Puppet Curse Chapter 266: Seven spiritual skills


bsp;This is not the first time that Suzune and the three of them have fought against these superpowers since they came to Parala Cruz. Although she didn’t know what happened to Fran now, Lingyin definitely didn’t want the interference from these superpowers to affect Fran.

In the first week, after killing a few unruly guys, everyone nearby became honest. Of course, it’s not because of Suzune’s strength that they can defeat everyone, but because these people find that even attacking the **** bud can’t do anything for the time being, so they are happy to betray the Scarlet Devil Mansion to save face. [bsp;In two months, there were many superpowers who came here later on the way. Although I don’t understand why everyone is so quiet, most of these new guys just follow the local customs and don’t make any extra moves.

However, there is always no shortage of mavericks in this world, especially those who treat rules as nothing if they have a certain level of strength.

The battle here has attracted a lot of people’s attention. For all the superpowers here, watching each other’s battle is not only a gorgeous visual feast, but also a way to learn some combat experience. Although it is impossible to understand the specific calculation program, it is not a problem to simulate it.

Both Xiao Zi and Ma Teng watched from a distance and did not interfere.

This is a step that must be experienced. Everyone needs some real battles before they can truly grow. Moreover, Ma Teng did not want the Scarlet Devil Mansion to give people the impression of bullying the few.

“My name is Remilia Red Scarlet!” Ringtone said solemnly, as if it was a declaration.

This name!

Just when the white man was surprised by the name, Suzune had already disappeared from the place with a quick step. Spiritual Step, powered by raw power, is one of the seven basic spiritual skills in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The seven basic spiritual skills are:

Spiritual Step – a method of movement.

Spirit Cannon – long-range attack.

Spiritual shield – a defense method.

Linghe-healing method.

Spirit holding – the way of perception.

Spiritual possession – close attack.

Spiritual binding – binding restrictions.

Because of the universality of raw power, Hong Mo and the others developed these seven spiritual skills as a systematic skill based on raw power. These seven kinds of spiritual skills are all the most basic things. The raw power combined with the different energies of each person can produce more advanced skills based on the corresponding basic spiritual skills. That requires everyone’s continuous attempts and efforts. Calculated.

Human beings’ perception of the outside world relies on the five senses, the most important of which is vision. It is difficult for ordinary people to see fast-moving things clearly with their naked eyes. Even for people with super powers, although their enhanced vision greatly increases their abilities, they still have limitations, such as now.

The speed of the ringtone has completely exceeded the visual range of the white man with superpowers. The white man could only see a phantom approaching him quickly.

Without any hesitation, the white man threw the flame in his right hand and pointed it in the direction of the bell.

The speed of the flame was very fast, and because it was relative, it appeared in front of Suzune almost instantly. If it were an ordinary person with superpowers, he would probably be attacked by the flames even if he couldn’t see clearly. But, alas, none of the seven basic magical skills in the Scarlet Devil Mansion are random.

Spirit holding, although its name is inconspicuous, is one of the most practical spiritual skills. Through a special calculation method, the original ability can be enhanced on the five senses, increasing the sensitivity of the five senses tenfold or a hundredfold, allowing for more accurate judgment of attack and defense.

The pupils of Suzune’s eyes were clear and transparent, reflecting all the movements of the white superpower. Although the flames were moving very fast, Suzune could still see them clearly. The direction of movement was slightly distorted, forming a simple S shape, directly away from the flame. The next moment, Suzune appeared in front of the white man with superpowers.

Panic, unparalleled panic rose from the heart of this white man. Remilia Red Scarlet, of course he had heard of this name, the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. However, he had never seen it before, after all, Suzune rarely appeared outside.

From the moment Suzune announced his name, the shock in his heart had not gone away, Suzuki had already attacked him.

Holy Flame Shield!

The white man couldn’t see clearly what the bell sound was doing. He just relied on his instinct to expel raging flames from his whole body, forming an oval fire shield.

Without any hesitation, a faint white halo appeared on Suzuyin’s small hand. She completely ignored the unknown type of flame and punched the white man in the chest.

The white halo on Suzuyin’s body dimmed slightly in the flames, and then returned to brightness. However, the white superpower suddenly flew backwards under Suzune’s simple punch. Even the people around him could see the huge impact that exploded from behind him.

