Puppet Curse Chapter 582: Eve


bsp;? No matter whether Panyan Turtle has any preparations or not, it is not important now to ensure that Hong Mo will not die when facing the sky dragon. “” Hong Mo has already met the Sky Dragon, and the Sky Dragon seems not to be interested in the transaction between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Ancient World of Warcraft. Therefore, the mastermind behind the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Ancient World of Warcraft can already start.

Just as the script designed, both the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Rock Turtle Hydra took action.

The Panyan Turtle really has no interest in becoming the ruler of the Cypress Planet. Therefore, the Panyan Turtle’s main task is to contact other ancient monsters. With the help of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Hydra gradually gained a small-scale leadership position among the newly born Bone Demons, and this influence is still expanding rapidly.

**The evolution of zombies into bone demons will undoubtedly have the greatest impact on the leaders of the new organisms. As the zombies were gradually affected by the new virus, turned into bone demons and regained consciousness, these people gradually broke away from the control of these leaders and became corrupt. After several years of being lifeless, Kashiwa Muxing suddenly showed a trace of life again, but this trace of life contained rich blood and mania.

Just as the Scarlet Devil Mansion had predicted, these Bone Demons who had regained consciousness were extremely frightened by their own changes, and uneasiness spread in everyone’s hearts.

What kind of life have they experienced in the past few years?

Everyone who has regained consciousness is slowly recalling. And this memory is in their minds, a cruel and tragic experience belonging to a zombie…! The Bone Demons, who knew what they had experienced, became panicked, and above them, there was an inexplicable leader who asked for everything they wanted.

In the face of oppression, resistance is the most basic instinct of human beings, especially now when they are completely filled with the most instinctive wildness.

The world is lively again, but this liveliness is accompanied by more fighting and bloodshed. In such an environment, several clones of Hydra gradually emerged and expanded their influence. Unlike those who are afraid of chaos, Hydra already has a series of slogans, plans, changes, etc. formulated by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, which makes it easier to impress people.

“We must become stronger and have the power to protect ourselves. We are not underestimating ourselves. Do you think we can still integrate into human beings as we are now? Maybe you say, it doesn’t matter. Everyone on Cypress Jupiter is like this now. Looks like, but what I want to say is that this is just Kashiwa Jupiter. Kashiwa Jupiter is just one of the planets in Patomi. We all used to be human, so we can definitely understand how exclusivist human beings are. Do you think that they Will they tolerate us living… No! We all know that they will never tolerate us living. Therefore, we must gain our own strength and the power of self-protection, which we have not been able to access before. Knowledge, high-end technology, these are powers…”

Similar high-spirited slogans appeared among this group of new Bone Demons, but they were more like deception.

Especially one of the clones of Hydra, this group of people who were bewitched seemed extremely fanatical. They began to work hard and fight for their new living space. And the ability of this clone of Hydra is spiritual temptation.

During this period, Panyan Turtle also found several other ancient monsters, and then took advantage of this chaotic era to bring them to Hydra.

The requirements of these ancient monsters all require the help of the Scarlet Devil Mansion to complete the transformation of their physical bodies.

“The requirements of the Scarlet Devil Mansion are not many. We need various resources, including top cultivation materials that we cannot obtain, the most cutting-edge technology, and those extremely precious materials. These three things are basically all on Kashiwagi. They are in the hands of several superpowers, so you need to take these things over.” Chu Lingxin was as cold as ever.

“As long as we get those things, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will guarantee to help us complete the transformation of **?”

“The Panyan Turtle is an example. You can choose to believe it or not.” Chu Lingxin pointed at the Panyan Turtle that had turned into a human form and said.

Panyan Turtle was wearing a dark golden Horcrux Holy Clothes, and he looked mighty and domineering. He couldn’t help but nodded when he heard the words.

It can be seen that Panyan Turtle has a high prestige even among the ancient Warcraft. When Panyan Turtle nodded, the other ancient monsters he called here all agreed to the deal with the Scarlet Devil Mansion. For these ancient monsters and the Scarlet Devil Mansion, all they need to do is make an [oath].

Mysterious curses and oaths sounded from the mouths of Hong Mo and these ancient monsters. Not long after, Hong Mo felt that a more powerful restraint than last time was suddenly placed on his body, and then suddenly disappeared. He had made the curse and oath with Panyangui and the others last time, so Hong Mo didn’t feel anything unusual.

“Then, come with me. I need to understand your characteristics in detail before I can work out different physical transformation plans for you.” Chu Lingxin said, already floating forward. The little idiot Blood Demon, who was Chu Lingxin’s contractor, immediately followed behind. The little idiot Blood Demon looked curiously at these behemoths as he walked.

