Puppet Curse Chapter 455: Is it still the earth?


bsp;Piaotian Literature? Both Ma Teng and Yu Xiangzi thought that they would have the opportunity to return to Earth, their homeland, in the future. An evocative name. In the minds of the two people, perhaps the earth will suffer huge damage, but time will smooth everything out. At least, they will have a chance to return to the earth.


The current Earth has long since left the solar system and is drifting quietly forward along an unknown journey. A broken, cold planet, just like this, drifting towards the unknown front in a void universe.

Hong Mo’s body is still recovering, but Zhan Ying’s energy has been completely restored. After opening his eyes, Hong Mo looked at his newly repaired head and decided to use Zhan Ying to check what happened to the earth.

According to the direction of gravity, the red ink moves upward to break a hole in the frozen soil. The cave entrance is several hundred meters long, not very long, but Hong Mo clearly remembers that he was flying in the sky at that time. How could he be buried so deep? But when red ink appeared on the surface of the earth, this idea was thrown out of the sky.

This is the earth?

The red ink can’t describe the surprise in my heart. The completely desolate ground, the cold and frozen air… everything is so far away from the earth.

The sky was very dark and dull. Except for a few dim stars in the sky, there was nothing else.

Hong Mo looked around, but there was no sign of life. Hong Mo has no idea what the situation is now, and he is not sure why the earth has become like this.

Hong Mo closed his eyes and silently felt the changes in the geomagnetic field, hoping to use this to determine his location. Hong Mo is carrying a global locator, but the space ring containing various supplies has long been lost somewhere. After a moment, Hong Mo opened his eyes helplessly.

“Damn, what happened? The geomagnetic field is so chaotic that it is impossible to sort it out, as if this is not the earth at all.” The red-inked war baby murmured to himself.

After Hong Mo blocked the hole he came out of, he constructed a three-dimensional map in his mind, marked this place, and then according to the memory in his mind, he chose a direction that should be roughly the direction of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and flew. go out.

Honestly, Hong Mo thought he accidentally ended up on another planet. The temperature, the pressure of the atmosphere, the ever-changing star curtain… everything is far from the earth in the red ink impression. However, some ruins seen by chance and some familiar human traces on them proved that this was indeed the earth.

The flying speed of Hong Mo is not fast. In addition to searching for more information and confirming that this is really the earth, geomagnetic chaos is also a reason. The flight that Hong Mo is best at is magnetic levitation flight, but now, the geomagnetism on the earth is extremely chaotic, and it is impossible to increase the speed to the highest speed.

Flying for a while, Hong Mo finally found something that could roughly determine the direction.

A plaque, an all-metal plaque, with the name of a hotel written on it. This hotel is not very famous, but Hong Mo still remembers it, because not far from here, there is the base of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

“Is this Monacan City?” Hong Mo looked at the empty land, Zhan Ying’s expression was solemn. What’s going on? Could it be that the previous changes have caused the earth to completely enter the end of the world? Hong Mo couldn’t tell a trace of the city from this area. The previous vibrations from the collision of fragments of the Earth and Jupiter had shattered everything on the surface of the Earth, and this metal plaque was nothing more than an accidental remnant.

Although it is completely impossible to tell that this place is the original Monacan City, Hong Mo is not an ordinary person after all, and he knows to some extent that it must be for some unknown reason that the earth has really entered the legendary ‘apocalypse’ , or even directly wipe out all civilization on earth.

There is a Scarlet Devil Mansion base near Monacan City. Although it is not the base where Suzune is located, Hong Mo still decided to take a look and maybe he could find something useful.

The direction was still not completely confirmed, so Hong Mo could only roughly search within a range of more than 20 kilometers nearby. The chaotic geomagnetic force greatly weakened Hong Mo’s superpower field perception. Moreover, the base was originally built underground, and Hong Mo didn’t know if it had been buried deeper.

Suddenly, Hong Mo happily rushed out in one direction.

That one is definitely something from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, a secret room made entirely of metal. From afar, Hong Mo saw the sign of the Scarlet Devil Mansion above. Unexpectedly, it actually ran to the ground.

After Hong Mo flew a few steps, a huge suction force came from the side, and the entire Zhanying’s body flew out to the side involuntarily.

