Puppet Curse Chapter 116: Looking back on the past


bsp;After Hong Mo had laughed enough, he spoke. “What a joke! Who do you think you are? Do you need to intervene in my affairs? Do you think that after you help me untie my knot, I will repay you well.”

Li Lanfeng was rendered speechless by the red ink. After a while, he frowned and said, “I just can’t stand your submissive look, so I think you care too much about Ringtone.”

“I’m only submissive? You know what the heck, real life is not a novel. Just rush forward and wait for your head to be broken and bloody. Unless it’s really the kind of ‘protagonist’ who moves forward on the basis of shit. , Or is this the kind of person you are, Li Lanfeng? I care about Ling Yin. Is it wrong? I love my daughter and I don’t need anyone else to tell her what to do.”

“Why are you like this? The president did all this just to help you…” Ye Weiwei heard Hong Mo’s words and immediately became angry. Obviously, in her opinion, Hong Mo was the guy who repaid kindness with hatred.

“Help me? Yes, what I hate is your self-righteous attitude. I don’t know my feelings for Lingyin myself yet. I need you to remind me.” Hong Mo looked at Ye Weiwei who was defending, He said something coldly.


After a period of silence, Li Lanfeng bent down towards Hong Mo. This action shocked the group of people behind him. “I’m very sorry, I was so self-righteous.”

“President, what are you doing? This guy obviously has no good intentions…” A group of people behind Li Lanfeng immediately became anxious.

This look reminded Hong Mo of Li Changfeng, Li Lanfeng’s brother. It’s the same every time. It’s very simple to admit my mistake, but there is no sincerity. This younger brother, whom he had only met once in a street fight, had learned all about his older brother’s habits.

“Like your brother, he admits his mistakes very quickly, but I don’t know if he is also insincere like your brother.”

When Hong Mo said this, Li Lanfeng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly. “You remembered! Also, what I want to say is, don’t compare me with my brother, I am not him.”

Hong Mo looked at Li Lanfeng and made no comment.

“Well, as compensation, I am willing to help senior solve the current troubles.” Li Lanfeng said helplessly to Hong Mo. Hong Mo’s look clearly shows distrust. What a loss, this time! However, try your best to look good and at least leave a good impression in front of others.

Hong Mo thought about it in his mind. Although he felt unhappy because Li Lanfeng had tricked him, it actually had no real impact on Hong Mo. Even if I want to teach him a lesson, that’s it. Is it possible that I can kill him? What’s more, he and his brother are still friends. And the current problems of my own really need to be solved.

“Help me get a reasonable identity. I need to enter Caltech. Finally, give me some money.” Since the other party said that he would help Hong Mo solve the current problem as compensation, Hong Mo was not polite. This request was made directly.

“No problem, this is very simple, then I will resign first. I am sorry for taking action without permission this time.” Li Lanfeng nodded to Hong Mo and agreed to the compensation. There is no need to stay any longer now. It is a pity that such a powerful superpower cannot be under his command. If, if my superpowers were stronger…

Hong Mo can tell that Li Lanfeng is very powerful here. This can be seen from the fact that no outsider showed up in such a fierce battle.

Li Changfeng was very familiar with Hong Mo, but unfortunately he almost never mentioned this younger brother at first. The relationship between the two seemed not to be very good. Hong Mo only met Li Lanfeng once during a street fight and helped him. Remember, Li Changfeng’s family was just a civilian family, and this Li Lanfeng actually managed to get along so well here. His experience really fits the protagonist pattern in the novel. Hong Mo was thinking messily in his mind, comparing it with his own experience, and couldn’t help but shake his head.


As soon as the super power appeared, Mu Siyu went berserk, and then Hong Mo was involuntarily involved. The immature capabilities at the time were unable to resist high-tech weapons. The result was a tragic ending of four years of suspended animation.

As soon as he woke up, he was captured by Mao Shaohui and became a guinea pig for another six years. If Ling Yin hadn’t suddenly appeared, Hong Mo would have collapsed in those dark days. It’s absolutely true to say that Ling Yin was Hong Mo’s sustenance.

Then the Thirteenth National Team defected and came to the institute to look for hemolytic agents to eliminate the threat of particle bombs. Hong Mo happened to escape together. At that time, the “Dragon Vein” appeared on the Taihang Mountains, and the country’s focus was focused on it. This just gives the red ink a buffer period.

The defection of Team 13 caused the country’s attitude towards people with super powers to change, turning into a conciliatory attitude. Hong Mo was the first guy to enjoy the benefits of the policy change. Hong Mo doesn’t want to seek revenge from Mao Shaohui? Mao Shaohui doesn’t want to eradicate the root cause, so stop joking!

