Puppet Curse Chapter 404: Shocking the world


bsp;?Ordinary people began to march, after learning that major forces were manufacturing small and medium-sized spacecraft.

Some ordinary people started demonstrations under the instigation of thoughtful people. [..com]

“Jianming, is this okay? Do you think those forces will compromise?” A woman hugged a thin man from behind.

“Yes, I will certainly do it.” Zhao Jianming clenched his fists.

Zhao Jianming is one of the people who spread the news. He is just an inconspicuous little superpower. His combat ability is not outstanding, but he is a detective type. Because the Scarlet Devil Mansion is always at the center of the incident, he is I live on the edge of the Scarlet Devil Mansion with my girlfriend and my girlfriend.

This time, he used his own ability to learn about the news that major forces were manufacturing small and medium-sized spacecraft.

The small and medium-sized spaceships, as well as the spaceship stolen from the aliens, can be regarded as the real version of the Ark. So, how many people can take this opportunity to leave the earth and leave this huge battlefield?

They will be abandoned!

This is the final conclusion that Zhao Jianming and his girlfriend came to. There is no doubt about the power of the Patomi Galaxy. In the final analysis, humans on earth are just a primitive race that has not yet left the universe. The major forces will definitely abandon most of the human race and then look for a new living space in the vast universe, and he and his girlfriends are among the abandoned ones.

Reality is more cruel than doomsday movies.

This won’t work. Zhao Jianming knows that he alone has no effect. Facing the huge forces, he is as inconspicuous as an ant. Only by making this matter bigger can he have any effect. Maybe get a chance to live. Zhao Jianming told a few trusted friends the news, and their final plan was to spread the news to ordinary people.

Because they were busy building spacecraft, most of the resources of the Scarlet Devil Mansion were used to serve this purpose, and they did not pay attention to the developments in the world. By the time they noticed this, the news could no longer be easily concealed. As for other forces, the situation is similar to that of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

“Go ahead and organize a new round of demonstrations for ordinary people. No matter what, we need…” Zhao Jianming clenched his fists and said, “Survive,” Zhao Jianming thought fiercely in his heart.


“Damn it, how did this news get out?” Various parades took place in the territories of various forces, most of which were organized by ordinary people and spiritualists who learned the news. Get up. Time is already very urgent. At this time, something like this is happening on the earth. Many high-level officials with grassroots backgrounds don’t know how to solve it.

“How did other forces react?”

“Go down and appease the people and tell them that this is a rumor spread by someone who is interested in destroying the balance.”

“Forcibly suppress… and tell them to try not to hurt ordinary people.”


Various orders are conveyed according to the instructions of the leaders of each force, and then executed. However, no force is as determined as the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion has begun to establish a gene bank, extracting the genes of all healthy men and women aged ten to thirty years old. All ordinary people who meet the standards can choose whether to keep their genes. At the same time, whether you are living decadently or for In order to work hard for the reproduction of human civilization, please do not hinder any actions of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, otherwise you will be killed without mercy.” The Scarlet Devil Mansion immediately conveyed Suzune’s order to the outside world.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion’s declaration to the outside world undoubtedly tells ordinary people that the news they know is true.

This is normal. The Scarlet Devil Mansion may hide something from the outside world, but it will never lie to the outside world with its eyes open. This is how everyone outside the world knows the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Miss Remilia, with her arrogance in her bones, would definitely disdain to do such a thing.

Ordinary people are not surprised that the Scarlet Devil Mansion did not cover up this matter. What shocks them is the attitude of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Anyone who hinders the operation of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will be killed without mercy! This murderous declaration sent chills to the hearts of all ordinary people involved in this incident.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion, are you serious? Or is it just intimidation?

The order from the Scarlet Devil Mansion has come down. Within three days, all marching teams must disband themselves. All civil demonstration organizations that do not disband within the time limit will be killed!

The whole world is shocked!

The whole world was really shocked. Not only ordinary people, but also other high-level forces were extremely shocked by the attitude of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. No country, no force has ever adopted such an approach. Although there were casualties in previous national parades, those countries all covered it up for fear that the news would spread, but the Scarlet Devil Mansion…!


“I want to ask Hong Mo, isn’t he trying to persuade his daughter?” Univis called the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but did not find Hong Mo. And he didn’t want to talk to Suzune directly, so he found Yuxiangzi.

“The red ink is sleeping, and the war baby is being gestated.” Yuxiangzi answered Univis’s question.

“Okay, I want to ask, are you serious about the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Is it really like what Remilia declared to the outside world?” Univis asked, Yuxiangzi is also considered an absolute high-level executive in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Ask her the same thing.