The smallest of these ancient monsters are four to five hundred meters long, while the larger ones are more than one kilometer. If any of these super big guys appear outside, they will become the focus of everyone’s attention. No wonder they Going to hide. Moreover, every one of these ancient monsters looks extremely vicious.

If it were in an anime movie, it might feel very stylish and domineering. But when you actually exist in reality, you will know what it is like for ordinary people to face such an existence.

Occasionally, guardian angels and blood demons pass by. When they see these behemoths, they turn a blind eye and immediately fly over to carry out their own work. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is now preparing to retreat. As long as it gets what the Scarlet Devil Mansion wants from Kashiwagi, it will set off immediately and leave the Patomi Star Territory as soon as possible.

Every time these ancient monsters take a step, the ground is shaking violently. Fortunately, this underground space was originally rebuilt from the Scarlet Devil Mansion based on Hydra’s lair, so it can still withstand it.

And these ancient monsters were also looking around as they walked away. This was the first time that they had lived in seclusion for who knows how long, so peacefully coexisting with humans. Even if you see a few humans on a daily basis, it is most likely the result of being reduced to their food rations.

“Boss Rock Turtle, can I transform into something similar to you?” said an ancient monster like a one-horned rhinoceros. This ancient monster also had a thick carapace on its body, making it appear unusually bulky.

“Huh?” Panyangui asked doubtfully.

“What I mean is, I’ll get a set of clothes like yours. They look pretty good.” The ancient monster explained.

“I can’t guarantee this.” Pan Yangui said, and then looked at Chu Lingxin.

The other ancient monsters are not stupid. When they saw the appearance of Panyan Turtle, they knew that this matter still happened to the bubble gum woman. That woman who is like a ball of phantom bubble gum, has this kind of power?

“If this is your request, I will consider it.” Chu Lingxin turned her head after hearing this and said to this huge ancient monster. “And you too, if you have any special requests, you can say it first and I will give it priority. But if it is an unreasonable request, I will reject it.”

“Hey, is that okay? I want to be more beautiful, preferably like the Falling Star Fairy.” A giant ice-blue python that was meandering suddenly said.

“Xiaolan, you haven’t forgotten that Falling Star Fairy. She has been dead for so long.” Another ancient monster said.

“She was the first human to protect me. How could I forget it? Moreover, in the end, she died because of me…” the ice blue python said.

“If it’s just about appearance, I don’t think it’s a problem. If you can describe her image, this matter will be easy.” Chu Lingxin said.

“Appearance, it just looks very friendly, very gentle…” Xiao Lan said for a long time, but did not come up with any accurate adjectives. In the end, the only thing everyone knew was that this woman is perfect… !

“506875, go get the consciousness capture device.” Chu Lingxin said, and a guardian angel who followed immediately flew out. After a while, the guardian angel brought something like an earphone.

“Panyan Turtle, stick this thing outside the sea of ​​​​consciousness of this little Miss Lan.” Chu Lingxin said to Panyan Turtle, but did not take any action herself. This kind of thing must be avoided, otherwise it will be bad if these ancient monsters misunderstand it. After hearing this, Pan Yangui spread his hands slightly and placed this small thing outside Xiaolan’s sea of ​​consciousness.

As for the Panyan Turtle, the other ancient monsters still trusted it very much, so they did not avoid it.

“Okay, think about the image of the Falling Star Fairy in the sea of ​​consciousness.” Chu Lingxin said, while clicking a few times in the void, a huge virtual light screen appeared.

Xiao Lan glanced at Panyan Turtle and immediately recalled the so-called Falling Star Fairy in her mind.

As Xiao Lan recalled, a blurry image immediately appeared on the light screen. With the appearance of this image, Chu Lingxin’s rapid operations on her fingers gradually made the image fuller. Xiao Lan looked at this image and opened her eyes wide. Then the consciousness became clearer and more complete, and finally a woman who looked completely like reality appeared.

In terms of appearance, it is indeed perfect!

“This thing knows what I’m thinking?” Xiaolan said in surprise. Memory reading is also a very useful ability.

“No, it’s just a vague idea. In fact, many parts are made up by calculations by sub-photon computers. And as the image is completed, you see this image, fed back in the sea of ​​consciousness. The image becomes more perfect, and the more perfect image in your sea of ​​consciousness is projected out and compensated again, and finally this image is generated.” Chu Lingxin explained.


Xiao Lan glanced at Panyan Turtle.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t understand either!” Panyan Turtle spread his hands, and then used his mental power to transmit messages to all the ancient monsters. ‘In terms of pure intelligence, this woman is on the level of a monster. You must not not take her seriously. Also, don’t use your attitude towards other humans, otherwise I guarantee you will suffer. ’

Chu Lingxin glanced at Panyan Turtle and seemed to guess what Panyan Turtle was talking about, but Chu Lingxin ignored it and just kept this image. To see the first release without ads, please go to “”

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