Puppet Curse Chapter 142: Interesting findings


bsp;Had he not known that China and Japan could not unite, Hong Mo would have thought that this was premeditated. Five people, just enough to share everything. This kind of coincidence is really speechless.

Refuse to fight? What a liar, this is obviously not a friendly discussion, and it is not something you can avoid if you don’t agree.

“My wishful ball has collapsed.” Hemerocallis looked at Hei Yanshu and said lightly. The girl opposite was wearing very “revealing” clothes, and her petite body was carrying a huge heavy cannon, which had a strange sense of dissonance.

“Oh, I don’t mind. I believe Captain Hemerocallis won’t be unable to fight because he lost his Horcrux.”

“No!” Hemerocallis said, spreading her wings behind her and flying towards the distance, with Hei Yanshu immediately following behind.

Hong Mo’s mouth opened silently, feeling weak. What’s going on? We agreed to rescue Hemerocallis’s mother together, but they were separated as soon as they arrived on the island. On the other side, Jilu also met the eyes of Kurumada Mitsuko and walked in another direction.

Obviously, none of these guys want others to interfere in their fight. You can call it pride or self-confidence. These superpowers are all people with that power.

“Sa, does Mr. Hong Mo need to find a special place?” Kanzaki Mion asked.

“Of course, no need!” Hong Mo also regained his composure at this time. Since things have become like this, it will not help to continue to be depressed. The most important thing is to end the battle as soon as possible and rescue Hemerocallis’s mother.

“It’s begun.” After Kanzaki Meiyin finished speaking, she pulled her hands together, and a huge electric current appeared in the void, rushing towards Hong Mo with open teeth and claws.

Is there any reminder when the battle starts? It seems that he really just wants to compete with himself. This character seems to be similar to the real Misaka Mikoto. Facing the huge thunder and lightning rushing over, Hong Mo didn’t even move, letting the lightning hit him.

“If you really want to fight, put away this move. Haven’t you ever fought with the same electromagnetic superpower? Pure electric current has no effect.” A huge lightning strike struck the red ink His body was like a stone sinking into the ocean, with no movement at all.

“Of course I know that pure electric current has little effect on the same electromagnetic system superpowers, but when I compete with my juniors, they will still be affected by the current. Even if they are also electromagnetic system superpowers , the ability to withstand electric current is also different. However, Mr. Hong Mo is indeed a well-known electromagnetic superpower, and he is very powerful. In this case, I will take it seriously.” Kanzaki Meiyin explained briefly and began to change. You have to be serious.

Hong Mo originally thought she would be serious, but he saw her take out a coin.

You really have to choose the right time to imitate the gun sister. You actually took out a coin at this time. Are you going to bounce it and give me a shot?

Hong Mo can feel that the other party is very strong, perhaps not much worse than himself. Judging from her teenage age, she is really a genius, just like Hemerocallis. However, it was obvious that she had not experienced that kind of life-and-death battle.

To be honest, Hong Mo doesn’t hate Kanzaki Mion. After Hong Mo gained the electromagnetic superpower, the first character she imitated was Misaka Mikoto. Therefore, when I saw her in this familiar outfit, I felt a sense of intimacy. However, let me teach you what real fighting is.

When he made the decision, Hong Mo’s eyes immediately changed, and there was no longer the looseness in his eyes.

Kansaki Mion, who was opposite, had just taken out the coin in her hand and before she could eject it, she felt a palpitation in her heart. Then she instinctively flashed to the side, and a tiny beam of light as thick as a thumb passed by her ear and floated up. The hair immediately burned. However, at this time, she had no time to care about her hair, because countless white rays of light as thick as her thumb were shooting towards her.

This is an electromagnetic gun, but it is the weakest kind. The metal used as the shell is red ink’s special iron sand used for defense. The iron sand, which is about the size of a grain of sand, disappears within fifty meters of flying into the air and melts in the air. But the amount of red ink fired cannot be relied upon.

Speaking of which, even electromagnetic guns have very high requirements for metal. Ordinary metals have too low melting points and cannot fly very far in the air before they dissolve and disappear due to high temperatures. Only this Parslow alloy is the most suitable bullet at present.

Hundreds of tiny electromagnetic cannons were fired at Kanzaki Mion intensively. At this moment, the pupils in Kanzaki Mion’s eyes contracted slightly. This is a natural reaction for humans to fall into some kind of nervous state.

“Ah~!” Suddenly, Kanzaki Meiyin opened her hands, and the electromagnetic cannons stopped in front of her.

Not bad, the electromagnetic field can accelerate, and of course it can also decelerate, but not many can react to the extremely fast speed of the electromagnetic gun. After blocking the electromagnetic gun, Kanzaki Meiyin breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly a soft voice from Hong Mo came to his ears.

“What are you worried about? Just because you blocked an attack?”

This voice frightened Kanzaki Meiyin, and she immediately turned her head to look. Then she saw a whip made of silver iron sand rolling towards her. Almost instantly, countless pieces of iron sand also poured out of Kanzaki Meiyin’s soul space, spinning crazily.

