Puppet Curse Chapter 461: Eating flesh and blood


bsp;?【Blood residue】!

The full name is flesh and blood cannibalism, which devours flesh and blood to restore one’s own energy, temporarily breaking through one’s own limits, and increasing one’s own strength tenfold, a hundredfold, or even endlessly. “” Of course, endless existence only exists in legends. Ten times is very common. The higher the strength is, the rarer it is.

The ability to be disabled by blood was very common in a certain era of Patomi, because it was the instinctive ability of an intelligent race on the Bayuan Star. But now, that race has disappeared in the long river of history. Perhaps it is not right to say that it has disappeared, but has transformed into another kind of creature.

That race, originally named the Crazy Blood Clan, were born warriors, but now, they have become so-called Crazy Blood Beasts, and Ba Yuan Star is also known as the Death Planet by the outside world. It is rumored that the changes in the Crazy Blood Clan are due to a genetic disease, but Bubno knows better through his family. The Crazy Blood Clan offended a genius geneticist. This genius used his knowledge to induce the blood-disabled ability that this race is proud of.

Blood residue, whether from the name or the effect, is a very evil and **** ability.

Although blood residue has great effects, the disadvantages are equally huge. The first is the improvement of strength, which is in the shape of a pyramid. At the beginning, the improvement is not much and the improvement is very slow. However, as time goes by, the strength improves faster and faster, but it cannot last long. Moreover, the more the strength increases, the weaker one’s own reason becomes and becomes crazy.

Once the reason is weakened to a certain extent, it will completely lose its reason and become a crazy beast, a bloodthirsty beast.

In the past, as soon as the effect of blood residue subsided, sanity would return to the blood-crazed warriors. But after offending a genius geneticist, that arrogant race paid the price for the entire race.

I don’t know when, but a genetic virus gradually appeared on Ba Yuan Star. This virus gradually turned the entire Crazy Blood Clan into irrational beasts, Crazy Blood Beasts. And Ba Yuan Star also turned into a complete death planet not long after. There are rumors from the outside that it is a genetic disease, and it has even aroused the interest and investigation of scientists from many races.

However, the final result is that it is man-made!

In short, the universe is not as peaceful as imagined. The earth’s experience is really miserable, but there are things worse than the earth’s experience. It’s like the source of all changes on the earth, the Kuchi star, was also destroyed.

Hong Mo didn’t know that he had such abilities. After all, it hadn’t been long since Hong Mo had given birth to a baby, and many of his abilities were not yet fully understood. However, after the injury just now, the blood flowing from the forehead gradually flowed into Hong Mo’s mouth, triggering the instinct of Hong Mo’s war baby, the instinct of craving for flesh and blood.

Between instinct and reason, Hong Mo chose to trust the body’s instinct, and then…!

Bubno has heard of the blood-remnant ability, and has also seen it used by the Blood-Crazy Beast on the Death Planet. However, this is the first time he has seen a guy like Hong Mo who directly devours his own flesh and blood.

“Damn it!” Bubno only had time to curse in his mouth, and then he was whipped away by Hong Mo’s claws, and a claw mark split directly from his left shoulder to his lower back. The gap between the two was not very big to begin with, but at this time, Hong Mo returned to his full strength, while Bubno was still weak and must have fallen short of his strength.

With a flash of light on his body, Bubno returned to his original state, and then flew towards the distance without looking back.

He is not a fool. Choosing to fight head-on at this time is undoubtedly the stupidest thing to do. When Hong Mo enters the disabled state, his strength will gradually increase, and similarly, his reason will gradually disappear. Whether he loses his reason and becomes a person who only knows how to rely on A beast that fights instinctively is much stronger than waiting for Hong Mo’s residual state to disappear and falling into complete weakness than fighting Hong Mo head-on at this time.

Hong Mo allowed his body’s instinct to eat his left arm. When he took the first bite, Hong Mo felt a little sick. However, after the smell of blood spread from his mouth to his body, Hong Mo’s originally red eyes became a bit intoxicated and frantic, as if the pleasure of taking drugs came from his body.

After shuddering slightly, Hong Mo roared wildly, and then rushed directly towards Bubno.

At the beginning, Hong Mo still had moves, and even when fighting, he seemed relatively rational. However, as Bubno gradually delayed time, Hong Mo’s movements became more natural, without any traces to follow.

Bubuno covered his heart and ran away quickly, not daring to look at Hong Mo at all. Damn it, I thought it would be easier to deal with Hong Mo after he lost his mind, but I didn’t expect that Hong Mo, who relied entirely on instinct to fight, was simply the most perfect fighting beast, much more powerful than when Hong Mo had his own reason. .

