Puppet Curse Chapter 366: Unexpected


bsp;”I still don’t understand. Even if this inference is correct, what impact does it have?” Ma Teng has been the dean of the college for several years. Not only has the tough aura on his body not faded, but it has become stronger, making the students outside now They say the principal is like a bandit…

“In other words, we got a big deal, but it will attract jealousy.” Fu Xunhong has only been in the Scarlet Devil Mansion for five years, but because he has been familiar with everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion for a long time, he has already been in the core class. []

“Yes, it’s just a big bargain. I believe that soon, the group of aliens from the Patomi galaxy will also learn about the changes on the earth, and we need to predict the other party’s possible actions first.” Hong Mo followed.

As an ally, the Scarlet Devil Mansion gave a copy of the conclusions drawn to Bajiji and Poseidon God. Of course, it is specially noted that these are only inferences, and it is still unknown whether this is the case. However, after analyzing this conclusion through Bajiji and Poseidon Temple, they both recognized the conclusion of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The earth today is a lucky one, but if one is not careful, it will suffer a devastating blow. However, no matter what, all human beings can only adapt to the ever-changing situation. In any case, the various human technologies today are too far apart.

In the following period, Ben Momo visited thirty-one other forces in the world based on the information provided by Bajiji. The original thirty-three forces, the Orthodox Church, have now disappeared due to a devastating attack by the Scarlet Devil Mansion and then being cannibalized by several other forces.

This is the first major force to disappear. The second force to disappear is Barristan. That Angelna didn’t stop after killing the opponent’s leader at the peace summit, and went to the opponent’s place in the following time. In the lair, a large number of high-level officials were killed, directly causing the collapse of this force. Just when other forces were preparing to take a share of the pie, a new ethnic group jumped out and occupied the original area of ​​Barristan in an extremely powerful manner.

New demon clan!

This is the new demon tribe’s own intention and has nothing to do with the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Although the ocean occupies 70% of the earth’s area, Long Hai has been living with humans for a long time and knows that if he wants to officially establish a foothold on the earth, he still needs a piece of land. Originally, the timing did not allow it, but at this time, Barristan collapsed, and Long Hai occupied this South American land without hesitation.

After Long Hai occupied this territory, he did not discriminate against humans. Instead, he managed it better than Barristan before.

Although the Scarlet Devil Mansion stated that this incident had nothing to do with the Scarlet Devil Mansion, no one believed it. No matter what, the emergence and rise of the new demon clan are inseparable from the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The disappearance of the two forces is related to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. In addition, the interstellar rail gun produced by the Scarlet Devil Mansion a few years ago… The Scarlet Devil Mansion has been rated as the most threatening forces by the world. One is like the former world powers.

When Ben Momo visited the local forces, both aliens and earthlings behaved quite friendly. After all, they are genuine aliens. They have not expressed any invasion, so no one wants to lose face. All kinds of etiquette gestures are still sufficient.

The order of visits of aliens was originally very regular, and the order of visits was determined according to regional divisions, but when passing by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, they suddenly avoided it. Such a strange situation made everyone at a loss. Even the Scarlet Devil Mansion was a little suspicious.

“What’s going on?” The Scarlet Devil Mansion, which had been prepared to receive aliens for a long time, was a little confused.

“Only the devil knows what’s going on.” Hong Mo shook his head.

“The Scarlet Devil Mansion is ready. Don’t worry about the reasons. Don’t worry about it. Even if there is a war, there is no need to worry.” Suzune has grown more in the past few years, and her power has matured day by day. It’s just her figure. …, it seems that I have grown up a little, really, but after all, I still have a loli figure.

After Suzune said this, everyone who was still a little confused seemed to have found a backbone and immediately became firm.

Hong Mo glanced at his daughter, a little surprised, but also a little relieved. Now the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Suzune has become the well-deserved leader. During the long period of Hong Mo’s long sleep, Suzune has led the Scarlet Devil Mansion to stand on top of the world.

Among the thirty-two forces on the earth, Ben Momo visited the Scarlet Devil Mansion last. It would not be surprising if the order was exactly like this. The key is that Ben Momo avoided the Scarlet Devil Mansion in the middle.

When the huge spaceship appeared in the sky above the Red Devil City, before Ben Momo, who had appeared many times, could come out, the sound of ringtones appeared throughout the city.

“Please park the spaceship in the square outside the Red Devil City. This is a basic etiquette and reciprocal attitude. Otherwise, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will regard you as an invasion.” Suzune’s voice passed through the super power field in the city. rang out and appeared inside the spaceship.

