Puppet Curse Chapter 527: Mind Simulation


bsp;? There is no room for error in the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s plan this time. If the distorted wish crystal is not successfully used to create a ‘matrix’ this time, then the chances of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will be even slimmer in the future. Kashiwa Jupiter will not give the Scarlet Devil Mansion any more opportunities. “”

The Scarlet Devil Mansion has caused a contagion of desire in dozens of cities, but there are only four truly important cities. Hong Mo, Suzune, Fran, and Bashang, the four cities run by four people respectively, do not need to all succeed. As long as one of them is not disturbed and successfully creates the ‘Matrix’, then the purpose of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will be It is achieved.

Bashang and Jingxin only rested for more than an hour when they felt the breath coming from far away.

“Someone is coming so soon? But they only have level 4 aura. They shouldn’t be the ones coming to stop us.” Bashang said doubtfully.

“Well, there are only six lv4 warriors on the surface. Logically speaking, with such strength, it is impossible to stop us. However, the direction of the other party is undoubtedly ours. Is there any reason among them? What’s wrong?” Jing Xin’s index finger pointed at the center of her eyebrows, and a circle of transparent ripples instantly spread out with her as the center.

This circle of ripples swept across the city silently and spread into the distance.

“Hmm…!” When this circle of ripples swept through, the pores on Kari Yi’s body suddenly shrank, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then his whole aura completely disappeared. The six princes and princesses flying below didn’t even have the slightest sense, and they had no idea that their movements had completely fallen into Jingxin’s eyes.

“No other people were found, but we do not rule out the possibility that there are experts hiding in the dark. As for these six people, no matter what their purpose is for coming here, they cannot be allowed to ruin Lord Hong Mo’s plan.” Jing Xin opened his eyes and said quietly.

“I’ll go ahead. If there’s no one else, just kill him.” Bashang stood up.

“Let’s go together! There is no place that needs us in the city center for the time being. We can’t be careless in any situation now. It’s better to act together.” Jingxin said, also stood up, and then put the girl who had fallen asleep in her arms Xiaolu handed it to Bashang. As soon as Xiaolu’s energy condensation came into contact with Ba Shang’s body, it quickly disappeared and was sucked into it.

At this time, the six princes and princesses had arrived at the edge of the city where they were located. Looking at the city below that was engulfed in blood and fire, the six princes and princesses who had been living in the greenhouse garden looked very surprised.

Such a miserable situation!

Even though they were always playboys, they had never thought of causing such a massacre. The thick smell of blood in the air made several people feel very uncomfortable. The five of them couldn’t help but turn pale as they looked at this cruel and tragic scene. Only the woman in the lead was breathing heavily, and there was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

“The enemy is coming!” The leading woman’s detector beat slightly, indicating the direction in which Bashang and Jingxin were flying.

After hearing this, the other five people immediately cheered up and took precautions. Although they had not been out for a long time, they had a real fight with the people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and several of them had different understandings. This is a real battle, not the kind of sparring within the family. Any carelessness will lead to death.

Not long after, Bashang and Jingxin quickly arrived in front of several people.

“Who are you? How dare you… in a city under the jurisdiction of Amos…” A young man at the head asked in a stern voice. With his righteous words and handsome and determined face, he really looked like a messenger of justice. The other three men couldn’t help but be jealous that this guy actually showed off such a trick in front of the princess first.

‘This guy is looking for death, he’s a fool. ’ Kari Yi looked at the young man speechlessly and prepared for rescue. ‘Damn it, why are you rushing to get into heat in front of the female bird? Don’t even look at what’s going on now. ’

Sure enough, Ba Shang and Jing Xin did not stop at all, they rushed over directly. From a distance, Ba Shang pressed down with both hands, and a huge pressure suddenly fell on the six people.

Ordinary lv5 generals can’t withstand this huge pressure, let alone six mere lv4 generals. Fortunately, these few people are not ordinary people. They don’t have many other things, but they have many treasures. Almost instantly, different haloes of light rose up from the six people, resisting the pressure.

Even so, the six people were pushed to the ground by the pressure, lying on the ground in a panic.

A flash of surprise flashed in Bashang and Jingxin’s eyes. Six level 4s, all of them had defensive Horcruxes on them. They were obviously not ordinary people. In this case, Bashang no longer needs to hold back. When he raised his strong right fist, it seemed that the entire space nearby was moved, and everyone felt a huge pressure.

【Super heavy punch】!

Jingxin stretched out her right hand, and a unique energy circled around her wrist. Be prepared. From the moment of contact, Jingxin guessed that there should be a master nearby who had not appeared.