Instinct, awakened fighting instinct!

The last lines on Bubnuo’s body lit up, dimmed, and disappeared from Bubno’s body. Bubnuo’s body returned to perfect condition, but Bubno was extremely frightened.

It’s over!

Bubno covered his heart and began to look around. It is necessary to find a place to hide, otherwise you will really be dead this time. Hong Mo has lost most of his sanity and was led underground by Bubno just now. He has not been chased out yet. Now is Bubno’s chance to escape.

“There is…!” Bubno was surprised to see a huge depression in front of him and the strange darkness in the center.

[Chaos Gravitational Field]!

This is the first time Hong Mo encountered and discovered several dangerous areas on the earth. Bubno didn’t expect to find such a dangerous place on the planet here. After looking at the constantly shaking earth, Bubno accelerated, reached the edge of the chaotic gravitational field, and then stopped.

The ground with a radius of several kilometers was beating uneasily. Bubno gasped for air while looking at the ground warily. Sure enough, he had lost his mind. He was releasing energy without restraint, which was completely meaningless. Bubno believed that the irrational Hong Mo would be introduced into the chaotic gravitational field in a short while.

“I can’t kill you, but losing your mind is your biggest failure.” Bubno murmured.

With a bang, the ground suddenly exploded, and rocks and soil suddenly shot out in all directions. This is not surprising, but the soil that was blasted into the sky by the huge explosion was actually suspended in the air. And in the center of these gravels and soil, the red-inked Zhanying’s mouth was wide open, and saliva flowed from his mouth unconsciously.

Looking like an idiot, Bubno felt a pressure like an ant facing Mount Tai from the current Hong Mo.

It’s the pinnacle!

Bubno swallowed a mouthful of saliva and struggled to resist the pressure of Hong Mo, but found that his body could not make any movement under this pressure.

‘How much has this guy improved in strength, this kind of pressure! ! ! ’ Bubno thought in his heart, but suddenly found that the red ink suddenly disappeared from the suspended earth. Before Bubno could react, a huge force suddenly came from his body and knocked him away.

‘The gap is too big! ‘Bubno is aware of the changes in the disabled state. In the end, his strength improved very quickly, but it also didn’t last long. Unexpectedly, in just a few dozen seconds, he didn’t even have a chance to react. .

There was a boom, the sound of the earth suspended in the air falling, and the sound of Bubno being held down by the red ink and hitting the earth hard.

Bubno wanted to move, but couldn’t. He was too weak now and couldn’t even maintain his own body. From Hong Mo’s little hand, light red current spread. Bubno was paralyzed by this light red current and was completely unable to make any movements.

Bubno looked at Hong Mo’s crazy and **** eyes and knew that he was dead.

I am really unwilling to die, actually died on the earth! Bubno felt secretly resentful, but his paralyzed body was completely unable to make any movements.

‘What are you going to do? ’ Bubno discovered that perhaps what he would face was more terrifying than death.

The little red ink hand pressed down on Bubno, and his eyes did not hide the **** for him, as if looking at a piece of delicious food, it was the flesh that was being swallowed. Bubno originally thought he would be killed, but when the red ink’s small mouth bit his chest, he realized that he was completely wrong.

A piece of flesh and blood was torn off directly and then swallowed.

This injury is nothing to Bubno, but the blood and flesh were directly swallowed by the red ink, causing psychological pressure hundreds of times worse than the injury. He would be eaten, he would definitely be eaten. Looking at Hong Mo’s crazy eyes, Bubno had no doubt about this.

Bubno wanted to scream, but he couldn’t. The paralysis effect of the light red electric current made him unable to even make a sound. However, the constant trembling body showed how frightened Bubno was in his heart.

In the dark and deep corner of the earth, such a **** scene took place. A child who looked to be more than ten years old was devoured alive by another child who had lost his left hand and was only two years old.

Blood continued to splash out, and Bubno, who originally still had a breath of life, completely lost the breath of life. But Hong Mo’s movements did not stop. It was not until Bubno’s entire body, including the bones, was completely chewed up and devoured by Hong Mo that a wild roar burst out from Hong Mo’s mouth.

“Roar…!” The roar hit the atmosphere, and on the endless empty ground, this simple roar set off a violent storm.

No one knows all this, except for a half-broken satellite that luckily survived in the earth’s atmosphere. This satellite faithfully performed its mission and recorded everything completely.

The roar lasted for a long time and finally disappeared. The cold earth finally returned to absolute silence.

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