“Of course, no one objects. In fact, objection is useless.” Yuxiangzi smiled.

“Aren’t you afraid of developing her arbitrary character?”

“Don’t be afraid, Suzune is not that kind of person. In fact, now do you think we still have time to slowly solve these things?” Yuxiangzi kept flipping through something in her hand, and then handed down an order. , and answered Univis’s question by the way. During this period of time, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion has been too busy to stop. Of course, the same goes for other forces.

All resources are serving spaceships and spacecraft.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion is serious, or in other words, Remilia is serious, this is the conclusion that Univers has come to.

Since five years ago, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has announced spiritual power, spiritual power skills, and consciousness devouring methods… all for the sake of human beings’ reproduction. Under this big goal, if some ordinary people have to be sacrificed, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will never hesitate.

Bajiji knew the Red Devil Mansion’s determination, but other forces didn’t know, especially ordinary people, who didn’t believe it.


“Jianming, the order from the Scarlet Devil Mansion has been issued, do you still want to organize a demonstration?” The woman asked gently Zhao Jianming, who was sitting in the shadow.

“Go, I don’t believe that the Scarlet Devil Mansion can actually attack millions of ordinary people.”

“But there are only so many people dead in Red Devil City…”

Zhao Jianming stretched out his hand to stop his female friend from continuing to speak. He was afraid that she would continue to speak. The little determination he had finally accumulated in his heart just disappeared.

“I also believe that the Scarlet Devil Mansion will take action, and many people will definitely die, but this time it is different. This time the Scarlet Devil Mansion takes action on its own, millions of people will probably be described as rivers of blood, which is no exaggeration at all. And once more people die, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will be criticized by the whole world. Under pressure, they will definitely stop. At this time, if they suppress the Scarlet Devil Mansion with righteousness, they will compromise. “Zhao Jianming will do everything. I thought about it in my mind, and finally nodded with self-affirmation.

Will you compromise?

Zhao Jianming’s girlfriend did not answer, but she did not continue to refute. Just as Zhao Jianming analyzed, this is their only chance, otherwise they will only end up being abandoned.

Three days are actually very short. Although many ordinary people have withdrawn from the protest organizations, many people still stayed. Human beings are very blindly obedient creatures, especially when they are surrounded by people of their own kind.

There is another reason: the law does not punish everyone!

No one believes that the Scarlet Devil Mansion will really attack ordinary people in its own territory. The other forces are watching. It is certain that the Scarlet Devil Mansion will take action, but to what extent the Scarlet Devil Mansion will do it is what they are concerned about.

As if to show determination, there were no demonstrations for three days. Three days later, after the expiration of the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s edict, these protest organizations popped up in major cities within the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Lingyin received this information immediately.

In fact, after Suzuyin got the information, she didn’t even look at it, she just waved her little hand gently. After Yu Fei accepted the order, he immediately left Suzuyin’s room. This departure means that there will be a **** storm below, and the territory of the Scarlet Devil Mansion will be dyed red with blood.

“Kumiko, do you know how many people were lost when the earth fell into hunluàn a few years ago?” Suzune asked after Yu Fei left.

“I don’t know.” Asamiya Kumiko shook her head.

“3.5 billion, the number of deaths has dropped by nearly half from the total population of 8.6 billion. However, no one has come out to blame such a huge loss because they can’t find someone to blame. Of course, I want to say It’s not that, we don’t have time to waste, and we don’t have the ability to save everyone. If we can’t be cruel now, maybe not 3.5 billion people will die, but everyone.” Suzuyin said.

“But…!” Kumiko Asamiya was still a little unbearable. Although Kumiko Asamiya knew this intellectually, she still couldn’t accept it emotionally.

“In this world, someone needs to be a bad guy. Do you know what the world will become if this situation is not controlled?”

“I don’t know…”

“Hunluàn, once hunluàn spreads among ordinary people, even we will be greatly affected, and now, everyone is short of time. I admit that we are very complacent, but do you think we How to choose? Is there really such a thing as democratic voting? Will those weak ordinary people and spiritualists have a greater chance of survival than us… Of course? We can also hope that the aliens in the Patomi galaxy will be merciful to us and allow human civilization to continue. However, what do you think is the possibility? Reality is not a movie or a novel, and it does not always have a good ending. , happyend will not always exist…”

Suzune talked a lot, Asamiya Kumiko listened quietly, and she suddenly realized that Suzune was not as emotionless towards ordinary people as she said, but just very indifferent.


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