“This is a very penetrating energy field, which brings this sound into the interior of the spaceship.” Inside the spaceship, Ben Momo, who had not yet appeared, immediately received analysis from his subordinates.

“Oh…! This is the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the most unexpected Red Devil Mansion in the rumors.” Inside the spaceship, Kermav looked at the primitive city below with a funny look on his face. Primitive, in the eyes of Kermav and his group of aliens, the earth is a primitive planet. But on such a primitive planet, the humans on it are quite shocking, especially the leader of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

It has long been known from recent news that the leader of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is a little girl who looks like a teenager, and they also understand the meaning of this age group. However, he did not expect that as soon as he arrived at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he would be warned by the other party.

At the same time, all the forces that had long been extremely curious about the Scarlet Devil Mansion suddenly started to cry. Is this considered a provocation? In fact, it’s not a provocation. As Suzune said, it’s just the most basic etiquette and reciprocal attitude. The spaceship hovers over the city, like an invisible deterrent, hanging over everyone’s heads like a shadow.

It’s not that other forces don’t know this, but when facing mysterious and powerful aliens, they always unknowingly put themselves in a weak position. And what the Scarlet Devil Mansion is doing now…!

“Repeat, please park the spaceship in the square outside the Scarlet Devil Mansion!” Suzune’s voice and projection appeared over the Red Devil City. The huge body projection made every citizen of the Red Devil City feel sad when they saw Suzune. Aoran, this is the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Remilia Red Scarlet.

“Isn’t the Scarlet Devil Mansion worried about angering aliens?” Countless forces watched this scene through satellite broadcasts and couldn’t help but discuss it.

“It’s indeed the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it’s really unexpected.”

“Lord Siyu, Miss Remilia is so arrogant!” Tang Qingyin watched the live broadcast and couldn’t help but say something to Mu Siyu in the pavilion.

After a while, Mu Siyu turned around and glanced at the figure on the screen, with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes. “Are you envious?”

“Of course I’m envious. I should say I admire her.” Mu Siyu never talked about her relationship with Lingyin, so Tang Qingyin didn’t know that Lingyin was Mu Siyu’s daughter.

“Really…!” Mu Siyu said lightly and then stopped talking.

At this time, inside the Scarlet Devil Mansion, four men, Hong Mo, Ma Teng, Fu Xunhong, and Jin Xiusi, were sitting together drinking, seemingly not caring about the situation outside.

With several plates of appetizers and high levels of spirits, the group of people seemed very relaxed.

“Hong Mo, I never understood why you entrusted the Scarlet Devil Mansion to your daughter when you were in your prime. Now, I understand a little better.” Fu Xunhong took a sip of wine and said to Hong Mo said.


“Only pressure can make people grow. Flowers living in a greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain.” Jin Xiusi has been working as a teacher at the Scarlet Devil Academy for the past five years and is very familiar with the Scarlet Devil Mansion. And Hong Mo also learned that this guy and Univis had been good friends since childhood, and they trusted each other so much that it was no wonder that Univis had entrusted his daughter’s safety to him.

Jinsius, who knew Anastasia’s situation quite well, was even more emotional.

Both are the daughters of powerful leaders. Although Suzune has had superpowers since she was a child, while Anastasia did not inherit his father’s abilities, the difference is too big.

“I don’t know what Hong Mo is thinking, but it looks pretty good.” Ma Teng knew the circumstances under which Ling Yin took over the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and also knew all of Hong Mo’s decisions, although he was also a little helpless. understand.

“Actually, I just want to be lazy.” Hong Mo laughed.

“You guys, even though Lingyin is so young, you are willing to let her bear such a heavy responsibility. You are just a beast.” Fu Xunhong scolded with a smile.

“If the Scarlet Devil Mansion is so confident, won’t the other party get angry?” Although it seemed relatively relaxed, Jin Xiusi still asked.

“I am 90% sure that the other party will not fall out because of this matter. The Scarlet Devil Mansion does not need to bully others, but it must at least be on an equal footing with the other party so that it will not be at a disadvantage in the subsequent meeting. Hong Mo narrowed his eyes and said lightly. Although I don’t know why the other party came to visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion last, but equal status is necessary, even on the surface.

“The opponent has moved!” Several people present were all top superpower users on the earth, and they immediately discovered the movement of the opponent’s spaceship. Sure enough, just as the Scarlet Devil Mansion expected, the other party compromised. Although this will not have any real effect, at least in terms of momentum, the Scarlet Devil Mansion is no longer inferior to the opponent.


Hong Mo drank all the strong wine in his hand!


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