Puppet Curse Chapter 162: End


bsp;After a period of croaking and weird Chinese exchanges, Hong Mo gave up helplessly. I can’t explain it clearly, I can’t explain it at all. I wasted a few minutes and it’s almost like playing the piano to a cow.

“Forget it, give up.” Hemerocallis also figured it out at this time. Although these alienated creatures have good IQs, it is obviously very difficult to communicate. Even in ordinary society, language barrier is a very difficult problem to solve, let alone now.

At this time, the sea dragon would grin at Xiao Zi from time to time, showing no trace of the magnanimity of a mythical beast. In the final analysis, he is just a kid who has just developed his intelligence and doesn’t understand anything. At most, he just looks a bit special. He might have been a sea snake or a loach more than ten years ago. Inexplicably, he got into a fight with Xiao Zi, which was a bit of a fun.

“Hong Mo, how big is that submarine? If it’s not big, I can go into the sea.” Xiao Zi suddenly suggested.

“Huh? You can go into the sea. Aren’t you a blue thunderbird?” This time it was Hong Mo’s turn to be surprised. He had never seen Xiao Zi go into the sea. And, birds going to the sea and stuff….

“You can go to the sea, why can’t I? I’m just not used to being in the sky.” Xiao Zi glanced at Hong Mo disdainfully, as if looking at an idiot, which made Hong Mo feel that he was despised .

“Let’s go, we’ve wasted a lot of time.” Xiao Zi continued, asking Hong Mo to point out the direction.

“Where are these guys?” Hong Mo asked. These big guys should have been lured out by Xiao Zi.

“Of course, don’t worry about them. They will go back to the sea on their own. Do you still want to invite them back for dinner?” Xiao Zi glanced at Hong Mo in confusion. Hong Mo could only smile bitterly and guide her home for dinner. Is their small island enough trouble? It won’t sink in a few moments. However, if it is really possible, there are probably many people who hold this idea.

There are still a few people who are not afraid of death. The dozen superpowers that Hong Mo let go have not completely left. At this time, after hearing the conversation between Hong Mo and the others, I really felt like I was eager to give it a try.

I don’t know whether to live or die!

Hong Mo laughed coldly in his heart. The reason why he and Xiao Zi had some good feelings at first was because Hong Mo also had a hint of the Blue Thunderbird in his body. At this time, these big guys are so docile, probably because Xiao Zi is here. In any case, with similar body shapes, they regarded Xiao Zi as one of their own, so they were friendly to Hong Mo and others.

Hong Mo ignored these guys and nodded to Xiao Zi, who immediately spread her wings and flew towards the Pacific Ocean.

With the departure of these protagonists, the incident on Diaobili Island has basically ended. The blood of madness, but no one caught it. Diaobili Island was also torn to pieces by a group of alienated creatures that were accidentally attracted. It has not sunk yet, but such a small island is probably no longer suitable for human habitation.

After Hong Mo and the others left, a guy boldly came to the head of a super alienated creature, dancing and saying something. The big guy looked at Xiao Zi’s face just now and did not embarrass these “little guys”. Instead, he half-squinted his eyes and watched him perform there, and then roared impatiently.

As a result, this guy was torn apart by the violent sound waves, leaving not even a whole body behind. After that, the big guy slowly dived into the water and apparently left. As soon as this big guy left, the other alienated creatures seemed to feel that there was no need to stay here any longer, and they slowly sank into the sea water.

“Dead.” An expressionless girl said lightly when she saw the man’s miserable state.

“Shimada-kun is looking for death. We have nothing to do with him. Let’s go home.” Another plump woman joked before taking the lead and flying back in the direction of Japan. And on this woman’s wrist, there was a silver-white ring hanging. It turns out that, I don’t know when, the magnetic levitation ring developed by China has also been scattered around the world.

Because of the delay of several minutes, when Hong Mo and the others came to the sea, they could no longer find the submarine. Xiao Zi’s superpower field has a very wide detection range, but if it can see through sea water, it still has to be discounted. Therefore, Hong Mo and the others searched for more than half an hour, but found no trace of the submarine.

“Go back, it’s probably impossible to find it.” Hemerocallis said lonely. Su Yin was beside her and suddenly hugged Hemerocallis without saying anything.

Xiao Zi looked at Hong Mo, asking in her eyes whether she wanted to continue searching.

