Puppet Curse Chapter 374: Blood Demon Legion


bsp;The spaceship suddenly broke into two halves. The super-powered person who struggled to withstand the shock wave was stunned at first, and then ecstatic that he succeeded.

The first step has been completed, and the second step begins, capturing the aliens and obtaining their knowledge. []

As early as in the previous meeting, all parties had already initially estimated the strength of those aliens. All I can say is, it’s good, but for the top superpowers on earth, it doesn’t actually have any advantages. This is also the confidence of humans on Earth. It seems that the gap is not big, and humans are even stronger.

Of course, Hong Mo and the others also knew that the aliens would definitely not only have the strength they showed, otherwise it would be a shame for their status. Earth’s superpowers will lose many people, and even close relatives of humans may die in this battle, but no one can escape.

No one!

In the first quantum shock wave, the Scarlet Devil Mansion didn’t lose a single manpower. Not even the guardian angel or the goblin died…! Although surprising, this result is not incomprehensible. After all, spiritual power comes from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. No other force is as familiar with it as the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Although the individual strength of the guardian angels and goblins cannot be compared with the top superpowers, their biggest advantage is that they are similar. Coupled with the energy resonance protection of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, surprisingly, none of them were injured.

However, in the next battle, there will be no such good luck. However, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has long been prepared and prepared to sacrifice.

“They succeeded!” Li Lanfeng said with a smile.

“Well!” Hong Mo held a spear in his hand and stared at Ben Momo opposite. In this mission, he was actually assigned to the candidates for tough tasks. The reason was that Hong Mo had dealt with Ben Momo a few years ago and had ‘experience’!

Hong Mo really wanted to scold him for his experience, but he finally agreed to the matter. After all, no matter what, this incident is very dangerous. Whether it is destroying the spaceship or besieging Ben Momo, it is not easy.

“The decisiveness of humans on Earth is really unexpected, but I can’t figure out why you would do this?” After the quantum shock wave, the fierce battle between the two sides temporarily stopped in order to defend against the shock wave, but after the shock wave disappeared, it did not continue immediately. attack.

“Because I learned about the life crystal!” The red ink spear slashed diagonally and explained lightly. No one else said anything, after all, this place is currently dominated by the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

“Life Crystal…well, it’s that thing!” Ben Momo was confused for a while before he knew what Hong Mo and the others were talking about. The languages ​​​​of the two parties are different. The life crystal was translated by the memory reading superpower on Li Lanfeng’s side, and it is not the name of the Patomi Galaxy.

“It’s really surprising. I didn’t expect that you would learn this news. I believe we have never leaked this news. I think the only possibility is that you humans have received a certain kind of inheritance. Life Crystal… is indeed a treasure!” Ben Momo was not an idiot and immediately thought of the possibility.

Hong Mo didn’t answer Ben Momo’s words, and aimed his spear at Ben Momo, which was covered with a layer of white flame. This is not a simple flame, but electric ions vibrating at extremely fast speeds, which can cause Hong Mo’s simple moves to cause surprising damage.

Hong Mo’s action undoubtedly announced that the battle was about to resume.

It is common to chat during a battle. Two sentences are enough. It was just a coincidence that the two sides happened to be separated by the quantum shock wave. Otherwise, there would be no nonsense at all.


On Hong Mo’s side, the battle resumes, but on the spaceship’s side, it’s not easy either. Countless aliens flew out of the spaceship and fought with superpowers. Fortunately, Fran broke the spaceship in half at once. Not only was it unable to fly, but the energy transmission system was also damaged. It was probably impossible to continue using that powerful attack.

After the quantum shock wave passed, the Red Devil City had completely disappeared from the ground, and the land with a radius of more than a hundred kilometers was completely blank. The ground in the center disappeared hundreds of meters, forming a huge depression.

The ring tone floated in mid-air and fell towards the ground, landing at the original location of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

At this time, satellite communications have been restored, and all the small forces, spiritualists, and ordinary people are staring at everything in the Red Devil City.

The Red Devil City has disappeared from the ground!

At this time, a satellite happened to capture Suzune’s movements, which made people wonder what the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion wanted to do.

Suzuyin placed her right index finger on her eyebrows, then opened her eyes towards the earth below.

