Puppet Curse Chapter 516: Escape from the vortex


bsp;?While Hong Mo was still devouring, the powerful attraction of the tornado rolled up Hong Mo and the corpses on the ground, and swept them into the center of the tornado. “”

Originally, if it was Cangyu and Mipos, they would have been able to rescue Hong Mo, but at this time, both of them were disgusted by Hong Mo’s previous swallowing behavior. Therefore, both of them watched Hong Mo being sucked into the tornado without making the slightest move.

As for the people from Jing Shenting and Nect, since the two bosses have not spoken, they will not do anything.

It wasn’t until Hong Mo disappeared into the tornado that Cang Yu realized that she had missed the opportunity to rescue Hong Mo. And that [Desire]’s strength has increased a lot during this period of time, and even Mo Chuli and Gatola find it difficult to resist it. The battlefield was no longer completely under the control of Mo Chuli and Gatola, and was gradually moving towards this side.

“Forget it, carry out the planned plan.” Cangyu and Mipos were not ordinary people, and they recovered from their disappointment after a moment. He is just a junior general. Although he is a bit special, he is not worthy of their special attention. For now, [Desire] is still the most important thing.

Hong Mo was sucked into the tornado, and the tornado, as sharp as a knife, began to tear Hong Mo’s body apart. However, Hong Mo kept devouring the corpse he held in his hands, and his high-speed regeneration ability continued. Mo actually dragged his broken body into the center of the tornado.

I look like this!

Hong Mo’s conscious mind, protected inside the green ball, has been silently watching the behavior of his body. Even Hong Mo himself felt a little disgusted. When the red ink fell on the center of the tornado, only a head full of cracks remained. The corpse was completely turned into minced meat due to the tearing of the tornado and the swallowing of Hong Mo.

‘This is the first time. ’ Hong Mo smiled bitterly in his heart. A long time ago, Mojisala told Hong Mo that a strong body is the foundation. Otherwise, even if it has high-speed regeneration ability, the body will just be a defective product. Not every time you are so lucky and have the opportunity to use high-speed regeneration. Regenerate to recover.

The constant erosion of desire is not only the consciousness of Hong Mo’s body, but also the war infant in the soul space. Fortunately, the seal under the green jade cloth not only blocked the red ink war infant, but also resisted the erosion of desire on the red ink war infant. Under the constant erosion of desire, these seals began to gradually dissipate.

Well done!

Hong Mo sighed in admiration in his heart, expecting that the impact of these desires could quickly break through the seal of the green jade, so that Hong Mo’s war infant could be liberated and at least have the power to protect himself.

The center of the tornado was very calm, and Hong Mo’s current skull could withstand this slight impact. The closer you get to the center of the battlefield, the closer you are to [Desire], the stronger the impact of desire will be, and the faster the seal will dissipate.

Finally, the erosion of desire seemed to reach a critical point, and the chain of laws as a seal broke instantly, filling Hong Mo’s soul space. The impact of desire swarmed towards Hong Mo’s battle baby like a frenzy, and Hong Mo’s battle baby also got rid of its restraints at this moment and gained the ability to move.

【Consciousness erased】!

[Desire] is Jing Shenting’s attempt to condense the consciousness of the planet, but it ended up being a consciousness condensed with incomplete desires. The impact of these desires is just a kind of desire consciousness. As Hong Mo’s consciousness was wiped out, the impact of desire that came into contact with the Red Mo Battle Infant melted like ice and snow, and then turned into a stream of energy that entered Hong Mo’s Battle Infant’s body.


Hong Mo looked at the changes in his baby in surprise. He did not feel this way when he erased the consciousness of those experimental subjects before. Is there any difference? Hong Mo felt it, but found that this impact of desire all came from [Desire] fighting together not far away.

I can’t eat anymore!

It didn’t take long for Hong Mo’s war infant to feel such a feeling. Then Hong Mo knew that this power of consciousness was also one of the energies needed for the growth of Hong Mo’s war infant, but it was just one part. . The growth of each battle infant requires a balance of various necessary materials and energies. If it continues to absorb these conscious energies, the development of Hong Mo’s battle infant will become deformed.

The red ink battle baby did not fly out, but used its strength to wrap its head and fall towards the ground at the center of the tornado.

These guys are too strong. What Hong Mo is thinking about right now is how to get out of this battle. As for intervening, it is better not to overestimate your capabilities.

A broken head fell to the ground without attracting anyone’s attention, and then sank silently toward the ground. The red ink carefully concealed the fluctuations of energy, slowly squeezing the soil and sinking deeper. Although he was currently in a battle, and all kinds of energy seemed to be extremely violent, Hong Mo couldn’t guarantee whether these old monsters would find him.

What will happen above is not something Hong Mo can know. Currently, Hong Mo has no ability to intervene in the battle above due to his strength.

