Puppet Curse Chapter 306: Xingjia Shenwu


bsp;Putting on the so-called ‘shirt’ designed by the chief costume designer of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Hong Mo couldn’t help but look at himself in the mirror in surprise.

Because this summit was of great significance, Hong Mo, who originally didn’t care much about his appearance, was forced to put on this shirt by everyone, saying that he could not lose the face of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I have to say that this chief designer is really quite capable. The seemingly simple clothes, without too many modifications, actually make him look calm and domineering when worn on Hong Mo’s body.

Completely pure black, mysterious and profound, coupled with Hong Mo’s own temperament, it looks slightly domineering, but not particularly arrogant, which is very consistent with Hong Mo’s character. Hong Mo, who was originally not interested in the so-called jersey, had to admit that this suit was very good.

Similarly, Yuxiangzi and the others also have their own clothes. Yuxiangzi wears a simple princess outfit, which is not very gorgeous, but very noble, which is just in line with her status as the eldest princess. Although Parala Cruz no longer exists, nothing can change the nobility in Yuxiangzi’s bones. Long Meiling and Xiao Zi… Needless to say, Men Fan and Patchouli, I believe everyone knows these costumes. They have been slightly modified to make them more suitable for fighting.

Suitable for combat, yes!

Although it is said to be a peace summit, once it comes to the division of forces, it cannot be solved by just talking. The world is a piece of cake. How much does each force want to share? In the end, strength still needs to speak for itself, and what best reflects strength is fighting.

This peace summit has been destined to be impossible to resolve peacefully from the beginning.

After getting ready, the four people in Hongmo said goodbye to the others, and then flew towards the Peace City, formerly Mildura, Australia.

After Hong Mo and the others disappeared from his eyes, Suzin turned around.

“According to the plan, prepare your defenses. The Orthodox people may come to attack the Scarlet Devil Mansion during this time.” Suzune ordered the people left behind.

“Yes!” Although there is usually no difference between up and down, at this time, everyone seemed very solemn.


“It would be great if the war could really cease and peace be restored.” The four Hong Mo people flew all the way towards their destination, looking at the world still engulfed in war below, Yu Xiangzi thought.

“Don’t hold too high expectations. Real peace will never be a cheap product that can be obtained by just talking. Maybe, starting from this, the battle will become more intense.” Hong Mo Shake his head.

“I know, it’s just hope.” Of course Yuxiangzi knew that what Hong Mo said was more likely. Long Meiling and Xiao Zi did not participate in the discussion. For the two of them, these things were a bit too far away. This peace summit is a time for them to increase their knowledge.

Nothing happened along the way until they set foot on Australian soil, which made Hong Mo quite disappointed for a while. Originally, he made a small bet with Yu Xiangzi, saying that the journey would definitely not be so peaceful this time.

“You’re going to lose the bet.” You Xiangzi held Hong Mo’s arm and said coquettishly on Hong Mo’s body. It had been a while since she had been alone with Hong Mo. Even though there were Long Meiling and Xiao Zi next to her, Yu Xiangzi did not shy away.

“That’s not necessarily true. There’s still a long way to go. Besides, something has happened before.” Just when Hong Mo was about to admit defeat, his expression suddenly changed and he smiled playfully at Yu Xiangzi. said.

After Yu Xiangzi heard Hong Mo’s words, she immediately pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction, just like a little girl. Although Long Meiling, who was following the two of them, had not experienced it herself, she understood some things between men and women, but Xiao Zi couldn’t understand it at all.

“Is Yuxiangzi sick? She’s acting weird.” Xiao Zi asked Long Meiling in confusion.

“Well, I’m sick, very serious.” Long Meiling looked at Xiao Zi’s delicate but confused face and couldn’t help but make a joke.

“Kukuku, you still want to lie to me!” Xiao Zi looked at Long Meiling’s expression, suddenly laughed disdainfully, and then turned her head away. Long Meiling glanced at Xiao Zi in surprise. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zi also became enlightened. However, the next moment, Long Meiling couldn’t help but slap her head. How is this possible?

“Even if she is sick, it will definitely not be serious, otherwise Hong Mo will not let her follow. So, your human body is too fragile.” Xiao Zi said matter-of-factly, Long Meiling was stunned for a moment, and then suppressed a smile I don’t know what to say.

Xiao Zi is very smart, but she doesn’t know what’s going on with her emotional intelligence. After reaching a certain level, she stops improving and is still like a child who hasn’t grown up. Could it be that the length of life span will also affect the development of emotional intelligence? What?

While the two were chatting, they had followed Hong Mo’s instructions and arrived at the site of a battle.

