Puppet Curse Chapter 443: Red ants


bsp;Although we have obtained the information left by Horace, it still takes some time to fully understand it, and it will take even longer to fully apply these things to small and medium-sized spacecraft. If it was a peaceful era, this time would be nothing at all, everyone could afford to wait, but now!

On the day after humans obtained this information, eight spaceships began to return.

Although everything seemed to be a coincidence, whether it was humans or Patomi, the attitudes of both parties were different. Humanity has more hope than before, and Patomi became more determined after the plan was formulated.

After the eight spaceships returned to Earth, uncharacteristically, they did not stay outside the Earth’s atmosphere, but landed directly on the Earth. After landing at eight locations on the earth, these spaceships probed down a long tube and inserted it into the ground.

Even a fool knows what Patomi’s people are doing, but what it is exactly is uncertain.

Humans wanted to find out what Patomi was doing, but the other party’s protection seemed to be very tight, and humans did not find any chance. However, anyone who is not an idiot knows that the people in Patomi are doing things that are not good for the earth.

“Do you want to intervene, dad?” Hong Mo has woken up. Although Ling Yin is still the leader of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he will still ask Hong Mo about some important decisions.

“There is no need to investigate, just attack directly with hydrogen bombs. No matter what the opponent’s purpose is, it is enough for us to stop it and contact other forces to attack together.” Hong Mo’s decision is also very simple, regardless of Patomi’s What is the purpose? Stopping it is enough.

The proposal sent out by the Scarlet Devil Mansion is that no matter what method is used, the current actions must be stopped. This proposal was quickly transmitted through the semi-invalid communication channel. Although it was a little slower than before, it didn’t take long for other forces to get the proposal. There is nothing to say. To destroy, there is no need to use manpower. It is enough to use technological weapons. The most powerful technological weapon currently used by mankind is the hydrogen bomb.

Although the current world focuses on improving personal strength, no matter which force it is, it has not completely abandoned technology, and deterrent weapons such as nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, and now hydrogen-containing bombs are even more important. Never let go. On the contrary, due to the stimulation of superpowers and the improvement of human beings’ own qualities, technology in this area has actually progressed.

Patomi’s spaceship is very well-defended, obviously thinking that humans on earth will definitely destroy their plan. Using ordinary methods, the hydrogen-polymer bomb would not be able to reach the spaceship at all, and would be discovered and shot down. Although long-range delivery can also cause certain damage to the location of the spaceship, most of the power will undoubtedly be wasted.

However, there is another kind of human being in this world called a person with super powers.

The guardian angels and blood demons in the Scarlet Devil Mansion are all creatures cultivated by extracting the genes of various powerful alienated creatures and superpowers. Although their IQ has indeed improved since then, and they are equivalent to a new race, in fact, their essence is weapons, biological combat weapons.

A group of guardian angels in the Scarlet Devil Mansion have obtained Meng Lixi’s spatial ability. Although it is not complete, if they join forces to launch something in a sneak attack, the effect is still good.

As a result of the discussions between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and other forces, several forces cooperated with each other and were responsible for dealing with a spaceship. There is no need to destroy these spaceships. Human beings all know that it is impossible. However, even if the spaceships cannot be destroyed, the opponent’s actions must be delayed.

“All other forces proposed that the Scarlet Devil Mansion be responsible for dealing with a spaceship alone.” Suzune sat in the upper position and said to everyone in the meeting.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion is jealous!” Chu Lingxin told the truth straight to the point.

Others couldn’t help but frown when they heard this. No matter who it was, they would not feel better if they were being plotted like this. However, everyone did not speak, but looked at Suzune. What to do with the Scarlet Devil Mansion, this loli must have already made up her mind.

“I agreed.” Lingyin said. Seeing that everyone seemed to have something to say, she pressed down with one hand to suppress what everyone was thinking.

“They are jealous because the Scarlet Devil Mansion has indeed become the most powerful force on earth. We have such power. It is not surprising that we are envied or jealous by them. In fact, I also hate being with other forces. If we cooperate, it might even hinder us. Let’s discuss a way to send the hydrogen bomb as close as possible to the spaceship. Otherwise, it will be too far away and it won’t be a big deal to Patomi. The influence.” Suzanne explained.

“Does the Scarlet Devil Mansion do this to completely separate itself from other forces?” Fu Xunhong had been silent, but at this time, he suddenly asked.

Lingyin glanced at Fu Xunhong. She still respected Uncle Fu who had been very helpful to her and her father.

