Puppet Curse Chapter 575: A long cycle


bsp;? Put aside the matter of the Great Chaos Battle Infant for now. At this time, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has more important things to do. During this period, in addition to experiments, Hong Mo also contacted Pan Yangui and asked him to help move the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Yes, moving! Because the Scarlet Devil Mansion does not have absolute combat power now, Hong Mo is very worried that if the base of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is found, everything will be over. Therefore, the Scarlet Devil Mansion needs a safe place to conduct research wholeheartedly.

Fortunately, because of the red ink, the Scarlet Devil Mansion still has two allies, the Rock Turtle and the Hydra. Hong Mo’s plan is to move to Hydra…

Hong Mo also knows that it is unreliable to place hope on ancient monsters, but Hong Mo has no choice, because this is the fact that the Scarlet Devil Mansion lacks absolute combat power. Moreover, I don’t know why, the relationship between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and human forces is not very good, but other alien life forms get along well with each other, such as the new demon clan on the earth.

Things had been packed up, and a group of people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion came to the beach. Fortunately, they didn’t meet any other enemies along the way. At the beach, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion saw the Rock Turtle. That huge body allowed thousands of people to stay inside his turtle shell without any problem.

Just after the group of people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Panyan Turtle disappeared under the sea, a woman flew towards them, it was Beangyu. After Cang Yu flew to the seaside, she stopped and carefully felt the aura remaining here.

“It’s the breath of the Panyan turtle, and the breath of many strange humans.” Cangyu pressed his hands in the void, and the law chain spread out, instantly projecting a huge screen, in which appeared the Scarlet Devil Mansion boarding Panyan. turtle scene. Cang Yu looked at everything on the screen coldly, and finally let out a cold snort.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion, are you getting involved with the ancient monsters?

The Panyan Turtle has entered the Black Abyss Ocean, and Cangyu has no confidence in finding the Panyan Turtle in the huge Black Abyss Ocean. Moreover, what will happen if he finds it, Cangyu has no confidence in winning the Panyan Turtle. Looking at the rippling blue sea and the dilapidated city by the sea, a trace of sadness flashed in Cangyu’s eyes.

Is this the purpose of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, revenge!

Cangyu’s heart is indeed hurting, it really hurts. Even Cangyu, who regards human life as high as ants, looks at the tens of billions of creatures on the Cypress planet becoming such mindless zombies. It hurts. Cangyu fell from the sky, and countless zombies immediately sensed her aura and rushed towards her.

Cangyu didn’t do anything, but all the zombies were blocked ten meters away.

A young zombie who had just grown up suddenly jumped down from the sky and caught a few sparks on the protective shield outside Cang Yu. Cang Yu looked at the young zombie and suddenly looked shocked.

Tian Dong!

It’s really winter. By the way, this is Sarah Harbor, where Chunfeng’s younger siblings live. Winter is here, but what about autumn rain? Cangyu looked around and did not find Qiu Yu, but saw other zombies looking at Tiandong as if they were worshiping. Cangyu immediately thought of Tiandong’s current identity.

New body – leader!

It is almost close to level 5 strength. In such a remote coastal city, has a new leader of such strength appeared? Although there is a reason for this that Tiandong has received a good education, the energy of the planet’s consciousness is really big enough.

Cangyu knows that the consciousness of the planet is gathering on the basis of these new bodies. When these leaders devour each other and merge, the consciousness of the planet will truly be formed. At that time, the future of Kashiwa Jupiter was truly unknown.

“Try it. Instead of letting an unknown person gather the consciousness of the planet, it is better to help you.” Cangyu said, bound Tiandong with a spirit binding, and flew towards another group of zombies. .

Not long after, Cangyu brought Tiandong to this community, and then without any explanation, Cangyu broke the limbs of the leader of the community and threw them in front of Tiandong.

After being freed, Tiandong roared at Cangyu several times. After being on guard like a wild beast for a moment, he finally couldn’t bear the devouring desire in his heart and started to devour the leader of the new body that was constantly struggling on the ground. Black and fishy blood spattered everywhere. As Tiandong devoured it, a void of consciousness was absorbed into his body, and then the aura throughout his body suddenly surged.


Cangyu quietly observed the changes in Tiandong. She did not give birth to a war baby or anything, but her body alone broke through the limit and reached level 5. Of course, level 5 was nothing to Cangyu, but Cangyu was still surprised by the speed of evolution.

“Come on, keep looking for the next one.” Cang Yu said lightly. He immediately bound Tiandong again and flew towards the next place.

With the help of Cangyu, Tiandong’s zombies were promoted to level 6 within a few days. However, after entering level 6, their improvement was very slow. Moreover, Cang Yu discovered that her method of overthrowing others made Tiandong completely unable to control his own power.