“Go back. After this battle on Diao Turtle Island, we still have a lot of things to deal with.” Hong Mo nodded, thinking of the absolute superpower field he named, Ye Wuyi with the shock ability, and Xiao Zi The several large alienated creatures that have been introduced are all issues that will take time to sort out.

Hong Mo and the others have lost track of the submarine, but at this time, there are still two superpowers who use the water flow to entangle themselves in a blind spot of the submarine and follow the submarine forward. One of them is the man in Japan. I have to say that this guy has great perseverance.

No matter what, the people in the submarine cannot stay in it for the rest of their lives, so there must be a time when they come out, and at that time, it will be the opportunity for this super-powerful person. In fact, he didn’t wait long for this opportunity to appear.

In a deep sea in the Pacific Ocean, a submarine traveling at high speed suddenly stopped. The Japanese man immediately opened his eyes, and the water surrounding his body began to stir. There should be crazy blood in this submarine.

At this time, the isolation cabin suddenly opened, and a cocoon-shaped object slid into the seawater and slowly sank toward the bottom of the sea. This superpower person has very good eyesight and can clearly see that it is a human-shaped object. A corpse? Are you here just to throw yourself into the dead?

Although he didn’t know whose corpse was inside, the Japanese man had no interest in the corpses abandoned by others. At this moment, he had entered the isolation cabin and sneaked into the submarine.

The person inside that simple diving suit was naturally Li Kuixiang. At this time, he is not dead yet, the crazy blood has been injected, and now a huge pressure is gradually rising inside his body. And this pressure offset the pressure of the sea water, preventing his body from exploding.

Because the conditions were very simple, Mibega only made some simple settings and could not observe the changes in Li Kuixiang. This is undoubtedly a very big torture for a scientist who is interested in experiments. The crazy blood that he had worked so hard to develop was actually unable to see the final result.

Fortunately, Elisa is still there. From her body, it should be possible to extract a few drops of ‘blood essence’ and prepare the theoretically best crazy blood. Therefore, Mibega is not very depressed.

But he didn’t know that at this time, two water flow controllers had already sneaked into the submarine without him realizing it. Of course one is the Japanese man, and the other is actually the little Chinese girl who keeps holding a lollipop in her mouth.

The two met without knowing how, and then a battle broke out. When the submarine was gradually destroyed, Mibega realized something was wrong. At this time, the ordinary people affected were almost dead. After the submarine was damaged, it was filled with seawater and slowly sank into the deep sea.

The moment the huge pressure of the seawater approached, Mibega subconsciously injected himself with a potion. This happens to be the newly developed crazy blood, the same one used by Li Kuixiang. After completing this simple action, Mibega fainted. Was he dead? No one knows.

At this time, the incident on Diaobili Island was finally completely over. No one expected this result. In fact, it took less than an hour from the appearance of the Burning Eye Team to the end of the battle. And within this hour, there were so many things that happened that it was a bit dizzying.

Especially when super alienated creatures appeared in the deep sea, China even applied for the use of nuclear bombs. But before this request was answered, the battle was over. Nuclear bombs are not ordinary weapons. They are used as soon as they are told. If you delay them for a while, there will be no chance to use them.

Xiao Zi deployed the electromagnetic shielding field and flew towards the island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at high speed. Ma Teng fell into a coma again. In the final analysis, Su Yin’s surgery on him was only to temporarily suppress the injury. Such a serious injury meant that he would not die until he died, and he still needed truly complete treatment.

When Xiao Zi left Diao Turtle Island, the electromagnetic shielding field had disappeared, so those countries only found these big deep-sea monsters slowly sinking back to the bottom of the sea, not knowing what happened in the middle. However, there are many people with superpowers who have survived. It is estimated that soon, various countries will be able to obtain a lot of information about the Diaobi Island battle from these people.

Although we can know that these deep sea alienated creatures are not under the command of the Burning Eyes Team, we can also confirm that the blue thunderbird has a close relationship with the Burning Eyes Team, and even has a lot of wisdom, and can also say.

In fact, compared to the alienated creatures that move in the deep sea, the fast-flying blue thunderbird is what these people are worried about. Hong Mo and others cannot predict what countermeasures these countries will take in the future after learning the truth.

Continuous sonic booms were generated behind Xiao Zi, like a purple stream of light, Xiao Zi flew towards the island in the center of the Pacific Ocean at high speed.


The last is a multiple-choice question, who is the big boss in the next stage?

a: Li Kuixiang b: Mi Beijia c: Ye Wuyi d:? ?


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