Puppet Curse Chapter 231: Summoned Beast Xiaohei


bsp;After the news of the twisted wish crystal is exposed, will the war end? Obviously, it’s not going to end. Regardless of the reason for the outbreak of fighting or the reason for the massacre, millions of people have died in many countries. At this time, we can’t stop. This is hatred, hatred between countries.

This kind of hatred is now completely irreconcilable, and most of the neighboring countries have become mortal enemies. Because wars often break out between two neighboring countries.

India is in chaos now. In fact, every country is in chaos. When large countries are powerful, they usually place the battlefield inside smaller countries. Large armies are basically unable to invade large countries. However, even if a small country is weak in national power, it cannot help but have superpowers, and the most flexible thing about superpowers is mobility. Even if there is no domestic war in a big country, all kinds of destruction are inevitable.

China, the United States, Russia… big cities are also in chaos.

After Xiao Zi and Fran flew over the Pacific Ocean, they first went to Japan. Because Fran wanted to see this place that caused the Scarlet Devil Mansion a big loss. As a result, all I saw was a country in chaos.

At this time, no one cared about the huge damage caused by the Scarlet Devil Mansion in Japan. That incident was not worth mentioning now. The whole world is in chaos, and a more fierce battle than this may be happening anywhere in the world.

Xiao Zi took Fran to the former Tokyo, now the Greater Tokyo Bay. There’s nothing to see here, just a sunken city. Several people turned and flew in the direction of India. Along the way, they could often see various chaotic scenes.

Murder, robbery, rape…! Countless things happened like this in broad daylight. The once prosperous city is now extremely depressed.

Japan started a war with China not long ago. What’s the reason? The Scarlet Devil Mansion belongs to China. Well, it seems that it is not wrong to say so. Generally speaking, Hong Mo and the others are from China. It is not bad for Japan to use this excuse to divert the attention of the people. Although the real reason for the war is now known, can it stop? Can’t stop. Not to mention the hatred that lasted until the last century, let’s just say that the war that has broken out now cannot be stopped.

The credibility of the government has dropped to the lowest level, and with the addition of superpowers specially sent by China to destroy it, as well as some restless careerists, it is not difficult to imagine what a country will become.

While flying over Osaka, a building suddenly exploded in front of Xiao Zi and the others. Looking at the scattered sparks and debris, Xiao Zi and the others were not surprised at all.

“It exploded!” Fran said, looking at the waves of fire rolling in the distance.

“Well, it exploded.” Xiao Zi nodded as well. For this situation, they completely regarded it as a grand fireworks.

Such a violent explosion did not hurt many ordinary people, because there were no ordinary people nearby. The chaos continues to this day. Basically everyone knows that when superpowers from other countries come to cause destruction, they are basically in big cities and some important industrial bases, so most ordinary people have fled to the countryside.

After the explosion, three people, two men and one woman, flew out of the flames and stopped in the air, looking warily at the center of the flames. After a while, four other people walked out of the flames calmly. The raging flames disappeared into the air before they could even touch a few people.

At this time, several superpowers hurriedly flew in from a distance, apparently attracted by the movement here. These Japanese superpowers looked at the industrial base that had become a sea of ​​fire, with an unconcealable anger on their faces.

Destroying other countries’ industrial bases and important facilities has basically become a strategy. Too many things like this have happened in Japan recently, and the entire country has basically been paralyzed.

“Captain, after this mission, you can go back. Such a mission is really uncomfortable.” Among the four people standing in front of the flames, a man asked his so-called captain road.

“Yeah.” The captain didn’t hesitate and answered simply.

“Assholes, it’s you Chinese people who did it again!” A woman in the sky looked very angry and said viciously to the four people in front of the flames.

“Hey, beauty~!” The young man who just asked the question glanced over here and realized it was a very beautiful girl, so he immediately whistled.

“It’s just a mission. There is no right or wrong between countries. And don’t you, Japan, also have people wreaking havoc in China?” The captain was not angry, and answered very plainly, and then looked at the group of people in the sky.

Two groups of people, seven of them gathered together, are obviously superpowers protected by Japan, but what are the other people? Two little girls, plus a young black guy.

Originally, if there were only this Chinese team and the Japanese superpowers, they would have started fighting long ago. This is also the usual development situation, but this time there is something different. Xiao Zi and the others suddenly intervened, but everyone was a little wary.

