Puppet Curse Chapter 155: Hong Mo is the bad guy


bsp;When the big turtle caused a big earthquake and split Diaozu Island, everyone on the island felt it. Everyone. He was originally a superpower user and researcher of the Li family; a superpower user from other forces who hid his identity and came to **** the blood of madness; a person under the Emperor of Japan; and Hemerocallis and Jilu of the Burning Eye Team.

Anyone can tell from the changes in the island that something extraordinary has happened on the ground. It seems that the island is about to collapse. The heavy pressure of the deep sea, although it sounds simple, is actually a huge killer, more terrifying than any super power. At least there aren’t many people to ignore yet.

They were not as lucky as Hong Mo to find the hiding researchers, and there happened to be Dr. Ning among them. Of course, Hong Mo doesn’t just rely on luck, knowledge is also a kind of power. If he didn’t know how to configure the photo-taking potion, he would probably be blind.

Everyone rushed out frantically. Of course, they were all superpowers. Ordinary people were basically certain that they would not survive this storm. But even ants have to struggle twice when facing death, let alone humans.

There are really a lot of things in the Li family’s research institute. Therefore, those researchers who are ordinary people also work together to find ways to save themselves based on certain things they know, either alone or with several people working together.

Hemerocallis and Jilu also noticed the earthquake immediately, and then they saw the sea water pouring into the underground building complex, and knew that something was serious. Although it had been expected that this multi-party melee on Diaobi Island would definitely cause a big disturbance, the destruction of the entire Diaobi Island was still a bit unexpected.

“Let’s go!” Hemerocallis said decisively, and then he and Ji Lu rushed straight towards the sea. At this time, as long as you rush up a little further, when the sea water pours in, the pressure you will bear will be much less. Breathing and other things are actually not necessary for people with super powers. They can endure it for at least two or three days. Not a problem yet.

At this time, brute force is particularly useful. The base road opened the way, and the holy clothes were fully effective at this time. They hit the ceiling with a thump, and rushed upward layer by layer.

Everyone trapped underground tried their best to escape from this place. At this time, no one cares about the crazy blood or anything. No matter what you have, it is nothing compared to your own life. As long as you die, there will be nothing left.

Of course, not everyone is so anxious to escape from the underground. There are still some people who are very leisurely, even more leisurely than Hong Mo. Two Japanese women walked together. Where one of the women in white walked, the seawater parted on both sides as if welcoming a queen. Behind the woman in white is a woman wearing a light red kimono.

If Hong Mo is here, you can recognize that the woman behind is the Fengyuan Hongyin whom I met at Iguazu Falls a long time ago. With a stellar impact, the entire Iguazu Falls was destroyed into a mess. guy.

“Zhao Yue-chan, where do you think the crazy blood is? If we keep looking for it like this, when will we find it? And there is water leaking here now. It’s so wet and disgusting.” At this time, Fengyuan Hongyin said, He was getting a little impatient. As a fire superpower, he really didn’t like this kind of environment.

“My brother needs this. He didn’t understand what a meteorite was at first, so he gave me the meteorite crystal. But now, I have become a superpower, but because of his age, he can only be a Ordinary people, I want to redeem this regret.” Ito Aki glanced at Fengyuan Hongyin and explained solemnly.

“Okay, okay, you’ve said this several times. Isn’t that why I was dragged here by you.” Fengyuan Hongyin curled her lips.

Akiyuki Ito, superpower – control of water flow. Fengyuan Hongyin, superpower – mastery of flames. The process of getting to know each other was a bit like acquaintances, and they eventually became good friends. This time, it was because Ito Akiyuki wanted to make up for his regrets after hearing the news about the crazy blood that he called Fengyuan Hongyin to Diaobi Island.


At this time, Hong Mo also followed Old Man Ning to the so-called ‘Secret Research Institute’. The defense of this place was indeed very tight. If Old Man Ning had not had relatively high authority, it is estimated that this group of people would not be able to get in. Of course, even with Old Man Ning’s authority, he cannot enter the core, only the periphery.

However, for this group of people who just want to avoid the sea water, it is enough.

As the thick metal doors fell behind them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, among all the people, Hong Mo is not included. The red ink fell gently from the air and walked towards the crowd step by step. The relaxed mood of this group of people just now was lifted again.

I almost forgot, there is also the biggest **** of death following here.

The two superpowers, a man and a woman, immediately looked nervous and on guard. Especially that woman, her little mouth has to open slightly.

