Puppet Curse Chapter 38: Superpower lv level classification


bsp;Hong Mo always feels that he has forgotten something, but he can’t remember it. In desperation, I can only put this matter in the back of my mind. Now, let’s go online to read the popular information around the world and see how the world has changed in the past ten years.

Enter the Internet cafe again and open two computers. Unexpectedly, as long as she has an ID card, it doesn’t matter if a little girl like Ling Yin comes online. It seems that the so-called ID card is just a procedure.

The origin of superpowers:

On January 3, 2013, a narrow meteorite belt from the constellation Andromeda approached the earth. Countless meteorites have fallen all over the world. This mysterious meteorite contains strange radiation. Humans and animals exposed to long-term radiation will change their bodies and develop super powers.

Among this kind of meteorite, the one with the strongest radiation is a kind of meteorite crystal called meteorite crystal. Basically, as long as a living thing obtains this kind of meteorite crystal, it can be guaranteed that this creature will definitely change. , becoming a superpower or an alienated creature.

Those who become superpowers or alienated creatures under the influence of meteorite crystals are called the ‘first generation’. This kind of superpower or alienated creature is more powerful than ordinary superpower or alienated creature, and has greater potential.

The ‘evolution serum’ made by extracting the body fluids of the ‘first generation’ can give ordinary people the opportunity to awaken superpowers, but it is very dangerous…


When Hong Mo saw this, he snorted in his heart, it was more than just dangerous. Less than 5% of ordinary humans who have been injected with the evolutionary serum survive. Most of them will collapse and eventually die due to the powerful corrosiveness of the genes in the evolutionary serum.

Hong Mo understood these information more clearly in the research institute. Is it more secret information? Or, let’s take a look at the soul space and LV level that he has always been concerned about.

Superpower lv rating. Currently, the international community has set up a LV grading system for superpowers based on the degree of physical changes of superpowers. This LV level is not directly related to the target’s strength, but only represents the target’s degree of evolution.

lv1: physical transformation.

Changes in the genetic sequence lead to changes in the body’s demand for material elements. The body of an ordinary person contains 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 2% calcium, 1% phosphorus, 0.35% potassium, 0.25% sulfur, 0.15% sodium, 0.15% chlorine, and 0.05% magnesium. ….

Superpower level 1, the demand for materials has changed, causing the composition of materials to be very different. For example, in Hong Mo, the silver content in his body reached about 1%-1.4%, and other metals also seriously exceeded the standards. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been poisoned by the metal long ago, but Hong Mo was fine. On the contrary, due to the presence of these metals, the conductive ability of the red ink body is greatly increased.

Among them, level 1 can be divided into direct attack type and auxiliary type.

Direct attack type:

The different compositions of the body lead to huge changes in the body’s endurance. Nowadays, there are humanoid beasts in the world that can resist missiles by relying on their bodies. And some powerful alienated creatures are incredibly powerful physically.

These types of superpowers are generally very strong and incredibly fast. Some individuals have evolved bioalloy skin and bones.

The currently known person with the highest defense of physical superpowers in the world is Iraq’s ‘Ali Saboa’. After awakening his super power, this guy ate everything. The metal content in his body has reached 70%, and all of them are biological alloys that cannot be analyzed by science. In a battle against the US military, he withstood a missile without dying, and finally became famous.


When Hong Mo saw this, he seemed to think of something, and then a arrogant figure suddenly appeared in his mind. Ten years ago, that Mou Gang was a fighting maniac.

That guy is probably a person with physical superpowers.

Auxiliary type:

The auxiliary physical transformation is relatively weak compared to the direct attack type, but it is also much more powerful than ordinary people. Their bodies can better utilize the energy in their bodies. This is to lay a solid foundation for the subsequent lv2.

Red Ink is an auxiliary type. The gold, silver and other metals in his body can improve the body’s electrical conductivity and increase his control over his own current. In addition, his physical fitness is not bad. Of course, it is not as good as Ali Saboa and Mou Gang.

lv2: Energy conversion changes.

After ordinary humans eat food, the food will be converted into necessary biological energy to provide the body’s needs. Besides, no matter how much you eat, don’t even think about sending out a fireball or anything.

The superpowers who have reached level 2 are different. Their conversion of energy has changed. In addition to the essential biological energy, they can also convert the energy in food into other forms due to the differences in their mutations. of energy.

This is the case with red ink. It can convert excess energy in food into bioelectric current and store it in the body.

