Puppet Curse Chapter 580: Harvest


bsp;?With this stroke, Hong Mo rolled his eyes and fainted again without saying a word. “”It’s not that Hong Mo’s foundation is too poor. Things like thoughts are originally related to a person’s will. Moreover, Hong Mo had just woken up and his whole body was under overdraft. This time, Hong Mo was affected again. Not even a little bit of energy is left.

The sky dragon stretched out a claw to block the crescent-shaped slash. There was a slight tearing sound, and a scratch appeared on the sky dragon’s claw.

Sky Dragon glanced at the scratches on his claws, and then at Hong Mo, with no expression in his eyes.

A drop of black-red blood slowly flowed out from the scratch. Although there was no movement in Sky Dragon’s eyes, he was slightly surprised in his heart. Only Sky Dragon himself knew how strong his defense was. He didn’t expect that the red ink could actually cut open his skin. Although the stroke just now contained the power of the mind, it completely exceeded the sky dragon’s expectations.

“Panyan Turtle, is this the person you chose? It’s really interesting!” Sky Dragon said.

Sky Dragon looked at the drop of blood flowing from his claws, and then glanced at Hong Mo. “Forget it, since you have this potential, then I will give you something else. This is what you get with your own strength.” Sky Dragon said, extending his claws to Hong Mo, and the drop of blood was directed towards Red ink fell on him.

This drop of blood is just one drop for Sky Dragon, and it is just a big bucket for Hong Mo, and for Hong Mo Zhanying’s current small body, a bath is enough.

Thick blood enveloped Hong Mo. At this moment, Hong Mo felt pain all over his body, extremely painful.

Hong Mo, who was originally unconscious, woke up with convulsions all over his body. However, at this time, Hong Mo was completely unable to make any resistance and could only watch the blood eroding into his body. Hong Mo’s mouth opened wide unconsciously, and blood automatically poured into Hong Mo’s belly. The severe pain made Hong Mo’s pupils begin to scatter, but at this time, Hong Mo was unable to pass out and could only endure the severe pain.

Sky Dragon didn’t care about Hong Mo. A gray-black light flashed through, and the scratches on Sky Dragon’s claws returned to their original state. Then Sky Dragon grabbed Hong Mo and threw Hong Mo away with one claw. .

‘No need to come to me! ’ Sky Dragon said the last thing.

The red ink seemed to pass through a water curtain, appeared in the normal space of Jupiter, and then fell toward the Arctic Ocean below like a meteor.

This thick mass of blood was not diluted by the sea water at all. It was still adsorbed on the surface of Hong Mo’s body and eroded towards the inside. Hong Mo just sank powerlessly towards the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. As the depth of the red ink sinks deeper and deeper, the pressure on the body also increases. At this time, the red ink does not open the spiritual shield or anything, it is completely using its body to bear this huge pressure. . Originally, Hong Mo could not withstand such huge pressure, but at this time, the deeper he sank, Hong Mo felt a sense of comfort coming from his body.

‘Even if it’s a benefit, it’s also so **** painful! ’ Hong Mo complained in his heart as he slowly fell into the deepest trench of the Arctic Ocean.

It took more than a week for Hong Mo’s body to gradually gain control. At this time, Hong Mo’s body was still twitching slightly and couldn’t stop.

The red ink slowly floated to the surface of the sea. After a long time, it broke through the ice and lay on the ice sheet. Hong Mo looked at the gorgeous aurora and felt confused.

Obviously, Hong Mo was designed by Panyan Turtle and Hydra this time. I don’t know what Panyan Turtle and Hydra are thinking. Although Hong Mo seems to have gained a lot this time, Hong Mo is always very unhappy. Hong Mo hates being designed. It feels involuntary and annoying.

The red ink little hand gently shook it, and the feeling was completely different from before. Just by holding it lightly, you could feel an inhumanly powerful force. Hong Mo suddenly punched the ice under his feet with force. There was a cracking sound, and countless cracks opened up on the ice under Hong Mo’s feet. Then with a bang, the ice exploded in all directions with Hong Mo’s fist as the center.

Such power! Hong Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly. Hong Mo knew that this was just using the power of his physical body. If it were the previous red ink, it would definitely not be able to reach this level. And with Hong Mo’s punch, it seems that the integration of this ability has deepened.

Illusion? Hong Mo hit the air with a backhand fist, and there was a buzzing sound. A few hundred meters away, a small iceberg of medium height and medium height shattered.

Hong Mo took back his right hand and looked at it again. Sure enough, the power of his body had increased beyond belief. The punch just now was just a punch. Hong Mo had no ability to vibrate, but this simple punch automatically moved the air and transmitted the impact of the punch.

Hong Mo doesn’t know exactly how it was done, it seems to be instinctive.

