Puppet Curse Chapter 491: Battle analysis


bsp;The vice-principal, known as the Queen Bee, fell down and came to the corpses that had not yet been dealt with. The three corpses were frozen in diamond-shaped ice crystals, with lifelike expressions of surprise and shock; the other two corpses only had a small wound between their eyebrows, with two exquisite flying knives stuck on them; and the remaining three had no trace of them at all. There was no complete body, only a little bit of blood and flesh that luckily left splattered on the ground.

The Queen Bee has a lot of combat experience. She can instantly judge the battle here and then roughly simulate it in her mind.

Eight generals suddenly appeared in front of two **** and two royal sisters. The advantage in numbers and the confidence in their strength made these people look contemptuous and arrogant. Perhaps, he also said some nonsense about surrendering and surrendering. However, the four people on the opposite side launched an attack in an instant, and it was not a test, but a highly targeted killing blow.

Decisive, resolute!

This fighting style! If you don’t take action, it will be over, but if you take action, it will be like thunder and death. Different mentality leads to different consequences, and the negligent party will of course pay the price of death. However, negligence is only one aspect, and suppression of ability is also a very important reason.

The queen bee’s right hand gently touched the ice crystal. It was very warm and did not feel cold at all. And it is precisely because of this that the queen bee is surprised, this completely restrained coldness, this degree of freezing…!

Then Queen Bee looked at the two people who had only a small wound between their eyebrows, completely confused. It shouldn’t be. It looked like there were no signs of fighting at all, as if the two of them were just waiting to be stabbed. Moreover, the queen bee looked at the skin color of one of the people, and then reached out and pinched the bones. It was unmistakable that the cultivation method was the diamond body.

The Diamond Body is not a special skill, but it is not a popular product, and it is also known for its defensive power. It is difficult for Queen Bee to imagine how such a fragile knife can penetrate.

The queen bee grabbed the handle of the flying knife and pulled it hard. The hard skull clamped the flying knife tightly. Under the queen bee’s force, the flying knife broke into two halves. Looking at the half-handled flying knife in her hand, Queen Bee confirmed her previous thoughts. This flying knife was simply an ordinary thing, not surprising at all, and was not even as hard as this person’s bones. But how did it penetrate?

Then the queen bee looked at the original positions of the other three people. There was a small amount of minced meat and blood on the ground. This was a corpse. Are you kidding me…! Looking in this direction, behind these three people, on the other side of the street, a large area also disappeared.

It’s getting weirder and weirder. What kind of abilities are these?

“Are there four women on the other side?” Queen Bee asked the mentor.

“Yeah, but that’s not right. It should be said to be two girls and two little girls.” When the instructor heard this, the figures of the four people instantly appeared in his mind.

“Follow me, let other people handle the matter here. Tell me carefully what’s going on, and tell me everything you know.” At this time, the queen bee was also more serious. From the different ways of death of several people, it can be seen that those three people are not ordinary war infants who have gathered together. Usually one of them is very rare. Why did three of them appear at once today?

“Lord Queen Bee, please wait!” At this time, another middle-aged man next to him immediately spoke out.

“Well, who are you?”

“Hello, Mr. Queen Bee, I am the person in charge of the Bubu family in Yuming City…” The middle-aged man introduced himself respectfully, but he was stopped by Queen Bee only halfway through.

“I’m not interested in listening to your nonsense. This matter was probably caused by your Bubu family. You can take away the bodies of these two people and keep the others. Zhoumi Academy also I am very curious about the abilities of these people.” Queen Bee waved her left hand, and a frozen ice crystal and a corpse with a flying knife on its head flew over.

“Thank you, Lord Bee!” The person in charge twitched the corners of his mouth, but still thanked him against his will. Zhoumi Academy has a very high status in Kashiwagi. It is already good to have such a result. At least, there is a sample of the corpses that died under different abilities, which gives them more room for investigation.

The Queen Bee just responded lightly and took the instructor back to the academy. In the luxurious vice-principal’s office, the instructor named Hua Qianyu explained the matter to Principal Queen Bee in detail. Of course, the audience will not only be the Queen Bee, but also the charming Athena mentor.

After receiving a cup of tea made by Athena, Hua Qianyu was a little flattered, but after seeing the unkind look in the little old man’s eyes, he immediately retracted his thoughts and told the story in detail.