Sure enough, just before Bashang’s super-heavy punch was knocked down, a figure seemed to appear directly in front of Bashang, with three fingers of his right hand pressed together, directly thrusting into Bashang’s heart.

【Mind Simulation Reverse】!

Jingxin opened her right hand and pointed it at the figure who suddenly appeared. A mirror-like barrier appeared in front of the man. The next moment, the three attacks were launched at the same time, and then collided together.

Silently, the transparent mirror turned into crystal and collapsed rapidly, while Ba Shang, Jing Xin, and Kari Yi were ejected separately, and a huge shock wave raged in all directions. The six people who were pressed underground felt a heavier pressure coming from above, and even the defensive Horcruxes were rippled.

With two soft pops, the defensive Horcruxes of the two people were downgraded by one level. First, they could no longer hold up and the defensive field collapsed. Then, the two young people had no ability to resist at all and were instantly squeezed into a pile of meat. .

The shock wave came quickly and disappeared very quickly. After a while, apart from the urban area that was moved to the ground by the violent shock wave, there were only three people fighting in the air and four princes who were surviving on the ground. Princess.

“You leave, these two are no longer the enemies they were before. If you continue to stay here, I cannot guarantee your safety.” Kari Yi waved his right hand lightly, and the four people who had fallen into the ground were pulled out by a force. Then throw it far away, like throwing several large pieces of garbage.

Not only did the four of them not feel insulted by Goi Yi’s actions, they breathed a sigh of relief. It’s too dangerous. The battle outside is really a matter of life and death. A little carelessness can lead to death, even if there is a super nanny.

Bashang and Jingxin did not pay attention to the four princes and princesses who were thrown away. They were solemnly guarded against the wretched-looking man in front of them.

‘Very strong! ’

‘Well, it is initially estimated that he is above level 6. I don’t know if he is a powerful person in the universe at level 7. We still don’t know how deep he is. I’m afraid we can’t continue here. Notify the guardian angels and blood demons in the city to prepare to retreat. ’ Jingxin sighed in her heart.

Although the plan of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is very important, we will not stay behind knowing that we are losing. We only hope that Lord Hong Mo and others will not have such powerful enemies.

At this time, Kari Yi was also surprised. Although there were only two level 5 opponents, their abilities seemed to be very simple. As expected, they are a group of people who have obtained the inheritance of Kuchi Star. They really cannot be underestimated. Kari Yi shook his right hand. There were no wounds on his hand, but the sleeve on his right arm had been annihilated by the previous impact.

“What is your status in the Scarlet Devil Mansion?” Kari Yi suddenly asked curiously.


“What, you don’t want to say a few words before the battle? It’s not an important question I’m asking, or do you want to take action directly?” Kari Yi clenched his fist with his right hand and knocked it lightly in the air.

“They can be regarded as the core personnel of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” Bashang and Jingxin realized that they couldn’t find a flaw and it was not a good time to launch an attack, so they couldn’t help but answer Goi Yi’s question.

“Don’t the core personnel have any positions?” Hou Yi was confused.

“There are no special positions in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Master Hongmo and Miss Hongmo never force everyone to do anything.” Bashang answered simply.

“Hey, the structure of your Scarlet Devil Mansion is really strange. With such a structure, aren’t you afraid of chaos?” Kari Yi raised his eyebrows. With such an absence of absolute responsibilities, isn’t the Scarlet Devil Mansion afraid of some people? Become powerful and then seize power or something? How could Kari Yi know about the special situation in the Scarlet Devil Mansion?

“Chaos? Of course not. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is everyone’s home.” Jingxin said this simply but solemnly. Then, countless light spots filled the air from Jingxin’s body, and a twisted light was condensed around her. As the light spots gathered, the power coming from this light became more and more powerful.

Jingxin’s ability – [Mind Simulation]! An ability between laws. The guardian angels and blood demons of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, each one with the ‘red’ surname, are absolutely strong. Regardless of the particularity of his abilities or his absolute strength, he is the best.

And similarly, a heavy aura emerged from Bashang’s body, and his whole person was powerful without being angry. Xiaolu, who had been sleeping in Bashang’s body, also woke up again, and a pure energy spread from the sapling in Bashang’s body to Bashang’s whole body.

Cannot understand! Kari Yi really couldn’t understand the situation in the Scarlet Devil Mansion from Bashang and Jingxin’s simple words, so he couldn’t understand it. However, he was just asking casually. He originally thought that being a nanny for several princes and princesses would be a troublesome job, but he never expected that he would meet such an opponent.

This is the best!

Kui Yi showed a lewd smile, disappeared, fought, and rose again!

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