Puppet Curse Chapter 576: Different physical transformations


bsp;Hong Mo shook his head and followed behind. The body transformation of Panyan Turtle and Hydra had also entered the final stage, so he couldn’t leave for too long. Uploaded by netizens==

Hong Mo doesn’t even know where Chu Lingxin got so much energy. She has to assist Hong Mo in researching the physical transformation of Panyan Turtle and Hydra, as well as modifying and strengthening the zombie virus. He actually still has the energy to deduce the exercises… Moreover, Hong Mo knew that Chu Lingxin was still studying the principles of the technique, the principles, not just learning the technique…

“It’s very fulfilling. Just think that I have rested for too long in the accelerated world!” Chu Lingxin replied.

Hong Mo had no choice but to admit defeat. This was the only possible reason. Chu Lingxin was accelerating the world, but she had stayed there for hundreds of years. Could it be that she was suffocating? Chu Lingxin was so energetic, but she suffered a lot from that little fool, the Blood Demon, because Chu Lingxin only paid for her wisdom. All other actions required the little fool to perform, so the little fool couldn’t even sleep. I can’t sleep anymore.

However, despite the endless complaints, the little fool never said to stop and rest. She also knew that the current Scarlet Devil Mansion needed Chu Lingxin’s power. It was an honor for her to be chosen by Chu Lingxin, and the little fool didn’t want her sisters to perish because of lack of strength.

“Panyan Turtle, regarding your situation, I have the following findings.” Chu Lingxin faced Panyan Turtle and talked eloquently without even using honorifics.

“Your body can undoubtedly be transformed, but your turtle shell, sharp claws, fangs and other special parts are no longer a pure body, but more like a The special substance of bioalloy is very stable and cannot be transformed using existing methods, which is also an obstacle to completing physical transformation,” Chu Lingxin said.

“Then is there any solution?” Pan Yangui looked at Chu Lingxin with wide eyes.

“Yes, but I don’t know if you accept it!” Chu Lingxin did not dodge at all when faced with the two behemoths that looked like hills. Even the Rock Turtle and Hydra admired her stable state of mind. In the past six months, Panyan Turtle and Hydra have come to understand this so-called ‘extraordinary resourcefulness’ woman in Hong Mo’s mouth.

“What can I do?” Panyan Turtle was curious.

“Discard the turtle shell, sharp claws, fangs and other parts!” Chu Lingxin said calmly. Panyan Turtle immediately sank down after hearing this, and an astonishing aura surrounded Chu Lingxin. This undoubtedly caused the Panyan Turtle to abandon its strongest defense and strongest attack. How could the Panyan Turtle endure it?

“Don’t be so impatient, Chu Lingxin, can’t you finish it all at once.” Hong Mo immediately spoke to calm down.

“What else?” Pan Yangui looked at Hong Mo.

“The so-called abandonment does not mean that you abandon these things. It just transforms the turtle shell, claws, etc. into another form of existence, separated from the body.” Hong Mo said.

“What do you mean.”

“The transformation of the body is just to transform your body, while the turtle shell, claws and other parts are refined into your exclusive Horcrux by nurturing the Horcrux.” Hong Mo said this time Gotta be clear.

“Horcruxes are not so easy to breed. A good Horcrux will take at least several thousand years. In such a long time, my safety will be in great danger.” Panyan Turtle said, shaking his head.

“No, as long as you are willing, your turtle shell and claws can be gestated into a Horcrux within a year.” Hong Mo said with great certainty.

“So fast?” Panyangui said in disbelief.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion has obtained some things, including information on how to breed Horcruxes. If you, Senior Panyangui, use a part of your own body to breed Horcruxes, the speed will be very fast, because Senior’s The turtle shell, both in terms of material and coordination with the soul, has reached the highest level, and some of the most difficult synchronizations are not a problem,” Hong Mo explained.

“Is that so, you humans…!” Panyan Turtle didn’t know what to say. He could only say that human wisdom is indeed very enviable. Although the Rock Turtle and Hydra are not stupid, the number of ancient monsters is too small after all. With a sparse population base, the probability of producing geniuses is almost zero.

With the huge population base of human beings, it is not surprising that there are any monsters, and there are one and a half of them right in front of us.

“Panyan Turtle, do you agree?” Chu Lingxin seemed not to care at all about Panyan Turtle’s previous aura. At this time, she seemed to have calculated something and raised her head and asked.

Both Panyan Turtle and Hydra knew that this woman was really not afraid of them, and she didn’t even have a look of respect. She completely regarded the two ancient monsters as equal beings, or even just an experimental subject in her eyes. Regarding this situation, Panyan Turtle and Hydra were not angry, but rather… admired her. She was indeed a monster-like woman.

“If you have a way to quickly breed Horcruxes, then I agree.” Panyan Turtle nodded.

“Okay, here are some designs of the Horcrux Holy Clothes, which are designed based on your tortoise shell pattern and claw style. If you like one of them, you can separate it according to the style. After you make your choice, I will tell you how to separate your turtle shell.” After Chu Lingxin finished speaking, she walked towards Hydra.