Everyone in Zhoumi College knows that the dean is absent from the college all year round, and that the real person in charge is the Queen Bee Vice-Principal. But in fact, the only thing Queen Bee possesses is absolute force. The real think tank is actually Athena. Athena’s so-called mentor status is just a hobby. She prefers to give guidance to some little guys.

Hua Qianyu explained in great detail, from the moment Suzune and Fran signed up, to the end of the matter.

“You didn’t notice that the four of them have condensed the war infant?” Sure enough, it was Athena who asked the question.

“I didn’t see it, but there should be three of them. The maid named Jingye only made some simple defenses from beginning to end. If the war infants were gathered together, the other three would attack with determination. Look, I won’t take action.” Hua Qianyu thought about it and confirmed.

“Are you sure?”

“Now that I think about it, there are some differences in the relationship between these four people. Needless to say, Remilia and Flandre, the absolute dominant ones, as stated in the data, are the eldest lady and Second lady, but the silver-haired maid who is also a maid has a higher status than the long-black-haired maid. I accidentally heard the long-black-haired maid named Jingye called Mr. Kumiko once. “Hua Qianyu said carefully. Thinking back, he finally nodded.

“The eldest lady, Remilia Red Scarlet. The second lady, Flandre, Red Scarlet. The silver-haired maid Kumiko. The long-black-haired maid Qingye. These are the names of the four of them.” Axi Na asked with a smile, while calling up the surveillance system outside Zhoumi Academy, which contained videos of four people.

Hua Qianyu nodded.

“Queen Bee, what do you think their abilities are?” Athena asked Queen Bee who was watching the video. The battle video was short and unclear. It was very different from when there was no battle before.

“This Remilia’s ability can be roughly determined. It belongs to the freezing ability of the ice system and is very powerful. However, look here…!” Queen Bee froze the video at a moment, and at this time, the bell sound moved towards Glanced in one direction.

“Did you see it? This direction is a surveillance system on the surface. It has obviously been discovered a long time ago, and at the beginning of the battle, an ice pick destroyed this surveillance system. Moreover, I doubt this video It’s so vague because of Remilia’s interference. She obviously knows that there is more to the surveillance system than what’s shown on the surface. As for what her abilities are, it’s unclear. In short, she is a very detailed lady.” Queen Bee approved. ‘s nodded.

“The abilities of the second young lady Flandre and Kumiko are not very clear. The video is too blurry after being interfered with, and the way these two fight is also quite strange. I think it’s better to wait. The group of people can only give the answer after analyzing their corpses.” Queen Bee finally thought about it and said.

“The analysis of the corpse will not be so fast, but news will probably come out soon. The person who made the Bubu family go to war must not be an ordinary person. Everyone, just wait.” Athena smiled. said.

While the three of them were waiting for the so-called news, Athena asked Hua Qianyu another question.

“Teacher Hua, are you sure that these two girls are only in their nineties and not under one hundred?”

“This…!” Hua Qianyu hesitated, after all, something went wrong when testing his strength before. But after thinking for a while, he still adopted a watertight answer. “In the test, their age was over 90. I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

“Athena, what did you think of?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel that people who are less than a hundred years old and gather war infants cannot be described as geniuses anymore. I have only heard that there are some such geniuses among those races with A+ potential.” Athena’s eyes showed an expression of appreciation.

“You don’t plan to accept them as apprentices.” Queen Bee looked at Athena’s expression and knew what she was thinking.

“Geniuses, and there are two of them. No, maybe there are more than two. Look at Kumiko and Jingye, I’m afraid they are not very old. When you meet such a person, you won’t be excited. You don’t want to pass on your own things. Go down?” Athena asked.

The Queen Bee was stunned by the question. After a while, she said sarcastically: “You won’t allow me to accept a female apprentice anyway.”

“Why, do you want to accept it? Let’s not talk about these two lolita. Kumiko and Jingye are both charming and charming beauties~!” Asina lay on the queen bee’s back. Go up and blow in his ears.

Hua Qianyu sat upright, not daring to look sideways. After a moment, he realized why he was still here as a light bulb. “Well, Vice Principal Queen Bee, Tutor Athena, I have made it clear what I know. If there is nothing else, I will leave first.”


Shortly after Hua Qianyu left, the information collected by Zhoumi Academy also came in, information directly requested from the Bubu family. The transcendent status of Zhoumi Academy is no joke.

From the Milky Way, a small organization on a small planet with life:

The Scarlet Devil Mansion!

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