Puppet Curse Chapter 456: Villain


bsp;Piaotian Literature? Hong Mo continued to fly towards the base where Suzune was before, but this time, Hong Mo’s The flying speed is very slow. Hong Mo is very worried. If he is not careful, he might be killed by the inexplicable trap on the earth.

Facts have also proved that Hong Mo’s worries are not unreasonable.

Now Hong Mo is really lucky that on the way from the underground to the base of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he flew so carelessly and did not encounter any real fatal danger. After experiencing that weird gravitational field, Hong Mo realized how lucky he was before.

Although it cannot be said to be a murderous plan, the current earth is indeed very dangerous. Not to mention the unbearable low temperature, Hong Mo has encountered many strange gravitational fields like the ones he encountered before. There are also some broken space cracks and the like. The current earth is really scary.

Hong Mo’s flight time was not short, but he had not seen the sun in such a long time. As for the ultra-low temperature on the earth’s surface, Hong Mo felt something was wrong.

“Could it be that the sun is gone?” Hong Mo laughed self-deprecatingly. But on this vast, empty earth, this cold and uninhabited earth, Hong Mo wanted to laugh but couldn’t. In fact, Hong Mo already roughly knew that he might have guessed correctly.

In a star system, the planet receives light and heat. Unless it is very far away from the star, the surface temperature will not be so cold. Hong Mo estimates that the temperature on the earth’s surface has now reached minus 200 degrees Celsius. This is definitely not a normal temperature. Coupled with the previous light coming from the direction of the sun, Hong Mo concluded that there was something wrong with the sun.

“Patomi!” There was a trace of hatred in Hong Mo’s voice.

The earth is the home of mankind, and the solar system is the home of mankind. Now that the earth is like this, the sun is probably not much better. Hong Mo can’t help but hate the Patomi galaxy deeply.

Hong Mo continued to fly towards the base where Ling Yin was located. However, in front of Hong Mo, a huge canyon suddenly appeared. Although I had known for a long time that the terrain of the earth had changed drastically, when this canyon appeared, even the city with red ink couldn’t help but marvel.

What kind of situation is required to form such a canyon? Earth’s crust changes? It is impossible for such a canyon to be formed by changes in the earth’s crust. This fucking, it’s like….

Hong Mo looked at the ground that had dropped a bit out of thin air. After a while, he felt as if the earth had been bitten by something.

Hong Mo carefully flew along this canyon. After flying for a long time, he finally determined that this canyon was more than two thousand kilometers long. You know, the diameter of the earth is only 3959 kilometers. Just as Hong Mo guessed, the earth was bitten by something for no reason. What surprised Hong Mo even more was what was behind.

A mountain range, a huge mountain range, is on the edge of the canyon.

Having seen too many shocking things, Hong Mo is now used to it. Similarly, Hong Mo climbed over the mountain range and continued flying towards the direction of Suzin. But at this time, Hong Mo was no longer sure whether the direction of his flight was still correct. The earth has changed so much.

The huge canyons and mountains that Hong Mo saw were actually the traces left after the fragments of the Earth and Jupiter passed by. When the earth was bitten off, a piece of Jupiter’s fragments was also taken away, and then this strange landform was formed.

A long time has passed since Hong Mo’s war infant emerged from the ground. Judging from the timer in the space ring, it is estimated to have been more than two months. After such a long time, Hong Mo still hasn’t found the base where Ling Yin was before. However, after such a long time, Hong Mo also roughly knew the current situation of the earth.

Damn it!

Hong Mo couldn’t help but want to curse. He originally thought there was something wrong with the sun, but he didn’t expect that it was actually the earth. Judging from the changes in the starry sky and the nearest stars, Hong Mo finally guessed a result. The earth is no longer in the solar system, but floating in the vast universe.

Although Hong Mo himself didn’t believe it when he first deduced this result. But Hong Mo also knows that all the information obtained undoubtedly points to this result, even if this result is so unbelievable.

This is a good thing. I originally wanted to leave the earth through a small and medium-sized spaceship, but now I can save it. The earth itself will become a drifter in the universe.

While Hong Mo was deducing this fact, he thought about the possible results in his mind.

The most likely possibility for the Earth is to be captured by the gravitational field of a passing star and then become a new planet in a new star system. The other result is that it will collide with other stars in the universe, or fall into a black hole in the universe. In short, there are too many possibilities.

