother to talk nonsense and killed these people directly.

“You and I are different!” Hong Mo said evilly. Although he was Hong Mo’s subordinate before, Hong Mo showed no mercy when he moved his hands. Inherited the memory of Hong Mo, so Hong Mo knew clearly that he was not from the Kashiwa Mu planet at all. What was flowing was different blood. This could be seen from the fact that there was no change at all between him and more than a hundred guardian angel blood demons. .

Moreover, there is no use keeping this group of people, because the final hunt begins!

Hong Mo stood up from the palace, and the guardian angel and blood demon below immediately knelt on the ground to greet their king. Now, for these guardian angels and blood demons, their bodies and souls all belong to the red ink.

“Let’s go!” Hong Mo said, taking the lead and flying towards the nearest leader of the new organism.

At this time, not only Hong Mo started to take action, but other leaders of the new organisms also started to take action. Because, all of them could feel that the final hunting time had begun. The sooner they act and devour more of the same kind of power, the greater the chance that they will survive to the end, gather complete planetary consciousness, and represent the will of the planet.

Because they are in touch with each other, conspiracies and conspiracies are abandoned. At this time, they rely on their absolute strength to determine who is more ruthless.

When Hong Mo came, Valtora was already ready.

Based on his feeling, Valtola felt that he would not be Hong Mo’s opponent, so after seeing Hong Mo, Valtola made an unexpected move.

“Can I surrender to you, Lord Hong Mo!”

Hearing this, Hong Mo glanced at Valtola, with a mocking smile on his lips. Because all the leaders are close to level 7 strength, Valtora has been able to suppress the activation of recessive genes in her body, so she seems to be a pretty good beauty now.

However, just like this, it can’t impress Hong Mo. If you want a beautiful woman, the guardian angel and blood demon behind Hong Mo are stronger than this woman.

“Submit, of course, come here!” Hong Mo said.

After hearing this, Valtola showed a happy smile, and then flew towards Hong Mo. Then when the two were a hundred meters apart, Hong Mo and Valtola disappeared into the air at the same time, and then suddenly exploded in the middle. Opened, a splash of blood fell. When the two paused, Hong Mo grabbed one of Valtola’s arms, while Valtola looked at Hong Mo resentfully.

“You are worthy of evolving into a leader. I really don’t know what to say!” Hong Mo threw his arm to the ground.

Evolving into a leader does not mean that this person is different, but it just means that he has more opportunities than others. Perhaps many leaders were simply ordinary people before, just like the Valtora in front of him. . There are not many people like Hong Mo who already have good strength and know how to fight before becoming a leader.

“Die well and become my nourishment!” Hong Mo disappeared from the spot again.

Not long after, Hong Mo raised his right hand, grabbed Valtola’s face, and lifted her in his hand. At this time, Valtora was still struggling desperately, but Hong Mo’s big hands were like iron clamps, motionless.

A huge attraction spread from Hong Mo’s hand, and Valtora let out a painful howl. After a while, he stopped struggling. Blood fell to the ground drop by drop, and his body occasionally survived. A sharp twitch.


Hong Mo licked a drop of blood spattered on the edge of his lips, and the scarlet twilight looked into the distance. To see the first release without ads, please go to “”

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