“Forget it, I’m tired of it too. You now have the strength of level 6. If you still fail in the fight, it will be your fate.” Cangyu said lightly, pointing Tiandong towards the city below. Throw it away.

Sure enough, a plan that was hatched by chance cannot last forever. For a woman like Cang Yu, carrying a filthy zombie around for three days is already the limit.

After doing all this, Cangyu suddenly didn’t know what to do. Kashiwagi Planet was now a zombie planet. Although these zombies did not pose any danger to Cangyu, a single person, even Cangyu, could Feeling confused.

Human beings have always been social creatures!

Originally, Cangyu planned to go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to see if he could remove these zombie viruses. However, it was a step too late. The Scarlet Devil Mansion had gone to the lair of some ancient monster.

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to care!” Cang Yu’s eyes flashed with sadness.

Having lived for tens of thousands of years, Cangyu has seen countless battles, grudges and hatreds. Cangyu no longer wants to pay attention to Kashiwagi Xing’s matter. In Cangyu’s view, although the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s practices are unacceptable, it cannot be said that they did something wrong. It can only be said that Patomi asked for it. This kind of Things make no sense at all.

Cang Yu directly released a small spaceship from the space ring, about a hundred meters in diameter, and then fell into the center of the spaceship.

“Go to Bibo Star!” Cangyu said to the intelligent system.

“Hi, master!”


In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. Even if there is no training method of “Great Chaos Battle Infant”, the Scarlet Devil Mansion now has many other universal battle infant training methods. Chu Lingxin, on the other hand, is trying to deduce a set of top-notch cultivation techniques for each person to promote the growth of Zhan Ying.

Everyone has received a set of exercises derived by Chu Lingxin. It is said that it is a preliminary deduction. The effect may not be very good, but it definitely has no side effects. Then Chu Lingxin asked everyone to participate in the test to see how long these techniques could allow everyone to grow and mature the first battle infant.

As a researcher, the most important thing is rigor, so Chu Lingxin likes to quantify everything.

“7497 years! According to your current transformation speed, if you do nothing, it will take you 7497 years to bring the first battle baby to maturity. And if you use this set of techniques to deliberately transform energy and matter, Then the speed will be increased by about 2.9 times, which means…” Chu Lingxin said as the little idiot Blood Demon on the side quickly recorded.

“The year is 2585. At this speed, people really can’t take chances.” Hong Mo walked out of the testing instrument with his body bent, and a piece of clothing was caught in Hong Mo’s hand.

“In the information obtained from Jingshenting, the simpler and weaker the war infant, the shorter the maturity period. The shortest one only takes a few hundred years. With the appropriate skills, it can be shortened to a hundred years. However, that kind of battle infant has little value at all. In the final analysis, what the Scarlet Devil Mansion needs is absolute strength, not an empty LV level.” Chu Lingxin said.

“That’s true, but 2585 is too hard to wait for.” Hong Mo frowned.

Chu Lingxin did not answer the call, but looked at the tested data.

Red Ink – The original growth cycle of the First Battle Infant is 7497 cosmic years. With the current practice, it can be shortened to 2585 years. Ringtone – The original growth cycle of the First Battle Infant is 6366 cosmic years. With the current practice, it can be shortened to 2031. The original growth cycle of Fran, the First Battle Infant, is 6357 cosmic years. With the current technique, it can be shortened to 2032. The original growth cycle of Long Meiling, the First Battle Infant, is 5598 cosmic years. With the current cultivation method, it can be shortened to 1868 years. The original growth cycle of Xiao Zi – the First Battle Infant is 6287 cosmic years. With the current cultivation method, it can be shortened to 1950. Heiyan Shu – The original growth cycle of the First Battle Infant is 5646 cosmic years. With the current cultivation method, it can be shortened to 1766 years. Bashang – The original growth cycle of the First Battle Infant is 5765 cosmic years. With the current cultivation method, it can be shortened to 1767 years. Jingxin – The original growth cycle of the First Battle Infant is 5984 cosmic years. With the current practice, it can be shortened to 1798 years.

If the original growth cycle of the war infant represents the potential of each war infant, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion seems to have very good potential. However, potential is just potential. The greater the potential, the longer it will take to grow. As for the Scarlet Devil Mansion, what it lacks most now is time.

“I will continue to deduce the techniques you are using now and try to shorten the growth cycle of the war infant.” Chu Lingxin signaled the little idiot Blood Demon to collect the information and said to Hong Mo.

“Thank you for your hard work!” Hong Mo said to Chu Lingxin, but Chu Lingxin didn’t seem to hear it and was already walking towards the Rock Turtle and Hydra with the little idiot Blood Demon



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