Puppet Curse Chapter 365: Inference from the Scarlet Devil Mansion


bsp;Human beings…, Ben Momo looked at the group of intelligent creatures in front of him and couldn’t help but take a serious look at them for the first time. The appearance of human beings is not that strange in the universe, and it conforms to the general image of the most common group of intelligent creatures in the universe. The only difference is… no features.

Unlike some ethnic groups that always have their own characteristics, humans seem to have no characteristics at all. If I have to give an example, it seems to be a primitive template. Other aliens seem to have something extra on top of their human appearance. This is their own characteristics.

Ben Momo suddenly thought of a possibility in a trance, but as soon as it rose in his heart, he dismissed it from his mind.

How is that possible!

This thought from the bottom of my heart actually happened very quickly. Although Ben Momo was surprised, he still introduced himself to Univis in a friendly manner.

“I am Ben Momo, we are from the Patomi Galaxy Alliance. Hello, humans.” Ben Momo introduced himself to Univis, and then continued the question just now.

“Excuse me, are you the leader of mankind?”

Patomi Galaxy Alliance! The senior leaders of Bajiji thought to themselves, and sure enough, the news received from the Scarlet Devil Mansion was not false. The Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Bajiji Alliance have shared some basic information.

“No, I’m just the leader of Bajiji.” Univis shook his head.


“It’s just one of the thirty-two forces on the earth. To put it simply, there are at least thirty-one humans in the same position as me.” Yunivis said lightly.

‘Thirty-one people! Earth! ’ Ben Momo thought about the history of some primitive planets in the universe and understood what Yunivis said. This planet has not yet been unified and is still in a period of divided rule.

“Earth, is this the name of this miniature living planet? It’s such a good name, and Earth is also a beautiful planet.” Ben Momo did not continue on this point, and instead began to praise the earth. No matter what kind of creature it is, it always has an inexplicable feeling for its own homeland. Praising other people’s hometown is definitely an effective way to improve their goodwill.

Univers and others were no exception. When they heard this alien praising the earth, they basically relaxed a little and were nervous. But a tiny living planet? At first, some people were dissatisfied, but when you think about it, it is true that the earth is really small, even the smallest planet in the solar system.


Bajiji’s meeting with aliens continued and was broadcast to all parts of the world through satellite live broadcast, while other forces viewed this event with different moods.

The arrival of aliens on the earth has become a foregone conclusion, but it seems that it is slightly different from the predicted invasion. At least they are still very friendly now. According to the plots in some novels and science fiction, the ability to predict usually deviates after the predicted results are known, which is the so-called causal line. I don’t know if this is the reason why the aliens seemed so peaceful this time.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion has received news from Bajiji that he is indeed from the Patomi Galaxy.

According to this group of aliens, the reason for coming here is because a planet called Kuchi suddenly exploded, creating an unstable subspace vortex channel. Generally, a stable subspace vortex channel is a natural interstellar navigation channel, which can save a lot of time.

Such a subspace vortex channel that suddenly appeared attracted countless forces from the Patomi Galaxy Alliance. However, because the space vortex is not stable, no one has ever come here. But recently, the space vortex passage has become barely passable. And this group of people, the pioneers of the Patomi Galaxy, are here to explore the way.

Moreover, this guy named Ben Momo also vaguely mentioned a name: Horace Garder!

From this guy’s mouth, Bajiji learned that Horace Gard was the culprit of the Kuchi Star explosion. Originally, this guy didn’t plan to say anything more, but Univis told Ben Momo clearly that he had heard of this name.

“Seriously?” Ben Momo was just testing the waters, and he pretended to mention the name of Horace Garder accidentally. He didn’t expect that he would actually hear news about him here.

“Of course, it’s not just the name Horace Garder, but also Mojisala and Migis.” Univis’ tone seemed unhurried. He is taking the initiative now, so there is no need to be in such a hurry.

“Mojisala and Mijis, unexpectedly survived.” After hearing the other two names, Ben Momo had no doubts.

“Can you tell me what Horace Garter did?” Univers asked.

“I’m sorry, Horace’s news belongs to the second level of interstellar secrets, and you have no right to know it.” Ben Momo said seriously at this time.