Originally Yu Xiangzi wanted to say that Hong Mo was cheating, but he obviously deliberately brought this into the battlefield. They had every chance to avoid it directly. However, when Hong Mo saw both sides of the battle, it was already destined that he would not be able to just walk away, because there were actually acquaintances inside.

Kami? Meiyin, Kuroiwa Shu, and another witch dressed in traditional witch costumes. They are two acquaintances. Although from a standpoint, Hong Mo and Shen Meiyin and Hei Yanshu are enemies, it is not too much to understand what happened.

Heiyan Shu forced his opponent back with a heavy cannon. Standing in mid-air, the form of the Black Rock cannon in his right hand rapidly changed, becoming even larger and more domineering. It was no longer in the form of a giant cannon, but became It looks like a heavy sword.

The blue flame in his left eye burned fiercely, and Hei Yanshu suddenly shot at a man who was suppressing Shen Meiyin, and slashed down with the heavy sword in his hand.

With a loud clang, the man received the blow with an exquisite Japanese sword and then flew out.

“No. 14, what the **** are you doing? You can’t even look down on a little girl.” The man was slashed away, frowned, and shouted dissatisfied at Hei Yanshu’s original opponent.

“She is very strong, and she is not the **** you chose.” The man known as No. 14 replied lazily.

“Spell? Heavenly Barrier!” On the other side, the witch suddenly said softly, and then she shot out something like a talisman in her hand.

The talisman flew in the air, emitting a dazzling light. While the man opposite was still surprised, a huge beam of light rose from the talisman, shrouding the man inside.

“Ah~~!” A harsh scream came from this beam of light. Everyone could see that the man wanted to rush out, but after hitting the thin light curtain on the outermost layer of the light pillar, he was actually bounced back to the middle of the light pillar.

The light beam lasted only ten seconds. After ten seconds, the light beam disappeared, and the talisman paper also turned into a pile of black ash and disappeared in the wind. The man who had been trapped in the beam of light fell down from the sky with his whole body scorched black.

“Yo yo yo, No. 13 is so unlucky. He must be dead. I have already said that this number is unlucky.” No. 14 saw the miserable situation of No. 13 and watched the fun with amusement.

Although the battle was fierce, it suddenly stopped because a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared here.

The four men in Hong Mo stopped at a distance and looked at the people on both sides. People from these two parties also looked at the four Hong Mo people and assessed the strength comparison between the two parties.

One party is very familiar with them, Kuroiwa Shu, Shen Meiyin, and a miko that I don’t recognize. The three people on the other side were all very strange, and even called each other by the same code name.

“Oh, oh, oh, failed. No. 15, I’m leaving. If I don’t leave, I won’t be able to leave.” When No. 14 saw the four people in red ink, his expression changed slightly, and then he yelled again, haha , immediately prepare to dodge. Obviously, this guy knew Hong Mo and the others, and facing the four of them, he thought he had no chance of winning.

“Don’t leave, take out the antidote.” Hei Yanshu supported Shen Meiyin and shouted at the man. At this time, Hong Mo discovered that Shen Meiyin’s face was covered with a dark aura, which was obviously not a normal state.

“Spirit Talisman? Five Directions Forbidden!” The witch waved her right hand, and five pieces of talisman paper were shot out, appearing next to No. 15 in an instant. The next moment, a pentagonal beam of light appeared. However, No. 15 had already been ready to run away when No. 14 said to run away. The talisman had already ejected before it fell beside him. This beam of light did not imprison him.

“Kanna, catch him, don’t let him run away.” When Hei Yanshu saw this scene, he couldn’t help but feel anxious. If he hadn’t been supporting Kanna Meiyin, he would have rushed out long ago.

“Yes!” The witch replied lightly. Five golden talisman appeared in her hand, and then she shot out in five directions, and disappeared directly into the air.

“Spirit Talisman? Five Directions Great Forbidden!” The witch didn’t care about implicating Hong Mo and the others, and directly used her ultimate move. The last golden talisman in his right hand fell, and a bright white light pillar rose from the ground, covering a one kilometer radius.

The moment the light beam appeared, everyone, including Hong Mo, fell into stillness. Numbers 14 and 15 still maintained their forward posture, with lifelike movements and rich expressions, but they just couldn’t move.

Suddenly the body was imprisoned, but thinking was not a problem yet. Hong Mo did not look panicked, and he could also see that this witch was not deliberately targeting the people of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. However, this kind of power is really amazing. This is the first time Hong Mo has encountered such power.

Confinement, seal!

Although it was not directed at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Hong Mo couldn’t help but wonder if he could break this restriction. After all, the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the opposite Kuroiwa Shu and Shen Meiyin were still enemies. Since this miko is with them, it goes without saying.


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