Puppet Curse Chapter 241: Bloody Carnival


bsp;Before leaving, Beist quietly reminded Xiao Zi and the others not to tell Coyle the method of making the twisted wish crystal. Because this girl has no idea what the twisted wish crystal means. If she knew that making this thing required massacre, she would definitely stop it.

This is the mentality of different people. Beist, for example, does not have too many feelings about massacre, as long as it is not targeted at his country.

On the way, Fran curiously asked Beist about the ‘adult’ they were talking about.

“What is your name? He hasn’t told us. However, Miss Zi, who has been following him all the time, always calls him a fool. It seems that he doesn’t care. In short, he just feels weird being alone. ”

“Miss Zi?” Xiao Zi is particularly concerned about this name.

“Well, that’s what the adult called him, Zi.” Beist really answered every question, but that was also because it wasn’t that important.

“Hey~ I didn’t expect that there was such a guy.” Fran tilted her head, looking thoughtful.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?” Beiste and Keile saw Fran’s look, as if they had learned something from just this simple message.

“We call it the Scarlet Devil Mansion. In fact, this name comes from the Touhou Project. In fact, there is more than one force in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and there are many other names representing forces, such as Hakurei Shrine, Baitama Tower, etc. Of course, the Lost One The family is also one of them, often called the Yakumo family, and the most powerful person in it is Yakumo Murasaki,” Fran explained to Coyle.

These two Nepalis must have never heard of these things, especially those from decades ago.

“I don’t understand!” Koyle tilted his head.

“Forget it if you don’t understand.” Fran didn’t mean to explain more. In fact, her current situation was not very good. She was obviously very tired, but she always seemed very excited.

It has been chaotic along the way, but some basic order has been retained. After all, it has not been long since the nuclear bomb attack. Just because of habit, it is estimated that this order will be maintained for a while. And when the chaos becomes more and more serious, it is time for a complete breakdown of order and reintegration.

None of these could affect the five people flying in the sky. Because of his anxiety, Xiao Zi directly covered everyone with his spiritual shield, and then flew towards Varanasi, India at full speed.

Varanasi is a sacred religious site in India, but it did not suffer a nuclear attack this time. Just like Suzune’s analysis, when human beings face dangers that they cannot resist, they will always place their trust in illusory things, such as gods and Buddhas. When Fran and the others came here, they actually found a large number of people worshiping together.

“Ignorance!” Fran said lightly as she looked at the crowd at her feet. This is the difference in education. If it were an ordinary little girl, she would definitely not have such thoughts as Fran. After all, the education in the Scarlet Devil Mansion is different from ordinary people, so even Fran seems very mature.

At this time, in the other direction of Varanasi, a group of people said the same thing.

“Ignorant and stupid mortals.”

“You really want to help me? Aren’t you afraid that I will regret it after using the twisted wish crystal to gain powerful abilities?” A middle-aged man who looked a little sick said to the other four.

“Repent, will you? Don’t forget my abilities.” A man who looked extremely elegant said to him. “You are the same type of people as us, and you are full of dissatisfaction with this decadent world, and we are going to change this world. Therefore, we need your knowledge and your power.”

“Hey, hey, since you are so confident, let’s get started. I never thought that a lunatic like me would see the light of day again.” The sickly man smiled twistedly.

“Crazy, that’s just what other people call us. The only reason is because mortals can’t understand our lofty ideas. From the experience of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I think we need a professional researcher, so we We have found you, Mr. Akinkov, the former chief mad scientist of Russia. I believe you will not let us down.” The elegant man looked at Akinkov and smiled gently.

It was obviously a very gentle smile, but Akinkov was like a mouse being stared at by a cat, even more terrifying.

“Of course, as long as the agreement counts.” Ajinkov nodded. If the agreement counts, there is nothing wrong with joining this madman team.

“Of course, let’s get started.” The elegant young man said, nodding to the others.

Akinkov knew at this time that he had no way to turn back, but wasn’t this exactly what he wanted? Crazy research, unscrupulous research, no need to worry about morality, no need to Pay heed to the law and do whatever you want. Ajinkov stretched out his right hand, a subtle silver light flashed, and a small wound suddenly appeared on his index finger, and blood slowly emerged.