Others in Bajiji were immediately secretly angry. What kind of second-level interstellar secrets are there? Why don’t you mention this name yourself? On the contrary, Unives just smiled, looking very indifferent, as if he had nothing to do, and stopped asking about Horace Garder.

After that, Ben Momo asked some more about Horace Garder on Earth. Regarding this, Bajiji has nothing to hide. After all, these basic information are not considered secrets on earth now. After learning these basic news, Ben Momo didn’t stay long before returning to the spaceship, obviously feeling very uneasy.

After the meeting, relevant information came out. After learning that the aliens were very friendly, ordinary people who were overwhelmed by the alien events began to be blindly optimistic and relaxed again.


At this time, the Scarlet Devil Mansion, having learned the detailed information, has begun to analyze all events. After connecting all the messages together, many things become clearer.

About thirty years ago, some major event occurred in the Patomi galaxy, the Kuchi star, causing the planet to explode. This time the planet exploded, creating an unstable subspace vortex channel in place, and some of the debris on the Kuchi star, that is, those meteorites, fell to the earth through this subspace vortex channel.

And this is also the beginning of great changes on the earth.

After more than thirty years, the newly created subspace vortex has stabilized. People from the Patomi system came to Earth either out of exploration or in pursuit of Horace’s whereabouts. Judging from Ben Momo’s nervousness towards Horace, the second reason is even greater.

Furthermore, according to what Baji Ji said, among all the aliens observed, Ben Momo deserves to be the number one in strength. Although other aliens are quite powerful, frankly speaking, they do not pose a great threat to humans. From this incident, another fact can be inferred.

Meteorite crystals are not commercially available.

Of course, everyone on earth knows that meteorites rarely crystallize. The key is that after analysis, everyone at the Scarlet Devil Mansion believes that meteorite crystals are absolutely rare even in the Patomi Galaxy. Otherwise, judging from the fact that people on earth have changed so much in just thirty years, the strength of those aliens is definitely more than that.

Then, there is another piece of evidence that proves this fact, the information it carries. Although there are few examples, it has undoubtedly been proven that the information in meteorite crystals can be read using truth fragments. From this point of view, meteorite crystallization is definitely not a natural thing, but a man-made result.

Humans call this kind of thing meteorite crystal, just because it comes to the earth with meteorites.

Coupled with the distorted wish crystallization, the pressure and absolute superpower field that accidentally broke out on the huge meteorite in Japan…, the final judgment of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is that this thing is the condensed essence of life. And it is very likely that it is not just the condensed life essence of ordinary people, but the condensed life essence of a group of ‘masters’. In this way, it is completely understandable that these things contain some kind of information.

After analyzing it here and then analyzing it again, it just proves a fact.

What kind of event would it take to destroy a planet? What kind of people are the participants? At least as far as the current earth is concerned, even if all the superpowers come together, no one dares to say that it will destroy the earth, because that is simply impossible.

And the earth, in the alien’s words, is just a ‘miniature planet of life’.

The final conclusion of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is that more than thirty years ago, a major event happened on the Kuchi star that shocked the entire Patomi galaxy. Countless masters went to the Kuchi star one after another, and then under certain conditions, Planet destroyed. This group of masters perished in the unstable subspace vortex channel, leaving only the crystallized life essence.

The main person in this incident is Horace Garder.

And this also proves why the only aliens found on the earth now are Horace Garder and his two men, Mojisala and Megis. Because they planned this incident in the first place, so they were prepared to avoid death.

Such a huge event will definitely shake the entire Patomi galaxy. Even if it is just for an explanation, the other party will chase after the subspace vortex channel is stabilized. And this is also the reason why Ben Momo appears on Earth.


This inference is the final inference of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It is definitely not the result of Hong Mo’s random thinking alone, but the conclusion reached by everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion after careful analysis of the existing information. As soon as this conclusion came out, everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion became more and more shocked. The more they looked at it, the more they felt that this was the truth.

“This is just an inference after all, don’t talk nonsense.” Hong Mo issued a silence order to everyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Of course, those who heard the news were not ordinary people. Since Hong Mo had said so, he would definitely not say it casually.


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