Puppet Curse Chapter 475: Respective trajectories (1)


bsp;? No one in the Scarlet Devil Mansion recognized the black diamond, but naturally someone took it for detailed examination. “” Hong Mo decided to ask Ke Jiasu what this thing was.

“That thing, could it be that thing, the legendary black jade crystal!” Ke Jiasu looked very calm at first, but after Hong Mo explained in detail, his expression became very surprised. That nervous look made Hong Mo think that he had picked up something good.

Hong Mo’s heart was also stimulated by Ke Jiasu’s expression. Is it really so lucky that he found a super treasure on a random planet? Thinking like this, Hong Mo suddenly noticed something. There was a hint of teasing smile in Ke Jiasu’s eyes, and there was a ‘novel’ in his hand.

Yes, the novel is just like the online novel a long time ago, pure “”.

“It’s so artificial!” Hong Mo suddenly said.

“Did you see it?” When Hong Mo said this, Ke Jiasu immediately changed his appearance and sat down very calmly. There was no trace of nervousness or excitement on his face.

“Your acting technique is too clumsy.” After confirming that Ke Jiasu was acting, Hong Mo immediately re-judged how childish Ke Jiasu’s behavior just now was, but he actually acted really for a moment Got scammed. It seems that my state of mind is also changing unconsciously. Many times, I also think that I am the so-called protagonist and take all kinds of good luck for granted.

“I just read a novel written by you humans, so I gave it a try.” Ke Jiasu said nonchalantly.


“Aren’t you the protagonist? It’s natural to have such luck. You can dig out good things by just digging a hole.” Ke Jiasu said jokingly.

Hong Mo felt awe-inspiring in his heart. He must have a good attitude. There is no denying that the Scarlet Devil Mansion has been able to reach this point due to luck, but it is also absolutely inseparable from the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s own prudence and careful development. It has never thought about reaching the sky in one step.

“Okay, stop talking about this, what on earth is that?” Hong Mo also calmed down and stopped pursuing this issue.

“Black Jade Crystal, I said it before, right, but it’s not that precious. Black Jade Crystal is an ore that can be found on hypergravity planets. It has a very stable structure and is widely used in higher galaxies. , just like steel in your human world,” Ke Jiasu explained casually.

Sure enough, it’s like a piece of steel! Obviously, steel is very valuable in human society, but it is far from the legendary treasure. The information on building spaceships also mentioned black jade crystals, but there was no such thing on earth, so Hong Mo didn’t think of it for a while.

“Black jade crystals were discovered on this planet. Does this mean that this mineral can be collected on this planet?” Hong Mo remembered that the manufacturing materials for the seven spaceships were actually replaced by materials from the earth. If black jade crystals can be mined in large quantities here, then you can consider changing the materials of the spaceship.

“Black jade crystals are not uncommon, but they are usually found on high-gravity planets. The high gravity I call is about 50 times more than the earth’s gravity. It should be an accident to find this black jade crystal on this planet. . However, there should be quite a few on the planet next to it.” Ke Jiasu pointed to the sky.

The planet next to it refers to another physical planet. Basic information has also been detected. The gravity is about 120 times that of the earth, the atmospheric pressure is about 67 times that of the earth, and the surface temperature is as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius…, If we talk about the conditions for the formation of black jade crystals, that planet is obviously possible.

“Black jade crystal, although not uncommon, has a wide range of applications and is difficult to mine under high gravity, so its value is still high. If you are interested, you can mine a little, but if you want to do it here If you want to transform the spaceship, I advise you to give up.” Ke Jiasu said suddenly.

“Oh, why?”

“I have already said that the conditions for the formation of black jade crystals are high-gravity planets, so have you never thought about how this black jade crystal appears? White dwarfs are the final stages of stars. You people on earth all know this. Stars in that era were very unstable. Although this star looks harmless to humans and animals now, when will it explode, do you think you can handle it?”

“I understand. After collecting some black jade crystals, I will leave this star system.” Hong Mo nodded.

“By the way, you seem to be very talkative recently. Why?” Hong Mo asked a question that was not a question. Hearing this, Ke Jiasu looked at Hong Mo seriously before saying.

“I actually didn’t like working with you before, and even said that I didn’t like it. I never understood why that woman Yue Jian was so keen on working with the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but recently, I also discovered that you are indeed very talented. Potential, or in other words, human beings have great potential. Besides, the Scarlet Devil Mansion is very self-aware and has never asked me about what is really important. I don’t have to be so stingy about basic common sense, are you right? explained.

Hong Mo nodded to show that he understood!

After final confirmation, there are indeed very few black jade crystals on this planet. It does not appear to be naturally formed. Instead, a large amount of black jade crystals was found on another planet. The Scarlet Devil Mansion travels between two planets. In addition to collecting, it also exercises the body’s adaptability to adapt to different planets.

