Puppet Curse Chapter 367: Confused


bsp;The alien spaceship moved slowly, and according to the requirements of the Red Devil Mansion, it hovered in the newly built huge square outside the Red Devil City. Looking at this newly built square, other forces on the earth realized what the Scarlet Devil Mansion was busy with here some time ago. What surprised these forces the most was that the aliens actually compromised.

It seems like they did something wrong?

Indeed, the meeting of aliens with the thirty-two forces on Earth has always been carried out under the tracking of all media. The meeting of the thirty-one forces has ended, and now only the Scarlet Devil Mansion remains. None of the top thirty-one forces have made such demands as the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It would be fine if everyone was like this, but now compared with the Scarlet Devil Mansion…

Other forces seem to be simply inferior to the Scarlet Devil Mansion!

This is an invisible psychological feeling. Even if no one says it, humans on the entire earth will naturally feel this way. No matter how advanced the alien civilization is, as earthlings, we should at least stand upright and not be submissive. Of course, rational people will think that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is actually the most reckless one. However, there are very few absolutely rational people in this world. They will only see the momentum of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, that’s all.

“Are we really not going to show up?” Ma Teng asked.

“It’s enough for Suzune to go without showing up. Why, isn’t it enough to show the etiquette of the Scarlet Devil Mansion that the leader of the Scarlet Devil Mansion greets him in person?” Hong Mo shook the wine glass in his hand and said. The physical fitness of superpowers is getting better and better, and they no longer feel the same after drinking ordinary alcohol. Now, spirits are becoming more and more popular.

“At best, they are just an advance team of the Patomi Galaxy. It is grand enough for the leader of a force to greet them, and there is no need for everyone to come forward.” Hong Mo closed his eyes and pressed Ajna. In the current situation, Hong Mo thought of the development of the earth in the last century and the global colonization by great powers such as Britain and France.

Necessary, be tough!

The final attitude decided by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, otherwise it is very likely…!

Lingyin led a group of people to greet Ben Momo and his group and entered the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The current Scarlet Devil Mansion is built on the edge of the Lake of Mist. It is not small, but it is definitely not big. It is difficult to believe that it is a representative building of a big power.

“I am Ben Momo, from the Patomi Galaxy. Hello, Miss Remilia!” Ben Momo spoke in Chinese. During this time, it was obvious that there was no language barrier.

“I am Remilia Red Scarlet, the current leader of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and I would like to welcome you on behalf of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.” Suzanne returned the greeting in the same way, neither humble nor overbearing.


After the brief introduction between the two parties, silence suddenly fell. The people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the aliens headed by Ben Momo just stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and there was no other action except taking a closer look.

Unlike other forces, the Scarlet Devil Mansion refused interviews from reporters as always. There are no annoying reporters here. But this scene was also broadcast to all parts of the world via satellite.

There is something going on between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and aliens…!

‘I wish to ask the Scarlet Devil Mansion something alone, about Horace Garder. After all, judging from the information we have recently obtained, the only Earth force that has had direct contact with Horace is the Scarlet Devil Mansion. ’ Ben Momo looked at Ling Yin and sent the message directly.

‘Is this the reason why you visited the Scarlet Devil Mansion for the last time? ’ “Everyone, please follow me. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is ready to receive you. I heard that you intend to let the earth join the Patomi Galaxy Alliance?” Sound transmission and ordinary communication were carried out at the same time, and Suzanne smiled politely.

‘This is a reason. ‘Yes, after this period of understanding, we believe that the earth has reached the standards for entering the interstellar navigation era. As a friendly and peaceful galaxy federation, we have always insisted on helping all intelligent creatures that reach this standard enter the cosmic era.” Ben Momo led a group of aliens and followed Suzune towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

‘In other words, are there other reasons? “On behalf of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I would like to express my gratitude to the Patomi Galaxy Alliance for its kindness. I believe that the earth will develop more rapidly after receiving the help of the Patomi Galaxy Alliance. This is an opportunity for the earth.” Ringtone in front Leading the way, he said at the same time.

While Lingyin and Ben Momo were talking about whether the earth would join the Patomi galaxy, they were secretly discussing another topic. On the surface, there is nothing surprising.