“Uh, what do you mean?” Pan Yangui asked Hong Mo.

“It literally means that if your turtle shell breeds a Horcrux, it is impossible to still breed a turtle shell. This is very inconsistent with human aesthetics. Therefore, the lines on your turtle shell are used as cuttings. “Yes, the Scarlet Devil Mansion helped design several sets of Horcrux armor, full-body covering type, different styles, and the cutting points of the turtle shell patterns are different. You choose first, I will go to Hydra first,” Hong Mo explained. After finishing, he immediately chased after Hydra.

Panyan Turtle stared suspiciously, but still lay down and looked at the small design drawings. Fortunately, the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s current technology is also pretty good, and a Blood Demon immediately came over to help and projected several three-dimensional images of the armor. Each set of battle armor looks extremely exquisite and mighty.

Even if the Panyan Turtle is an ancient monster, you have to admit that this is really beautiful!

Hydra had been watching Panyan Turtle’s affairs from the side, and when it saw Chu Lingxin walking towards it, it didn’t know why, but suddenly felt a little shrinking.

“Nine heads!”

“Yes!” Hydra replied subconsciously, and then realized that his actions were too aggressive and really embarrassing. Fortunately, no one here noticed this.

“Jiutou, your body is also quite special, so ordinary flesh and blood transformation is not suitable for you.”

“I also want to give birth to a Horcrux?” Hydra asked.

“That’s not the problem.” Chu Lingxin shook her head. “Your problem is that you have nine heads, and each head has a separate consciousness. Now you have nine heads and you often argue. If they are gathered together, you will go crazy.”

“Go crazy?”

“To argue too much is just like going crazy.” Chu Lingxin explained.

“What can we do?” Hydra asked seriously.

“Separation, one head, in charge of one body.” Chu Lingxin didn’t pause this time and said it completely. “The Scarlet Devil Mansion found a kind of Apatomia protozoa on the planet Cypress. This creature can separate its body into several parts to exist independently, and when necessary, it can be fused together. The Scarlet Devil Mansion has recently completely mastered it. Principle, if you are willing, you can separate your nine heads and nine consciousnesses from each other and become separate individuals…”

“Apatomia?” Hydra didn’t know what it was.

“A primitive microorganism!”


“In short, I suggest that when your body is transformed, transform into nine people, each consciousness controlling one body. And because you are a whole body after all, you will have special reactions to each other, but you cannot The disadvantage of commanding other people’s bodies is that your power will be divided into nine parts, and your individual strength will be greatly reduced. Another disadvantage is that each of your consciousnesses will definitely have different experiences after they are separated. A few people will want to stay alone and no longer want to merge,” Chu Lingxin said calmly.

“Unwilling to integrate?”

“Yes, just like the war infants cultivated by humans, even the war infants of the same person do not dare to be separated too far or for too long, because after separation, different consciousnesses, different thoughts, and even , it is also possible to turn against each other,” Chu Lingxin explained.

“It can’t be this serious.” said the middle head of the Hydra. However, he knew that this possibility would definitely happen. The other eight heads did not get along so harmoniously. If it were not for the suppression of his main head and the fact that they were still the same body anyway, they would have fought each other long ago. Together.

“I’m just telling the facts. As for how to choose, it’s up to you.” Chu Lingxin said.

“Is this the only way?”

“This is the best way. The other way is to merge your consciousnesses. However, I see that you are not completely separated. After the fusion, there will probably be conflicts of consciousness, such as suddenly wanting to move forward. , and suddenly wanted to step back, several thoughts appeared at the same time, and they were mixed and unclear,” Chu Lingxin said.

Chu Lingxin returned to Panyan Turtle and looked at Panyan Turtle.

“Have you decided yet?”

“Well, I’ll choose this set.” Pan Yangui said, pointing to one of the dark gold Horcrux Saint Clothes.

“Okay, 503654, come here and teach Panyan Turtle how to divide his tortoise shell, what part of each piece needs to evolve into a Horcrux Saint Cloth, and how to breed it.” Chu Lingxin said to a guardian angel next to her. .

“Yes, Lord Chu Lingxin.” The guardian angel said respectfully.

Chu Lingxin has already led the little idiot Blood Demon towards another laboratory, which is about the strengthening and mutation of zombie viruses.

The Rock Turtle and Hydra looked at each other, and then looked at Hong Mo. “This woman’s aura is so strong that people always obey her unconsciously.”

Hong Mo smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

“Maybe it’s because she is so smart. I have said that I have always admired Chu Lingxin’s wisdom.” Hong Mo said. In terms of research, Hong Mo is not weak, but compared with Chu Lingxin, he is like a soy sauce. In particular, Chu Lingxin has been studying in the accelerated world for hundreds of years and has basically learned all the knowledge collected in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Hong Mo and Chu Lingxin are even more incomparable.

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