Spirit possession – the original power is blessed on the body. Even if you are not a person with physical alienation superpowers, you can still exert terrifying power.

The reason why Suzune can ignore the white man’s flames is because of the spiritual shield. The original power has good universality and does not have any attributes, but on the other hand, it has a certain resistance to any alien energy. Therefore, the defensive ability of the spiritual shield basically has no dead ends, and it can defend against any form of attack. At most it’s a question of strength.

Suffering from this huge impact, the white man was originally going to fly backwards. However, within five meters of flying, several white beams of light shot out from Suzuyin’s little hands and wrapped around his limbs. He was frozen in the air.

No one knows what this white beam of light is about. It seems to be forced out of the surrounding space, and it just freezes the white man in place.

At this moment of recoil, coupled with Suzune’s punch, the white man finally couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood. At this time, he discovered that his limbs were entangled in inexplicable white beams and he was completely unable to move.

Horror! Unspeakable panic rose from the bottom of my heart.

“Don’t…!” At this time, the white man knew that he had kicked the iron plate.

However, Suzune ignored his plea at all, and a white light spot slowly expanded in the palm of her right hand.

The feeling of death!

There was no moment when this white man had such a clear sense of death. The white holy flames in his body surged out from his body, burning the space everywhere. Under the burning of this white holy flame, he was surprised to find that the white beams that bound him were fading and disappearing.

However, his surprise only existed for a moment. The next moment, a white and transparent light beam spurted out from Suzune’s hand.

Spirit Cannon – gathers raw energy together and fires it in large quantities instantly. Forming a devastating impact, it was also called the Force Cannon in the past, but was later renamed the Spirit Cannon by the Scarlet Devil Mansion for the sake of unification.

The white man concentrated all the holy flames in front of his body, resisting the spiritual cannon with difficulty. At the same time, he struggled desperately to avoid this spiritual cannon.

The original power is highly universal and has no attributes, so it has no additional effects. But this also means that there is no absolute means of defense. No matter what defense collides with, the difference between the two is the quantity.

To be honest, Holy Flame’s attack is very high, but its defense seems to be poor.

The holy flame persisted in the white beam of light for more than ten seconds, and when the white man was about to break free from the spiritual bondage, he suddenly swallowed the white man.

“No…!” In the end, the man’s only voice filled with fear and grief echoed in the air. And in the next moment, his entire body disappeared into the white beam of light.

The huge white beam of light formed by the spirit cannon penetrated several kilometers and fell on the ground in the distance, triggering a violent explosion.

After another four or five seconds, Lingyin retracted her little hand, and the spirit cannon in the air slowly disappeared and faded, and finally turned into a thin white light and disappeared. But at this time, the white man’s figure had long disappeared in front of Suzuyin.

The whole battle cannot be said to be gorgeous, but it is in line with Hong Mo’s usual character, simple and direct. The daughter of Suzune Hong Mo has naturally learned all about Hong Mo’s fighting style.

In the past few years, Hong Mo has not done much research on combat methods because he has been busy with other things. The seven kinds of spiritual skills are all the result of Suzune’s continuous attempts and summarization.

One of the biggest advantages of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is the particle measuring instrument, which can record in detail the detailed changes of superpowers when using their abilities, and then use super computers to deduce them according to the rules, so as to obtain a more efficient calculation method. Although the calculation program deduced by the computer may not be correct, it is still hundreds of times faster than trying to figure it out by instinct.

Although the names of the seven spiritual skills are simple, they are undoubtedly very targeted and have the potential for continuous development and evolution.

He still has that proud temperament. Although this is not the first time he has seen fighting like this, the superpowers around him are still truly in awe.

Remilia Red Scarlet! The eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!

What makes these superpowers salivate the most is that this attack method is not exclusive to Miss Remilia. Patchouli and Ma Teng can also do it. Although the energy is slightly different, it is undoubtedly the same skill.

This is a skill that can be learned!

All the superpowers looked at Suzune standing proudly in the air with eager eyes. Even those with super powers who have very special abilities are no exception.

Special superpowers also mean limitations, with limited attack methods. The attack method Suzune has demonstrated in the past two months is undoubtedly a universal attack method.

Attack, defense, movement, healing, restraint, and blessing basically include every aspect needed for a battle. There’s no way these guys won’t be tempted.


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