‘Yes, we have learned about the changes in the earth for more than thirty years, and finally concluded that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is special.’ Ben Momo gave a surprising reason.

‘The Scarlet Devil Mansion is special? ’ Suzune herself didn’t even know what was so special about the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

‘Sorry, I didn’t make it clear. What I mean by special has no special meaning. It’s just that the Scarlet Devil Mansion has participated the most in the change process of your earth. Almost all major events have the shadow of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. ’ Ben Momo immediately explained.

However, is it really just because of this reason?

‘I heard that the founder of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is your father Hong Mo. Why can’t you meet him here? ’ Ben Momo continued to ask.

‘I am the leader of the Scarlet Devil Mansion now and can make the decision on anything! ’ Ringtone did not answer this question directly.

‘I’m so sorry. So can I ask the Scarlet Devil Mansion about Horace Garder now? Mainly about the process of contact between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and him. We heard that Mojisala has died at the hands of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I don’t know if we can Don’t know the exact answer. ‘Ben Momo didn’t know why, when Lingyin was speaking, he unconsciously placed Lingyin in an equal position, and even…, he could actually feel the coercion and arrogance on Lingyin’s body, as if In the face of a more noble big man.

This feeling is very strange. Although in terms of status, he, a member of the advance team, is indeed not as good as the leaders on the earth, but don’t forget that behind Ben Momo, there is a huge galaxy. . When facing the leaders of other forces, although he could also feel the arrogance of those people, they could not shake his heart at all, and he was even secretly ridiculed by him in his heart.

Essentially different!

Ben Momo felt very confused in his heart, but he couldn’t clearly catch something. It was as if something new was gestating in the girl opposite.

‘If you just want to know this, you can! ’ Lingyin didn’t know Ben Momo’s strange feeling. After thinking about it, she agreed to his request.

The satellite broadcast continued. On the surface, there was no difference at all. The Scarlet Devil Mansion and the aliens also had a friendly meeting and discussed some issues about whether the earth should join the Patomi Galaxy Alliance. Of course, one force in the Scarlet Devil Mansion cannot decide this kind of thing, it just expresses its support for this kind of thing.

It was so ordinary, so ordinary that no one knew what Ben Momo and the **** in the Scarlet Devil Mansion said secretly. After the meeting, Ben Momo left the Scarlet Devil Mansion, as if in an instant Calm was restored.

As an advance team, many things cannot be decided. Things about the earth have been transmitted back to the Patomi galaxy through methods unknown to humans. Then this group of aliens temporarily settled on the earth, and their location was the square outside the Red Devil City.

In any case, the other party is also an alien friend, and the Scarlet Devil Mansion cannot drive them away, and it also has to provide some basic resources. I just don’t know if these aliens are used to eating food on Earth. And this attitude, in the eyes of others, was even more fishy. Countless spies began to explore the secrets through various methods… Various ‘truths’ were exposed, reasonable and outrageous. , weird, fantasy…, it’s really all kinds of weird.

In fact, what did the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Ben Momo say?

“That’s all?” Hong Mo asked doubtfully after listening to the ring tone.

“That’s all. The other party didn’t say anything more.” Suzune shook her head. Everyone else in the Scarlet Devil Mansion felt a little disappointed. As a result, they didn’t get any useful information at all. However, this is not beyond everyone’s expectations. It would be unbelievable if the other party’s true purpose was simply known in this way.

Jin Xiu Si and Elaine belong to Baji Ji and Poseidon Temple respectively. They also participated in this meeting and got all the news from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Although the news was not worth mentioning, it could even be said that it was non-existent, but both of them immediately set off and went back to report the news.

Hong Mo looked at the huge spaceship in the distance and fell into deep thought. When they met that day, Hong Mo and the others were actually in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The distance was not that far away. Hong Mo could clearly feel that Ben Momo was aware of him, but did not make any move.


The Scarlet Devil Mansion is confused, the outside world is confused, and the entire earth is confused. Despite the calm situation now, everyone knows that the earth will usher in a huge change, an unprecedented impact.


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