Hong Mo reacted very quickly, almost immediately activating the magnetic force in his body to get out of here. But the suction force was so strong that the red-inked war infant’s blood vessels almost burst out before he could stand still. Hong Mo’s super power field spread out in that direction, only to find that even the super power field seemed to be swallowed up and nothing could be detected.

Although I don’t know what happened, Hong Mo can be sure that it is definitely not a good thing.

Instantly open!

The magnetic force in Hong Mo’s body spurted out like a flood, and a pair of twisted light wings appeared behind him, flying out bit by bit with difficulty. The attraction was surprisingly strong, as if a big invisible hand wanted to pull Hong Mo down to hell.

Just after Hong Mo flew to the place where he was accidentally sucked, the huge attraction suddenly disappeared. Hong Mo was caught off guard, his speed increased sharply, and he shot out suddenly. Hong Mo stopped after rumbling through several hills. In the center of the mountain, Hong Mo did not act immediately, but moved his small body.

Zhan Ying is indeed a new life form that has broken the shackles of life. Just now, Hong Mo was in a hurry and did not have much defense. This body was only a little dizzy under the violent impact. Obviously, this body Much more powerful than the original body.

The red ink flew out of the mountain and returned to the place where it was sucked away before.

On the earth, there is only dim starlight, so the red ink cannot see it very clearly. However, the direction from which the gravity is coming is unusually dark. It was like an invisible beast, putting huge pressure on Hong Mo.

Hong Mo fell to the ground, and with a slight lift of his little hand, a huge stone was thrown out by Hong Mo. The force was not strong, and Hong Mo estimated that he could just fly to the position where he was sucked away before. The red ink eyes stared at the huge stone without blinking. Sure enough, after the stone entered the space, it suddenly accelerated and was instantly sucked into the endless darkness in the innermost part.

Hong Mo waited for a moment, but no sound came back. He went to detect it with the super power field, but as soon as he entered the space, he felt as if he was being swallowed up and couldn’t feel anything.

Hong Mo’s eyes narrowed, and the super power field continued to expand, carefully detecting the scope of this strange space. Although it is impossible to detect what is inside, it does not prevent Hong Mo from detecting the size of this strange gravitational space.

It’s not very big, only about two kilometers in radius, an irregular circle. At this time, Hong Mo also noticed that the irregular circular ground was a huge depression, which was roughly what this weird gravitational space looked like. Hong Mo originally thought that this was formed by chance, but from the looks of it, it was clearly the result of the weird gravity.

Faced with such a strange gravitational space, Hong Mo did not dare to take any risks. The entire earth is now very strange, so Hong Mo really did not dare to be careless.

After carefully avoiding this space, Hong Mo continued to fly towards the base of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. But this time, the red ink flew extremely carefully. From this simple encounter, Hong Mo knew that the earth might still be the earth, but it was definitely not the earth he was familiar with.

No one knows how many traps there are in the weird gravitational space. If you are not careful, you may lose your life inexplicably. When Hong Mo didn’t understand the current earth at all, he decided to play it safe.

When Hong Mo arrived at the base of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he discovered that the so-called ‘secret room’ had been twisted out of shape. And nearby, there are also scattered the remains of some buildings of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Hong Mo knows how strong this Parslow alloy secret chamber is. Hong Mo cannot imagine how much power it takes to twist a secret chamber made of this alloy into this way. I’m afraid Hong Mo broke his head and didn’t expect that the Earth would collide with the fragments of Jupiter. This was really a test of his ideas.

Although it had been expected that the losses to the Scarlet Devil Mansion would be heavy this time, Hong Mo still felt a little sad when he saw the result.

Destroyed completely, not a single living person left. Hong Mo only found some twisted corpses in some completely sealed metal rooms, and most of them had even completely turned into nameless dust. And this is obviously the damage caused by the previous devastating beam.

Hong Mo was silent for a while in the ruins before gradually calming down.

In the twisted resource library, Hong Mo found a space ring. It was a large space ring that contained some resources from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Hong Mo glanced at it casually, compared it with his little finger, and found that it was a little huge. Hong Mo found a piece of gold thread from the space ring, tied a knot at random, and hung the space ring around his neck as a necklace.

This is still the earth, but obviously it is no longer the original earth.

No matter what, Hong Mo decided to go to the place where Ling Yin was before to see how Ling Yin’s safety was. Hong Mo would never be able to calm down if he didn’t figure out the whereabouts of Ling Yin.


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