Hong Mo estimated that he had sunk a thousand meters deep into the ground, and even in such a deep ground, he could feel constant vibrations, obviously affected by the battle above.

Another violent vibration came. Hong Mo estimated that this position would not attract the attention of those old monsters. The baby immediately flew out, then picked up his head and moved deeper into the ground with all his strength. Drill. When Hong Mo drilled four to five kilometers and reached the magma layer, he stopped going deeper.

The magma layer of Cypress Jupiter is slightly higher than that of the Earth, estimated to be 4000c higher. The red-ink war infant has opened his defensive spiritual shield and looks at the fiery red surroundings.

In the short period of time since Hong Mo was arrested, Hong Mo has basically judged their purpose from the conversations between those people, cleaned them up, and then destroyed them in all directions at the same time. Although Hong Mo didn’t think that kind of destructive power would come as deep as four or five kilometers underground, Hong Mo didn’t plan to recover here. Following the flow of magma, Hong Mo randomly chose a direction and flowed towards the distance.

I don’t know if the little girl Guoguo escaped, but Hong Mo is guessing that she is very worried. With the power of Hong Mo’s magic gun, Hong Mo can probably reach the part near the magma. The temperature in that place is also about 2000c. A small lv3 superpower probably won’t survive.

Hong Mo thought so, but at this time, dozens of kilometers away from Hong Mo, a small figure was digging forward with difficulty.

Guo Guo is also a girl with a story.

On Guoguo’s right ear is an earring, a Horcrux [the idea of ​​protection]. This earring was left to her by her aunt. It was originally a pair of earrings, but Guoguo only got one. The other one died before her aunt said where it was. Guoguo estimated that her aunt’s enemy must have taken away the earrings, but the person who could steal her aunt’s Horcrux was obviously not someone with her meager strength. After losing her aunt’s protection, Guoguo lived a wandering life alone.

“Auntie!” Guoguo had tears in her eyes, and then she slowly dug forward bit by bit.

Definitely, must live, Guoguo’s eyes were filled with determination. Although it was only level 3, the basic direction identification was still unmistakable. Therefore, Guoguo kept maintaining this direction and depth and dug into the distance. According to the news that Guoguo had learned before, there was a general purge around Pingping City, so Guoguo decided to dig a thousand kilometers before getting out.

A thousand kilometers away, I am afraid that even Hong Mo would be exhausted. After all, he was not capable of controlling the earth, so Hong Mo chose to go deeper underground and drift along the magma. And this Guoguo, not to mention, only drives a little simple energy. This is definitely a huge project.

Although Hong Mo is not sure how big the scope of the cleaning is, he also knows that the farther away, the better. The current Pinghe City is a big whirlpool. Once people with low strength are involved, they will be swallowed up. There is nothing left either. Following the magma flow, Hong Mo continued to drift forward. After a long time, Hong Mo estimated that it should be at least several thousand kilometers before he prepared to leave the ground and move towards the surface.

At this time, the lava flow suddenly moved upwards. The red-inked war infant was caught off guard and rushed upwards along the lava flow.

‘Huh? ’ If Hong Mo wanted to resist, he would probably be able to escape from this magma flow, but Hong Mo did not resist. The magma flow will not flow upward for no reason. There is only one such situation, a volcanic eruption. Red ink is familiar with the map of Kashiwa Jupiter. There are no volcanoes around Pinghei City. The nearest volcano is more than 6,000 kilometers away. Wausolo volcano.

Hong Mo erupted into the sky along the flow of magma. Originally, Hong Mo planned to rush outside along the flow of magma, but Hong Mo suddenly stopped and resisted the magma with difficulty. The impact of the flow.

‘God, did I read that right? What is this? ’ In Hong Mo’s superpower field, a huge turtle-like creature was seen floating in the magma. When the huge magma passes by this huge turtle, it will automatically separate and cannot have the slightest impact on it.

Hong Mo has read a lot of information during this period, and it is not limited to technology. Hong Mo has also read things like ancient myths in detail.

This is the Panyan Turtle!

Although it was the first time he saw it, Hong Mo knew from the bottom of his heart that he was absolutely unmistakable. This big guy was Panyan Turtle, a super monster whose strength was said to have reached the level of the strongest in the universe.

According to the information on Kashiwagi, there used to be many powerful monsters in Kashiwa. However, with the rise of humans on Kashiwa, these powerful creatures gradually disappeared and were either killed or hidden. Just like the earth before, although the individual strength of tigers and lions far exceeds that of humans, they are no match for humans and can only be reduced to “protected animals” in the end.

Warcraft is different. They have self-awareness and are powerful enough. How can they tolerate themselves becoming “protected animals”? Of course, I am afraid that humans on Kashiwagi will not allow it either.

Here, there is actually a rock turtle!

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