According to Ke Jiasu’s suggestion, the Scarlet Devil Mansion did not stay on the two planets for a long time. They only collected a large amount of black jade crystals and then set off again.


Nian Di Xing, Bi Hai Continent, Yu Xiangzi sat in her room and began to be in a daze again. It has been more than ten years since I arrived on this strange planet. The Scarlet Devil Mansion has also established a firm foothold in this strange world relying on its guardian angel and blood demon. The Bajiji and Poseidon Temple, which came to this world with the Scarlet Devil Mansion, also established their own forces.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion, Bajiji, and Poseidon Temple are three new forces that have emerged on Bihai Continent. Although they are new forces, they are surprisingly powerful.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion and others who came from Earth also discovered that Bihai Continent is very different from Earth after such a long period of time.

This planet is very big, very big. Currently, Yuxiangzi and the others have not left Bihai Continent, and even the humans here have no concept of a planet. For people here, being able to learn about remote continents is already the ultimate limit. As for sailing around the world, they can’t even imagine it.

This planet is very similar to those continents described in human novels. The land is relatively calm, but the ocean is not only wide, but also has various dangers, natural disasters, sea beasts… Navigation is far more difficult than on earth. many. Moreover, the laws on this planet are different from those on earth!

Satellites can be launched into the sky, but it seems that when they rise to a certain height, they will hit some obstacles and then fall. The gravity of this planet is only about 1.8 times that of the earth, and the atmospheric pressure is about 1.4 times that of the earth. Logically speaking, according to the size of this planet, this should not be true, but this is the fact. The most important rule is that the power on this planet is suppressed.

After the people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion came to this planet, during the initial period of adaptation, they found that their strength had shrunk a lot, at least by 90%. This kind of shrinkage does not mean that it suddenly disappeared, but that the original strength can only exert less than one-tenth of its original effect.

For example, an ice-type superpower can originally create 10 cubic meters of freezing air that freezes space. On this planet, it can only freeze about 1 cubic meter of space, and the damage is greatly reduced, but its own consumption is and has not decreased.

It is because the strength is too suppressed that the three forces such as the Scarlet Devil Mansion have not been able to develop vigorously. More, they are getting familiar with this strange planet. Even Nian Di Xing was named by the Scarlet Devil Mansion itself. So far, we still don’t know how big this planet is.

Decades of Earth years have passed, but on this Niandi planet, it has only been more than ten years.

“Sister, someone below just discovered a wanderer from another continent. It seems that he has heard the name of the Scarlet Devil Mansion somewhere else.” Yuyuko suddenly sent a message, and Yuyuko immediately stood up after hearing the words. Head outside.

It has been more than ten years since I came to Nian Di Planet. According to Youyouzi’s estimation, Meng Lixi did come to this planet, but it was probably not in Bihai Continent. The Scarlet Devil Mansion has only gained a firm foothold on this strange continent after so many years, and it has not yet developed its power to other continents so quickly.

Have you ever heard the name of the Scarlet Devil Mansion in another place?

There will never be so many coincidences in this world, so the only possibility is Meng Lixi. When Yu Xiangzi arrived, she found that Meng Lixin had already been interrogating the wanderer.

Baming came to the Scarlet Devil Mansion with great curiosity. When he learned that the chaotic area that originally belonged to San Guang was actually conquered and integrated, his curiosity was extremely strong. The changing scenery along the way also surprised Ba Ming.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion, I seem to have heard this name on the Yaoluo Continent!” Ba Ming just said this in a restaurant as if he was confused, and was brought here by the people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion not long after.

‘This is the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Why are they all women, and they are so beautiful? I don’t know who the owner of this place is. What a blessing! ’ Ba Ming was excited in his heart, and was then taken to the hall, and then a woman who seemed to have a relatively high status came to ask questions. The topics asked were undoubtedly about the Scarlet Devil Mansion on the Yaoluo Continent.

As for the other Scarlet Devil Mansion, Ba Ming had only heard of it occasionally, so how could he know so much about it. And the existences around him, although they were women, were extremely powerful, which made him hold back the flowers in his heart, for fear that they might be caught here by accident.

“So, you only heard the name of the Scarlet Devil Mansion on Yaoluo Continent, right?” Yuxiangzi came over and heard the last part of the conversation.

“Yes, yes, I definitely didn’t lie to you.” Ba Ming cursed and swore.

Looking at Meng Lixin’s nervous eyes, Youxiangzi knew that it was absolutely impossible to stop her from going to Yaoluo Continent. “Lead four teams to the Yaoluo Continent and see if you can find your sister. Remember to be careful. The next development direction of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is definitely the Yaoluo Continent.”

“Thank you, Master Youxiangzi!” Meng Lixin accepted the order happily.

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