Puppet Curse Chapter 305: The wind is rising


bsp;Somewhat unexpected, but not completely out of imagination. After some investigation at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, no conspiracy was found in the Peace Society. It’s as if this organization that suddenly popped up is really asking for help for mankind and the future of mankind.

Are there really such upright people in this world?

No, Hong Mo can say with certainty that there is absolutely no such selfless person. Perhaps, this Peace Society does not have any conspiracy, but this move has already reaped huge benefits for this organization. As long as this peace summit ends successfully, regardless of the outcome, the reputation of the Peace Society will be greatly improved, and it may even become a world-class organization in one fell swoop.

Hong Mo looked at the information in his hand and couldn’t help but nodded.

This may be the purpose of the Peace Society. It is currently known that many peace-loving superpowers have joined this organization during this period. And more superpowers, although they still hold a wait-and-see attitude, have a great impression of this organization that is the first to consider the future of mankind.

“Anyway, let’s go and participate.” Hong Mo said to the people in the hall and made a decision.

The candidates to participate in this peace summit have long been determined. In this memory, ordinary people are definitely not qualified to attend. They must be the head of a force, at least someone with decisive decision-making power. Therefore, Hong Mo must go there, and as the leader of a force, he certainly cannot go alone.

You Xiangzi, Long Meiling, and Xiao Zi will also accompany Hong Mo. The four of them are not many, but they are enough. Even if an accident occurs, there is enough room for reaction.

Of the four, they are all very powerful. Not to mention Yuxiangzi and Xiaozi, they are already famous, but Long Meiling’s transformation is even more astonishing. Long Meiling’s body has always been able to undergo only one-sided changes, such as scales appearing on her body. Hong Mo always thought that her body was transformed into a snake. She did not expect that after seeing Long Hai’s true form by chance, something in her body was stimulated, and she actually turned into a snake in front of Long Hai. Qinglong.

It was really Qinglong, and he launched a violent attack on Long Hai. Although he was suppressed by everyone in the end, it also caused great trouble to everyone. So far, Long Meiling has only been able to master the Azure Dragon Transformation initially. Even so, the improvement in strength is huge.

Not only the Scarlet Devil Mansion has mobilized, but all major organizations in the world are moving towards Peace City. Most of them are like the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and their leaders have also mobilized. After all, this is a major summit related to the distribution of power in the future. As for those organizations that still hide and do not want to show up, they will never send an irrelevant person there.

Everyone knows that this peace summit is a summit destined to go down in history.

Across the world, countless people with super powers who are looking forward to this peace summit are gathering towards Peace City. Everyone is extremely concerned about the outcome of this summit, even people with super powers are no exception.


“Sister Yanyu, get ready, let’s go.” A young man with a mustache but still a little green called into the room. Although he had known that the world would change, Ji Tianyi still did not expect that the change would be so big that everyone would be caught off guard.

In a simple room, a woman without the slightest smell of fireworks sat quietly in the air with her eyes closed. After Ji Tianyi called her outside, Lin Yanyu slowly opened her eyes. They were as transparent as a clear spring, as if everything was reflected in them. After a while, Lin Yanyu’s eyes finally opened. Back to normal.

A beautiful ancient sword flew into Lin Yanyu’s hand, and the jade hand wiped across the sword’s edge like a clear water.


The long sword was sheathed, Lin Yanyu fell from the sky, and opened the door.


In a completely dark room, Li Lanfeng woke up from his deep sleep. His eyes were filled with colorful light, like a whirlpool, seeming to **** all the eyes into it. After a long time, Li Lanfeng’s eyes Only then returned to normal.

“Master, you are ready.” A soft female voice came from the dark room.

“Let’s go!”

“Yes!” The female voice faded away, and Li Lanfeng, who was completely naked, closed his eyes again. From then on, Li Lanfeng never opened his eyes again and kept them closed.


In a luxuriously decorated room, Ye Wuyi overlooked the entire city. Although it seemed that the damage was serious, he was gradually showing his vitality, and he was the absolute emperor of the city.

“Hua Xiang, are you ready?” After a long time, Ye Wuyi turned around and asked the woman who had been waiting for orders.

“Everything is ready and ready to go.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Ye Wuwu walked out quickly, with the woman following behind him.


Three women gathered together in an ancient shrine in Mount Fuji, Japan. One is Kuroiwa Shu, the other is the **** Miyin who has lost an arm, and the last one is a very weak-looking miko.

“Really going?” Shen Meiyin asked finally.

“Yes, if we want to go, we must find a suitable foothold for everyone. If this chaos continues, we will all perish.” Hei Yanshu said solemnly.

“I’m so sorry, our power can only protect so many ordinary people.” The delicate witch apologized.

“Kanna, why are you apologizing? You have done a good job.” Kuroiwa Shu hugged the miko, and then hugged Kanna Mion as well.

“Everyone, we must live and welcome the next new era.”

“Yes!” The three of them hugged each other. Although it was very softly, but unswervingly, Shen Meiyin and Xingjia Shenwu answered Heiyan Shu’s plea.


“Zi, are you ready yet? It’s time for us to set off.” A man looked into the room with expectant and lustful eyes.

A fan suddenly flew out from inside and hit Shi Heng on the forehead. A noble woman walked out of the room holding a lady’s umbrella and stretched out her right hand to catch the fan that bounced back.

“Let’s go.”

“Master Zi, Master Idiot.” A girl with nine tails behind her was waiting for the two of them outside. After seeing the two of them, she immediately came forward to greet them.

“I said, Lan, can you please stop calling me Mr. Fool?” Shi Heng had a bitter look on his face.

“But Master Zi asked me to call you that.” Yakumo Lan said matter-of-factly, only Shiheng’s expression became increasingly bitter. Thinking of his friend’s plan, his face became even more bitter.


In a Russian city, a man with an oriental face looked at the wailing ordinary people below, with no expression on his face.

“Sir, the preparations have been made.” A former Russian beauty stepped forward respectfully and reported the news.

“Well, let’s go.”

“What about the ordinary people in this city?” the beauty asked.

“As before, the fittest survive and the unfit are eliminated.” He Ping said, with a hint of madness on his face. After a while, he regained his composure and glanced at the beautiful woman lightly. “Don’t sympathize with them. The world is changing and humans also need to evolve. I am helping them.”

“Yes!” Although there are thousands of words in her heart, this beauty can only keep it in her heart.


The highest peak in the Himalayas, a man is suspended on the top of the mountain, looking down. On his shoulder stood a parrot.

“Yohoo! This is the highest peak, there doesn’t seem to be any difficulty.”

“Cold!” the parrot suddenly said.

“Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot that you are afraid of the cold.” The man said and stroked the parrot with his hand.

“Ah, by the way, it’s almost time. It’s time for us to set off.” The man said, pressing his right index finger between his eyebrows, closing his eyes at the same time, and then suddenly disappeared in place.


At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, a ferocious creature suddenly stretched out a tentacle, grabbed a large sea beast swimming nearby, and suddenly sucked it in.

After a period of struggle, thick blood dyed the sea water red.

After devouring this sea beast, the muscles in this ferocious creature’s body squirmed crazily, and finally it became a naked human being.

“Hey, I can’t believe that so much time has passed. Has the world changed so much? It just so happens that it’s time to be born.” Mibega looked at his new-born body, filled with incomparable curiosity. .


Across the world, countless superpowers who usually hide themselves have gradually surfaced because of this peace summit, and the world has gradually become windy!


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