The sand iron whip and the sand iron ring collided together, making a harsh crunching sound, and countless sparks splashed out from the place where the two came into contact. Hong Mo originally wanted to make other attacks, but at this time, he discovered something was wrong.

His control over sand iron becomes weaker as he gets closer to Kanzaki Mion. There was even a lot of iron sand from the sand iron whip that had been sucked into Kanzaki Mion’s sand iron circle and became her boost.

What’s going on?

Hong Mo thought rapidly in his heart, and then carefully felt his control over the iron whip. With its own center as the base point, there is no change in the control of iron sand within the spherical space within two meters. After leaving this range, Hong Mo’s control of iron sand became more difficult than usual. The further away from Hong Mo’s side, the more difficult this control becomes.

At this time, Hong Mo was no longer fighting Kanzaki Meiyin, but testing the changes in the principles. In other words, the sequelae of long-term research on red ink have emerged. When you encounter something you don’t understand, you will want to find out the secrets.

Hong Mo’s control over iron sand relies on the electromagnetic field formed by the superpower field. And the same is obviously true for Kanzaki Mion. So, what happens when two identical electromagnetic fields appear in one place at the same time?

Superpose, cancel each other out, or interfere with each other?

Looking at the current situation, they should be interfering with each other. If the superpower field is an energy field that is constantly weakening with the superpower as the center, then the current situation is exactly in line with Hong Mo’s inference. The farther away from Hong Mo and the closer to Kanzaki Meiyin, the super power field of Hong Mo was weakened to a certain extent, so the iron sand was taken away by Kanzaki Meiyin.

So, what’s going on with the unchanged superpower field within two meters of your body?

Hong Mo suddenly waved his right hand, and the iron sand was sucked back by the electromagnetic force, spinning and flying around Hong Mo’s body. You will know this problem once you try it. In close combat, as long as the distance between two people is less than two meters, you can know the changes.

From the time Hong Mo started thinking about it to the time he decided to fight in close combat, only a second or two passed. Now Hong Mo’s thinking speed is very fast. In such a short period of time, Kanzaki Meiyin didn’t even react, and then she saw Hong Mo rushing over suddenly.

At this time, what Hong Mo was holding was no longer a sand iron whip, but a sand iron sword, the length of which was exactly within two meters of Hong Mo’s super power field. Hong Mo wanted to see what was so fishy about the superpower field within this distance.

Over there, Kanzaki Meiyin had just blocked Hong Mo’s sand iron whip, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Hong Mo rushed over again, holding a high-speed vibrating sand iron sword in her hand. Looking at that, she knew she was being slashed. One sword attack is definitely not a good outcome. Kanzaki Mion is also an electromagnetic superpower, so she also knows this kind of move.

After being forced twice and being extremely embarrassed, Kanzaki Meiyin was also angry. She stretched out her right hand, and part of the iron sand separated from the sand iron ring to form a one-handed Japanese sword. She turned around and faced Hong Mo.

It can be seen that this girl also knows some Japanese kendo skills. A Japanese sword made of iron sand flew up and down in her hand, and she had a great time fighting with Hong Mo. Hong Mo, on the other hand, had never learned these things. He was simply using his hand speed and reaction to resist Kanzaki Mion’s attack.

Having the upper hand for the first time, Kanzaki Meiyin was in a good mood, and her offensive became even more fierce.

At this time, Hong Mo was parrying Kanzaki Meiyin’s attack while feeling the changes in the super power field. In short, the current red ink feels a bit careless. This attitude undoubtedly angered the girl, who thought that Hong Mo was just playing with her and was not serious at all.

“You guys, do you look down on me?” Kanzaki Meiyin said suddenly. Then the iron sand around the body rolled up crazily, pressing down on Hong Mo.

Well, look down on her? Why does she think so? Hong Mo had no idea what he had done to offend people, which made this little girl furious.

The sand iron rings of the two people collided together, and the harsh and unpleasant friction sound spread far and wide. Fierce sparks continued to shine in front of the two people. At this time, Hong Mo has basically completed testing the changes in the super power field.

He didn’t know the girl across from him, but Hong Mo discovered that the super power field within a two-meter range centered on his own tanzhong would not be affected by the other party’s super power field. It will not be weakened or interfered with. Hong Mo has absolute control over this range.

Hong Mo tried to control the sand iron sword in Kanzaki Meiyin’s hand, but when both of them controlled it at the same time, the pile of sand iron suddenly lost control and turned into a ball of scattered iron sand.

Kansaki Mion had no idea what was happening and was immediately stunned. However, her fighting instinct was pretty good, and she immediately formed another sand-iron sword. This time Hong Mo rushed over directly, ignoring the sharp Japanese sword that vibrated at high speed, and punched Kanzaki Mion directly in the stomach.

After a muffled groan, Kanzaki Meiyin was punched and sent flying backwards. The moment the sand-iron sword touched the red ink, it scattered into a pile of iron sand again.

Oh, oh, oh, it seems that I accidentally discovered something very interesting.


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