Currently, there are many level 2 superpowers appearing around the world, but the energy they transform has not yet departed from the scope of human science. Generally, they are electrical energy, thermal energy (high-grade thermal energy will be converted into flame), corrosion energy, light energy, cold energy, etc.

I heard that the energy transformed by someone in Japan is the most mysterious time aspect, but since the other party hid it, I don’t know if it is a false rumor.

In addition, the energy converted by some superpowers at level 2 is pure mechanical energy. This type of superpower can become a material control system superpower at level 3.

lv3: Super power field awakening.

The super power field is an energy field emanating from the super power user himself. The shape of this energy field is very regular, forming a circle with the superpower as the center. The specific size varies depending on the level of awakening of the superpower.

On the surface, superpowers can remotely control energy and matter. But in fact, superpowers still need a medium to control all this, and this medium is the superpower field.

Hong Mo’s superpower field is probably a circle with a radius of several hundred meters, which means that Hong Mo can activate its own current within this range to attack. However, Hong Mo generally controls the attack range within one hundred meters. Because the farther away the superpower field is from oneself, the weaker the control over energy and matter becomes.

The generation of superpower fields greatly increases the attack range and flexibility of superpowers. Unfortunately, the superpower field cannot be activated directly, but requires physical movement.

For example, if Hong Mo wants to use the ‘hand’ of his super power field to grab something, he must use his body’s hands to make a grabbing action, and the other party must be within the range of his super power field.

In addition, the superpower fields are also different according to the current superpowers. It can be divided into self-energy control and external material control.

Self-energy control is easy to understand. For example, Hong Mo can control his own current within the scope of the superpower field.

External material control can use superpower fields as a medium to control objects.

Hong Mo opened a web page window again and searched for videos on ‘External Substance Control’. There are many videos, but many of them are very simple, just moving some small objects.

Suddenly, Hong Mo saw a video titled “Queen of the Earth” and clicked on it. The video is very short. A woman wearing a long black dress stands on the broken ground. Hundreds of huge diamond-shaped boulders surround the woman’s body. Finally, with a gesture from the woman, they violently hit the woman’s opponent. On a huge behemoth.

After the video, there are a lot of messages, which are nothing more than random words with no nutritional value. The most that can be said is that this is just a movie special effect, and it is definitely not real.

However, Hong Mo thought of the little girl he met ten years ago, Shasha. If that girl had survived, she would have been this powerful, right? Thinking about it this way, Hong Mo even saw a lot of Sha Sha’s shadow in this video. Is it her? Hong Mo was confused, but no one answered.

lv4: Soul space awakening.

Soul space, according to the theory proposed by superpower expert Pomboske, living things have bodies and souls. The body is made of matter and the soul is made of energy.

Ordinary people can only exercise their bodies at most. People with super powers can temper their souls by controlling energy. When the soul is tempered and strong enough, a spatial base point will be created in the body.

The space base point is a subspace that can be controlled by superpowers and contains many things. In fact, this thing is similar to the space rings in various cultivation fantasy novels, and it is more convenient.

The first person in the world to awaken the soul space, the Ice and Snow Queen Mu Siyu. On September 13, 2014, the Snow Queen was stimulated and went berserk, freezing a five-kilometer radius near the university. The final calculation shows that the amount of water needed to freeze such a large area is an extremely terrifying figure. Mu Siyu must have awakened the soul space and filled it with a lot of water.

Mu Siyu! Soul space?

Hong Mo was silent, and the scene seemed like just yesterday. Hong Mo looked at a photo of Mu Siyu on the screen. She looked gentle and charming. Who would have known that this woman was the Ice Queen.

Ten years later, Hong Mo looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar face, and he had almost forgotten what Mu Siyu looked like.

Alas! Hong Mo sighed.

The most important function of soul space is definitely not a portable space like the space ring in fantasy novels. His most important role is to give birth!

The matter and soul that are absorbed into the soul space will give birth to something in a strange way…

lv5: Soul instrument manifested.

After the things bred in the soul space are fully formed, they can be taken out of the soul space and possess great power. In essence, it is similar to the magic weapon in the novel.

A magic weapon?

There is very little information on lv4 and lv5, obviously because there are very few people with superpowers who have reached this level, and the relevant information is also very confidential.

These are the classifications of superpowers that appear in the world. Of course, the level of superpowers cannot be equated with combat effectiveness.

For example, Ali Saboa in Iraq is only a level 1 physical superpower, but it is estimated that not many people are confident that they can defeat him.


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