“If you dare to speak out, I will kill you in an instant.” Hong Mo said lightly. This woman’s superpower is basically clear. It is to use sound to impact the consciousness and make the other party fall into dizziness. If the opponent doesn’t understand it, it is indeed a very hidden ability, and sneak attacks are very effective. But if the other party already knows, then it is of little use.

For many people with super powers, it is not that difficult to shoot faster than the speed of sound.

“You crazy guy, you killed Xiaomei and the others.” The woman looked at Hong Mo pitifully and clenched her teeth, obviously she was worried about Hong Mo’s three teammates who had killed her before.

“Ah, if you didn’t tell me, I would have forgotten that at this time, we should eradicate the root cause.” Hong Mo said lightly, and the streamers behind him flew up. Hong Mo’s action made this woman’s fur immediately explode like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

What Hong Mo said is certainly not a joke, and there is nothing to joke about. Therefore, before the words could even be finished, a huge current rolled towards the two of them, instead of the silver ribbon that Hong Mo deliberately put on their guard.

The two of them were able to avoid the red ink ribbon before, relying only on their excellent reflexes and super physical fitness. Frankly speaking, the iron sand ribbon controlled by Hong Mo was not very fast, so the two of them were able to avoid it. But at this time, it was replaced by electric current. Almost instantly, the two of them were enveloped in the huge electric current.

The reason why Hong Mo often changes his attack methods is because he doesn’t want his attacks to become monotonous. It doesn’t matter once or twice, but if it goes on like this, it will be easy for the enemy to figure it out. If the opponent happens to be unafraid of such attacks, Hong Mo will easily fall into a passive state.

However, the biggest reliance of electromagnetic superpowers is still electric current.

Hong Mo looked at the two people lying on the ground, their bodies charred, before withdrawing the electricity. That man, Hong Mo didn’t even know what his ability was now. Judging from the previous moment of contact, it should be some kind of ability that could only be activated at close range. But at this time, it doesn’t matter anymore, everyone is dead anyway.

There were dozens of researchers who escaped here. At this time, they all huddled quietly on the side like ducks with their necks stuck. There were several women inside, all hiding behind their companions in fear, as if this would give them some peace of mind. Ning Chuwen was so frightened that her whole body was shaking.

Sure enough, defense capability is a problem that must be solved. Hong Mo looked at the two charred objects on the ground and thought similarly.

“Old man, can you go deeper?” Hong Mo asked Dr. Ning.

“No!” Dr. Ning answered decisively without any hesitation. After Hong Mo heard this, he smiled indifferently, then stretched out the silver ribbon and placed it gently on Ning Chuwen’s neck. The slight vibration reached the ears of this group of people, but it was more effective than any threat.

Everyone around Ning Chuwen hid far away, including the young man who had been protecting her before. This is not the time to act heroic. Just look at Hong Mo’s decisiveness and you will know that if you are not careful, you will lose your life. And the entire Zhuotong team, under the propaganda of the Chinese public opinion, is definitely not a good person.

Hong Mo didn’t say a word, and didn’t ask Old Man Ning to open the inner door or anything. However, it was this oppressive silence that frightened Old Man Ning.

Looking at his granddaughter’s face, which should have been young and energetic, but now was trembling and frightened, old man Ning felt powerless. I am indeed old and can no longer adapt to this rapidly changing society.

At this time, Ning Chuwen did not dare to move at all. Her body was trembling slightly. The slightly trembling iron sand ribbon around her neck reminded her that as long as Hong Mo made a slight movement, her head would fall off. Come down. The guy who pushed down the woman on the street just now has verified this.

“Alas~~!” Old Man Ning sighed deeply, turned and walked towards the back, then silently compared his fingerprints and pupils, entered a long password, and opened the door.

“This is the deepest place I can enter, believe it or not.” Old Man Ning said this and ignored Hong Mo.

Hong Mo smiled silently, and then took back the iron sand ribbon. In fact, if old man Ning really didn’t open the door, Hong Mo wouldn’t be able to kill the little girl.

When Hong Mo was escaping just now, he could calm down and refuse to save them. That was because those people did not die directly in his hands. As for those two superpowers, Hong Mo didn’t want to suffer their revenge at some point in the future. But such a little girl who poses no threat, Hong Mo, is not that cold-blooded yet.

Hong Mo put his hand against the door and felt it for a while before giving a wry smile. It turns out that there is no need to go to such trouble at all. The gate here is clearly controlled by current. Rather than the pure mechanical power that I encountered before. As for current, there is no pressure on red ink at all.

Really, I even played the role of a bad guy for a while. Hong Mo sneered at himself and walked in without paying attention.


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