Puppet Curse Chapter 141: Respective opponents


bsp;Well, first of all, fishing on the island is a forbidden word, although I don’t know why this word is a forbidden word. Then I will change the name and call it Diaobili Island. Everyone will know which island it is.


Xiao Zi directly carried the five people and flew in the direction of Diaobite Island at the highest speed, and a violent sonic boom sounded behind them. Hemerocallis’ expression was as cold as a marble sculpture. The little girl’s originally soft face now looked extremely heart-stopping.

Hong Mo suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed Hemerocallis’s face a few times. Hemerocallis’s delicate little face kept changing its shape in Hong Mo’s hands, and was ravaged by Hong Mo into disgrace.

“What are you doing!!” Hemerocallis pouted and asked Hong Mo without being able to speak clearly. Hong Mo has always given them the impression that he is a very upright and serious man. Now, what does he want to do?

When Su Yin and the other three saw this scene, their mouths opened wide, completely unaware of what Hong Mo was doing.

“Ah, when I see Hemerocallis’s cold face and keep away strangers, I can’t help but want to bully him.” Hong Mo held his hands and looked down at Hemerocallis and said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, this would be the answer. Hemerocallis looked at Hong Mo as if his eyes were about to burn. No, it just burned. In Hemerocallis’s eyes, transparent flames suddenly burned and she looked at Hong Mo fiercely. “You guy, I’m going to kill you!”

Having been teased by Hong Mo like this, Hemerocallis was filled with rage and could use her ultimate move. Then Hemerocallis took out a long knife that was the same as the Ruyi Knife before and slashed at Hong Mo.

Of course, this is not a Horcrux, it is just an ordinary long knife made of super Parslow alloy according to the style of the previous Ruyi Knife. Apart from being strong and sharp, it has no special attributes. Because Hemerocallis was used to his wish-fulfilling ball, he would always feel uncomfortable without a long knife on his body.

As for double guns and heavy snipers, there is no need for them. The current level of technology cannot achieve the power of the Hemerocallis Horcrux, so it is useless to have them.

The sharp long knife slashed directly at Hong Mo. With a vicious look, it seemed that he would not stop until Hong Mo was cut in half. Also, Hemerocallis thought Hong Mo’s actions had any special meaning, but she didn’t expect that he was just teasing her.

Hong Mo took two steps back in an instant, and then Hemerocallis’s knife struck Xiao Zi’s back directly, making a ding sound, and then splashed with a few sparks. Seeing Hong Mo avoid it, the flames behind Hemerocallis suddenly surged, and then rushed over again. In the small area on Xiao Zi’s back, Hong Mo dodged left and right and played hide and seek with Hemerocallis, using Su Yin and Ji Lu as shields from time to time.

“Hey, you guys are so annoying. You are actually fighting on my back. My feathers, Hemerocallis, you have to pay for my feathers. I saw that you cut a mark on one of the feathers.” Xiao Zi suddenly said, Hemerocallis had to stop. If it continued like this, Xiao Zi would probably be angry.

“Thank you, Xiao Zi.” Hong Mo and Xiao Zi communicated using their mental power. In fact, there was a mark somewhere on Xiao Zi’s feathers. It would be weird if such an ordinary long knife could leave a mark on Xiao Zi’s body. It’s just that Hong Mo doesn’t want Hemerocallis to continue to be entangled like this. Although Hemerocallis was angry, he was still a very measured child.

“As you said, when I go back this time, help me study the reversal method of physical transformation.” Xiao Zi took the opportunity to request.

“No problem, isn’t it just the reversal of physical transformation? I’ll help you.” Hong Mo replied, although he didn’t have much confidence in his heart, but this confident look made Xiao Zi very happy. On the island, only Hong Mo has the highest level of knowledge now. With his help, he should be able to become a human in the near future…

Of course, this is just Xiao Zi’s idea.

Sure enough, after Xiao Zi said this, although she was still angry, she sat down again and looked at Hong Mo with burning eyes. Although this look is still not very good-looking, it is much better than the look just now where no strangers were allowed to enter.

Su Yin and Ji Lu glanced at Hemerocallis and suddenly understood the meaning of red ink. They nodded silently to express their gratitude to Hong Mo. Ever since Hemerocallis learned the news about her mother, her nerves have been tense. If this continues, something big will happen.

Xiao Zi’s speed was very fast, and soon Diao Turtle Island was already in sight.

“That’s it, Xiao Zi, let’s go by ourselves next.” Hong Mo patted Xiao Zi’s back.

“You won’t let me go. In fact, I also want to fight with others.” Xiao Zi said in annoyance. Since getting acquainted with Hong Mo and the others, Xiao Zi has basically not gone out to ‘play’. Of course, Xiao Zi’s so-called play is to crash a plane or something like that, just like when Hong Mo met her for the first time.

“Xiao Zi is a secret weapon and cannot be exposed to everyone.” Hong Mo patted Xiao Zi’s head soothingly. “Let’s do this. You are on Diao Turtle Island, hidden in the clouds. If necessary, I will call you.” Hong Mo suggested to Xiao Zi.

“Okay, remember to call me.” After Xiao Zi finished speaking, she immediately rushed into the clouds and disappeared.