These are all possibilities, but now, Hong Mo is unable to determine how long the earth will wander in the universe before encountering these things. A few years, that is impossible, hundreds of years, thousands of years, it may not be possible to enter other star systems. And it is impossible to judge what kind of situation the earth will encounter in the end.

So, it is still necessary to build small and medium-sized spaceships and then leave the earth.

But before that…, we still have to find the ringtone first! Hong Mo looked at the empty landscape and sighed. It hadn’t been long since Hong Mo woke up, so he didn’t know much about many cities on the earth. After the destruction, it was extremely difficult to determine the location from the wreckage. This is also the reason why Hong Mo has still gained nothing for more than two months.

After leaving the solar system, the normal passage of time is no longer felt on the earth. However, Hong Mo is still accustomed to using the original time to calculate the passage of time.

Another week passed, when Hong Mo thought he would gain nothing again, he suddenly felt a slight fluctuation in his life.

The fluctuation of life!

Hong Mo was overjoyed. Although in Hong Mo’s opinion, he should not be the only one to survive on the earth, but for such a long time, not a single living creature was found. Hong Mo was still somewhat depressed. Now that he suddenly discovered the fluctuations in his life, Hong Mo couldn’t wait to see which lucky guy it was.

Digging carefully in the direction of the underground life fluctuations, the red ink finally stopped in front of a fiery red giant egg. The fluctuations of life came from this giant egg. From this egg, Hong Mo felt an unusually familiar flame breath.


How could it be this bastard…! Hong Mo couldn’t help but laugh or cry, but this guy’s abilities were truly incredible. He was indeed extremely difficult to deal with. He actually managed to survive such a devastating blow. However, from the top of this dome, Red Ink felt that Remanster was also unusually weak, and the fire of life was dim.

“Finally someone discovered me. Who are you?” A mental wave came out and was picked up by Hong Mo. Obviously, Remanster did not recognize the red ink war baby.

“Hong Mo!” Hong Mo knew that Remanster did not recognize him, but Hong Mo had no habit of hiding his head and tail. Hong Mo doesn’t even bother to do that kind of villainy.

Remanster was obviously taken aback and was silent for a long time.

“It’s you…how is the earth?” Remanster asked doubtfully.

“Not so good, you are the first guy I found alive.” Hong Mo also sat down and chatted casually with Remnister.

Next, Rymanst asked Hong Mo some more questions, but Hong Mo did not refuse. He talked to Rymanst about the current situation of the earth sentence by sentence. After a while, Remanster made a request to Hong Mo. After hearing the request, Hong Mo smiled mockingly.

Hong Mo knew that Remanster could not emit life fluctuations for no reason. It was clearly a signal for help. Although he might be rescued, he might also attract enemies. Rymanster would not have done this if he had not been in a necessary crisis.

“Can you help me find another place, such as a volcano crater or something like that.”

Remanster, **alienation–phantom species–Phoenix!

Remanst’s current state is clearly like nirvana, and the current earth has long since left the solar system, and the temperature is pitifully low. The temperature of the earth’s core may be higher, but Remanster’s current location is at least about two hundred degrees below zero. No wonder he has to send out a distress signal even if he is risking it.

“You know, Remainster, you are actually a complete villain. If it weren’t for your special abilities, it’s really hard to imagine that you could be in your current position.” Hong Mo did not answer immediately. His request, but said.

“Little man, haha, what, Hong Mo, do you want to die without saving me? You know, we are the only two alive on the earth now. For the sake of everyone being human, why don’t you You can’t do this,” Remester said anxiously.

Although Hong Mo doesn’t know what state Remanst is in now, he probably isn’t much better than Hong Mo’s current body. He must be extremely weak.

“Only the two of us alive? Don’t be kidding. You overestimate yourself. I just said that you are the first living creature I have discovered.” Hong Mo said mockingly.

“Hong Mo, save me or not, let me put it this way, I admit that I have targeted the Scarlet Devil Mansion and you before, but now that it is like this, you can’t let go of the past grudges? Isn’t the Scarlet Devil Mansion very generous? You won’t…”

The red-inked war infant looked at the fiery red dome in front of him with a mocking look on his face. If he is a treacherous and evil person, Hong Mo might actually come to his rescue in such a situation. After all, this is the situation. However, what Hong Mo hates the most is villains.

You villain, it’s disgusting, isn’t it?

“What a pity, I hate villains.” The red-inked war baby laughed and gently placed his little hand on the defenseless dome.


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