“Why are they all looking at us?” Fran asked curiously as the people on both sides looked at the three of them.

“I don’t know.” Xiao Zi answered Fran’s question very simply. Neither of them had much experience, so they couldn’t understand the current situation at all. As for Xiao Hei? Let him think about problems or whatever, and let him go.

‘Chinese people! ’ The faces of these Japanese superpowers suddenly darkened. Both Fran and Xiao Zi spoke Chinese, so the Japanese naturally counted Fran and the others as being on the Chinese side.

‘Is he one of ours? ’ The captain looked at the three of them curiously and confirmed that he didn’t recognize them. “After the battle begins, help protect the two little girls, but be careful.” The captain said to his three teammates, blinking twice.

Several of his teammates nodded. The reason why I say protection is because no matter how you look at it, the three of them, Xiao Zi, are all vulnerable groups. If they are really superpowers from the Celestial Dynasty, they should be protected. However, no one knows their exact identities, so they must also be wary of Xiao Zi and the other three.

This is the philosophy of survival. Living to this day, this team has summed up the experience with its life.

If Xiao Zi and the others were counted on the Chinese side, they would be seven versus seven. There was nothing polite to say to each other. After confirming whether we were the enemy or not, the battle began immediately. On the Japanese side, four people rushed towards the Tianchao team, and the other three launched an attack on Xiaozi and the others.

“Xiao Hei, come on!” Although he didn’t quite understand that these people were attacking him, Xiao Zi was too lazy to fight with these ant-like guys. He waved his little hand directly, pointed at the three people rushing over, and gave an attack order to Xiao Hei.

Hearing the words, the summoned beast Xiao Hei immediately swelled up and turned into a huge black bear, rushing towards the three of them.

“Brutal collision!” Xiao Zi gave the order from behind.

Xiao Hei’s attack was simple and direct. He directly used raw energy to open the spiritual shield and then hit the three superpowers. A huge body with incomparable power. However, the three superpowers opposite all showed disdainful smiles.

A person with alienated superpowers, isn’t this the best thing to deal with?

One of the men raised his fist high, and then punched out suddenly. The huge electric light formed a twisted beam of light and blasted towards Xiao Hei. After the man punched out, a smile appeared on his face, and he seemed to have seen the scene of Xiao Hei’s body being charred and dead.

However, electric energy, how should I put this? Because of the red ink, Xiao Hei is not unfamiliar at all. Moreover, it is not just electric current, but the magnetic force of red ink combined with original energy.

So, Xiao Hei’s spiritual shield flashed again, almost condensing into substance, and then he hit the thick current without changing his movements.

There was a loud bang and a huge explosion in the air. The spiritual shield on Xiao Hei’s body fluctuated slightly, and then there was no movement. The seemingly powerful electric current was easily knocked away by Xiao Hei.

While the man’s smile was still frozen on his face, Xiao Hei’s four-meter-tall body suddenly bumped into him.

There was a muffled thud, and the guy who was so proud just now was suddenly knocked out like a large piece of garbage. While still in the air, you can see this guy’s eyes bulging out, and he suddenly spurts out a mouthful of blood.

How is this possible! At this time, this guy still couldn’t believe it. Isn’t it a person with superpowers whose body has been alienated? Why can he resist his own lightning without any harm?

Looking at the miserable state of this guy, the other two superpowers stopped attacking Xiao Zi and Fran. They immediately turned sideways and started attacking Xiao Hei who had stopped.

“Good job, here comes a shock wave.” Xiao Zi now completely regarded Xiao Hei as his summoned beast and kept giving orders to Xiao Hei.

When Xiao Hei heard this, his upper body immediately stood up, and then his thick bear paw suddenly fell into the air. In the apparently empty sky, after Xiao Hei’s pair of bear paws struck down, a circle of rapidly spreading ripples appeared.

The two superpowers were caught off guard and were shaken by the shock wave, letting out a muffled groan.

“Finally, use the force cannon to deal with them.” Xiao Zi and Fran were excitedly shouting at Xiao Hei at this time. It seemed as if they were more excited than fighting by themselves. Especially Xiao Zi, she even said to Fran: “Flan, let Xiao Hei be my pet, it seems pretty good.”


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