“Let’s go too.” Hong Mo said to the four of them, and then took the lead and flew towards Diaobili Island.


“Coming!” A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with short brown hair who was fighting suddenly said, and then a huge thunder and lightning forced the opponent back and rushed towards Hong Mo and the others.

“Hey!” At this moment, her opponent was surprised. What happened? Why did he suddenly stop fighting?

Seeing the movements of the girl with short brown hair, another girl with long and short black ponytails and wearing a very revealing leather jacket also forced her opponent back and rushed over behind the girl with brown hair.

In the other three directions, there were also people who abandoned their opponents and moved towards the Scorching Eyes team. However, these three people are all men, a very elegant man, a man wearing a ‘sacred garment’, and a man with a bare upper body and a metallic luster all over his body.

Hong Mo’s super power field has a wide range, so he has long discovered that a battle is already taking place on Diao Turtle Island, and it is very fierce, with roars and explosions everywhere. Hong Mo was now curious as to what caused such a fierce battle. As a result, five people suddenly abandoned their opponents and directly faced the Scorching Eyes team.

On the beach of Diaobie Island, the Zhuotong team was lined up, with five people standing opposite them. However, it seems that these five people do not belong to the same force. Because the three of them are very separated from the two of them, and they are also on guard.

“We seem to be very popular?” Hong Mo touched the back of his head in surprise, not understanding at all why there were five people waiting for them here. Hemerocallis and the others did not speak, obviously they did not expect such a situation.

“I said, you are not here to have a friendly exchange with us, are you? Why don’t you introduce yourself?” Hong Mo asked.

The five people across from each other looked at each other, and then smiled at each other. They did not expect that there were other people who had the same plan as themselves, and there were four of them. This was just right, at least each person had an opponent, but I didn’t know if it would happen. Picked the same person.

“Cousin, you’re fine.” The very elegant man said to Hong Mo’s side.

Cousin, who? Hemerocallis or Suyin?

“Su Xingpei, what are you doing here? Does that guy also want the blood of madness?” Su Yin asked coldly. There is no need to remind you who your cousin is at this time.

“How could it be? The old man and the others are still very open-minded. They are not interested in crazy blood. According to them, since the meteorite originally cut off the opportunity for them to become superpowers, they will not Make that effort again. Moreover, the descendants of the Su family are still very good. There is no need to worry about the decline of the Su family due to some changes after these old guys leave. And the only possible change is…” Su Xingpei said here. He glanced at Su Yin.

“Is it me!”

“Yes, it’s you, so my purpose is to kill you.” Su Xingpei said bluntly.

“I’m so confident. Over there, let’s go.” Su Yin pointed directly to the sea, and then flew out. Su Xingpei immediately followed after him. No matter whether it was the other members of the Zhuotong team or the four people on the opposite side, they did not stop him.

Is it a family matter again? This is really hard to get involved in.

“As for you, you have your own reasons. I hope you won’t pick the same opponent, which will make it difficult for us.” Hong Mo asked, looking at the four people opposite.

“Cao Yuanli, I’m looking for Ma Teng. Mou Gang is my friend. He and I both have the superpower of metallization of flesh. I really don’t believe that he died in your hands so easily, so I want to try it. Your strength.” The shirtless man said simply.

“Mou Gang, his soul was burned by the captain’s spiritual fire, and he could exert less than 20% of his strength. This is why he was killed by me so easily. If you want to find me, Then I’ll keep you company,” Ma Teng said angrily, and then the two men also walked away.

As expected, they came to the door one after another, and they all had such suitable reasons.

“As for you, just tell them all.” Hong Mo looked at the three people opposite and said.

“Kurumada Mitsuko and Kurumada Masami are my grandfathers. I admire my grandfather very much and am fascinated by the “Saint Seiya” he created. And my Horcrux is this holy cloth, so, I I’m very curious about Jilu who also has the Holy Cloth.” The last man said in Japanese. Fortunately, everyone spoke many languages ​​and was not afraid of not being able to understand.

Holy shit, Mitsuko Kurumada? Also, Kurumada Masami, all the great gods in the animation industry from decades ago have come out.

“Mion Kanzaki, super electromagnetic power, I am very interested in Mr. Hong Mo.” The girl with short brown hair and wearing a very familiar school uniform said.

“Misaka Mikoto?” Hong Mo asked in surprise.

“My idol is from the comics.” Kanzaki Meiyin nodded, and Hong Mo understood. This is a cosplay-like outfit, the same super power, the same outfit.

“Heiyanshu, my current name is the superpower Blue Cold Flame, the Horcrux Black Rock Heavy Cannon, which can change. I heard that Captain Hemerocallis’s Horcrux Ruyi Ball is also a multi-form Horcrux, so I want to see it.” Opposite. The girl with the same twin tails said.

Heiyan Shu, your current name? That is to say, it was not called by this name before. This is simpler, just change the name directly. Hong Mo couldn’t complain anymore, although he had known that after the emergence of super powers, many people would imitate the characters in anime.

For example, the ‘Iori’ and ‘Fire Fist Ace’ from a long time ago…etc., but meeting two of them here still makes people feel, well, what do they feel…surprised? It seems not.

One for each person, that’s just right~, well, it’s really just right.


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