A wave of thought passed through Suzin’s body and plunged straight into the ground. To outsiders, Suzune seemed to be motionless. However, later, the group discovered that at the location of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, which had completely disappeared by one level, the ground suddenly cracked open, revealing a heavy door.

I don’t know what material this door is made of, and it looks extremely thick and domineering. Ringtone stopped in front of the door and pressed her little hand gently on it.

With a rumbling sound, the door opened to both sides.

Lingyin took a few steps back and said something to the door. What was said cannot be known even through the satellite live broadcast, but everyone can see that from inside the gate, the guardian angel of the Scarlet Devil Mansion gradually flew out.


No, it’s more appropriate to call them demons. These guys all have the wings of demons, with a black aura lingering all over their bodies.

Lingyin pointed in the direction of the spaceship, without saying anything. These demons, which were like being printed from the same mold, all flew in the direction of the spaceship.

As others know, the guardian angel of the Red Devil City is individually very good, and it can only be said to be good. However, the most terrifying thing about guardian angels is their quantity and their ability to be mass-produced.

In order to resurrect Hemerocallis and the others, they used their own genes to cultivate more than two thousand copies, which were later directly designated as their direct legion. And these clones are all sleeping at the bottom of the sea with Hemerocallis and the others. They will not wake up with them until Hemerocallis and the others are truly resurrected.

Anyway, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has this advantage, and Hong Mo will certainly not be pedantic and not use it. And this one is the legion directly belonging to Suzune, [Blood Demon Legion]!

Countless demons covered the sky and pressed toward the spaceship. All the superpowers were extremely surprised when they saw this situation. They did not expect that the Scarlet Devil Mansion actually hid this trump card.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion actually hides such an army!” Almost all the people outside were shocked and their jaws dropped.

“What’s strange? I guess other forces are no worse than the Scarlet Devil Mansion, especially the Tang Dynasty. You know, the other party’s biological technology is no worse than the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” Others who watched the battle through satellites, At this time, almost all the blood in his body was burning.

Humans on earth are fighting aliens. No matter why, it is definitely not that simple for all the top forces to decide to do this.

There must be some very important reason for the battle, otherwise all the forces would not be so consistent. However, the current Red Devil City has completely become a meat grinding ground. No matter how powerful the superpower is, it is possible to perish. Those other superpowers who had not received the news in advance and saw what happened at this time began to decide whether to move towards the Red Devil City.

Don’t worry about what other people think. Anyway, the current Red Devil City is in chaos, with all kinds of fighting going on, even worse than Mildura back then.

The first order Suzune gave to her army was to protect the important personnel of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

I don’t know what happened to other forces, but in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, there are no power disputes or anything like that, and everyone is very united. This may be due to the composition of the staff. Women account for the majority, and everyone still has relationships of one kind or another. Suzune would never allow her friends to suffer losses in this battle. Even if the hidden power of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is exposed, he will not hesitate.

“Lord Kemav!” Inside the spaceship, the alien who temporarily commanded the spaceship called Kemav with his eyes closed.

“Deploy all combat teams, combat puppets, combat weapons…, and you are also ready to fight.” Kemafu glanced at this guy and stepped outside step by step.

We also need to prepare? !

This guy was stunned for a while. After all, they were just professional knowledge personnel, responsible for trivial matters such as repairing, operating, and exploring the shape of the spaceship. Their combat effectiveness was sluggish in front of real combatants.

“Lord Kelros, us?” The other flying combatants looked at Kelros in unison.

“Do your job well!” Kelros said to his group of men, and then showed worry. It seems that Lord Kemafu is not optimistic about this battle. Although he was only responsible for non-combatants, he also learned some news.

Earth, a lucky planet, has received the life crystals of many cosmic powerhouses who fell from the planet Kuchi decades ago, and has developed rapidly as a result. Although it is still far from the Patomi Galaxy, don’t forget that the people fighting here are not the Patomi Galaxy and the Earth. They are just an advance team.

Furthermore, in terms of pure strength, humans on Earth, who have been inherited by many powerful people in the universe, are not weak.

Keros looked at the group of blood demons that suddenly appeared outside, and couldn’t help but feel a sudden fear. Could it be that this tiny earth will set off a huge storm in the universe!


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