The change in policy is a decision made by the boss above. If you really want to find fault at this juncture, I guarantee that you will not know how you died. Even Mao Shaohui could only let Hong Mo go. With Hong Mo’s status at the time, what else could he do. Do you have to go to the door, anger the higher-ups, and then directly destroy the red ink?

I have lived submissively for two years and pretended for two years, and by the way I have become familiar with and understand this society that has undergone tremendous changes. Hong Mo has been waiting for an opportunity to get rid of state surveillance and develop and become stronger.

Then, the opportunity did not come, the blue-eyed golden eagle came, and Suzin actually caused genetic collapse due to excessive use of super powers. Then Chu Lingxin came, carrying the Li family, this half-earth emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, and brought Hong Mo to the Zhuotong Team. Even the countries that had been monitoring Hong Mo’s movements at that time did not intervene.

Before I got familiar with the Burning Eyes team, I went to Iguazu Falls to complete a mission. During this period, I also discovered that several of my teammates were pretty good people. Back in Heaven, when I was alone, the surveillance staff were still there, and they even replaced me with a little girl movie.

Not long after, it was the second mission, and this time, unfortunately, he was poisoned again. Qin Shasha also came to her door and asked for a duel. A duel is a duel, it actually caused such a big disturbance. Chu Lingxin was actually caught directly by the superiors, and the Zhuotong team went directly to **** her, which caused a change in the decision-making of the bosses above.

With a soft attitude, many superpowers don’t take the law seriously. Obviously, the rampant behavior of the Burning Eye Team, led by Hemerocallis, made the superiors very angry, and they were ready to use this as an example to beat some restless guys.

Unfortunately, the development of the matter was beyond the expectations of everyone above… The Burning Eye Team is not the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkey. And the power displayed by people with superpowers when they are truly careless also frightened these senior officials. It seems that after more than ten years of growth, these superpowers have acquired the power to defy the rules.

Hong Mo reviewed his experience of becoming a superpower. Sure enough, it was quite hard. Although it is difficult, at least I have survived until now, which is much luckier than those who died in the middle.

Hong Mo touched Ling Yin’s hair, feeling relieved. Although it is very difficult and unexpected, now it is basically out of the state’s surveillance. From now on, it can truly develop. Moreover, this time, he was not only alone, but also had four teammates from the Sakutomi team. Hong Mo believed that nothing unexpected would happen to them.

Knots, weaknesses, submissiveness? No kidding. I have never been the protagonist. If I don’t have as much luck as the protagonist, I need to be cautious and step by step. This is the real world and will never give you a second chance.


Hong Mo led Ling Yin back to Oxnard and randomly found a tea restaurant to rest. After ordering a cup of black tea and a few snacks, Hong Mo looked at Ling Yin and smiled softly. Does caring too much about ringtones become a knot in your heart? Haha, what does it matter? Lingyin is his daughter. What’s wrong with a father loving his daughter?

Hong Mo looked at Ling Yin, and could vaguely see a bit of Mu Siyu in her body. Suddenly, Hong Mo looked a little dazed.

“Dad, Dad!” Suddenly, Hong Mo felt his body shaking, and then he realized that Suzune was grabbing his arm and shaking it.

“What’s wrong?” Hong Mo woke up and asked.

“I want to know, what happened?” Lingyin looked at Hong Mo with very serious eyes. Hong Mo and Ling Yin looked at each other and realized that they had underestimated their daughter. Lingyin is different from ordinary girls. She already has her own mature thoughts. If she always protects a young bird from going through trials and tribulations, how can she grow?

In a moment, there was a change in Hong Mo’s heart. After Hong Mo told what happened, Ling Yin was thoughtful.

“Dad, what do you think Li Lanfeng’s super power is?”

“What I can see now is six sense control and thought detection!” Hong Mo said lightly, and then carefully explained Li Lanfeng’s super powers to Ling Yin.

If human beings want to obtain information about external things, they must rely on the five senses. The five senses are vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. If the five senses are completely lost, you will not be able to feel anything about the outside world. People with superpowers have an extra superpower field compared to ordinary people, which can be called a sixth sense.

Li Lanfeng’s super power can confuse other people’s six senses within the range of his energy, allowing others to see and hear… the pictures he has prepared.

“What a powerful ability!” Suzune’s eyes were filled with surprise.

“It is very powerful, but it also has weaknesses. He can control your feelings, but he cannot control your actions. At most, he can only rely on some illusions to induce him.” Hong Mo nodded, but there was no imagination in his heart. So easy. It is indeed an incredible ability. Is this what Li Lanfeng relied on to climb to a high position?


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