This punch also verified Hong Mo’s previous thoughts. The blood was only initially integrated with Hong Mo’s body. With Hong Mo’s movements, it seemed that this fusion could be accelerated. Thinking of this, Hong Mo had no extra thoughts and immediately flew into the air to practice a set of boxing techniques.

Hong Mo can also use Long Meiling’s boxing skills. However, Hong Mo was not good at using force before, and he only knew how to do it, and could not exert its power at all. At this time, as Hong Mo practiced this set of boxing techniques, the surrounding air continued to vibrate, and Hong Mo gradually understood the essence of this set of boxing techniques.

[Dragon Power Punch]!

Hong Mo pulled away with a lunge, put his right fist behind him, and then slowly and heavily hit the ice field below. The ice sheet directly below the red ink suffocated for an instant, and then exploded with a bang, and huge ice fragments flew in all directions. After a while, a large hole with a diameter of several hundred meters was left on the ice sheet.

No, it is indeed impossible to master this set of boxing techniques in a short time, otherwise the boxing power would not be so scattered.

At this time, Hong Mo was roughly familiar with the changes in his body and no longer wanted to stay here. Hong Mo wants to go back and ask Pan Yangui and Hydra what their intentions are.

Sky Dragon said there was no need to look for him, so Hong Mo didn’t want to continue to get into trouble. If Sky Dragon became interested and played with him a few more times, Hong Mo wasn’t sure he could bear it. Moreover, the tempering and usage of the power of mind are already included in the previous scripture-like words of Sky Dragon.

“Thank you, Senior Sky Dragon. Hong Mo takes his leave.” Hong Mo said in the air, the sound waves gradually spread, and then Hong Mo flew back in the direction from which he came without looking back.

In the small space above the North Pole, Sky Dragon’s originally closed eyes opened and he glanced faintly in the direction where the red ink flew away. The sky dragon’s body circled and swam a little, then fell into silence. After a while, it moved again…

“Really, I couldn’t fall asleep after being woken up. Anyway, since the Panyan Turtle guy said it so interesting, I’ll go and have a look.” The Sky Dragon’s body shrank rapidly, and finally became only twenty meters long and short, and then swam out of the air. Although the sky dragon’s current body is still huge for ordinary people, its oppressive force has become much weaker.

The sky dragon flicked its tail, flapped its two pairs of wings, and disappeared from the spot.

The Arctic Ocean of Cypress Star has returned to calm, and only the broken ice fields indicate what seems to have happened here.


During this period, the new zombie virus has spread, and everyone can find that these zombies have begun to change again. Of course, others don’t know whether this change is natural evolution or another conspiracy.

After more than a year of fighting, Hong Mo’s strength has exceeded level 6, and his self-awareness has gradually improved. Hong Mo’s original memory and knowledge were gradually absorbed by the new Hong Mo. However, it is just being accepted. At this time, Hong Mo’s previous consciousness no longer occupies the main body.

To put it another way, another Hong Mo was born. After a long period of separation and the condensation of planetary consciousness, Hong Mo’s body has become two completely different people from the original Hong Mo.

After receiving Hong Mo’s original memory of Hong Mo’s body, the new Hong Mo has a slight interest in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but only a hint of interest. At this time, in the eyes of Hong Mo’s body, the most important thing is to gather the consciousness of the planet and gain supreme power. In Hong Mo’s memory, those painful experiences he encountered without strength left a very deep impression on Hong Mo’s body.

More than a hundred guardian angels and blood demons under Hong Mo have also recovered their original memories one after another, and they, too, although they have their original memories, are completely different from before.

If I have to give an example, it is like thousands of time-traveling armies, traveling to another world and gaining the memory of another person. But unfortunately, the original memory was the one that was swallowed up.

Hong Mo’s true body now looks extremely evil. Sitting on the upper throne, three guardian angels and blood demons are fighting for swallows under him.

“Lord Hong Mo, we have clearly investigated the north. It is the territory of Hess, Valtora,… several people. Each of them has the strength of level 6. Among them, Hess’s ability is sound destruction, and Valtora’s is Yes…” A guardian angel reported, turning a blind eye to the **** scene above.

“I heard that Hess has recovered his original memory, but he is extremely arrogant, right?”

“Yes, but we can’t rule out that the rumors were spread intentionally.” The guardian angel said.

“Rumor!” Hong Mo smiled evilly.

As the consciousness of the planet gradually condenses, these new zombies, which were originally chaotic and without self-awareness, have gradually begun to restore their original memories. Of course, the original memories are mostly nutrients, which are swallowed up by the new consciousness and become nutrients. Most of these new consciousnesses appear to be very evil, which is not unrelated to their **** experiences in the past two years.

Of course, those who have regained their original consciousness are only some relatively powerful new bodies, at least above level 5. Most of them still seem confused and confused, and they only know how to act according to their instincts.

“Let’s do this…!” Hong Mo said to the guardian angel, and then the guardian angel took the order and left. To see the first release without ads, please go to “”

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