Without hesitation, Akinkov started writing in the air. The blood followed the movement of his fingers and outlined three-dimensional characters in the air, which were complex and mysterious.

To be honest, at first, when he was released from the confinement room by the madman team and handed him this ‘text’, he thought the other party was joking. Text obtained from meteorite crystals? How could there be such a thing as a twisted wish crystal? However, subsequent facts proved that this was definitely no joke. During the period when he was imprisoned in Russia for inhumane experiments, many major events happened in the world.

The words Ajinkov wrote were the same as the spiritual words Fran practiced, but they were obviously simpler. This is what Purvis exposed, hiding part of the spiritual text. Even Hong Mo doesn’t know how to delete the spiritual text so that the effect can be weakened without completely losing the effect. Perhaps, this is the benefit Purvis gained from using the fragments of truth to interpret the distorted wish crystal.

At this time, on the other side, Fran asked them to leave after Coyle treated her for the last time.

“Thank you. Next, you and Beist can leave.” Fran said to Keile. Bayist said that Coyle did not understand what the twisted wish crystal represented, and Fran did not want her to see what happened next.

Best nodded and flew back with Keile, who was still a little confused. Next, there will be a shocking massacre here. Although this is not the first case, if it happens in front of you, I am afraid it will not be so uncomfortable.

After the two of them disappeared from sight, Fran solemnly said: “Let’s get started.”

Like Ajinkov, Fran also began to use his own blood to write spiritual texts in the air. However, compared with Ajinkov, Fran’s spiritual texts seemed more perfect. Of course, the used ones There’s more blood and effort.

Ten minutes later, the first set of spiritual texts was finished, and then it was introduced into the air with the smell of blood.

“Go to the next place.” Fran said, and Xiao Zi immediately flew towards the next point with Fran. The reason why Hong Mo named this method of making distorted will power crystals is because this method has exceeded the scope of current scientific understanding.

The thirteen most important basic points, plus one hundred and thirty-three auxiliary basic points, all use their own blood to write spiritual texts, and then at the moment of completion, the spiritual texts hidden in the air will react with each other, and then Forming a magic circle, within a period of time, the life wishes of humans who died abnormally in the magic circle will be twisted and condensed to form crystals, which will be absorbed by the person who wrote the spiritual text, and use the life wishes contained in it to power to satisfy the person’s wishes about himself.

During the flight, Fran began to replenish food and took blood-stimulating pills. Blood-stimulating pills are a kind of medicine that can speed up the body’s blood regeneration speed and consume a lot of physical energy at the same time. If she didn’t do this, Fran’s young body wouldn’t survive until the end.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that the place chosen by the Madman Team happened to be the same place chosen by Fran and the others. Unbeknownst to both parties, both Fran and Akinkov were writing spiritual texts. Although the ‘points’ chosen by the two sides are somewhat different, most of the places overlap. Because there are only a few areas with the largest population.

Because the spiritual text written by Ajinkov was simpler, he had already completed it before Fran had finished it. After the last spiritual writing was completed, hundreds of red lines appeared in the sky across Varanasi, and then disappeared in an instant.

No one except some sensitive superpowers noticed this instant change.

“Let’s get started, it’s going to be **** you this time, Barry.”

“Don’t worry. It’s easy to deal with these ordinary people. They will be in chaos soon. I’m really looking forward to it.” Patsy Barry licked his lips, appeared in the air, and pressed his index fingers on his own. On the temples.

Bloody carnival!

Barry’s eyes suddenly opened, and a strange wave spread around him. In the city below, the people who were worshiping devoutly were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes became **** and crazy. Without the slightest reason, just like facing enemies with different sects, these ordinary people began to fight each other.

After a large number of humans began to die, Akinkov’s body began to tremble due to excessive blood loss.

“Is this what you call the life force? I feel it.” Ajinkov stretched out his hands as if to hug something, his face full of enthusiasm.


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