“The information left by Horace just solves the biggest problem for mankind at present, the difficulty of small and medium-sized spaceships. It is estimated that new small and medium-sized spaceships can be manufactured in two months. At that time, we The goal of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is to go to the Patomi Galaxy, but others seem to have other plans. If nothing happens, the chance of us meeting in the universe in the future is less than one in a billion. Yes.” Lingyin said calmly.

After hearing the news, everyone felt a little sad for some reason. Human beings, the smartest intelligent creatures on earth, are now forced to leave the earth.

“Tell me how to stop Patomi’s actions.”

The final decision of the Scarlet Devil Mansion was to use guardian angels and blood demons to have some angels and demons with incomplete space capabilities deliver hydrogen bombs to the vicinity of the spaceship and then detonate them.

The delay plan to destroy the Patomi spaceship was started immediately, without any delay. In fact, decisions are now made very quickly. The bloated organization in the previous life where everything could be discussed for several days is no longer the case.


Hong Mo did not participate in this matter, but went to the place where Shi Heng fought.

Hong Mo passed by here and rescued Yakumo Orange, and then he and Yakumo Purple were hunted down and were forced to leave here. After that, Hong Mo practiced the secret technique again, ambushed Patomi’s generals, and headed to the Atlantic Ocean. The schedule has been very tight. Now I don’t know the outcome of Shi Heng’s original battle.

Although the Scarlet Devil Mansion also sent guardian angels and blood demons here to clean up the battlefield, nothing was gained.

Now, humans are on the verge of retreat, but Shi Heng doesn’t know where he has gone, and Hong Mo is a little worried. To be honest, Hong Mo actually had a guess in his mind. Shi Heng might have already, but Hong Mo still wanted to come and have a look and confirm it one last time.

When Hong Mo came to the original battlefield, it was a deserted place. The battle between top superpowers caused huge damage, especially when Hong Mo also attracted the beam cannon of the spaceship above. This area has completely changed. Looks like. The red ink slowly flew above the ground, and the super power field kept unfolding, hoping to find something.

But unfortunately, not only were there no traces of Shi Heng, there were also very few traces of life.

The red ink finally landed on the highest hill. Looking at the ground after the magma flowed through, he sighed. In Hong Mo’s heart, she had almost given up. Although she was still very sad, Hong Mo also knew that there were some things that she had to accept. Until now, Hong Mo has seen many familiar and unfamiliar strong men fall.

Hong Mo was originally planning to leave here, but suddenly he flew in one direction.

I found something interesting, Hong Mo thought to himself, and flew towards the location where he found it. In a deep hole left by a beam cannon, magma was still slowly gushing out, and in this magma, a large alienated creature was being besieged. Hong Mo looked at the battlefield below and couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.


But it is not an ordinary ant. This kind of ant has a fiery red body, as if a layer of flame is always burning on its body. Hong Mo discovered that he had never seen these ants, and he had also never seen the alienated creatures besieged by these ants. Obviously, both the ant and the alienated creature should be creatures that originally lived underground.

Hong Mo was in a trance, remembering his first mission to Iguazu Falls a long time ago. At that time, Jilu and the others also lured a small black beetle from the ground, and then a huge alien creature was besieged and swallowed.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion didn’t even exist at that time. Later, after the Scarlet Devil Mansion became more powerful, they also searched for these insect-like alienated creatures, but unfortunately, the harvest was not great. This kind of creature itself is relatively rare. Even the black beetle disappeared underground again after wreaking havoc once.

This kind of red ants must have been the spaceship that fired the beam cannon to force them out of the ground last time.

Hong Mo watched the battle below with great interest, preparing to see what the outcome of the battle would be. The result was beyond Hong Mo’s expectation. The strength of the alienated creature was actually very powerful, basically comparable to the lower-level first generation. But with such strength, he was devoured by these red ants in less than ten minutes.

Although this alienated creature is not very intelligent and only uses instinct, Hong Mo still has to admit one thing.

These ants are very strong!

Hong Mo is really interested in this red ant. The Scarlet Devil Mansion also has a Frost-marked Bee, which is the only insect-like alien creature, and this Frost-marked Bee was brought back by Hua Pianpian.

After devouring the alienated creature, these red ants did not disappear into the magma. Instead, they used their tentacles to detect it for a while, and actually flew towards the red ink in the sky.

“Interesting!” Hong Mo did not run away, but slowly fell down, ready to test the strength of these ants himself. Now Hong Mo has made up his mind to capture some of these ants.


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